Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 4, 1951, p. 1

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volume l-no-3j- acton ontarfo thursday januar4tli7 1951 eight homo pnnf pugessix cfcnls traffic revisions are approved company is formed by snowpl inven two wowplowi bath invented by resident of ktalton county are in product i oh in shapa nt hornby and cnmpbnllvllle the two inventors are csordon w brlgden of hornby and leidleiowe of campbellville wtto have ouch demgned specialized mow plows one for plowing town ahlpand country roada and the other for town and city atreet work the plow developed by mr lowe called the whirlwind snow loader was uaed by mnnsell nellis of acton for demonstration loading in acton georgetown ookvllle preston waterloo elmlrn terjrua arid other eentrei laityoar tki hal ton manufacturing co fr ltd has be fo by the in ventora to produce and sell the twojnow plowi mr brigdoh president of the firm mr lowe the vicepreqident and william wynn dunbar the secretary treasurer the firm s arted operation last october 2nd and all the member re prpcttral rtinchlnlits mr brlgdcn a native of hornby oper ated a garage there from ids until two years ago when he opened a machine shop after worklnfl in guelph and brpntford the other partner mr lowe opened a weld ing and machine shop in compbell- ville in 1043 three years ago he took mr dunbar into partnership- these two shop will continue ti operate in the same locations tin der the jnnjjnjrement of thehnlton manufacturing company limited completed snow plows ns well as pare parts will be mode there both plows hnvetpntenti pending the better knoum of the two plows is the rotnry agors cool sheds take fire monday belu vine that a fire which was reported lost monday about 6 pm was in attars office at the corner of main and milpsts the fire dept jrnined jiccics thtrc only to find the fire was at agar s coal sheds across ttie tracks on the corner of miu or the following program and yonjre sts l the alarm wns turned in by lor ralne hargrove ttie fire depart ment rushed to the office found no fire there and then with the hose slung across the truck proceeded to the coal shed spectators there had put s on the fire while snow loader one of which has been sold to the city of waterloo when one of thene- operated bv man nell nellls of acton dt man struted its ability in several touns and cities inst w inter tho4e wh wntefced were auxprised bj th spi ed and efficiency of the morn int plans had been mode thdp ernte the loader in mutnn awaiting the arrival of the fut di partmtnt manv took advantage of the hohdn to follow the truck with somi watching at the office nnd whirlwind thers at the coal sheds marion macgibbon wed to donald ross acton in lovely yule service ki m bourn i pirk united jchunh was di coriti d with chnstmis tlowirs for thi yult tide wtddum hut onpi ember 23rd of marion isabi i saturday morning theft north of gun williams nets approximately 00 approximately t3 6o0 wjut stolen from a garnge owned bv the indus trial sand and gravel co on the ninth line about a mile and a half north of glen willlams on satur day morning december so the thief or thieves evidently sprang the door of the garage the provincial police are in vestigating the robbery dr oakes named chairman of board- fine entertainment att3jbtiitconeert dublin school u annual chnslmat concert un voted the best ever bv parents and friendi who at tended thi ftstivitii on december 22nd the children tinder the direction of their teacher mr john butler presented a varied and interesting t ntertalnment mr chnrles cults wax his own inimitable self as m c o canada was followed by the