Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 2, 1950, p. 1

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n sftt pess svnty5ivth year r4o 17 acton ontario ihuksday novfmbfp iu1 19s0 eight mom pun paget six crtts plowing match attracts crowd farm at omagh is mecca many plowmen compete audience pleased by operatic tenor ikijur prizes for best costumes iiit ui 1 1 1 plllul hi rt h id in th given at annual party ii ii v i h 1 1 till hit 111 h id i lliti iii 1 il ul 1 i ui the w if lvlii ill i in w ii folk of humom ml hiiliumiin 1m1 s rswiditioo haitt iwj iliikmit ihtmlii wt ii ih m l- n li ii 1 ml oil jo s w m rtr of u1i i u- unti ami ccoitfi lloylurui i- ti i t on 111 it ol liin s ktll am ihr n illi mi ttiki difficult th i nnt their wnti on vi rl of ihi i 1 a to i of 4t contcrtanu were in action which li m big rest uct ion from lait vcr rntrr of 9s a plevllijt f rat urn from the mand point of the aiciatliwi offtrrr ml directors was iti fat ihwt over o per cent of the contest nu on thursday 1m wrc from hat ton in rontraat l onli 57 per rent in 1mb the rls for malton hay under vmr brought out a nine year old rorttcalanl in the person nf ian break of trafalgar township who on the oeo t elliott special fnr the yihintfeat cnntcitunl ian p tared third in romprilllnfi with three ten vear old a thlrtct year old and a 1 year old r c llrown vetrran plowman from waterloo had he top rtdge in the wahtlng plow elaaaea but haltnn sun mav gave him a hard run for hla money and incidentally won the rn champion ft pert a for the hent rtdge in the walk ins plow rlkuet tiv a halion contest ant in the tractor rlaaxri where s3 contestants guided their iron iteeds flombva harry plrkrt won the rnn champion trartor special but he had atrnng competition from spencer wilson of norval and john fteadhead of liw llir both nf whom indicated that with furth rr experience thev nre going to b strong contender in future rr at the international ulun the fjmi chnmpnms ov em as trips m w 1 nlesl the iliink of nova srottj spc inl for ihr be1 rtdge in clnss fi boi under 1r viars mn won hi arnold ho den trnfnlgir tow nship whli th bank of rimmn trophv i i m aid i h i i llfm 11 il m a ii il on 1 fun ii bv mnrw i flames of ceorgitow n the milton milling co tnv wrs won bv john tteadhend of 1m lllc while the rank of toronto liver trav wnt to llovd mn trufulgu township nd thi ttov i bank trav m won bv itillie cnr of freeman ed tindin of acton w on thi stcrllnc and d net sw inl for the het rldi tn tmrior rlncs w 1th fonl equipment the furm mnhlner denier of milton nnd diirt hroiurht otit a uplendld dlpliiy of fnrm mnchln- crv in connection with thi ittid dell ilnvi of oeorirrtow n ktnjr d tw o excellent demonstrations one tn ubollinc and the other wlh a goche niw another hlehllkhl of the nfternoon pmcrnmmr uns the hi it on junior farmer drtvtnp content horn repreaentntlvr of the acton nronlcvtllr muton nor- nl and palermo juntont vied in fnondlx rivalry in the art of pilot tni a tractor hnilinj n wnpon thnuifih n series of offet takes rt hoht mcmplm wa ht win ner and w ill n prcs nt halton juitior in thi ov metal compt t ition to be h id at the couaoum n toronto m lanu in the horm show also attrictid a larm nnkmde of inter ted i tt or whih onlv eifiht teams ctm p ted huiko hort ltrr of vallex crxm firm v ilenno had a tourh job tn di i idmc betw en h two continued on poor four court revises half of listed appeals k suit f the appeal against thi loftt oieni wen jlven at mertinjt held in the town mall on wcdncda evening ottolxr 2i t i he iourt of hevlaion the imitttaiuliiiic nsitiiction waa in lh c irf th wil omtln corr at ion of canada w hoae 13 iota of i unit had iteen auraaed at ioo per lot making a tola of t33a0 the dei imiiii wa cmplet iv revlaed a thi rlaaaifiratlon of the land wu hanged to farm land and on that imm he am hint waa rhanged from firm per lot