Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 4, 1951, p. 5

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thubsdav jajwaky th i9s1 the acton free press pa6k wve history of pion ramsey fdmily wins secondtrize in essay contest v in the last wellington county historical society essay contest art account of n pioneering family in the district proved very interesting a well aswejl compeaied arid was awarded the second prize- writer of khe essay was mrs s flor nter trdilsdaje of r- il i pus- linch the following is the essay having plan ted the eds which jrw the jtretaptole trees in the cotnty ot wellington impart of the interesting story of the pioneer family of john and rachel ramsey ynnfr john ramsey in- company with two- brhr robert and henry left the north of ireuwdtoj ettle in upper canada little york riow toronto was then the hub of the new settle- went andjhhetownship of lera- wmi was in the course of survey and open for act tiers after taking the oath of allegiance the three brothers drew 100 acres each in the new township john drew the east half of lot no 1 robert the west itau of lot no 1 and henry the werft half of lot no 2 all in the third concession journeying on foot from little t york by way of dundas street followin the surveyorb onwhot is now the fjuelph rond through the townships of nelson and nassagaweya they arrived at their destination after examining their jots they returned to dundas street nelson towji where they worked for john cleaver making oak staves for potash barrels which were rafted down the lake to montreal in the spring of 1820 the three brothers provided themselves with a few articles of which the axe was the most essential and walked over twenty miles through the un- tirokcn forest to the place which wa to bo their future homo on john ramseys lot the sur- e ors had left a wigwam this served the brothers as a shelter un til they completed a log shanty which served them as n dwelling for about four years in 1821 john ramsey married rachel cleaver daughter of hu former employer after the wed ding ceremony she mounted a hore already heavily loaded with onuipment and set off with her nusbajid for their wilderness home mr ramsey had the disquieting knowledge that there was not an other white woman within twenty miles she is reputed to have been the first white woman resident in the county of wellington trom apples served at their wedding brcokfnst mr ramsc nv d a few seeds which she planted from those seeds came the first apple trees grown in the countv or wellington onfcbruary 12 1822 their first thild vinsborn an amusing mcid nt happened with the birthof the bnb the fnmlly cat hearing tht feeble cr of the newcomer took fnpht nnd fled to the bachelor fih in v of john harris located on thi site when rockvvood now t incii two other chitdren wen 1 iti r horn to the fnmilv mnrtha in inrt nnd john in l2a in fll23n purchasi w is nondt of i 100 ims k ross tin rmd in the timnhip of nissijnuit for tht sun of 22 pound in tint nr th rttid a log h iiim 24x10 f gov away to his many irlends nnd neighbors he had a very interest ing colioeunn of oddrock htstor yjaf ploneerg ramsoy 2 under jils direction jlje rocks were built into a monument for himself thin is now a landmark of interest in lebenerer cemetery nassagaweya in those early homes soap was made by leeching ashes to procure lye to which waste fat was added and boiled in an outdoor kejhe candles were made from tallow which was the name of iheepfat n jtbe sprtnff maple syrup and maple sugar were made in large quantities the first spiles were made of cedfar and itroiigfis jor catching the sap were blocks of wood hollowod outjjith attiuca cheldfic was made at certain times on ont occasion a relative driv ing a herd of cows stopped over night at henry scotts in th morning the cows wre milked and cheese mndc from that extra sup ply of milk a calf was killed and its stomach used to procure the starter for the cheese a one recalls these jttories of this pioneer family it can truly be said of them ns it was of the pil- grlmeathorfl ye call it h ground the soil where first they trod they have left unstained what there they found freedom to worship god recently invented by testis- lowe of campbomvtlle ihe whirl wind snow