singing of christmas carols by the children and audience a musical play we three kings was beau tifully effective with the only light the glowing shedding its 4j k tl- j la nee over the children babe in tbemange and a little french song by pierrette md denfse bid ley nnd morllyn rognvaldson were veil received bv an attentive and if nee mr butler and allan mclsaac dt lighted their audience with their 1951 licence plates went on sale tuesday editor given- must issued- the inaugural meeting of tin public school board was hi ul fit 7 30 p m nt the public school on tuesday night tliefjilluoard of trustee were present the s tret nrv icting as chnfrmnn nquestid nominations from tin group for chohmon for 1051 fx chilrmon oakev vis unnmm oils choice anil uns dulv dtdir d chairman for the ensuing war he- uww thwuthd 4o tnkr rite rhnirf committics win appointed as fol low s finance j ii cn ighton t g join s propertv c lliard ind t f wit son suppl- w wolfi ond c oiki s thi- secnlirv wis dirccti w riti council in connect ton ili splendid co operation n port of the neu school thi secretar rt ported n ceipt of 40 non residt nt fees the chainnnn r ported on ws viit to the municipal board whin appro vol was glvn for the new school he also advised that tin of thoie who presmted tenders ilsn prices submitted and nami of flim whnsetendt r wasacceptid r tn with sup mr mann was offered cont niifd engagement nt snlarv of 2000 tin secretarv tnosurir was neitcnred at silnry of 500 the first tin sdn of t ich month spirited piano ducts barbara mar f estoblishid as thi rgulir shall recited twos the night be fore christmas and mr and mrs a mclsaac cntertniyies with old time music this vas follow ed bv littli johnn o rourke dancing jocqueline and grant surbe en t rtained with ocal duets a musi col comidv jim thc carters lad as hilinous ond hhd in entertain tack of snow preented the demon strotion this snow loader consists- nf i eompaet unit 7t feet long 0 fet ujjl ond 9 feet high w hlch is mounttd on the front of a regular truck one of the ndontnges of this plow is the fact that the truck can bi used for othi r work during other than snow seosons all stei i the unit weighs 2700 pounds and is powered b a 110 hp tt notor the almost semi circular hood which deposits the mow oxer the sldew nlk or inter w altltifc trucks is oil iplbli md can re ol thi ilirogi loading capicltv of thls plow is n truck load of snow a mlmitt actuallx thi opt ration has been timed nt l ss than this ewn the nirnge claim shows n morknble t fficienc thi second plow th it im i nud b mr brigdi n of hornb is pall ed tht clindr snowflv and is used for plowing township ind count roads form loni s t tc it forci s thi snow up and ont to tht side the snowflv whlih will also b mounted on n truck or tractor was first tried out last win tr mr brigdt n construct d n smnll unit ind opt rated it natsifartorlh with a form tractor thi eompl tt d plow was si f 1 1 lon drltn from a powtr toki of utidjji d tht nbilltv to thuw tliti snow in both dlretuon ntltnner of 40 or so fut a latgi i u t l j li w ht nik trnd out md so t ri suits hji prov n n si u orv mncgbbon montr 1 i od wo p o0 ihich meetirig dote the timi nt 7 30 p m the place thi school thi finance statemi git of 7m fl was presented and pivmt ni wi luthormd the secrttirv wis an ccted to asmss tin n if h s d board 441 t1 for dinmhir pi mt opt ritmn jininrv nth it 2 p m w i- tht the n w lfl liceiue- plates went ott sale in acon tuisdqy morning at j k gardlners office on mill st although several tanted to ob- tain tin lr pint cm eorhi r the first one wns sold on tuesday morning to g a dills who has had the first plate sold in ton ivir