tn 1s per lot making a mitrh lnrr atwumrnt nf mb1 the reaiilla nf th other app d mlo it alphautlcal order in th i ae of ahele drattli whos4 land waa aaacftjtcd at t30n prop rt at si 175 making a total of ft37 and another piece of proper tv ftced at a7i the original a wssnirnl itanda a cmipmmie wa reached in th mppal of thi cnnadinn nattooal nniluitft limited innd j1hy1 buildlne vm total tn 144 and the amount of nsvtmrnl mi re duced to innd 2vl bualnew mm luildlnc tsttn total hbh2 th pw n of t w coirs with lixl nmd il ltf building 2 1 ib totnl tt 71 0ts not irranteil no i ihi one in it nw ini nl rtnnit thorn t t ckkr lnnd j00 nnd a ecnnd pirn of propert nt joo tuulding mt2s lot is no nnd 1 r it md n orljlmlh b ed dirvvin cnppv total lind n s mint lwi st inds s orltrmnlu lcsel lmv f giliunur 1 md jofl buildlnc 2av totil k cm stnnd- ts nriciiuill tsemmt hui ii i creror 1 ind jl f4 building sib m total 20 100 st mds nt onginallv tm r hinrlttla crind 11 land 117 buildup j7 total 1 ftso ascs ninl wu reduced to land 7v1 building 77 making a total nf 1 w mdro flectnc power commi ion lind jft origmnl wi mrnl j stmds john it laiihman land nes ment total 1 102 awwmrnt was uphi id for 4 lot at j200 earh o arthur st hut t other lots were red ii red to ju1 n lot makinj j4v1 ind n toal avsemirnt of 1 2v annie moom land t3w build ing 52 104 total e 700 the build ing assessment wis reduced to j2 0m making a total axemen of c4vi w charles mccrea imd ww building 1 000 total 1 iso kind was n duced to jc2i making n tot il isstxment of 1 22 j it matkenrie and son buln ss j2h uid biisincs 3ts tin i itr w is nntiuod 1o 3 4w kitmeh muknn ft it lind fri building wm totil 55 2v1 reducd to lmd wiw building co iitiul on pny tu i u is kr ma bv w hi h iimii t ih 1 m th i w ii j r vn flo i mi j- si hi i la and also i h r ow vrr i aitisl riiht mir group of utlui w r ct rtainlv of cofxeit cabtir sh and mr stewart n- touring th tatwitn if ontario making frienb evivwh re thev go ttu- vmin tenor han kim n conct rt in kahm auditoiium miimy mall ivtrut chliagu and new york and in hiding an audience it v tmi r i n a town rather than hax ing a radi j program in jantiarv mr mew ail leae for fn it land and will gl ve i obituaiy concert in parta hrviamu amitrr dam and other foropean centr under the aponaoisxhlp of an am erlran manager who im llevea h ha a gitat future in oera me plans to sludv oice in italv intndinhl tv the minister il f a currt mr ronald slewrt wa thanktsfl lv mr ken allan behalf rf the rhar altbhigh or iv about intl were prr nl th mipcnnr quality nf the rnumr complrti h md up for thr la k of quantity in the kudimn boir mi ml r s rv ii ti a to their friend- and th gin st artists m ihr sun di shw1 rwn afti r lb ronr rt wai mr si w rt wdding to th fnndliiusv ttim inform ibl so it his eis us the 1 usi lb it hi ami tl th ministi r win th vr list on t chartic wilson for over 30 ycn ll iiifrimtihi if tlip alton public utilities fommu sion pasml away lasl wrdilil fiy at hi tionu- prominent citizen c w wilson dies art 11 lo 1 n of ms t s publk mi n last we k ii n h is w wll son pwl auiiv mitd nlv at hla hon on min st mr wtlwn had suff rl a s wi ill v r a w g but s mimriiilh n on rini md h m1 n mmifl his wu s sm md nl nt of a ion midro 11 h d um r loin i hmi n f w pie mm 1 l mis i ih mk t mlim from t rdo ming ui nolon at ih win the iji of m and to hiolliiw mini the song itn bull tliitlihi wa oirf of the ii h of tti ihoir ww mi di r th 1 lion f r a hhiim n and th tuganlm was cbaiba lniulmiroiikh at tht nriilmk iu riln aomc of lite ominn gatum itf kmi preabv i nan chimb and the united chuirh were preaenl ttie scrip lure leuon waa read bv itev h m arrnatrong of knn church and iravr wa offrl bv itev f a cnriv of the united church ttie topic of mr key m adilrru waa hie viaion of the ird ilia lu s1 thf ato th iiah nirliinn a imor utrd ttie ph aker tuild that to every