ldatiot 14 ptclurecj m operation the truck 16 which the snow loading unit is attached is behind while the truck on the right is being loaded with know at the rate of a load a minute fo carry it off to be dumped this plow has been sold to the ctty of w the halton aaufflotunngmpaayjjmuedasboen ormed byjhe two snowplowinvontors ospringe annniveysary falls on christmas day congratulations nnd bent wishes nre extended to mr nnd mr w j letter to the editor visitojlemfesis firing of teacher severn bridge muskoka january 3 1051 dear sir you will please print this in your paper and oblige the writer for the last few weeks i have been a gijeit of friends of mine in halton count nnd i have two fit- tie nieces going to no 8 school in esquesing towrtshlp i under stand that a young teacher has been fired here for no just reason i found in my rounds that the teacher was well liked and i was a guest avfhe school concert and i enjoyed same i thought it was very good the firing of the above teacher was against the parents wishes nnd t think they should have something to say regarding this matter who pays the bills the taxpayers the tdwners of property in your township at the p time we are fighting all over the world against injustice let clean up hero fjrjit there s been too much of this in the past the world is cry ing out for justice how do you cxpect4o get pence if we dont plav the game i am a mnson and ornngemnn ind a member of several boards this matter should be put in the hinds of the legion since he is a veteran to see what is nt the backf of this matter thinking v nu respectfulh frank pavce i t tt rr to thi editor ore not the i t pomf tnresnrfli of tht fvfifor hut jyuhhtiml ns an rrprej tkvh of thi mdii idnnl it ho suh iifs rn ortirlt smith everton corners parents of ms- fred baptlejyiicpttjchriflt- mas day celebrated their golden wedding anniversary mr and mis arnold suntet gall and diannc mr ond mrs earl mcgowan and douglas all of niagara falls spent new years with mrs g sunter nnd miss e nnlrf nartie committees indugyml meeting continued from pave one another motion was passed ap pointing councillor j greer mom be rom hepi sn n inffboartrf or derive or will derive u benefit from the constructlonofa disposal j juuiiunlraic sufficient to pay one half the cost of the work this y ill mean an additional ajnpunt qual to present water rates with pa flat rate on premises where wa ter jh not installed the cjvll defence program was discusceilantlacveralcopkv of j he book were to be secured and var- lous organizations were tomect to dlsctisa the plans on january 12th applications were received for renewal of a number of licenses councillor thompson suggested that a record player that would corrya number or records be sec- ujiad for thv arena and some new records the arena commit were empowered to purchase tril equipment the solicitor was instructed to prepare an amendment to the by law prohibiting the running ntj targe of dogs between sundown on sunday 5hdwadhesday nights to sunrise- monday and on thursday jntghts this is an attempt to al leviate the nuisance of upset gar faage containers a motion was passed authorizing the purchase df an oil space beater for the council chamber provided will do a satisfactory job the solicitor was instructed to prepore a bylaw prohibiting the depositing of refuse on the streets thocollchor read n draft of vith ht insist uu i tf ill thi men in ih mnit th numbtr d iqhti i n tn u d ii 1 1 k th plum r h m u hi n ift i m tk i f n n mil lif il thi iro of tn f irs tin htib nui md f ithi w tit d b d ith ii w hk 1m p m i i mr id ii rit d on i i hi mil ill h id i n t in i i- s i r in its if mi ltil t 1 vt d t lit t j ii ol i h m udthjldr n r uu nih r d h i i i fimiliir fimir iminjr o fvl th 11 ih 1 wh ni im- h tli it f r t mirriiil o kf mt fro n thix mrt su in tk ttl th ii li w m f fnm isi w tlfi s i in nu th ifth r tn i md d n i ot ni c fr 1 ms 1 township n mi tin ihildri n h 11 th firsi child in thi f imj v i- about lx months of ij thi iimthi r md b ib w er lift loin for thru da whili th hulmd trivtllitj ti illnda to iiim whi at ground njto flopr surticunt uoocl and vuu r win itiiid in thr hoihi ind thi door pro dist with extra birs as seur- it ijijinat prowling ipdian thi sikond