since they wt r issui d in acton ills number for thin war is 1uiym boy good win was mild the sneond plate the llrinns hn e blm lettt ring on a whitt lm uground arfllti ilik i nr iutrt is n7 inwn on thi pliti a nt w ft i tin i thiwnv tin dnt is writtt n id lppeiis on int sidi of ont irin ind r nn thi othi r mrs frank nnd domld ross son of mr nni mrs alex ross xinrivi firm ac ton ri pin gilchrist officiattd tht ort mist plai d chrustnuis nuisu bt fori tht ci n mon and during tht ifung of thi rtglstir givin in marrngi b hi r fither jhi bride wort i gown of iov shppi r s itm hi r f ingi rtip til wis of tullt illusion nnd sh cirnid i vmmre4fw hitt mums ind i mrs birb in kt ill ind missi mjirv c irmu hn 1 ann gru n of mnntrtal ind fit inor ross sisti r of thi groom win in ijundinn tht won grim silk tltt driss is md cirru d whitt fur muffs tiimtmd wl h ermine tills md wrtn mitihng hiaddrises and mittm mr bill howord of tor into w is bt st man thi ushers win thomson conn r fdward is ipkit md girth dirndl ill of ltoronto following thi ctrxmonv i rn tption wis hi id it thi towers st georm st toronto ssistinj thi bnd il pirtv to nitlvi th hit sts w is th bridi s niothtr nt tind in mink sh tdt en pi with i orsaji of rid rosi s and 1 11 v of thi villi mrs ross niothtr of th groom won dovi blut and i im s ijt tf nd n ts and lil of hi willi v for tt iw hint thi bndt thnng d 1 i rt t n w ml suit ind muskrit fire guts home on new years morn stf cttt for opining tinihrs were j thi ni w st hortl ind mr skit erv plensing a pfi mtitltd irehitt c s win to bt mwtid ti teiching the teacher wns anoth i ti nd ir hnpp i pisodi and thi closing i musical eomedv rudolph the rod nosed ri indti r wis complete to the inst detail and had the bud icmt rompli ti 1 hilpliss with laughter bi fore its conijusion at tbi close of the concert mr cutis called for n ninety cheer for the ttneher and the n sponst was tvidtneeof the hijh rtjnrd for mr butler b part nts ind childn n alike santi clous sptidilv distributed presi nts contlv and fivours to bribg i happv evening to a happv t nd first 0mha game double header fri at i nxttink in elmiri lis thursd iv nilht thi sihtdult foi o mha horkt kith s wa droi up b n pnm ntiliws of tht dif ft tint ilubs ntt nd thi fir t unt of thi st ru s is schiduud t bt pi iv d in iton thtt indiv jinuirv sth dm to tht mild w t ihir this g inn m j h iv i bi p istponcd i i to u t d hihlt h d r w uh flmn t md v t n jnw mh s i it fl l nun md c on iidk t pi iv rj gtttti wrrr prrsrnt from mont tht- following is thr fill th d nil nov i stotn niw bntntwiek w 1 thj tt im ginn s iittn itimilun toronto bolti n mtdyt f md lt n md urr ur clini lit i flm l 11 f mi r t 1 s 1 r i mu ii r fir i i i it i tt n b osprlne t orrekpondent fire cnmplitilv jutttd the farm homi of mr win chdpmin at iini of frin in nt w y irs morn ink a mihhbor mr fnd scott wis travtllink ilong thi ro id md noticed smoki pourink from thw rihif hi imintdiitth wint to tht hiuldini w ik r thi hick kitclun ind as tht main housi wire ill ablize he iw ikmid mr h ipm in nnd his house ken ptjr mrs mu smith who had bnrtlv tmu to tsipi in th ir bight ittiie mr chnpmin attempted to 10 bick into thi hill nnd suffirid bad htod burns which n quired midicil attt ntion nt ikhbours soon i itbt rt d but w i ri jkiwt rltss to silv iji much a siwinj michint ind sonu blink ets close to tin door win thi onlv ituns pullitl out thi firm situitid bi low tin hijhw iv is bitttr know ti is tin willi im robinson plact township council adopt assessment frin lowmtnp ouncil mi t in hillsburgh on otc iflth jvfi mix nt were irll pnsent ahd iti i v gold win burt prisidtd a b law was inlnxluced and passed