th acton free press thursday novkuber u us the hello hukcmakrrv not to nuny wj ag um wonun vbo bought vacuum cleaner belur her fioor wr covered with carpais or rug wold be puttuvl the cut a long way ajtiaad uf use hofw yet today um hjrchim of a vacuum cleaner utun fioomuj u hardwood or una- inrni or mastic u quite convention al at i hments furnish the arurwer frj to why rut d aprtj have brufdr merely lu nnturtiit lleiits in lufu list of reason for vtruuin irinrfl purchase in a car prtlre huiia f uf instance the hueoemak r r use the v arioas t lm hmriit ailsble with hit lean rr lu keep waird floor shining ind u lrn upholalery draptnes fni- tajus and nuumum the home- maker duals furniture and vmhur bit tad as well as baantaua rd dur wal i and riling rh can keep noth at bay sapray inaarllcidea oi ws well as paint all with van out atlacturieett of th v uum leaner hiwiir poplr own a wal buffi tlai hmml that nikkrt a difference to poliah floor and can be uud t ttt tawii or pollamj the tar authnteou oi any cleaner rr great help in ctavaning up hoisury nd floor ol a car i oir vaumnin ha reported uu rlranin atta lament on baaruawnt fumate pipes and inuotrr on hi hat today tli win ikon uf a vacuum leaner la made according to it weight th rw uf adjuauurnt for l he tta hmniu the atuiage room and lastly the material of the rugs in thr tumr the type of vacuum tranrr rr uprlg hs with iiejioi dutm truth or agitator a nnn tuelluii typr lank or yllixsrf ml uaglraa tranm ibal ollr x thr dttt in a wattattafckrt iwtp- la lr it in atrr it may also far ir tutlim to rhcfc on ikr trad in lur of urh rulucitrikt if you r iluf in thr iranrr at th atorr ir tour tutfrir t itrn a radio li tpar luif you ran cbtk on tfw nulaa of ihr motor in a humr wrrr room ntt troulrr air rlmjlttm or cxa typ be of ijurra i lectin nwkt futn the tttucfa ha thi abihtj may cr4 advuilc takt a tip maxiufacturvrt of vacuum rlcancn haw mad tacuju for krrping attchmou handy in tufic fiw atlackroriit afv t nyj rgtit oi thr clncr turlf but morr fneraly an raaily rrnd irk boui tlr attach mmu and oflrn the andi a j i krrv uw vacuum cleaner npt- trd of cotltctrd dual and clean to 1 maintain ita valur 3 ofcavumall wind the cord tn a i flrjrr uiatrad of around and i around the hanfr for the cord 1 4 1v r hill the v out t j wall oolrt rarept by the rubber j or bakrllte cap 1 s nrvrt r trr the cord or move thr roai htn by jajllinf ihr 6 iv nol with the alter bags of th tranrr thk qvtmon bot uf h t ak u thefe any war n which 1 ran om- jelly whw i ha imiimr aoryt anwri you might uw it to r rten drlnj fruit a they rio or heat the jelly to dlfcave uar strain through rhaeaecloui and add v lo h a much water aa jetlv itflnf just to imollnf and uar ai yrup for wfflri johnny rake ar glikferbread mrs n m ask when bread c rumba r llatrd tn a trt ipe ahnuld or ue the drr bread grated or pulled bread anrwrr fflrrad rrumba uaually rrfrr to drv grateel tvpe commonly ai tplng for canemtea mating for chopa and crnqurttea roft cruml can be uwd tn bluffing mrat and flih loavea and cert sin bread pudding ml c i itki thirlng broiling should teak be browned tn tolh or nnlv on ortr 8hoild thrv le rnn1 befttrr or ftrr rook ing antwrr iriendlng on thlrkne of itraki allow 12 tn ib mlnul for bntlllng rach ute it it prtffr able tn on meat twfnrr ro but may le done ltr noith east west south mfws rom all directions otmbt ctaju on tk toronto stsrs fre good muiic concert betnej kld in knox cnurch onthurtday november 23 l 8 p m n this routing male quartet the commodores from front they rp har vard reddick cart taptcott donald parruh and john gingham am re veterans of the navy show and are considered one of canadas outstanding singing organizations in addition to singing as a quartet all r soloists in their own right leo lighter their ac companist also is piano soloist appearing on the same program re the vidoettes art rd mable guinnes an amazing hus band and wife team of swiss bell ringers this concert is free to the public and it presented by the toronto star in cooperation with knox church acton 200 million dollar diamond if a diamond at urge ai a baseball were ever lound it mould prtttubh be aorth ah ml j00 million dollar hut it ihiu1 hrruht tmiv the ivrwn ho onrd it the anvhinl or mono hih the life maurancr cum pa me in canada intt caih car tn hchalt ol their polio nuunt it utie crtamih to nu nkh a diamond uut tkis monc it in- chicd in which brnrht ary canadian it is put