daughter martha tjimsin married walter seott th s tiled on a eramosa farm thi tr children died tn infancy tohn ttamifv married marv d i two daughters u if born to them john n m lined on the famil farm in due course a larce stone house was built on the najstiguuiva ide and a hrge barn on the ernmosa half at the prop- t rt he took an active interest in communitv and municipal affairs being ree oi nassagewav tou-n- ship from 1973 to 1881 mis later vears were pnt re tird in a roughcat house on the erampu side of the farm the making af beautiful rustic chairs wii onp of his hobbies these he department urges pond construction th dimmoti nf fish indwlldhfi j pi partnu ntof iands and fori ss 1 in tl moo fiinurs nnd hndown rs to x insti net pi nds on thi ir pi o ili1 md is willing t prt idt ad in i nu initik thi sttkklne of th si- ponds pands ni i in 111 idt in txena t ns tu ctllitt nornnl drninif i u in 1 s thi m i utilizt springs f ir supi u 01 thi ftvbe nndc b dstntnini a strmm tu ajiiiuan ui bmiittfvint thiv- pmpstv m m nt 1 il these ponds piowdi suimrmni and fishing for thi oimj pi opu in iinnnw r nnd jkatintr m umttr tbi art also a sttidv soutct of waur for stock ind n rsiioir insist of fire thi also const ltutt a unund nuasun of soil and u iter constipa tion retaining w iter uhich would uthtrwist run off nnd b lost to the farmer ponds are about one half to one icri in sizi art usuallv sufficient to providt all the area needed for the manv alius they provtde when a dam is contemplated permission and approval of specifi cations from th ontario depart- mint of lands and forwts are re tpil ui am acttrttvdetflmenur to fish and downstream londown era mr and mrs thomas fines and dons mr and mrs ross ferguson lmda and gary spent mondoy with mr and mrs wm henderson at belwood mr and mrs elgin brown and family vfsitod in vlnelend tuesday mrs davld stewart and verndn visited in hamilton on friday with mr and mrs george rennlck and marlon the many friends of mrs rcnnick ore sorry to learn she is quite poorly miss elvena winter of oustlc spent the christmas vocation with mrs w j jackson mr d n mctavlsh spent christ mas day with relatives in toronto and new years wfth acton relat ives mr and mrs d g robertson hid a family gathering during the holidays those present included mr and mrs george young and marilyn townline mr and mrs norman robertson and glcnicc- mr and mrs vic patrick all of acton mr and mrs lloyd robert son andalan mr and mrs doug- hs robertson all of guelph miss anne stansburv nnd mr ted stansbur ookville nnd mr ken robertson of toronto week end guests with mr and mis george robertson were their gorge of hamilton nnd miss anne steele of north bav guests on new yeir s jncluded mr nnd mrs w wibb and family of pais- u v block mr and mrs hugh robertson and fnmrly guelph frtonds of miss aril ind mr tr rut currk ind miss mirgirct tt irk who in motoring through thi west nnd the stitis were sorry tii li 11 n thov were in n motor nc tidint hst wnk at spoknni wnsh miss blick suffered injuriis which n ussintid hnipitnl tr ntmt ht nnd tu c ir w t bidh mil ishod no d the 1031 m nnkonec7kyrcquested thfifa driveway be replaced jit his maid ence on elgin street town foc man kirkncss was instructed to secure gravel and make rcpolrs as soon as possible other road ce pntrs were dtncuscd by counclf the water jninjixtenslon ac count of 302 10 waa passed for payment to the canada valve and hydrant co the sewer accounts amounting to 1100 16 were pnld ns recommended by the finance committee the fjnnnce committee njso pppnypmnnrtn ul p fol low ng oc counfs for payment norwich union fire ins corporation fire int 1 10 24 tommy green repairs to radiator of grader john calder lnstnlling flooxidrnln in y ac mncswolri motbrs new wheel rim grense job 47 acton free press prlnt- luii and advertising 07 47 a mason expenses trip toronto fl j mcgcachie ex ro trips to toronto 2 e g tyler expenses ro 1 trip to toronto jtoq con law book co act of 1050 statutes 25 00 bell telephone ktrkness phone 3 4 j acton puc town operat ions november 2327 remington rand ltd type writer service 1050 11 10 ont prov police account for november 073 00 arena accounts records f crump ticket seller st tikcr 4 engagements 14 41 r j hargnve service stn gis