man rorm a tlnlon of clod if we would recine it we muat le aware of the prenenci of tht mcrnal lent pi m ikh1 sandra llagrai a a monk v on a hoi s johrmv k nl n i ilon lth bllmna kind igaiti n mary wu as iiltl inimiki v p ii i wolfe as an oikaii gilihh r ladh i and 2 saiidm uitning ham us a gvpv 1julini mark ui an old fasjuoniil lady tra1 a 3 and 4 sally thompou as an old faahloned ladv of qui en mi vs rra willi a niffle ttunnary and joan llnaika a oldfahlonel lailn a with towdi rej wlga radia 1 and a michael llurl a in indian llrlan jarvia aa aunt i mi ma with a hla k fare gold rringa and an imiimmiii front rades 7 and i klliatxlh janv is a iriiu lmtnn a hula hula girl md m larihiltal ji an mrltai as iuuuiii just itinllv up from tli i mifch s hl jovt pln williout lmtm mnn is llttli tet lntimm lni oiks lllti atvf i old f oil adult- 1 t ih sful i ft fowl supper is financial success th i wl n 11 km h m b mi t tab n mills su f orii bu h nd arnr mrr irl ni h f r muni 1 rt n i m i mil h b d v ikd 1 in 1 work i fit ph thirli i i r u o hi inn h re ti ui a ton s hidr i t n h w iv th n onli f ii m us d i us ni- iihiii iso h p hli no publir r nt titok n r r m re rlii mt r t in t i r lb in n in nt hi noul i fthrunk 11 out of all proportion to the tn 1 ritlm of the cruilur tht kixakcr sid a fr sh usion i dimmd ilk nothing in yt pnst mini mihm solos at the eiiung tin birv of mis id pathi r mavi i us the choir mlicllnn waa llir t turn mi mi ul lo thin iirgi h l tit 11 ii i- in niil itini imipl ll nl vhit hh i soloists choir add beauty to services r h of ih tliuld tuih iimivmiy m rvin i itill aound ta iomii this wifk as ihnsi who wer uiiahl lo atli id ih fill sivirs lasl sunday hui by tap iioinlir a nmpl t rifoiding nf th rnoin- ing piogiam anil ih niusii at mrt loin of llir rvtnlng llolh trrvlin win vtry will atlindd with the r hgloii ou i m a sp4 ia delight and mspirallori to all i how who wrrr preaent ttie regular mmialer itev f a t irrey waa ttir paker ixith morning and evening rhooalng at his subject rirm an altar and for imh a time as this during tmlh m-jvici- mom fit m mnrlili v re hi id in pav retert through seirral trrunili of altrnre to mr hirlfa wi mr john i llmwn and mis mary cr ighlori mrtnbrii of th rongrrgitiin who had pau aav during ih wrk the or mist miss hiir iwtnipdfd played i nppiopriatf hvnwi vrrsf with in most ff- tiilv during ih ins in lb- r ice a pn f r wf ih rgular n ln si tii nlid lth i hd i si sti n thi t0o0 th nil niln n f knox pr bit n m iidt s aid m t it th honii of mrs lohn hennis willow st on tin s n n iimin mrs fr d micuti h or ii v h irg nf th nuitmg mrs cordin r re id the criptun li san from john ihi 14th ihiptr and mrs h ii sttonj ir ft red a praier mrs f niow wisaphimd s c ritar of thi meeting in the ab net of mrs somi mile mrs s i matthews gn thi financial report w i h the foul supm r show ing a fine bilancr cnmp leaders two and three reported on their artujtirs clroup four nnoiinril an afti rnom tia and ivening social at the ton for th public imililii s comml mns- or a latr dali group one vinn the old hdm distribution i alv making plans not orfu lal p ultlt frnm v hp to vans xot ifonnirs the old ml and in- mrs hmnis giv a reading en- rum pi d anolhi r site rapahle of titlsd mi financial problem mr- looking afli r 1s00 hp charlie f lllou rad th hxmn jus for v arlivtii b for his f t 1 illm s todm a n riot ng priir mrs w nt t new alum on qu n moiling r eondurtd an mjoxab sirin jut put into oprition a corn st w ith mrs da n ir an i f vv mrs civ uins u inning th w could go m t s me 1 npth pis li i ii w r mil thi nning w h n mis n ii armstmng ronvrnnr ch irlu i mi to run for thi pm 111 1 w our k hd fortun obituary oiitii wilson hi md took in mp nut p r n i gn ii p riod of arn s growth when he rim mulm mis unrli r coiinnl urilct inn hi u he formitinn and grow th to public ithhtles com mifsion manigtmint thj