to work to hrlpbuild new achoola power plant hifth- aitututnalplantahomnandman other ual imponant cunuructiona in all thcac it promote prorc and hclpa create oha in communities thnxignout the nation thus life insurance works lor neryone ruv a- tt help raise uxtru standards and it provide wcwrivv b building income for md ace and protection tor farm lie ttmlav ncarl 5 nullion canadians are creatine this arcunt for themele and thejr am i lie the lif mwatcr trav the life insurance companies in canada and thatr rapraaaaiasvaa lj t0 wokkumi kyi mmlomat moc1iss tulldimo hlfohal ucuiitv i 4md crandmo and p00v uil lov a but trip thiy i tal and kappy in ik car el o cam- patent and friendly driver and r to fully njoy the daliahtful driva and all iha inrar- atrinq tiokti olono tna way nexthmauf your lovad enat irawat by but add enjoyment le their trip round ttlf toronto 1s0 oww sound s3s swri 49s mart say 1335 subjacl to chang tioweisw lfowrvvnon hlselou vjws ocjiailltrfiior cewfr cajivauer are using jj the triiks uf the trade to father in the heckles at hajvwt umi of the k lie trafalgar u emu rial coin lliui ll li1fe ainpa gn 0ir of thr ton riitiuvou a teen aer too trft slfukrepers a tittle daiad as h wrfit frum siore to store with llafarila advertising the campaign it uriiil he rhrgiv llrlo a dunt rih lo have the s gn lit their wind another rfiw hold par are of donated peanut two skating star atmrtte sta pkatar suun uurtuw canadian itr otamplon and peter flrat trim canadian jimlci c1tittun rir at the opening uf ihr rnetiior il ampalgti the day of that tlrt iuhv sjowtorm the show went 01 with everyone esrept ttir we- tin r to ojieratlng some wade ft althujfh this editor was furred tt rry tad driving conditions t rsmil ma trip lo jurrwton to th usui t publishers convention rev ntw many did make tt daaplta the weather new officer of the a wlatton are jack ptfkell partm past prealderit r b atacy fllntnn prraldent charlee da via flmlr- vlre prettdent arthur carr pal mrl1i wrrrttiy iwrt fiardlner hartlton treasurer walter illchn crorgitown neorge nils oodatirh vll crarr wright mount rtr- tirort aunaihraaxat day newspapers from othar cactres all report ketormbrsnr day ftar- ires v ilh lrgton patadaa and neaubrra of u clerajy aaiting rorirlown held a hesmrtubraic- sjpfrr ui kfldav figtit in hsamp tuft the salvation army band aa well as the drantptun cluaaa hand tua part in burlington the legion had a aarvtce at the eenotah un saturday and than a church paidr ti hundav in many planes fti and kokwod lnrludrd uie servxe was neld in a chuicb un suidr the main thing u thai aervltr were iwld mtta that lhr w ho paaaed tin during thr two world war were honornd as well si puti lie aerytrca in rhun he an 1 at teturtapha thrre were rountle- uther vcry private rememhate m-rvlra- with two tnlnutea sllmr olmrvrt urihfuwn to ajitonr in ihatit tat irlvrd heart ro ye kew ur 5omdrs of all the hunter in the dti nrl sat are trying their aktll uaew ik trula up north perhatr ur george hajdrr of erin sets a re id mr kander it yrara old and ha tfen going north for deer hunting every year for over flrt yrar ttierri no report in th knn akh lr of what ur sand i shot his hunting record i dlvlin ion hough if he doran ivii g i j rattbll klfusa with the uu sle juuif twy rorsu swim it e s u a aiue lar j- uaat skew atvlng aswed aufacy the iharsluwev m aanajar tag j ccaan w lule we har ibe w ailrwl aelr uu u llaewr sww i igin slle ugin fjuoronreei five duropov moniprno wdl rvever nw bfok t rachlin jewellers acton now theres a place for young men with grade 8 education or better between 17 and 30 years of age in the expanding royal canaaidn air force permanent employment good rates of pay 30 days annual leave with pay pansion or gratuity at end of aervice marriags allowance if married medical and dental care opportunities for advancement a fin training that will always be valuable do your part to help canada do her part find out for yourself what a fine opportunity there is for you in the rcaf see the career counsellor ff icaf recruiting unit 55 yoiik st toontoont phone pt5636 er s637 you can consult him with complete confidence and without obligation or mail this coupon today rcar recrurrino unit a york kt tobovto ovt ffcmir plum till puait mail mt without mlligatum full partitatln rtardit tmliilmtnl rtquirimtntt and ftuimgi mcu- atjiukj in it kcaf name pleaieprinll street address city province education by grade and province age