for the purpose of adopting thi assissmint rolj as n vised for thi year 101 the following rt solutions were passed n council appoint d lnnmhm- iitch as trustit to nprtsint frin township on lh board of th frin high school district fneiied the bob s construction co for snow plow ink for the win tt r of 10101 as per contract with the county of wellington tht trtasurtr was authorize ttn moki anv ni ns nts of nciipts and charts betwi i n the township ind tin police villngi of hillsburl ind orton intinst rt ct ipts md interest paynu nts bt twitn thi township and tin tilt phoni commlssion-timr- irso to p iy inv township neeotints thot rtny lit pi t se ntii i on or i fori iject in in btr 3 1st i0 council mlhorii d ind instruct d tht colli etor ind clt rk to pn pin i list of ill lands liibli for sil for ti nrrenis mt mbi is of counul in to bi pud for si rv ie s u rnnil commis siomrs for thi w ir as follows tuvi sun no pi putv nn vi 0100 ind councillorsa 00 nch the membirs of thi court of re vision will nciive i days piv for viewing properties nnd albi rt whuiir indh irold grivfin will be pi id 55u i uh for use of cars accounts win passed as follows gtntral oetriilu 3ttwfl- relief 140 23 shitp 111 0 roid 3110 00 hillsbtirg roid 407 75 committees named at inaugur meeti 1951 at tht inajjgur iamlnnt fulldslmnyorjltylorr nrevi j ilurgrnvt ueiputv lb w j j stiwart and otmcillnr a frver l wltsrk u thompson j frnr t f wood afid fstlur taylor took the oath of offiei bt fun lerk midi nch ii and n ttieir si its it the couilh tub lev mnor i ii i wi icomi d hit m minis of touniil to tin conduct of municipal affaits for l0 w mr r h irkt i w i pn si nl trgimf mjrrhr si ir announce winners of athletic meet during thi wnk of sjxitnl nil ivilh h at acton y si vt ral plussts of othli tic i otnpi titjons win sthcduled t wrnnirs of thi different evi nts an as follow boys athlilk mit class a bill mellugh 1704 points nil skllllng ml 7 bri in thorarinson 70 i class n fmmi rsop b ixti midpoints pi tir hurst 113 4 ron i cnor c f m uiiliiilk fiikiniir audi nori had vi wid tin situation but hnd mndi n n port tn ourii il owing to illit s noth mg lould b tloni un it tin in mur rcporfwas nmil mil fount il f it this would hiw to laait until thi next mietiug thi whoti ifiuntil foimi d st rj lw i in- niw v inning courulllors to c tmindh es for tht vi ar ami tht f l lowing coinmittt i s mit eh urm n wiil nn mi d fmnnci r j hirgravi j wood shi ppnrd 131 1 glass c mich ii i hurst 7b1 points j- girls athletic mi i i cliss a kithhen mccrisloli 137 0 point barb ira anderson 12 4 stn t ts light ind g lrbaa chlsholm 117 0 ciiis b chyrd morton 171 points mirilyn sigsworth 1271 flilm rachlin 104 2 css c bitty bnn 101 1 1 points patsv sun hurst ni 1 l tpronto church scene ot chubchillmcmubchy nuptials on sat dec 23rd in a christm is st tting of i v i r krins and whiti cindks in bid font park limit l phinch di i 21 jt in nihil mumurchv duifhti fmr5mucmurclv and the intr dr john a mcmurthv formirlv new years service at knox church an x hit miss contest winners named 8 ii p i itim christmas parties gym competitions bowling topped by bean feed at the y st pint t hrimm in pur un w i rt otinnizit l tin pn ps md md get tt itin on thi situmiv bifoii chrus mis g mw n i 1 mrol nitigmvutii ft ituitd it i u i ch mtsd glf thi sitnn club m idi nirt th it tltrthrmwk spuit ro t 3t in siiurduv imtunj t 1 tin m in frolu gutn wtre mr mi mr ci uidt itk ken ll n wjn n l uilu obtuuiid kx the ilub i aul ndv it r another pjr i plmtno fi r thjn situriiv 4ihlt tic lompt titi on ituu fur at tend tint e with scvrnl rltissr r compt titions ont of tht most njovabli pro gram events wa the bowhn