Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 14, 1950, p. 2

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jucmtwo the acton htlt ktcss thursday deccubcr 11 1ft hatptetien not emergency h did mm tht tk supintondnt and atari eyf tk wlrwork dpmmnl had mora than lfct ihira of troobw thi yar pi to to the viut ot th undarwntari intpectof lat wab with tha tntulutkon of twr alt wawr ivtcm found lo b dafaciiv had baan ramawtxj and il lookd at if th wo it wit ovr axton ha thr margaxy lir unitt which in yar hav rvr baan raquiraxi but wkkii are fa l tad vtfy wawa and kept available for any tmerrjamy not content wiln vesting five oia tion of thw frv uuatof required that tha preiturc ci all mum be txxud lo tucr an eaten that a wore of wrve wffit broken and required dayi and night lor repair one of them auted tt blockading f the highway lor a couple of day d mad ntkrviaiy for nwn to work all day sunday at well at nigh itkc the imhn vvi hiodr the inconvenience il coil at ion a cot t tiler abl amount of nwaney and tervd no utetul purpove m lrher fire po- irxtkvi for the town a complete dmontr atton of tte eonerrjrxy equipment coold have been given wttout the damage uk wired wa mention ihit iwcauvr latt weelv it not the hrtt time that toch unnecettaiy inconvn ienca hat occurred by demand of mn underwriter tntpactor mi m the hope that inspector will be governed more by common tente in live future trui not by tleir aulhority it will require much lower fire retet over the year to compan tale for ttw damage done here pay and share there icemi to be general approval to the propotel to have old age pension at the age of teventy without a meant tett and on a contribu tory hait such a plan iwmi tt only fair one to all it it time that we quit fooling our t i vet that tocial vrxunty plam i an te made available at no rot to the individual we imcerely hope that the met nod of ramng lund will lr ilearly indicated to that everyone will now what tteit contribution it providing we already have too many hidden laxet thai are contributing to higher living cottt too c flen lh producer it blamed tot thp qrritpr colli vhen n real ty thp tax tevie are more at fault lving cottt will not come down appreciably at long at iaet are maintained at the present level in every field it doe in t nutter whether it be municipal provincial or dominion the thmgt provided b government come out of taxes col lected from the people there it no other tource if we are going to need old age pent ions the time to provide for them it during our earn ing power days and the dull ibuhon should be equal regardless of the thrift or unthnftmess of the people and the collection of the fundi in the samp wa perhaps could u patterned after the ttamp plan ot unemployment unurjiui id lection necessities and luxuries a human trait common lo all c lasses ot soc tl except possibly the extremely wealthy it a irpuqnafue to spending of money lor neces stincs slap e grower us me and fresh vege tables ivi im- touqht tvrr day 01 two and compla mis ate mmed ar when the prices of ll se co ivsl s mo i v dv i i i tios st nukii m 1 pi o imt ms in olives fancy n lsht s or p viis ttu tmp fo vmiimi huse de tat xmii tiom to flu nunu when they ttel the cannot afford to hey rents any tioui mi cosin rt hhhm ll n it c new- dni iwacise they an- costs that u not te avo dd kw compia n alout the prci ot mvtic at c or aities ttie can do without any complaint t honestly stated wocld te that the i i ii pr lt ot essent as mtertere w th the pi ictase ot nonessentials politicians aip not backward m parder nq to th s ob out vekriess of the r constituents s nee the pol ti an s not sihnd ng tus own money he can glibu kkaflif scbudied food subsidised housing subsidized health insurance and sub- s ded children the politician s rare who will advise hit hearers to worw and save and improve their own standard ot i v ng rather he encour ges them to believe m a good time to come when the state will pay for all essentials from groceries to doctors bills leaving everyone with his whole income to spend on luxuries the item that is never mentioned is the amount that any citizen will have left to spend cp luxuries after this ideal and logical deveop- nvent of the welfare state is attained luxuries ere not a satisfactory basis of