Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 18, 1950, p. 3

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thursday may itth 150 the acton free mess xa- va wyek cuuur pfcw272 pick w and deijvery ephead optometrist gyea rftnetlnej sdtaufkaur bkaiuno ah utnaui quick repairs to cleaae fhmcaur nu gimm rhonk l gublph notice to all householders re collection of garbage tka ahtiot of all kwukun it callad to tha uutt given balow in tfca by4aw far ika collodion of or- toa tkaaa rula will ba itrtctty an f oread and clriiaot mutt omply with tha provisions a the uoikmint thai not im ittjuirtd in nil on ron jinrr weighing ntorr than fift pounds anil u hit li i mt plated ii thi i- omui lint ixuiin thr street and lh mv wd ptu hiiv a ii li i mined it iiiim vur a stakes tv tin t niml of th t till hit wokmen shall collect all i fuse art out for tin m irtimiling riitra not rxnil more than flw contain ra or hundlca or hit ikmkmil piomil and or each faintly and piovldtng fur h r that mrh ronulin r or bundle dm not wclh in rm id ifu in iiml uml prnv uling further that llii total rt fus hi ml nit din not wiiii moil ihun a total of two hundid und p r tn jfl n n ilk t famil and prov id inn further that ii li in rt h r t oiilaincrn or mtuiiu tint for handling and the humllt 1 mt t xt ttd four fit i in it ntcth and providing furtht r that ill in urliirn im hi okt n tlow n and mt ui t l tliil for h nulling j mril m lilt urk cohi on in son and when you take over the farm one of thoee days youll want to talk to him you can discuss your affaire in a friendly way as i have done and youll find he knows a lot he knows we farmers need bank credit- sometimes to put in a crop sometimes to take off a harvest if we need market information he can get it for us remember when we electrified the farm our bank manager made me the loan hes backed us up that way for years helping us to improve our stock increase production and thats what our bank manager is there for to help you and me to manage hes a good man to know sponsokkd by you bank bnulfofj ui k2s l kb tjljwj sees i m mhhlr j l- the niladroiuj has 1u ant ranee vestibule in a location which permit thla house to b placed easily with ita narrow aid to the ml reel this plan la expedient for a narrow lot the kr ad ford a plan tall for two ntroiuu a kltihrri din tie roin hinotlnn and living ioom all ruomi lo ihr house open into the bad room hall allowing privacy in clr ulallon iojm t pa e la ample in tha bradford- ttwra u a eoat ciaaat in tha front veattbuu thara la a linen closet and a ganaral storage cloaat in tha hall and thara are wardrobaa in tach of tha two bad- rooms tha bradfords attached bri way and fa raft ara optional waan present they fiva width to tha ttou tha bradford a straight walls and low roof line maka it an mmiimkil house to frama tha ii radio rd la also adaptable to tha tiae of fonrrrta block construction overall width of thr ilradford li m feet the rnaln body of tha houaa la 40 feet by 24 feet tlie area la 047 square f t with 111 ik cubic feet aw year in year out q has alway been and will altvays be the first consideration with salada tea chronicles ol j ginger farm iai tk ama pn pnu iwrnihimnb r oijuuik w last week waa pr tty hectic all of u at cimi r t arm goliik full lut to g t iiirvthlng done that hhoiild im dofit but iif course wc dldn t ijuitt tnanak h who doett lottimr m an through needing intl alnrt wc havt api nt a small fnrtunt tn grast aet wt xitalnly hoe it will grow not that wr ait looking for tnublr but rather i ounttng our bit vilnga thrat days tnfum our whtat and alfalfa havt vk inti nd far im tt r than w had dured to hope for during spring setting farm r in aluay afraid to waste a mitt ult working lung hours to get tha job dont but now the aeaaona have ttrcomt aort of topay turvry it makes scedlng even more of a rush job than pvir in our case dob bad many urgent orders for trucking gravel that partner helped with the drilling and running dltchrs which he was hardly able to do ao by the time ue were through there was one man and two horses with tired lame feet i don t know which mm how is the lime to make those arrange ments for the photo graphing or your wedding we can do a complete ser les of pictures of the cere mony including candid photos and formal portraits all pictures can be arrang ed in a brides album to suit your tastes make your appointment now with vics i photography studio mill street aden phone 65- win limp g th moat partner ur lh horvra ami i wit huy milh huuvilrm uu and of routs it n ver falls w hi n i lnrt houn ailing v tailor ihkin t airlvi im nn- rami y rldu nlglit niiil tin n paughtt r untl a ft li nd khowid up lab r and in loua frit tula alao rhnac thlj weik i nd ti vult ui hut we wen glad to have thrm if thi y can put ip with us