f jvtiim sttt tts seventy fifth year no 49 acton ontario thursday june islh 1950 eight home print pagat si cantt school levy unsettled prefer equalized basis address and report mis j jany hostess at june meeting knox wms 7 hi s wv j mu ling ova w m cj rsw aesmasj cklnwn al mnilaj w ar mvfuci- 4mm ew rili uj rd i ciwiuir tihwwug re- piiil tan lvy ihui- edsutb col brown eaqueelna rprn latlv on the north helton hi avhool district board was appoint- 4 rkilrmin for the meeting railed fat milton high school uat thurs elay by th board to discuss th ui levy on the five muntrtpalltts in ta area atl munletpalltlr wtrr school board at their last mrel kftjj prtpodjo bur th tax uvy for itad on thr u yet uncompleted equalised asesesmrnt an estimate waa to bt made by that munici palities who haw not complrtrd th assessment ant a high or low eel mate would be adjusted in th 1h1 tai levy by rebate or increase tliu method had beet proposed to th board by th eaqueatng re prearntetlves bcaua thry frit thrlr percentage of th mat vu too high and eaquralag wrrr mm plalnanu in th issue reeve currir of esqueatng prr smted thr case of hi township hr claimed h had fell from thr itarl that th coat had been unequal an it could see no reason for baalnf th te lrvy on a ism equalised assess rnrnt a waa being done now k queslng supplies 3t prr cent of thr puplu and pevs ii pr cnl- of thr coat hr concluded wm conn acton reprrsrnlaliv c on thr hoard pointed out to rrrvr currir that thr equalised asses ment was to hr completed in 1050 throughout thr count v acton had thrlr completed w hat t thr mat trr tlh kaqurslng thr reprc aentatlvr asked the trurir of kaqueslng pointed out to mr coon that it took a great dral longer to assess farm pmprrlr because of thr increase number of building as compared with town ppoprrty in checking up with thr arioua municipalities chairman brown found that all but georgetown would br ablr to flvr an rttlmate on thr complrtrd inrmrnt flgur c for purposes of thr lr y representatives of thr various municipalities wrrr called on to explain thrlr position and frellng toward th proposal mavor maaon of arton frit that alnc thr rqual li ed assessment was ao nearly com plrtrd hr could arr no reason for not waiting and recektng com pletelv accural figures hr alto quest ionrd thr authority of thr board to change thr method of levy since its authotitt tu art out in thr art chairman brown pointed out that thi mrthod could not go into effect without thr unanimoui con arnt of thr municipalities concern ed but frit th equalised assessment throughout thr count v would not hrreadv for operation before 1051 councillor mcgulvrav explained that georgetow n council w as not in faour of thr arrangemm this vrar because they had no idea what thr assessment would br hr point ed out that hli council had given htm no stand in the matter and hr wai not allowed to commit himself either for or against the proposal nassagawcva representative was qultr in favour of thr proposal be cause thev felt thev were bring overcharged as was esquesing and thev would both benefit from the cqualited assessment reeve k v dick of milton pro posed than an agreement be drawn up hv esquesing covering the ar rangement for this vrar and plactnr a covenant on the municipalities that had not completed thrlr as sessment stating thev would have it completed bv 1051 and rebates and increases would be rnadclheu thlt agreement was tt be signed bv the five municipalities esqueslrfg s representatives point ed out thai thev were prepared to take the lew to a board of arbltra tion if some definite agreement uu not reached shortw thr lax lew based on the new equalised assessment w ould allot the municipalities approximately the following percentages acton 15 prr cent nassagaweva 14 per cent uilton 13 per cent exquei- ing m per cent and georgetown 33 pr cent theae percentages would result in an increase for ac- ton of i14m milton 300 george town 1060 eaqueting would sae 3000 and nanafaweya 1400 the ttfurea are rough estimates the nuauns concluded with mr bell of georgetown being appoint- d to reprant the school board and present the situation to th georgetown council 2511 iinitnairy chunh union markiml at w iva thr wotnrn assriation of thr arton united chuich hrld their silver anniversary tea rommrm utating church union last sunday afternoon rev if w avlson was chairman for thr event and introduced th tiogram vitus by mrs itandall ltd matter sherlock at k 1st and org n selection by miss iampart in oigan piano duet by mis i impart and mr j rtllott and selections by the choir made up thr prugraxi imth was sried in the