taxation when no one is left to buy them smith falls recordnews just ten more days until christmas and only seven of them are days that you can shop in acton a let tham go il s rattier amusing to note that several of the onions have bandd together m an effort to have ttte government continue rent controls which terminate next april the canadian government has given notice that it intends to abandon the remnantt of war tune price control at completely at pottibtc and that rental control in it m present form it now tih a met l of confution that if h were to le continued it would have to imi entirely revised in addition prime mmittrr st laureril hat i id nly stated there is thp fact that lental conlrol iijtei1umiatly ollia viies of the domini n over tin vent pm i it m tuive of a lual ar sorely it fiat lecome plain that controls can net i tp singled out for one commdily if we arp to have controlt they mutt le applicable in all field and whpri we have thai we have a dutatorthip hie sooner we qel away from gov et i intent le pent far n e to dne lion in our bull nest dealings the sooner we will return to lower taxation anti i etter vahe covemment inter vention hasn i been at outstanding tmcett in the srttlempnt of lalor dupitlet why then tfiould there ik in fervent km in r ntal ar rargpmpntt tx tween two partipt high interest rates financial methods we used to fight a hot war of complete mobilisation are not appropn ate for meeting the situation we now face b c gardner president of the bank of mont real stated at the annual meetnuj of thai in stitution this week pointing out that our dollar had already lost over 40 of its prewar purchasing value mr gardner warned that only the wholehearted co 0eratiofi of canadians in all walks of lift and more realistic government leadership tan check this grave and mounting inflationary pressure this is not the time mr gardner said for price and wage controls and all sorts of other complementary regimentation which canadians put up wilh in wartime this is the time for the most rigid govern ment economy for a determination to cut off i morse less i y all frills aim an urn om promising front against demands from any quarter for unnecessary exnditures this s the tune too in lieves mr gardm r for reconsideration of our cheap money policy he stated whatever validity such reasoning for low interest rates may have had in the past it would seem to have no application to the present situation in the face of an intensified inflationary threat of indefinite duration cheap money accompanied by further sizeable increases m the supply of money would be a very expensive luxury horn the standpoint of the well being of the economy the fact of the matter is that this country has been facing and as far as we can see will continue to face enormogs de mands on its capital resources to meet the needs of vigorously expanding develop merit well before the korean crisis it was app stent that the low rates of interest to which wi h d txen customed m the pist l tv rttie ort than i itle unreihstr m 1 ri i n i i nil it t nny bias to the economic trend recent action by iho ientrsi hank n raising rediscount rate omrv hett fore is a cuir and welcome f i ii feioojniiion of the roe which flex hie interest rates carl play in jin nu inflat on m roqram fin vu iai post editorial notes those bright chr stmas messages of greet mgs are becoming more numerous m the mails get them on their way m plenty of time to bring their message before christmas m slkkliy chick 1hat iioad map aoaw s the good old days lflm may have seemed 5jj better back in 1900 7 ih pimm thr fmr il irru t 1fiuriltii it ii iuhi mi ml ml in hut f kn hillll siimt s h m in ll 111 mtiil iv v iiimk i in i r fo 1- mi t iii i- ri tii fi lllwiiik t 1 mu i f mllmo iilkiliiln1 it win m ihii mnl mp h i ls1 s t hv ml ii hi wutl liil k rl lil 1 to miiri jni h k- u n 1 ii1hiiihi mux mkici w in mtcmkt m j sin smith st or mll ml- ftus ii i 1 1 f sn j j uvn t h r it s ii a mn ph imn mm s sim h fii mviul- me hlln tl mt ill ill mm anti im n mis ji hn mitth 1 mis m 1iiiitw rl miv hiii 11 m anm mwih mhm mit ui si ii m inn back in 1930 i i r lrr f nofii i irr nih mo an uii r hi 11 1 dink 1 ih ili w 1 ir t 1 iv mr l i hi vi is n mxm j j s i nm vi iriui muirtiy unci mr tl s wilt 1 1 1 1 t th i