tournament hi id ut the acton nl itvn hrouh thi nmutsitv f mr rd jennn high team o t ntimj lot 1 of 91 w is yond b thi nnior tpi id of jovce p dm r bm htpp ret chi rv 1 morten jh j inv j n- mc r h md llel n lux tm hih indiv dud uiti f izanti 2m utre rue keel op tu fnn ttinms oirt j vn r ilnt r- ie speettxfjv v in t u unit r t up th t hom rs vi rt w on b the tt am of g opm oakt h el urn iv tor mihul hurst flihith jw mil nl r on w ith i st i n of 4w1 don w id i th huh nd viduitwi h thi fl dav proij rjm cm i u jtd viith a toboggan pir md i ai h- iomi bean feed at thi at nd d j bv over 30 1 mn ii l frrgu t acti n mu ir 1 1 ac n i heitlt l t l- r a t n it fl n t ir vi t n i flm r n i ir ait n i furgtis t r i irv i fl ri it a nn hi o i r mil t ithl t t m r it 1 f r i p r i i rmprissivi wtihnilht sir vki w is hi id on bund iv tvming in knox phunh biiinnint it h ilf pist ilwn afti r i nt w yi ar n hv mn h id bt n sun ki nm th m inn n id from thtiourth ch ip 1 r yf proverbs whiih w is follow d hv priver bv mr m coh s i tin themi but thi pith of th jiint is is th shining jight th d j shim th mort md mori unto th pi rft ct d iv w is i rv fitting di nit with bv mrs ii mnnpni orn spi ndiril poi rns iookm upw ird and stt p bv slip wn t r id bv missisib i audi rs m md i mr hpwirrt cnh twli tint i t n vinu riiv lb h mik i lint mi md th light f th w ill i i us w n mini iv mr l s m tm md mi g r mu rl of acton l c mu thi bndt of juk riivmond churchill son of mr and mrs john di nnison chun hill rt v ii irnld pirr off u i u d is sisti d bv hi v r ilph turnbiill donnld bi ut m icmiuniv j ivi his sisti r in miirniii slit wore i gown of whiti m t ovir sitin fnt irmgid uring hilvirthrt id imbroiderv on mivor tvh r tin fitted bodice ind skut pnmls tticjipfftnt skirt fell to a slight tn nn a sm ill juliit c ip dged in st t d pi nrls hi id ht r fingirtip vi il ind earned whiti i inlmns ind spriks of whiti heitht r mis i inton tilor matron of honor ind bf idt sound mrs ross dajuilkon wort low ns tf dnji red velvet with matching hilrnits and eiirritd cfcrimrflts flow i r girl jini mjtthi ws wjs n champagne fulli t iffi 1 1 with a miti hmg bonm t ond c irrii d a jnuff trimimd with burgundymtsi s linton tiylor wis ero msm tn ind ushi rs win bill c hurchill md nivid ni ick at c irt ndou h ill tht bndt r motht r ritinui in gr iv en pi and laci with n conuim of nd roses th groom s inothi r arsistt d in tnirkundv en pi with i coisiie of pink roses tht couple will honeymoon in kentucky for trivilling the bruh won i gray kid coit ovi r dark sb wnrt b thompson l wi ick r in public buildings park ind arem f tiylor a fryer c wood t joan point si w rs ind i fftybr jr j hirgraw j irur the clt rk wis instruct d to hve jh tisnil numbi r qf cird printed thi lommillits plinnlng bt ird md uuinli ipil off ici rs and tt ii phone numbt rs md ither in- formntton for ihi public il wis decided to hold thi reg- ul ir mulmgs of inuneil on the first ind third t- rid iv oi ach imrnth it 7 10 pin for h vnr losl ihi viti on th ipiestion w is tu with thi mivrtr i isting tin di riding voj tin clt rk br ljju-all- thv klv ml mn of loiineil ihi nijii town f mplovi i s lo ht pud v msti id of twin monthiv ii it w is itn t dili from th tjnd po ii of th tifftci stiff mil i in 1 1 urtt d to tht i h ingt in p i i i irirls bv v irtous motions cjmiiii it il o ign t d i j iv post in itorium i in is f int rlvir 11 1 1 n iab irtlin mil t ci ssoru s itussi i r inci l ujjt i hi td tht ut trtium e rt v ith mati him h it xpl nn d h it the cih of munliipil w ig hid bern ti mporarilv d ill with ixt veir with i n com mi nd it ion hit thtr would be i nviiw hv h fmnn f imnii tn of mil th fimme