Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 26, 1950, p. 4

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n pack rova me acton nts nbs tiiumday octobeb wilt un cm acloniani visiting outof town point and of vittos m acion homes ittmt of uxrrwl u u hui to tfch cotuouu ku fcf u- pko4 10 in or wl u u rw ma otfim ur c ii unu iprnt ow week nd with fnriid at lsjuing ur ktuart sinclair was hotne from hamilton fur the weekend ur and ur bill knight of oa ville spent the wrtk rul with rrl uv here ur and ur c j van quosen pent the wrek end with friend near ittturg i hr and ure kirtjv of t- rout via td with mi and uv hl-i- tvt r the wi4k end ulu mrv sirr nurw in train in it th utttrin hmlrtul tr onto tin hi urn f r thr witk rnd uit h irir idatkl f c gary allmfia ihod with lnr aunt un chapman last ur j knit srvcral d at tin att ld ur i it uv ff f th mr aid mn titfillr at 1 r i m r n if gtcid olliv wrrr sundir vi il i w th ml 1 mi- jtiw savrr mr r 1 m a i u1 vi tort a ik art mlir with h r ib1t urs w famt lr in t thrr friend dr and ur nrvtilr harrop and daughter nf ilrllrv illr aprnt th- was end i h mm john dunn and ulas annr dunn ur snd mri j u fflt mr ft u off att and mu flie unffatt visited with mr and mr fred weal on sal u mar uln shnl urlfcnald of umr houe li itltinf with her aunt and uncle ur and un s uud die of milton um b mr waltrr riood of wivxlitor iitid with mr ororrr chapman arid ml madge chapman for aeveral da lait wrek th 1im at the haptit church innnrrvr lat sundat mia i ilir xt ion nf t nnl i w at thi fue of mr at 1 mr r md weir ur irene utrhal of lakeview attended the funrrj uf ur george cnapron lavt thursday ur wrnharn of hamilton spent a frw day during the wi with her fnritdk mr h m ur donald and ulss fjtubeth stone the canadian wnrk nrwspap r aaaortation coovrntion waa hrld in qu4mc city tu w4t wltt ur and mr g a iu1 atlmvdln tn- frtrnda nf ur kmj sprowl rr lad that kkr la htmlnf tm i i nurmml following tvrr oprratton i the curlfh grnrral huvpital rrk un will ain molaut 1 rt f i mr11 trr ia t wt n tu at thr h i r t mr j it m k ll tlt nl iir1 j itn xmiurs uhi vii jm n tti t rt a 1 at t mi t1il ii t ut if t wrv i mr ar mr ikau aln f nim str miir afkln vlshrd liru ivir thr wrtk cr 1 t- v1 1h mr ai 1 mr karry m i i rirr mktn ltld chapman m dm tit lllvd ntf rt rml mv ral of hli g f i r i n tttr ri a iwi of r third hirh1av turta after ni tt w ln jilnrot in tha f jo wrrr kii and havld han tall jirnmr and faltf ivtltam sntra lr m innr mar and ltrv 111 ark srnal fn m hrn atti mlrtt trw p rfnmanrr uf llanar and fire trl in flurtjih on tiirday nlfht althtitikh ihr rttantfr in timr mad it jiiiti lati fr artiin mualr lorr irr finr prtmntatlnn tiv tttr tud nlj f th hcval con4ratorv or muii toronto vi a rimrh rnovrd 1 i all who madr thr trip iit wrrknd thr rrglonal ran rntlon of y urn cltiha of ihr dlvtrtrl waj held tn mruaatrr un hrnllt hamlmnn atlrndtnf thr saturday araalon wrrr n t bran uilliam dmnt i artlc and cliff sutton w ho hrard ur tlolln smrthurrt thr immrdlat part prraidrnl of y mrnf international addmai thr froup on arrvtc work oeituaty tvtrton lifelong resident allan g smith dies son of on i irf thr rarlv famllirr of thr dinnci and a hfetlmr n idcnt hrrr allan g smith paaard aw a in gurlph grnrral iloapltal on urdnrtdir octobrr ib tn hi 7tnd xmir hr had brn in falling health for aomr ttmr bom in frtn townahip tn 1b7s my smith wa rduratrl in ban nocarburn school in 1013 hr mar t4 anna wanrbroufh thr crrctn- ont taklnc plarr in toronto mr smith t rmnlovrd for orr 25 yrar with thr beard mo rr co for 48 vrar mr smith was a membrr of thr woodmen of thr world acrinj bl for bout twrnt yrara ai thr clerk and trraaurrr thr funrrnl acrvirr ma hrld in the victor b rumlry tunrral hotnr on october 20 with rrv u ii armitrontt thr mlnbrtrr of knox church which mr smith attended officiating interment ws held in falrv lew cemetery pallbearer wen mr w k graham alex uann georce smith wm land- boroiinh innon roche and i obrien of toronto acting a flow er benrer wt re mear chai dnldmi of acton alex wood- nrd st wlluami rt tav tor onto nml lipoid suntihamrr ha mlllon floriil trirrtitih wn n cct ed fnn th wife of the deceased mm smith hk jion and dnuohter alatrr mnftrk nnd ftinilu fttn grmdill mrgrit nnd mi rl nlitt i llllun nnd fanilh mrs lohn oi id- n mr and mr vrmk t gordon nnd ann tti hitvki nnd knthleen mr d mr hi nnl- o unen nnd fmiu tu ifihbor mi v bennett mis oikis mr nnd mrs ihwwn mr wmfild mr