v o c v in 11 rnt ihii mi alfnl i ii mii h inr t 1 ih f 111 1 ih junlnn r ni 1 lus linm mr ciiik t sniih mi titil v m pot ssi n th fin uf ifiny i miliin il ui f ih 1 ntik v ot knim s tin f un w ii id uill imi1u t k 1 sum 1 mith mss 11 th ii wn mi 11 t r mifc lid ins lm tiv 1 np i f tli i osi ti it o oih 1 111 m1111 vthith tl unw 1 whll i th lt hllli h a psiz1 t inl p 11 of i piiawltl jrivn it tpnt lit s nstim on mill st m nl v n s lv m j hn itirlimm v i in f i mrtirll foi th mlih ii ihunh fu tph n1 a ton itiit 1 on hi mb r 111 ivn on hi in hint h h 11 1 11 v si x iliti frit ntlt ui 1nv1l1l to th u f coljh th h k in hum uf mt john m kinion m s a ijivavi lo sp ni in n it i mi llim wtl t t ipi tvnint on th nliini f th hril il f f n s x will i mupl mt ml mrs m m hun1iil v 11 on lrm k nnor wlvi w 1 sntim ih 11 ls th sv mli f k hont vluaun vci h f i it mis at caltilun i tl hkhirnl nun w is p ui in tripping th hkhl tint istlt lo 1111 lltllt t hihis ts owiiik tt n id firlivi ir itisfoun 1 i h- 1 li tru hkht 11s is i ivi hipii uwl wilbur s n ts n milt h iv tn 1 11 w ithoiii 1 h ti n 01 n n f r ibout thr u rks th mm 1 m tin of ih i i s ll smh is of th m th mils himh is h l on tu sl l lt t tnmin whin th fillou int of fit rs r f it tnt for thi dining m ir pr mill nt mrs john a emu mi prcsi1 nt mn thorns f is ton s r t n mis a f vu klm irsur r mri i f r mt is giittl from th g11 lph mi r nin heh rmslahl m n wither his i ft this mornlnn for arton on li 11s oth thi- tnxk hnes have been forced to increase their i rates to keep abreast with added costs mmi mom charges are now 1 00 on shipments the crcle ust keeps on widening ratepayers ofsmith falls also chose for the fust time a woman as a member of council this vear however this was not the first attempt of the smith falls woman for a council position and she diciut head the polls municipal elections are over for another year and now all is arranged for conduct of municipal affairs for 1951 we hope town business will not require so much ofof f iciii time as was tak en last year m long sessions i mrs u m i iinv h p nhs 1 i fi m iii t it f h 1 sin u it v th fin hs it ml 1 ih in 1 f mill m i w ii t in s pii n w ii sn 11 s- til n th 11 t n n ii d 1 ii l i hlllm it wll i m i n 11 1 1 tt i- n m 1 f l 1 ii lm iii i ml 80 percent of all i fires preventable a 1 artful ktudi t flrr recor is shows that at least bo p r cent t f r ire ir t utah- the ftillowlnc i xamplrs are gi 1 n nmonc the j thmmntis uf knoun rauwi to ihav i how ra firej ran start and tht i futil reilts that may follow i a man dropped hu rifcarettr n a couch in the lobby of a hotel 1 fin- resulted illim ind reiulted in the death of four pople i a mother tn one of the leadlns collibf cltlpt for the flvp hund redth time perhaps started a fire with coal oil th fire she started burned to death three children besides heraalf a man dropped a majtch on a range floor walked on and left it a six year old child found it and ignited her clothing which resulted 8n bums that caused her death a few hours later a man attempted to sleep and smoke at the same time reylt he set the bed afire was overcome with smoke and removed in an unconselous state only the timely arrlvahof the fire department sav ed him from being cremated alive at thi vttttfd tftfurrlf df tfstutft a riuendly church paraonag 3ft bowar avanue itufir tt ftav e a cjway ha d uka o m- ijsnmtat atlou cwganut ajwl citlr f sljnilav iw khiitric it iw0 10 00 am sunday iv uua 11 00 urn monti n w1i1 p 7 kj pm kv mri w lalup thought for fh vwrk and e htnir rvrrywhrrr ijivf ornfitrlb itrriifiiiu i p kiid uvri ua aji wlil opimrturiltlra uf fl i- fall lo nithr llfr wrrl tlr 11 11tf ty atbana cciunh laagluj iurir iu w u ltt s lmm ih r mlirit i i alv 1 t 3 tlllhi i i ihito s i 1 ii i hi a m m iv c o r 1 ii ml v p ml allii 1 i a wxntfn awalia vuu prttbtrx tkmrrb tit ftmub hnox tmmil acron kjv uimrstr 11 ajuutroono uji mui ir mjmjay uhkulteft r 1m 1100 n uiniu wiui 13 1 pm feujmtay s- ha1 iaj itilr uu 7 00 pin kvirttg srrv r tlty act uaall upo lita f arj btitu1 iburrb acton f kav la1lliragh lfful mi mi 1 w 1 1nt iaalr i- 4 1 ms 11 1 ra i 1 il v i i i simta t iitj t uum id m fi u t 1 ur t l w w m i i ro 1 t t 1 1 i 1rw t firt i ii i j fnla ws i jill i rrnrr itiver in iiutt rt 1 j unt tat itr lw professional