Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 10, 1950, p. 2

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j aa two the acton fkeepceu thukflday august lath im the good old days may have seemed better we make our own conditions jul came bactc from a hoi lay il m the neighbouring republic o lite iouih and find war talk much more in the pfcii and ihe put lie con venation there than in thu part of canada with it il the attendant panic buying wriiih played such havoc a few years ago and led to control we were not turpmed lo hear therefore that the preudent had been granted the power to plate control to keep orderly marketing- there a warning in thi for canadian a qood way to bring atxjut government control n lo tar hoarding but it i well to remember that once control are put on they are very difficult to get off there alway a tendency to keep control long after the need for them ha eipir ed when you buy do not hoard thne day but buy only for prrtent need there no denying that world condition are unvetlled l ul the rea ion for their unsettled condition n he attitude of all the people for purely lelf ih pur jxie lhty aie not going lo be lighted nt i c n d ce re ettabiiihrd vacation from war blaring hefldlme nnf tt ltd ifldio ccm mentntor jut weren t on our holiday arjencfa for jomr reason or another we eliminated them particularly but the korean and viiui hoitilit t s look no rcil on tlie dek thu morning we f nd rt copy of the porcupine advance which 5 cum fitly teas mg publication its mam feature n the editorial u one headed so far away the ed tor torn menl deal with the part canada u play ng in the recent conflict and decry the fact that the american alone and on foot and with the auiiie m the air are dying m mud ami i lood wid bomb every day that seem to lie a little strancje hen one ha to go back only a few years to remember w hen in the last conflict the amer cans w iitcil i ntil they were attached lefore ttiey had any of their american cf e m mud and blood and bombs suddenly n a few weds cf conflict they cant understand why the cmid 1 ill not kap to the breach and bnci then ip perhaps it would lx tnr to assume thit the canad ami w mt 1 witu n from war is do ma ly oner nation us i im th oj 10 cjt t aw a hem hut the nqht people don t rcalie it when a country steps to the battlefield d m id 1 f dt er home front measures become nmsmry t he president of the united stitcs wis granted the privileqo of apply nq rat on centre s in sorm sections of the usa it is almost mposs ble to buy a pound of surpr bee 1 use ct he frenjied buying of fiomc renters war is a good thing to take a c iy iron but the right people um don 1 rtj e 1 perhaps someone should tell joe stal n jnj me cf the ether leaders no excuse i didn t know what i was doing i didnt really intend to hurt h m to crash into lha cai to commit murder to leave my child to fnt that policeman you see your honor i was a little highl i was intoxicated i was under the influence of liquor i didn i mean to tjve act was not pre meditated intoxication as an excuse twisted and turned this way and that but jmji an excuse some i ungyo lean on wren common sense ha gone an appeal to the court 011 the ground that all men have ihi common failing and you your honor know that a man is not quite all there when lie 1 drunk and houldn t iherefore be held respormble for what tie does when u all thu nonsense in our courts going to slop drunvenness is no excuse arid never can or hould i held as such drunkenness s a cause a 111 in or at man who when intoxicalnd jama s injures r k ills is and should be ust as i able as the man or woman who when solxr damiqes injures or kills to the dead child it makes no dif feicntu w ht ihi r it- k iller was solier or in toxic iti d if anything n sober kilkf is more likely to i iw liki n pn i lutmn to won i the deatfi the dunk killer is 1 kllt r whr ther 111 a ar or with 1 tujn 01 knife m hand passing great public life at a glance seems to be a wonder ful thing children aspire to the olbce of prime minister or other distant