nnd mn thomp son mr rnnshiw mu jcpson mr iiul mr wm tjtndtotviikh mr nnd mrs roche mr nnd mr a uolmiison mr nnd mr grant allan woodmen of the world ac ton camp o c texule worker union loml ml amon trwwt who attended the funeral of mr smith wero several from st william slmcoe hamil ton toronto brampton rockwood georgitown erin nnd guelph teft to mourn the low of hu- hand and father are mr anna smhh a daufhter wannetu and n harold a utcr mr vernon woodward made ot st wil liams urlei although one brother and two lter hie prwiroraaed mr smith shower in church for mrs morrell a how rr w hrld morda e cnlng in thr bark room of thr rhtirch for mr morrell fnrr mur- n 1 brnham sundav imton with mr geonfe jrtin wrrr mr kiltr and mr and mr mil sttirnble guelph mr and mr arnold wluon vtait ed on sundt with the latter par ents mr and mr alf bowlaa mr and mr harvey jestln and bohbt lilted sunday evening with mr and mr lloyd cutttnc acton sunday vialtoni wrth ur and mr irwin hamilton were mr and mr alf couung and mr and mr will alexandar ml marleen black vlitted on saturday with her aunt mr su- ter mr and mr harold wrlffht pent couple of day in toronto last a lean horta for a long race li a wlae expreulon a lean body for a long ufa is equally wtae becauae tha death rate frdm heart disease if mx greater tor thoaa who are overweight ahs news artlon on th local gridiron last week wa restricted to a gam tn uiltun with georgetown the vteit ur the uuton machine rollad ovt the bew uderrd papertowne r to the tune of 10 to 0 uiltun take on the ahs hoyi in the acton park at i pm thia thursday and the local finufc the arhedulr in georgetown the followtag week p w ltpalhi uiltun si 0 i umi grurgrtown si 1 i m m s actun so s 0 ib 44 0 thr student of u lit on and acton llijth srhila wrrr invited iat wreb to attrnd a dancr txmnrl 1 v thr grtugetwn lllfh swil t tltr rtuiuikunttv hall in stewarttnwn itth artoft afml ullltm wrrr well iiirraritlrl and grorgrlowrt wa a rfrstl huat tt bring thrrr in full f mr vkir rrportrr wai one of thr hky arton atudcnu atir to altrnd m i m am luw h r t lr tlr wll worn atalrrnrnl that gitod time was had by all a crowd of bout iso peoile wma in attendance ind everyone helpad to make the evening a aurreas both aorlaily and financially il w tke g jt thai an tnvttatoon of thtt mrt ahould not go unanswered the preunt literary suruty oi ah s may poslbly cook mifnr thing up ln the near future in uu- way of a response xo the georgetown dance at least li thry donx it about tlnw the atud ilm lit a little ftre under said fto uty who at the time that thli column was written oct otter 34 havr yet to hold their first meeting preparations for the annual eotw- nunrrmrnl un novnter 17 at th town hall are now in full ewtng and prartlre for the many event an- hrld regularly n tuesday and thur4v thl niminrni e n4it prumlsea to be evn better than lat jnri and wr advise you t at vkir tlihei eafl to avoid iivjtmiitment n trulav aftimimtft atmut so en lhulatt liowltr to i in itoon anl rtinr a irad r and df- 1 t r ii t f li ajii i tains tr ahs h fl phone 69 i for your fuel oil furnace oil stove oil kerosene thompsons farm service prompt delivery amcnom sms gait livestock market auction salt u id vir tm vljy it 1 put tjiarp in onijrio fmt ijuipl vl i wi n rstalllshd limo d mjn of fntlifnl m r m to thi himk put lir hundndi of farmrrk are now us ing thi mar kit fur ruil tsfrtor v rah prim in thr aalr of ttirir h ntu k t xt hi nt a i rtiniihtutlin for roni tr ism rsil aalo puhlir audi iktini 3 l p flight auctuni i ft accounting mtini luimimi iiuliili dtmnfisittl luw nxnmiimoti ruti nn hair no rtiatk sptiil rid to 1 irj ronmirtrii nts uiki ilifnl dialiti rim mruu t i jit shopping r ntn u linn manager pttanr 4 si ll n llamllum rhirf irraonunt rhtuir 2aiaj call wanted dead animals we are paying the hlgheet preeajung vvieae for tint er c rippled car horses cattle hogs telephone called for iimimtid strwum laing cartage orotattno ram ookdon tooni ubid gar wood temperedoire automatic oil heating at its best 25 years of proven efficiency and economy check these au- important points carefully amjing oil savings counlt r flow pnnc pie 0 clean sunburst flame exceptionally quiet immediate humidity washable air filters all canadian built you have just one chance to be right qieck with your erchitectyour buildr an indepndent oil burner installation service man or with a- gar wood tempered atre owner sold and serviced by bilton perry limited