directory and travellers guide ll jv mic il 11 vic 11 c c1 hill id niccfca mi n m llcllcccc r r ock till 111 mit for llcllcn i- i 11 i nut i 1 kilr ir cf l f 1 hi cccinl f 1 lln dim hohhtl a tcicnl 11 thin cic dcrnlkr 4 1lto 1 irthn slccl ik lc 1 ui f s it ell it- llll ttccl alderman realizes teachers learn too 11 me 111 ai1i1 rm ui irrnrdiriil to nr nn imih r of 1 rl1 otincll not ill p 11 hi intl rrram thr lob inlmk not mlv itlndintc at t onimitl iint ruiini it 111 tina whuh fnii ntl run fr inn h nirh it tlvo thi- p rf rnanrr of v 11 us h nlu s iriuiid th hill f r the itfr of hn wirl i in 1 dill n he find hi tlephon- 1 ki p tuiv hv ntrn v ith grlev mi surh vnter nn rarely reat j n ill mil odth ni ihrm whi h v 1 1 mrn rinnnt h- ndru- 1 i 1 t 1 hitfh nrdi r of h pi n th id 1 1 hi 1 1 th r nftil f h hi h 111 1 1 nr 4 i i1 dr w g c kenney phyatela aatd rurtaa succaur to or j a iicnivmi office in smon luork u1u st acton ufftaa pluama is hmm uwni im dr d a garrett ptvaualsj bm4 hutmm cunirr uf willow nd 1llvr su itjitranic luvrr strt nutm ontario ihune 131 ucntal dr a j buchanan dmlaj hurgeoa uffkrlruhuian block ulu si off u r hours u a m lulpm x hay tciilione 1u dr gtovgt a sirrs untaj hutmui uill st fomcr t4hek artoc un d00 m tu 5 jo po telephone ib himitjjjlnkrmh the victor h rtjmlfy fufjfral home rl hum iimimi ilaar ihortr 30 night or day siuf the umrnunity for 45 yrmn t vr i air wm f miuigan ro oplmmlrtet kht ham till im 1 mill m llditlntr 1 a t mown ilraw telephone uu far ltirilnrrit vrtt3unary offl r d young b v r i yourjg o v m rlrtnry hurtmu offiir lirufikvillr onurto j irorr uiltun iur4 e g oakis v s bv trtnt7 hurfrm fffir and hraiflnre kn 11 a aton ihon 130 uroai c f leatherland bturuur a haliciur nvtaur 41 olflm zl rkont rgyilamiy la atton lever hoskin har tared aecauatasta suirruvn to jrnkinh harnv 13a m trupoliun nid 44 vlttuna st toronto elg 01 31 willoughby farm agency rm at l olil it afpmv tn canadi head office ki nl ithlf tun-nt- crural tout hepn n ntatlvr tom tlpwaaa lhone ironuub 1s1h 1 ni iti il t i fmmd wright ral estate anb insurance r u whigitt n ii wuicif 20 wilbur sl tl m t t nn ii st arton ont 11 tpn out ihune tu it in- biw vajuatora hrallor liuurr- u niu r apir uj inatitut if taaveuers ou1di ciay coach iknis talll ixavr a ton ia i milit savint timr 1 33 pi si fi jvi 10 m bn ui p m m13 j rn p ni blo ml p tn uetbeuau iii 17 m 22 p 11 pm i7pm 7 r p m j l m 113 l in 1 12 in s it t k then rw daily rinpt sunday n 1 bojj- daya ti saturday sunday an 1 boll- day a canadian national railways stmlti tim rail bound 10 pur uj i canada rlt rn di 1 u 1 mn to th phnn ih r 11 rn n if h ird n thin f in h wh i im h nl b ti 1 u r 1 hut th it miv hue n r- ui hi i ii jih n i k pt ttu m h h t nniplair rs iti th nv in qiustion ihit 1 t r n h iv taxi hi1 hrin mri is d hv tuntx five dollars a w ir the ildtrmtn uttr ilenln tilitt h fil patientl to th mini thrtit that he unulil he retired tn pt it lift on nxt election dav fill impelled to ask what u a the ih- uiation of thr complamer i m a schoolteacher was the answer oh said the alderman arl didn t ou receive a aalarr incrratr along with the other teachers n the clt yei of courw t did and the trachen dearrxrd it too surelv thev did laid the aldrr- min but uhat do you think that raise did to our taxrate there was a pause and then th tertrher said tm snrrv i neyr thought of that minilim ciuilph k dutrut ural kt h- hoard memtaers guelph put net inu rumr agintt amciallor may v lfl pm iallv r ept sun- hiu j i co r town i02 am 1 ttir 11 furii 1 u uni hound 111k rovl slnta 1 mm- 1 rf n m sundat i monday v i it j tn daily r rpt sun- h ih a m 1 vi p in 44 p m u 1 t s 41 i s 1 10 p f i st nl 2n 1 sumuv nnlv 9 41 m flag i sunclav only kvr at 1 1 h 7n p m only one out of every 10000 beef steer aent to american markets is tiraded 01 prime the acton free press thr fcl pnjcrr icrr pumlihrd in aun ivilillilc 1 rjch tlinisiuv at 66 ml i si ricn onlru uhsrlud aa srraaul i uaa mall rmtatlin wpartaanl ottawa feuiuud in u7s alraabar aadl barcraw iraaiuiuo w njt ami oauriaqawbm dlvuiaa c w sa aelvrhtin0 kai m rmutl subsciiptiom in advance 350 in canada 300 in united states single copiei 6c telephones busmen arid editorial office 174 kejidence 131

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