honor because they know as much as a great many canadians about that field from the village councillor to the prime mm ister leeminqly attractive positions are filled by nood cihens the recent deaths of mackenzie king and humphrey mitchell are evidence of the time that must he pent to achieve even partial sucirss in th ir lifetime in no othqr place or position is a person more widely cr htitd than he is in public office be c n be he is bl lnied for partiality unqoverned spt nd nq ind a multitude of other offences n any nn n would not consider the pos tions of ft it d n ch ikiis vid c lbnu k th in unfortunate situation in a town or nl 1 n li 1 limuiates many worthy iik n in ni tl t much cnl ocd positions it sums so c lsy lo critic e the domqs of cthes but a complete understanding of the th nqs behind the actions mike them more rea son bc ths complete understanding is tht thmq thai the cr iicil citien lacks back in 1900 takrn trmm tl laiif ml ike t rrr prm t twwrjy auum t im tti nnir in th miv and june ill r tht m ikturr tf mid animals or tmta m iw i nf nrhriinjf s iiipisiim s wax unn hy c hrtjttit artnri in xln ttn nuil iilotiiciriplit 1 si aiimii v rijuum- trimi fr rharlit tin ini in vtt ih ihi rit n hik urlmr ttiop u rv ituximlly trarikfoiiiii t two fmr ntvk lilting mihi iimiiiik iiinki fim lirrn ul in a lit w iiuitti tak kliow raw and ttir iiiiiimi fimr and front mmi arc ih ihi nratly itiuinrtl trt wk ttir rtit lnimntanl mtrllntrn f ttir year mir ht m liv the until on mnndav and tut tday r niny whrn ttir ralliiiatra for ihr iiiiitnl yrai rir rairfullv rtmildtrttl miki tltr- ralr finally fml t iwit mills on the dollar ovuitk lo ihr itimim in thr an hi lirlii pun hi i of th vtiniti lllh hiv un ut lmn 1 in back in 1930 m xite htur id the free pr 0 thutjduu auyuit 7 t30 thr bat bin it nih at fiur ijk wa a rrv pupular plai t u ihr wn v mil tri- r id tv minki knov hiinh unrl th ir mt utdf fan iln hi ul n 1 njovihl pit rw h t jilm sprlno iirk hit tlnir tt1v mr ii i jtjotnti him pun h as d tin f lfit nrr f mr m watch for polio the polio waton ll here ftnd canadian rvrrvwhera miut be on thr litokout lor the firrt ravasea of the rlrtacl rrtppler the origin cf polio i unknown as 1 its mmhfd if trarxnihion there if no knn cure tht t l dt tvrwe against pho tc itjv 1 can ful htu ntion to attend nut ivmpti ri nil thr dtor w li 1 n or your hildren show iifn f or- uiroat htdartn uph stnmarh mrr niusrles or fver pt ron ci in rk down with p ho f i irritable often tht rr ntrk or bark to hrlp tuatd afilriht kiiki krrp tour t tiildri n uv av fn in 1 niwil k rp ttitrn mill rttid rhin and drv m jtll tlmt 1 7 douglas street wtlelph kvfs examinfd g1assfs pitted villl 11 wlllur si i wh 11 m in it k in ivli lliilktiiv imiii iiiiimv iruiillv ilnl panir t ih ih uill liw ulll tlll hi liil iliituii ili in 11 i liilhinic hunk 1 till v iiimv i i lilt i lllllllt lllf ik ml tlllll 411 llllll iii tl r in n oimmnn ylrlil fur rll jul 1 il tin hm vt t dlt hiillt 1 ktull tin r x- in in i 111 ii k 11 in v 1 1 im 1 1 ihl 1 iii ni ul 111 mmiii it editorial notes prepvotcns ire being speeded up for potent life saver drowning victims artifhut renplriitltm has ikoh knn 11 to lt sin i ssful on nn ap ptnnllv dniwtrutl jm nm u hn rind imtn mult r ntt r fur as long ah tiilf nn hour fta nn tlltorljl in tht curnnt lur of ht nlth official iiiliinf of thr lleillh irafur of nn 1 j tin ttlltorlil mrrsmt the import jtiirt of w idrsprc id knowledge nf ittlflt lal nsplrntlon nnd rnmmi nti iii d in this ronm t tlmi appan nl 1 imoplt forri t t rv 1 isllv it is imphnsltl tint some m an- il hi ilth enllitl itttnlmn to th mpnmr import inrr tif n w id pn id knowlitlf if lrtifldil rt s pintion if dt ith t tlrounlm is ti t prmiilil nine imnilrul il th in 11 ln t ir is t tr 11ir firt t in t drowning is unnrcrsir mi of tin d ith- mlrht h n im t 11 pnxitttd if pt opli inrnlh 1 it hi s n whit to do willi pt r in ipptin tl to h tin n i rnirh npplird nrtifirld rrpir it i n nu j ht ov o some r thl 1 i mir m r mt s h ilth whlrh ihn i c s on to rxplun thit irllfirlil