s actn ontario mumblnv hhng air conditioning contractor phone russ perry 269w ed billon 341w engagements ur and un fred cunningham aetiu s tiu m nt at 4 thetr unlv dajighter dorothy baal- rtre to hir ra y tnond u i laon son of ur u ullaun and the late ur uilaon guelph the wedding to ukr place october mlh at at georfr church guelph ma aw4 monster bazaar iake1i0i chartel io0i saturday october 28th town hau acton 7 30 to 5 00 ua gifts homf bvkitjg catjdy salf nsh porju iocry dpaws fw inf in u ary rh ur t iurajn 1 thr i ertijuti fart that wr will mjulred t ralw a utatantlal um of n ui y r find that trnni of t dy or rash with any ord r if iv1 will a kalanrr wlnf on ir t- ki li a irrurv pruc mure i- k f afutid im wr mil lot hrl lut i ftli r that h y m r ur lnr lorf at th r 1111 w n lt1y f t ihr k t 1 ttls h lr f un m i i mi1v hi i m ttlt k thry r d nr w ii j any m it h im- gfr itr j s t i1a night at thr r 5th annual ai j ii ma krlll 4 in i i b1s auction sale i lirrn htorh implrnrnu hay drain r srnllarr i lr tt r undi ftifiul liav imni in tiutikna frum ltlruon armhtvond to aril by puttlu aurlion at hi frni uk a ctn twp of nrln 5 imh nurth of ny i idshway at vlllagi of liwvlllr un htlinrh nowmhut llh tl9 acnilmk dl thi fillowing hohsts i bjy rnir ginnal pnriw h id 1 hljck mare iti in irtl purimm ii yi hid 1 bay man k in rul purpibi w m i id i in iii giriiial ihirp14- 13 yra uld a1tij 1 rrt durham r dui 1- r i llomnn i milk ing due in i jipny o milkini dur in r h ikms 1 fat sow luimekmknts ktt m ii krjm hinder 7 ft mi rnnwrr fl m ii dump rjkr lrr dl inthmw 3 artion tri hrniwi klrurv walktnf plow ainglr furn riding plirw aitifflrr low farm wa k n himtm r w agun hav rack rrram pwnilnr nrchard spmyi r 100 rl h nf vain 2000 lln mt of wait 240 lh rnil hrtkoder stnvr appje picking ladder n trnton indder c rlonr rrdrr hng crate h ic tnirk ndnr pnls quantity rtf crap chains double trre whiffle irrri forks hn rl rte rtfi 10 tnn hav ton traw 175 bus out is bu rrd rlnvrr seed fimnminr ok tvd spring and mattre huffet hikh cup hoard small drop leaf tntle pine cupboard kitchen table wash stand 2 frather lick large box for bedding heater coal or wood sheet iron fftoxe othrr malt hore hold efferts no rerre as farm is aold terms cash settlement w hh clerk day of stale hindijy and fixiott auetloneer r harbottle clerk b212 jhalloween party tuesday october 31 acton arena patede led by th aclon bnd uvt town hll i 7 00 p m frocod ilng inw to ilgln bgla lo mill mill to mln mtin to kiwi kkoi to arn irgt au omiiv akirxu ciaiu vabch coilumt competition for kindorgrtn publk sckoel high sckool adult tnd ond 18 prizes 18 grab bags admission frfr aprils rvfrybody wrtcowr anyone wislunrj to asttf financially may inave dortalitxi irt lxjei at ofln of aaonlreal brink of nova sotm tiater druji coofe dfuy car roll grocctr ri acton huwlinrj i ant waloi i da ty oar marli gfoccry d0nt delay join today our christmas lay- a way club shop now at your insure while ourselection is at its best a dapeait will hold any article until christma acton home furnishings song recital by ronald stewart tenor jeanne stensson at the piano acton united church monday october 30th 8 30 pm a where cr you witk handel b sound on alarm handel c old mother hubbard hely hutchison with apologies to mr handel d mappan like a dieam von flotow ii a good bycl f b tally hoi c yours is my heart alone d shortnm bread intermission a valsr chromatique b valse lucille c polonaise iv a the road to the isles b the little irish girl c all day on the prame d some enchanted evening south pacific almost like beinq in love bnqedoon open hoad open sky gypsy baron medley from musical comedies tostt leoni lahar wolfe godard fnrnl chopin kennedy fraser lohr lulon rodgers loewe strauss ems a bargain for you rill run a dosan errands mok appointment da your aaoppmg uamt guard vmr your aaely carry you lo ihm tut of a itrlt fnmnj ant a you uttrry ami effort and hour aaa our work eojier your ufa pit i low would u measure your telephoned tne worth its endless cam entente ita lirevaviiig speed in time of need the steadily growing number of people it brinft within uur reach all these tlunga eontnbate to th sunmotal of telephone value et in dollarsandcents cost your telephone remain of the stmallest items in soar family budget even smaller part than it was before the war today aa always your telephone ia big value the iell telephone company op canada

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