sumlav srrumtl rimmi ftihn a table bejull fullv decoratrd with silver and purl lr u f thrlford ait 1 urs 1 agar poured tea and the annlv riftarv cake v rut bv mrs j mooie th se three ladles wi ri iait presidents of the women s at uarla lion mr m rillott thankrtt ihv iiim and thr pisldrnt of the akmhihih n mrs j wildrrspin replti t mr c i pool prearel the ro gram and mrs j iantlmit protidid tin annlvi rsai v ake k timuts hit by shovu whiu instauino sfwfts ttcoviiino in hosfftal kinneth tlmlers 10 miltim was admitted to ouelph grneral hos pital tuaaday afternoon suffering from a rut tendon and lacerated left forearm whrn ha was acctdant- allv struck with a scoop ihovrl thr vouth was employed with thr hrtan contracting co which is iimtalllng arwrrs in acton hr was given first aid for his injuries and mnt to cuctph general hospital he is reported to br up walking around wednesday and his con ditlon is said to br satisfactory i th mrii hrld at tht homi- of mis j mis h main mi prslding tu ripturr was led by mrs son and mis mi i r i ian and it atl ri sonsiveiy by inrmbrti of the simitty mis mlow spoke on suiiurier vacation ramps and mrs malnprlir rrnrted on the council meeting in algary 1w0 mrs llowen sang two d hghtful solo lwru h was served by tit home i uheri mtt it i lavutson offered her home fur tle july meet ing bantams miit tutamlton satuboav qami in acton team looks hromjsino acton s han tain entry in thr hal tun county baseball aasu atloti plaved a nlnr inning stretch with milton last saturday and took an 11 10 drfeat trading going into thr ninth the acton kids lo thrlr liatlle by making a couple of bob blrs in the wrung placoa this saturday the local tram meet nrsmpton here and hope to rack up thrlr first win officials of thr tram are enthused about the way the kids arr playing and say thry u have a smart club before thr season is ov er no admission ur will be h urged and just to make rxfrnes meet there will in a silver collection formei minism bus andiew moiozzi 17 receives honob standing yeab engineering physics andrew moloxzl son of mr and mrs andrew moloxxl of acton re ceived honours in engineering phvsics during his first ear at the university of toronto andv is one of thr youngrst mrmbers of hit class at university having marked his 17th birthdav last january and his achirvrmrnt in getting honour standing in his vear marks him as on of the most brilliant xtudrnts from this district in recent vears canada has eight indian ho scout troops and two indian holf cub packs the scout troop nr located at kskasom n s brauval indian schtol maneval ndian i school and guv indian school at sturgeon landing in sask at ak i lawk in thr northwrst t rritones end at lvtton whllrhorr ind car cross in british colurrhia t he cub packs are at aklavik and at fort vermilion albeit estimate called l on new school at boani meetinir taachar raptacad and supptiat pure ha sad in regular public school board maallng c bairmuri oakc pr mdi d at full hoard of s hk i tmmo nt the mgulr met ting of tht iloaid h id in the school at 7 10 p m mr marktnzii r portid thnt xtr ll ii w as under the dottors care and would not t tch anv more this mhnil ti rm lit r cl at taring taught bv miss shlrlev williams u ho hn lutn n gaged to li ach grade 3 during th n xt school vear mr mckmrlc presented a re qulsttton for k i books which was approv ed thr secretary was directed to endeavour to have thr department of hlghwavs rrect sultablr school area signs on thr highway ap p roach to thr school chairman oakcs advised that ac com pan led by tnistrr crrlghton hr had uitrd council at thrlr last regular meeting rt lative to pro pofcrd rxtension to thr school the council commended thr board on the preliminary maurr takrn and v otrd thrlr approv al thereon but requested that an intimate of cost br secured before presenting a plebiscite to thr ratepayers the secretary was directed to obtain thlt estimate from architects and mr skuce accounts were passed as follows highway no 25 to be surfaced tenders called department of hlghwaya asks for toeuura on whola ton mllm looks as if there were bright prospects at last to complete no 25 htghwav from milton to acton this week the department of hlgh- was has called for tenders for hot mix pavement for 10 7 miles on this road it certalnlv is welcome pews for us and all who travel south from acton to milton and hamilton tenders are to be in- on monday june 96th i when the road ti surfaced it will be the culmination of many year 1 of promises of all political ahadea three rears ago the first definite start was made when the road was widened and graded from