i n spir itinn should k itnrtrd mm i mi di dt h thi appirrntlv drownrd pt rson is t ikrn from thi witrr it honld in kt pt up rontlnuousk fi r 1 minimum of four hours unv ihi irtim hid 1 m lousni s or rlcor mortis hid sr tn beauty or beast thit thisr firts hi hrn for he fcittm sias hrilth h shown b tinnuil f i t s wh ci will soon be the attract ons for tht- fict thd from tim- ti tlnu tlui diitnct country roads arc quite poplar for summer driving and provide many fmc examples of natu rot beauty they are however net for the speeding motorist thetr treacherous curves jlidmg gravel nnd rolling knolls hide danger for too long to stop a speeding car recently there have been several reports of accidents on country roads and usually t was a small ivnoll that obstructed the vision cf the on coming motorists and the sliding gravel prevent ed a speedy stop intersectiops bear special watching en coun try roads because quite often the v ew is ob structed and the roads unmarked agam t is im possible to stop if the speed is not suited to the loose grave a current program is sponsored m an attempt tc cut down on the accident rate what effect this will have is unknown but the more people that drive carefully the less accidents there will be behind the wheel of a car you are supreme commander of giant power that can snuff a life or seriously injure you are in command of all the lives that are carried in your vehicle as well as ycur own even though the first law of nature is self preservation many men women and young people account for the taking of their own and ethers lives during the summer season when traffic reaches its peak country roads highways and speedways all contribute to the toll of lives that mounts with ap palling speed each year never before m history have so many cars travelled on the roads and the increase has consequently increased the possibil- ity of accidents rt ports ippiir fn thi n w piprrs to thi rffirt hit nrtlflclnl rcsplr itlnn hns turn disrontlnuod in 20 yes we hod a splendid vacation and hope minute or half nn hour in nsrs i 1 1 i which rrsurltntlnn ma ha p horn ou al cnioy your period ot relaxation trom rou 1 1 i r possible this applies to both d rou nine nnd el ret ri ml shock thi ponmhuit of n inr ncral pism which unit ss rclrnird ime business also apparently tins district has been in the wet mlht n ndrr artificial respiration belt iof the past week and had a little more than 1 ineffective should bt stressed its share cf mo sluro j hi nlth sns mnn people who i drown dun t drown but suffocnte tt11 st are shown nt nutopsv to ha c the holiday accident record was again a re no water tn their lunrs it is there- cord of highway slaughter when will we learn fon important to call nttention to the m ed for seeing that thr air pnsacps are clear and the tonjiue h id out diinni artificial respir- ation i to cut speed and use care when we drive motor cars j the last war to settle wars did not bring a settlement as long as the 1914 1918 war its enly five years since the close of the war and there s enough agitation again to start another might be nice to know who wants these conflicts im rntx in nf the mi krnwn moore family kttlurtd nt ihr horn of mr and mr charllt mtkrown mnud im- rrln for a plmli frlrndi wrt prtarnt from as fwr a ileglni sak as will as niiiriv ontario town wav lillis to mr n m- ah c ripps on satuni y july tl ill u drtiiritt r marrii t anuhcon loiiimi al tht i i f till imi ilmh k av al ii on im d v aiiii luui l s m i ih m ii m a an i 1- i iv 10111 f f mr- i mi r wn d t 1 t w it c llo r t willihiii v mil nk at ii 1 1 i i i f mr ml mi w l ai 1 10 n ai t 11 llll i1kown at ih f uiiilv i mi 1 lot i h fifth in 1 fmiiii ml uri linn il iv lolv 11 iliv ft in rt i ittnwti it his 7mh vrnr handuno u currency j i 1 in l in til si dillidimi nt of 1 uniform m thml of iwrnllinit its i nn in 1 tc nwikliik t hwiiiit for am in in vinitoiv h i- or- icn f hiti ilord lie isui tl a sp rial lliv 1 nl for itivtrilution to hot lo n ot on mt own iv r lull im r 1 h mt- rvltt otitton opt rntors ind othi rs