cimmittee win to m ik i port at lht nutlmwitlng m ivor tjir rt t v hinrii ind tn nsiin r 1 mco ichi were iuthcirfi d in borrow i i i sign ih0ia etc for the c ip irilion with thi bink ind to itm forms for hnrrowing a m i on wia pissed covinng thi irn ig rrent thi uiy urfni rs win ipilnttd to sign vouihirsifr in i onntcloir with thju sj y yn ireoun tht mivor md trn ir vert iuthorl7i d to pnv amotini to thi sihool bovd up to tht imount of istimitts and to pav d brntures ts thi v t come dm the uiuil borrtiwingv liw wai r n ind inthori ttion given to borrow up to vi 000 the a motion w ns p ism d ng rei ve ii irlrjiv nu i tings of ct mini ir n v i m ive r ind tc the pul 1 hi n ri i hvt ih mix l attend itlbtlm ni bv the in pow- inm at t i mm r i fl in jin irv 8 htsp kr it ai f i j i on i mu irv 1 act n it i lori januarv q elmira it acton t iruarv j2 aiun a elmlra boi i v 2 ifjon at acton v jiit ml j at n flm r i fl ri g drgt t w n fi rtus junutrv v flnnrj it acton j inn ir acton at giorg tiwn j mu irv 12 oionttown it ai t n j inuarv 1 acton at flor junuarv 40 acton pt ft rgus jinuarv 10 fergus at acton januarv 22 acton at elmira janu ir ig klora at acton t ai n th i i n m t h i fr t n ii i it jutj u zj nam i if i 1 h rd w i u i ilulis p bnv u iv nt r dl t 1 p n d n i nd tv j sti r m hi n ild j5 girls ann o f n t m u v it in rttd 4h p nt g- ci ci w 4 t n si vrbu 41 midt in bovs n n milds f point hon frmi rs ri mlchu 1 1 hurst tud 4 bib armstrong 44 girl dorih divvkinjol pi mis marjoru mart hi fl mu dif ns i juniorn bv j mn h points j hn cunninghuu 42 h w t sirr- 42 i oic peggv oakts 1 point chtrvi juorlurj 00 kathltrv me cn ill 66 kj en competition pn ailed througbont ind anothtr simllnr program will fit urldtrwiv promp- itn itlul i in k t i pruir ui b t r u h i t tdinn th n ii h mrs j1 ii ill l p r i i 1 i l i f i i hi i 1 ih h i i t r i v i u ii 1 h r lit llrl b l i mr m m mn h u i y c nipjnt thr nh u th st r td th ink ni if i hmn r 1 di iv i b hi r h mtr ne i ri iht tki t n t nils ill r lmh uh ni rail r f 1 in ship w ii ijiiki hli p irl tv int if tin tl lit i inch ims inn mrl ilhn municipal statistics for year 1950 reach new high for assessment taxes s n tl ill t ii hiu h iv ih t l in the rtuiiit i a stititiis fir uv the mu urit of as i ssim t t md thi un mint f t iv ci ii tt d httfi n uhiit im tks ir th fm il t t ill iik irt thi books f own vl ik i i k micm irhlt th total isst n m nt i 1 i 11 an iron is i f si 00 000 v r ith i ttd mu nil both fluid n tr rdtd f r tin mil u it i f r t w ist ovi m r lai d iv ul it it f r nj t i r n r t ac ajl 1 m i f r i mint ret 1 purp r t wt i ar d ut v irnptu n li t vtaf w llh m lit si h per v k mt 010 lib wir pt i i s also lrldse over genuine antiques ir an an tf que ihop maine i spotted n pair of early american portraits and questioned the pro- prletoe about them j thema anceators he cald whoae nceatqntx purtued anyone a a mind to have enj explained the enterprialntf yankee thc header diffest thi jisst nsmt nt f i fpi ill ition lal nssi s mi nt tecoiints for 02 40 pi r ri nt of thr tbttt vrtpmpntwr indurr rial ass ssmtnt providing isfwp pi r cint following in thi nth r figun i commi rclal ifi 1142 pi r a nt farm 2 lisot pe r cent lund availabli for residential purposui f bt 1040 j bjrth m irii ief and d th stat ist i thow nothing v pti mal tht n wiri 44 birha j fc n d and 22 dt i h tht uumbe if mar riigr lierne tvniptvvrui 17 i tht figure of avfvor crump show th it co building pt r mt were prcued intrenr to thr value nf- thyi 12 v mw homes were built nrul two ronveraloni were made t toul population for ac on wai poao- -rr- i

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