milton to no 10 sideroad last year culverts were con- 1 structed and the remainder of the road graded from no 10 to acton 1 hills were cut down and the road made w ider four feet wider than the first aectlon the heavy till and construction has consolidated splendidly and it is apparently ihr intention of the department to pro- 1 ceed this year with a proper hnd top surfaca of rot mix pavement it u certainly good newt for all of us simon ifarduarr u4 73 imperial oil i lll trlcphonr to m e trlrr 1000 mn parrv moo a lrishman oo maitalr vmlr 24 7 wrt disinfecting us vi j 11 marktmlr 1bt c andrrson co too public rttlltiis commkum 1s7i1 glob and mail 4 40 w anderson 300 latins dairi 42 12 i41bv1 tht board directed th secretarv to av w niihsd board s22q 48 for thir hhar of mav plant opera tion whrn no drw follows a hot da rain ma br expected very hev a c buwart ma i 1 formrr minister of knox hurt h arton and moderator of the irestvterlan church in canada died buddtnlv in montreal and wn lot i i red al fatr lew em trry on wednesday evi nlrtg after a hiviir at midland li mm i ninr how in wrikv ain willi morr lois 111 i lowll 1ih1i4 to 14 r t i pum1 to jr that pn ttv t kuins up lum nlgbt alton ilnptn4 ibair mm 1 kiniit a mn wm to ri vm who umlv imnh lo ill i uin tb at ion lub tmhiteil ttti ull all otr th f it liatke1 up nl moo gilu john muuul i in l at all an he went the olntann ii v in omiimii for h ll hits rinktmiiki mileit a imimk inili i mm run vi ihe right f lit f o id ih ihttom half of lh oifclh hi fourth ircutt miiash in lh 1 t four ixint n ll v a- u tu m lulmi kinanh and gav arton thi ir iiin run virlrus in o w hil i hk lilmrtu wilh arton wilt ihiow and ruit to hlo h li mnr 2 in thi nd 4 in thi lii iol in ik lh hit 4th unit mb 14 ft dtoik 1radi t m n hili for rirku hnm- in n miimiii ixink tin nlv rli ui f mv itini nmm a gixd attendanc w on hind in u ltn rj another off right for tin actons its dr eloping that unless ihe club wins qiore gamis tht v will old up nccordlng to information instead of taking the iiv wav out it might be a lietter idia to get out to practice and try to win a fi w games fergus c4 220 0 10 b i arton 000 001 0 1 7 luteals mct ived another sevtre trouncing in the afternoon ball garni on home terntorv lut sat urdav aftrrmon with a mire o 22 10 continued on pagr fit t koail and bridpt repairs suggested b erin council at their regular meeting on june 5th the road and bridge commit lee of erin township council met and virwed thr roads and bridges in thr tow nshlp recommrnda tion for repairs wrrr made in thr diff n nt sections of thr towmhtp w hich w 111 be d alt with a soon us povmbli albert whreler and harold grif fin wm each paid w 00 for the um of thi ir cars a resolution appointing the neve and dt put n eve to procure a mr- morial plaque for soldi rs who lost their lives in both world wars was passed frin firt brikadt was paid sao each for three calls rvctived fron thr township account wrrr paid as follow i cenrral 3181 sheep j4 00 re lief 214 48 road repairs 2vt771 gravel contract ssfllofto moderator and former minister died suddenly very lav a c uewarl mode- i rale off preyiwaa church died s tundey tfua eiunniunily wa hoi ktil to learn of the odii death on sun day moitiing uf very itrv a t slrwart ma 11 a tarlived ruin later of knox hurrti aruin fur i nine yrara and a rltlseo of thte eoaa- mutilly who was for that lime a frteikd of all the town and district mr stewart was in montreal at lending the general assembly uf the iresbyterlan huri h whrn he was tuddmty ttrtrkrn and paued awav at thr httspltal llieie later he vkn iii his 7mh year very hev a stewait waa a man lio had gone to the top if hit high calling in the miiutry he mm a former moderator of th im hyterian i hurrh in anada iuft ifmiung to alton in 1071 h bud m rvrd at oraftitn and al mom inytimi aftir nine yrais of pen did mn 1st rv in at ton he went to ha liner a hurrh in toronto and lultr to midland where hr still mt vtd in atl thr mlnlstrrs to mivr knos hurth here iiitlie was mori than hev a c sf wart it waa during his ministry that tht holr room was built and the flm pi organ installeit in thr com inunilv as a whole no citlien held a gitattr pi are in the hearts of all r vldenre of his ettet m here may b itthi rttt from the fart that ar r ungi ntents had bet n matte that mr mi wart watt to b tht aptaktr at ihr mfvlrr on jnnt 2mb mark lug at ton s tteeomlng a lown ll mu in arton onlv a frw wttkk agi duririk his ministry in at ti n ih wi st mitinat r of tin first arton trtnip and a it di r mn n the mm in mopli lit trts hl wife the f rmer margan t campell mrlv nald