tnokd in tin toiirlxt th 1 ird t irrli s irnph state ii nt if s run i- airt pit 1 nt the iffi 1 1 it t si nn u si tn tn nil in on lh rvir re t o impli t dili s f r 1 liultirif ihr mount f h in vhl h should t im n uhtn am rln11 lurrmrv nd ril in pwn nt tf n irrount n vtiiiuv thr mrnplt t wnv tn 1 ul it 1 h mi uiiklni in nn di in doll ir thi othi r whm v s i ii us u n ipti tit in 1 h in in irinminemi li trihutiun f th uds rnh ri tii 1 rs i urrnan f ih fon i ri f x h me 1 rdrol i ud sn i th hl t 1 i w i 1 mt mpli h t thin s th first 1 tn ur am rn in 1 itors h t th v ol i r iv th ffh 1 1 it f mil mi 1 on nnv aim rlmn ui m m v nt it th p mt w h n h if i vv s di pi iv tl th v ri mt v to iv 1 nn 111i r t inllni vhirh titht rw iv ml ht irk bv irov ul nu bus im s rn n w ith cli r nu im infoi m itu n for tht niik nn of t hinti m d hi r c nnd i in ir it s funtt- 1 tlimd h thi ii ii nn r mr tow irs 1 mph m d th it al ii rompul inn on t us dnllirs w ht 11 thi in offi r d tho 1 w ho do so tn n pi in d hv th r 1 n lin i fxihincr control a t nd iti c- j iilitlnns in allow thi full fflclal i r dt of 1 xchince l chnil mikinr illutnion on hit hick of thi cud show twoi mt thinls for cilculitmq 1 rh injt on us funds combination spray nt w comhimtlon inwn sprav and fertili7i r or micticldp in adt r b indiana miker is rrtiorted in thr financial post it h is n quirl size n ccptirle att iched to otherw ise normal unlit prav wntrr flowi throuch spnv from hose rivolvinj tu in arms to v iti r lawn but draws out linuld firtiliitr or insectlcld from r ccptach vc ittt ring it o er liwn with w iti r a control dr ice 1 n ul iti 1 strinjth of solution vpnvttl ha plastic stnnd atrikrb in vour com iti mrmhrr half of ihow utrlrkrn w itli ptllo rnakr a rnmplrt r- rt vrrv without any aftrr rffrcti tht miiadian rtmndatlon fur pi- rnvtlltli canadun march r f i h nn 1 it anils ready to alat wh rt vt r pflhlr wrllr 1hr f uridatlon at 410 itlintr strrrt t tort nn foot ailments treated miss allan chlrofwjltt trrau arna vrrtia m- frown valla rsiium wt t irrln aiuiva far imi raaaurt 17 arthur st outph liont i390j carrolls j thou h thi n ntt con r olen valley pork ui beans 9c 0 range oraperbutt juice 18c and 39c i kel apple juice 2 t 15c pink salmon 23c 41c red niurnack- salmon 35c irish stew clarks 15 oz tin aylmer i corn x 14c red jar rubbers 7 jelly glasses 73c parowax 231c zinc jar rings 33c choice aylmzk tomato juice tins mtv a visitor asked a local councillor how are the local roads fine he replied we ve abolished bad roads big obi wasn t it said the visitor not at all the councillor said wherever the going is particularly hard we dont call it a road we call it a detour it cannot be repeated too often it can never penetrate too deeply nor bo sounded too loud drive carefully r james syme hastings who worked ort the cincinnati enquirer in the early 1900s contri buted many famous sayings which are still used by current wits among them are the lines ev ery baby resembles the relative who has the most money do right and fear no man don t wnte and fear ncwoi w nrthr agein most husbands develop into pretty decent ani mals considering the material their wives have to work with the acton free press tw onli payrr cirr pumlshrd in acton pwhhhtt tich thurda at s6 mil st acton onjario aulhrlird a smad oasa mall phi odlr dfpartaarnt oluai founded in 1875 v mrmbt audit rimti clrrnullan cwm- and oeuriaqarlu dlvulaa cwna advehltlitg relet cm baquml subscription in advance 250 in canada 300 in united states single copies 6c teumones business endeditorial office 174 residence 131- romas peanut butter 37c old dutch cleanses 2 ti j a vex 15c 24c 47c t kernel corn 2 19e dandee tea 3se 75c irvoodburys soap le sale cakes pard dog food 2 i 27c heins vinegar 14c 23c hez spaghetti ffll 27e 29c 35c 15c 3 15c california valencia oranges mi deien 6 ol ne i ontario potatoes basket crisp urge bundle celery hearts choice bulk carrots tt fresh daiivbluebenlei raiblmrflh bananas canleloupm cera riimh aa u a l l em

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