re w as no waterworks m lllfl and during hi ears watirwork wen install d hi r ind rime undi r h direc it 1 inn ittl ts own ill armstrong s scuti h in in kill spilk i host n fm simpt sim i m d dor md th bum s v d n shown in m- td mm ii a i iki ding on i- i w s dirniid bi itohir mohi li f lff suttonl prln rv tuff d p us of k d mitd i ii h n s m ik n into rh other ii ouihs with mob armstrong an 1 p t r mui t stuffing thi most th fist t m th i r1 m of lb inlnr th ys mm hmdtd on liag of niih ind n ippb to oi r 110 in long wi rdli dr sd bn as ih mm iniplid atxiut 110 th i r sum d th ir own id ntiti md r di- that th ir anno tl e rung of org inied spooking n1 shdlouls hid igiln ihih i grel hi hit th up th til of n month with h r h ipcr a sistd th host ss m sirving n fr shm nts i- i xpr ss d i ion to ill who hid con ti busd to h nuting b f in hi h 1 i h in idnds f fr nl w ho r imi l th i ti ind h several years iii john d brown dies i ih ith mi p icefulli to john tli- ui- li iti own n oi iiiim r ft ift i ih ir j- confimd t led for four m i i hilt min six inn ago hi suffi nil i trok fntm whlrh hi luvir recrtff sin nf the lib ah xander ii row n and isatx ll marlmghlin he wa born in arth ur township one nf a fimilv of tin rhildren fortvtwo enm ngo hi moved to acton purchasing the firm belonging to the camenn interchubch young peopie stile there he rcsidisd until six mirs ago when hi health fall d meet to elect officers md he wa obliged to give up ernest west is president firming on si pti mber h 1010 he mir i on w dm sdav o lji r 2mb thi ru l tittie cameron who pre n pn s nt iii i s of th young m isd him icven vrnrs ngo a popl s cnups in acton hi id a d night er ada i mrs howard nintini it th itiptisl chun h h nt arbn and son hugh s th following win ihtd of hamilton minlu ns wi 11 as two 1 ts of th int id nmnin in n ii gr mdons ki nm th tivlor an i r in vdi cmup dull c unsi ior muihu itniwn two bfothi rs and r v a urn pimd nt fin woist rs mm f fos r totting 1 w st 1 k pimd nt ii ug di him ir d mrs tohn sh rriff nnd idson s r sirv lbd for cr dp itniwn of frskine alb ra sp mluifi s rsri shltl 1 i wni h mown of mount for th mi m sun r hill lb 11 borders designs pictures book of ad illustrations first strip of pavement on highway 25 is thinq of beauty and joy forever d u d in j h hi iitlk n w r l o- u h b is k no hint i do s th itttuion p the iton mltoi h ghw iv tknml on tin volor of he 1 iu- tin mi hat ag mis h nioun am md o the panokim i icw s th nios- iksllltlful smht of this fl mmiom- oju t i ccniiiiii li toin hes is that th n cm black srtp of pi i mi nt as dr ts appro ich no 25 highvvav m the course of thi i- humdrnm live thi wwk hi vis ion of u orknten priders and 11 the piraphctulla of tin- pavers trade- brings stars to their eves the first bit of the piece de n- istance wa laid on tuodiv run ning tow ards acton from tho dub lin crossroad the pavement was ready for uw provrticouy as soon j js w rol d and hit s mi imi h il iff iv on th h ghwiv mli ss ho i1 s of njoiciik sputa os thim g g on v o nh hi i mv t in con ili tclv stangk hi j w iv if tlu law cons rue o co mploiis l th h hv iv s levimiii and yjid as fa- as spevs de and th p hit lob prweree sti id iv dow n uuh s di s of the road on tiu sdav m irks along th u w pav i nu t showed where sev 1 i al divers had edfitsd off the gravel lo teat the new surface vvtun workmen were buv at the other end of the atrip or had gone bock to their camp we t tried t i too it felt trood r s t m- ci mi s h id mil h to g i h s l1 i s i ch n is m1 d tyor m hi ls n i n whir ivnhng s m i is vl rush ril s m i s mii v tx sqmd and ad p i ts i ns hiv scfn to it h i h 1 j biiok o chris mas s v v tstrt ons v lu ble for ndv cr- th s ps ti 10 v isun it s 4 j in 1 l n n inn ilhv to mr n it mrs r t d uh i urn h v g sb d d i h r v s i in lur m c w s m l puni ii jus- r g i i mm ss ii ho i id h nil sh xk i h r h ri- d f