h h vo tmit daughters mrs m molts katharine i of toronto rare at home and one son william mat donald stewart in m broke to rhi vr heartfelt mpathv of manv fronds hi rt kimk in tht ir tktrtat rm nt runtral services wt re hi id in knox hurrh midland on wed nimlav where thr body laid in stae from 1100 am lo 2 00 pm inter mint was madr in falrview crmr terv seldom do so manv gather in railview as were present last even ing to pav tribute to rev dr stew rrl members of church friends in this community and thr district wrrr oined by many from other c ntrrs at thr gravesidr service taking thr srrvlcr wrrr rrv r- 1 armstrong now minister of knox church here and rrv jamra jack of stavnrr and rrv c j benllry of thorn bury both of thr barrie presbytery pallbearers wrrr officials of knox church acton messrs airs mann john moore a m mcpher- nn r n brown ii l ritrhir and ii mainprtir as the evening shadows frll in falrview last evening it waa in- deed a hushed gathering of friends w ho paid tribute to a great man of the church a true friend a gather ing which svmpathjxrd with those left to mourn but who gloried that mich a lifr of service had been giv i n to his day and generation fire truck restricted brigade meets council 1 lr0 mill kali jninph to 327 kor kramova tup tim- umt 1 1 of the township of rrsmnaa me in llorkwood town hall mi june 1th all thr mem tiers were preaent and heeve i i ray presided the mill rate for ltv was art at s mills as in former yean this makes a r lid a ted milt rate of 31 7 an lor r rase of 4 4 due largely to ihe inrrrase in durational cot tte leftder of henry ifolioan at 77t jer rubir yard for up lying i i to hi ng and dr live ring apprnsl ri ately 10 0o0 rard of giavrl mi the t wtuhip rtmhl wa arc rp ted niti 1 t thr approval of the itrpt of llighiaavk approal also waa asked li i ngage a bolldojrr and loader f r cirilmntlo work at s7 00 er hour ttx frarnosa junkt r farmer a ftorlation was givi n a grant of ftt i roviding they i rganle and ht id a plowing malrh in tb lownahip in 1uv thr same organization wn pro nlmtl tialf the rtott of aupplvlngthe kigna lo mark the coricesmon lint a of the township on main highways ihe asatmlatlon agreeing to erett hit mgna at thrlr expense ttie following accounts wrre pas sett for payment townhlp road mretatmla 1ami 77 rorkwnod road wreounta jis 00 fden mill road urominl j7000 cent ral account 211 7 fire dap end c4hwwil dsmom i tru cewdwaw eul rre i dtfruultua u yuiauaieau 1m twdi rue chief r hawkins and 4rn firemen met with acton council monday evening lo clarify aerral items thr hief explained that thr r resent condition ff tt e ltrse ititaik was poor ami wlri ihr d partrortit leaves town the it uniclp ality is wlltmhtt pioleetomi al the last two fires attended the majttr item was to get the trite k going and heep ii in trjtrratmmt ii r chief minted imji the switch im thr alarm in the town mall had irrn left down wv rral times and the oil i t lieen i drained onre and ihe s twice jfroni the firr liurh it w a rrixrt itsl itusly tte omp was in a it con dllltm irvil the engine wai unrrl allr i t oek to res this ounril imsaett tricttng the fin t i f the town wa rest killtko waa tasaetl trta lae of thr dangrr of an unprotected town in thr absence of thr truck paua darnagr to it and tht lack f fn op ratlin fiom urroondink ti wn ships fngineer aiiiimmui at this apec lal aarsaiort p inteti out to council that ihr previooalv suggested rem ity for watris1oraire would mt br fcatiafartorv urmu of the increas etl mlrr ci naumption hfh uses dlt tht waltr thr opting can aup iv thr ci imonptli n is ifteater ihn the iv it uing a f u day ak in thr v ah aa a r tdr for iii 1 ttavtuing casi coiage mtesenteo to mtmul w a egular momthiy meeting mis j wlll fspm piesidrd ar lanifnitnt wen mailr for the sil ir annioivirv tt a which waa ti lt hi id in tht church lit port from the emnm litre wire vt rv sat ifartori vinrk in ihe parsomge is pro jcri aaing and w ill in- in readiness for hi v c urrev on hts arrival as the nt w pastor mrs i pickering was railed on and an address w as read bv mlsa f hawthorne while mrs t jen nings prraentrdhrr with a vrrv lovely travelling case a corsage was pinned on bv mrs f clravr as a small rrmrmbrancc from thr at social ion of her time with them as a member thr association was vrrv sorry to hrar of hrr iravlng thr church but all wished her much happiness in hrr new home and surroundings lunch was served b mrs veld huls assisted bv mrs j bell mrs m walker and mrs j lunton ui thai llvtnrei iggest i tall ki0 ex m in f r a writ hint t i r town ind 1 rrh 41 t mrs r n tida ir to ihe lis xisal