wt can always glva the wiliono mat iui i xtra ihake and iv it n ady for thrm i my pn m lit job it painting th iiimi und lowi r ball antl tht italik li i big j b thi n re t li vi n all i old but the monotonv oridi i ihly rtliivu bv the id iv hit s of ihi n hln i huvt ihcii ti lllii von mm ilobln m nlu ith got down to huilncft mil i iltl font i itki nil what a lnauliful olour tin v wire in du limi th n win thre uglv llttl robiiit thi fourth i gg mrs itobln i uleutlv i if idid w asn t going t botch vi ifti r bnuking tt with r im uk su timik hold of it out bin gid ii up and down in the nest whether im f it llltli bit of the hill to tit r ktlihi i rouldn t tt 1 but i rather think that is what happened at motht r itohm bnmmled her oung mr itolhn took over the n muimblllty of ft iolng his wlf and fjimily ii uuj evident mrs ilobln did nnl trmt hi judgment tntlrel lruv every tld bit h- bnuht shi in m plod tt first before imlimiik tt on to her op n beaked famitv almut twin a dav she flew off and did her own hunting one da whin she uji awav then u a terrific nquuwklng going on and i ran to the door in a hurrv feat mg th cot nt out for a kill hu no 1 found not a cut but three starlings on the utep with thi robins flying iingrik n round and lacking it thi stnrlinn furioiislv hut thi tnrl tngh ttmik no notice not until they mi mi tht n thev tikik off in h burr md did not return thi twtbv robin hor thtir rye op n now ore getting their wind finthirs ind dont look quite mi ugly thi v alo lake a lot of feed tng so it kit pa mr and mrs robin btisv most of the time uppl ing thtir hungry rued whin i w i piiinling tht window around th ir nt st mr robin was not in thi least disturbed just sat then watching me rut any time mr robin came over with a jutcv wom in his beak and now mt anwnrc around away he would go worm and all drave protector homsilv i dont know which hajs bet n my main occupation these last ft w days painting or bird w ate hi n rut tarh his ct rtoinly hi lped with th other our spring flout m arc now out in full bloom but the dnffu ar not as good an usual rut there will bt loti of narcissi and last war it w is tht other wav round s miln tvtn tht diffodtls r ib jtitnik to tht cold lite spring or it nii h that thc n d lifting nnd n silting i thinks it is about 12 11 irs ilnct tht win touched so no doubt it i a job that needs to in done if i can git around to it will thi manitoba flood condit ions sum to bt almost beyond r luf it is nothing short of heart brtaking to hear and read of thost poor dtar people bt ins shuntt d around from one place to another not knowing what lies ahead no whether they will eer again see the place they knew and loved ai home and if they do what j home it will be this morning km ailki m had vialled tha flood ii r a ovt r the weekend spoka of one farmer having to put tha fun to iv ht ad of rattle because there waa no hop of their being rescued tli nk heaven tht re la one bright mt in the picture- tha quick re apoiie of kind hiarted folk in other provlnn a to offer help thera neeina to im- an much graft and grt d in the world and yet when tht ned arlm im iter impulses ara iulrkncd and inspired and ordin ry everyday folk show thay are us gi to rout and kind hearted as i hey t i r wt re hut thing let me add last k i ftpoki f the red river flood wht n rny copy came out it d itil sea oh ohl i still ln t know who mada the slip ih ivm setter or myself rut one f ui li criiy nnvway i mrisd auction sale of lrm stock impimnth uain and hfunltlttr m ill le hi id nt thi proprit tor a farm i iml sou hi of hi towtr twp if i r ifnlkir on hattlrhav may mtu ut 130 orlick n hmrvr ns i- arm sold h h mr tlbij praprietar llindlt v and mliott auction in i 44 z continuous quality continuous the irangev ill- liottlin work- oranoevile ont hioni 137w right in this community tlirrr orr ioh of roilr m ing tlinr intmiry to ituiltl a nrsii in all pmhatnlit mi want to ilti tin 1hh or niiirt nht now in a pmil n munr in orriimt til f 4 onaila llontlx ami it will turn immi inierett for tm r r ilu of llie rar i t r uit t i aiinu inih it il wr lirt inhui in ih7 unuda liaa alwavn lauj intrrcat anil prim ipal wlitn tlue fob thi stcukity of you ft futuut buy goernment of canada 2 lumds tlur june 15 lvoh rirrt wy to ie you a j 7 v in terra t rrturii on oiir nionry ilsf iiominat loua t 500 llwh 5hki 25mh unci 100000 place you oadsi through oua local agent col la aaaa or wiwa your eyes deserve the best consult r m bell refllilered oplemelritl phone 33ru erin wkgrah4m knox avanua acton mclcod young weir company tiaiho mcmberi of lite iltveatlliriil dejttis v toronto tat ion u i auuda montrcat ofucai list homlhon london winnipag ottawa and naw york aaaaasssaasasaasaaaii iiii ritti muni imi

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