h m th migh h n n i s s id i d i heiv v on i ilso s it- v ng h m two g- r di htldn n j me wson th lit mr rtniwn w i nu m- b r if h united chunh id th- it curm condurtd th funnl rv ii i 1 ist s iturd iv inti rrn nt pi c n flrvi w cimurv in smkrs and gakn lizard th i ar durt opens into the mouth him t b ir itihm a th ir iwu1 v v 1 bl t the fullncs of th s r in th morn in i the sl it w s mis wn mam ii of in hi s f td h m h gu lph who s m id 1 ii wit r and th twr i thud pmii mr j m s kklt w1i i fnm hun nwmd cnld chunh toronto is i t d in th sinio in the v n log sine- consul r md h ir m md hi ss this hmiv the nori ing inlhim was tu iord i n ms moli t nifl nl dur th venlng inthm mirk mir rnv soul solo puts wire aken bv mrs v idhuis nd miss i mthv simmons th full hoir the childnn and the jp soloists all forth n d th ntinosphtn of wto ahlp with th ir evrcllmt vnicis and linn r n ndltinn si vt ral ix in pi is of flowers mule the upper and low r veirtlb lib v at will n the attar beaut fill one floral display w in numorv of mr-chd- wilson mr and mrs a t itrown supplied thi ushijm w ith mtcs for thi evenuik rvire thoae from diff n nt congr gallons joined with the mi mlm nt of the inlted linn h iri ih ir worship hev armtnmg of the hvbvtrriin ounh ral th b wn nd frneai s rpnsenting the ttaptlvtti g i th priii r lt a o w lor it m ii i c i ile and lb i f rl i cum i w ii als i prri- nt it curn v rei ordisl lb mom lug s rvu in its ntm tv and the itoi it 1 imrlinm of th evtnlnf s rv ii on his t i p r nder at stjl is pi inning t j 1 iv this barn continued on pnui fri d vv christmas now and has and v iv m ko id v ses tvf to the north pole end of the mrs it iwrl v rik ioon mrs f advirtismg lme these illuirtra k r gsb in gut ph mrs c h ions covt- complete index o avon s iciban m w mor chr stmas gs lards and even u ek otiwj and ms- c winu hohdav floods gav borders and p thro festive letters and designs will charles- w von was mi promin- make irovl w rapped ads- for thi nt n masonic circlts and was christmas season p is mastt r walker lodge he tho book is available immediate- i w as a memb r of the ameu and v for anv advrrtlscrs who uidh to acton fin brigade other com- pan their advertulnff campaiens j munit activities included almoft baliinafad wms auxiliary farm forum meets tn far n forum m it th h r of mr moid marsh and id d s tiss on on c in w f m n shnrti r hours bmugh out m irv good points all f i it it r nh be duni if it wen n t for ni li ix cows whuh would bt hard o chmg ntxt week the topic is who should pav fo- so 1 conser shorter sessions are found impossible mayor amos mason entertains anyway rs tu c n ml s i ln a us ih hstd until i 1 n gh tti s v ir in f i oiipl ur t v n it or s h p nv of publ g iw ng i v n nut m mi on f it tut this v i shn tld not be lab r han 11 pm lit mas n w us theitnul hst fnr the rid c urn 1 put fth vr i ffort vnnj to nu i t th s hour fr rlolnr of rnt t tine- ti a r jt d it v co nu illon of i i is nd pn s t i th vnt al th itoi 1 mob 1 in cm lph c utitv ssi vsnu nts sew r v or ri s b id str ets imp itn nt ntm ns w n almost forgottt n for one night sums i r the tianrjuet table a mayor did council did arrange fo- a me ting tlje followinn day with finallv mavor masnn oftrtd a engine r and the inspector renrd- turkev dinner for everyone around mg sewr pmldems all work and the vms met pt the home of the council table for iwic just o-i- no plav wk broki n fur one even- mr f j shotill on wednosjjav 11 o clock regular session the ing however and never vji finer in good time 1 continued on page eifjm the evening auxiliary htld i vcrv successful halloween party in the hall on friday night inducement failed for the effort fellowihlp and hoipltility enjoyed however the mayor gave a turkev than moyi mason arranged for his dinner and on monday even- couorken last monday evt ni

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