r vu2nr nd the i t t le tht at length f the rng ht la d left hands mrnla in installing lattrals in mill st it was decided to drill undergruund where poxaihlr in order to save the ftaviment and us replacement sewei csvottucnon woftk now on trlf main thoftouomraies sewer construction work has hit the business section of thr town with all thr machines working alimg the highway through tha centre of town sewers are bring laid on both sides of young street so that thr pavement on this strip will not br brnkrn machlnrs are now laying these sewers queen street from wellington to the third unr and peel street from young street to acton boule vard are also on the immediate program i construction for the week will n a j j 1m mill street from the ifacnlin awarded crossing u you strt and from fnrdrrtck street to fel lows street mill street from main flood relief donations personal donations bk of nova scotia j156 0o personal donations at bk of montreal 142 25 rotary ladies tag day 257 15 rotary club 100 00 friendly circle 2 donations 59 00 beardmore co ltd employees 3484 00 baxter laboratories employees 120 00 acton womens institute 25 00 roys taxi 1510 b d rachlin 25 00 duke of devonshire chapter 1 o d e 10000 lakeside chapter 1 o d e 35 75 4519 25 i tegulaft monthly meeting lakeside chapte1 i ode make p1ans fob razaaft tht regular monthly meeting of tht lakrsidt chaptt r 1 o d f was hrld in the legion rooms on tinsdav jum 13 with tht rt gi nt mrs haiel orr in thr chair a letter was recti ved from the commt niqratlon service commute asking the chaptt r to attt nd the special ser ice on june 2mh in a bodv and join the parade to thi park from the town hall corrrspondenct was read bv mrs marv bradlev and the trt as jn r s rtport was given bv miss julie let niewich outstanding accounts wire ordered paid a donation of 2 was voted to tht legion ladies auxilurv the meeting was favored with two delightful piano solos bv den ize coles aid was to be given a ned fam- il through the welfare conmlttre plana were made for the picric to be held at the end of jlnc m the park members uere reminded df the article for the annual bazaar to be handed in at the picnic another tea and sale of baking is to be held in the fall and plana for the bauar uere started lunch was served by the group in charge and a social time enjoyed damages costs for false arresl county court awarded uj rachlin 1 damages and j0 coats m suit a count court jurv last thurs dav awarded si 7 lawyer i fees and j3 for tt irphotii calls which were the result of a trial in mag is trates court to benjamin d bach- l lin acton clothing merchant who sind provincial constable ray mond schlsler of georgetown for false arrest mr rachlin had asked for 300 damagei fpr the policeman s action street to rigln street will also be under construction construction on mill street from flgin to frederick street and from fillows street to thr railway crossing is now complrtrd it is planned to lay sew rn on main street from church to mfli street within the next week coming evrnt aiktnibttaitait ui utiax content or olhvr evrnl inln hta hdiaar chartati cvnii jiaav ar ov i u i jo lakeside chapter lode ptcnle n acton park on wednrsdav june in holding him in jail overnight last 2a at 630 p m a october tt mr rachlin was charg- i rd wtth speeding and obstructing garden partv at catv in evans thcpolice but the charges were dls- i farm ospnnge june 2lst jessie miued at that time in magistrate t mccrcgor concert companv a court with magistrate langdon s dont fear retponstblllty for 40 yean moaei was a ahepherd apology for any inconvenience several witnesses were called by mr rachlin s counsel to prove the attitude of the defendant schialer during the hearing constable schisler said that mr racmln re fused to produce his drivers license when he was stopped on the high way outside of georgetown t the officer denied that he had made any threatening move toward rachlin at any time hesld ha placed the plaintiff in the ceils be cause he had- refused to produce his drivers ueense evidence thow ed that ur rachlin gave the officer i his license after they had reached the station keep julv 8th evening open for the monster garden partv and oth er special features at hornby ball park illustrated ad near week limehous presbyterian churcn will hold their anniversary servic es on sunday june 18 dr ross of wood bridge will be guest speak er special music services at 11 am and 7 jo pm there will be a garden party at acton park on monday june 19 at betrpm by john roekwood apd hid troupe under the auspices of knox church choir adults 36c school children 25c a