and oil account 110 is dt tills bivc in en n qcivi salt t tn grund spent fithn mr holidivs with ht r son nnd fnmih mi and mrs g orcv grundv 1 i- 1 1 nds of mrs t a bulloch are sorr to lram she is in thi gut iph 1 i pit il undt imng tnatrmnt all wish for hi r n spttdv neoven mis i to nicholson and sharon ituintd horned ith mr nlchnlsnnxh follou mg motion was monciav to st c itharim s afti r that all m mlwrs of louncil b hoi m a motion was passed requesting greenwood bras to return andl- suppu tho crushed stone on order ju t is oon as pnssilik in h spring applications wi n n ct icd for thi position of manager and i e moki 1 of thi altiift arena for t stason cotmcil had n c ivt d ur fin i comnrwnts on the fee that had bnn mad h the municipal trnplnvus i at th arna nnd duo to winthtr uiditlons it was dicided to cnrr on tin pn si nt plan nnd w hi n pi iw ing and lei making are heaw i an additional ici maker was to b ntftm d the ippllcation of mr norton will bi accepted at such tun as full imi opt ration is n qiuri d ht tin art na spt nduu si 1 rat months at the honu of ht r parints mr nnd mrs r j m itth ws another dauhtt r jihdnc b n am 1 n lrg v 1 1 h her 1 1 indp in tits miss is ib lit drntumtnt is 1 lid i in w ith ht r pnn nt nt wst puhnico ns miss phvllis fori in in of toronto spint christm is with her parsits ri and mis fort man mr and mrs thomas ht nd rstwj wtntht minirhocktv club garm glass shingles parlinllv blnckmed tilass plates an now ust d for solar heating re port the financial post placed- shuigle stle on house the new roof top solar heat installation is said to suppl 60 per cent of the energv necessao for heating a home ht rt craig and joan tow n of grgt caroir- singing thi firstt of all christmas carols w as that sung in the heavens by the angels glory to god in the itfghest and pn earth peaoe good will toward men many say that st francis was the first to make the carol papular the singing of carols is observed tn all cities and churches all over the world pild it thi rati of 1c per milt for nut of town travelling t xpt ns s md it th ritt of 1 per meal tjiuqpuittauorofh -su-holm- as man ig r of thi anna on the s inu b isis is last venr was nc tptd iurk wis instructed to nd for ti nders for thi booth slon at the nnna division of gate no ipts the vi rtisi 1 met th of gu iph tuwnship visited recent 1 w ith mrs mary cooke mrs a m rowo o tn nton is holidajjnk w ith ht r dniightt r nncj on in law mr ond mrs mc kinnt v and warren mrs flora mckenxh spt nt sev t ral dms last week with her son and daughter inlaw mr and mrs norm in mckenrfe mtssrs r nnd j huntrhtid as thtir guef reefntlv mr nndmrn j-le- erected and completed within w as on a b uax of fi5 per cent to thi club and 11 p r cent to the town tht ch rk presented copies of tlji inspectors n port on repairs v ill n ing tht installation of s u t ri uttr from the ontario mun u pal board gie tentative approv il of the board to permit the a t in school board to call for tn di rs to ascertain if the school ran revisions of the traffic bylaw pro vldlngforilmltlni of parklngcc and council approved of the pro posed amendments nnd gave first and second readings of the bylaw before submitting it to the depart ment of highways council adourtod nt 1 50 a m cracks behind the curtain among the russian people stor les ridiculing the- communist reg ime are belrfg circulated on the sly at tho risk of the concentration mmn a- decombcr renders digest article condensed front the freeman like this one in a budapest schoolroom little jnnos is asked to give an example of a dependent clause our cnt has a litter of ten kittens he sifvs all of which are good commun ists the teacher delighted with his grasp of both grammar ond the party line urges him to do as wed when the government inspector pays ws annual- visit when the inspector arrives the tencher calls confidently on janos to answer the same question our cat replies jnnos has ten kit tens all of which are good western democrats the teacher is horrif ied why janos she exclaims ten days a you said vourklt tens were all good communists yes snys janos but now their eyes are open the oni woman held in really low esteem by the berbers is the go between although she is only employed in the respectable task of arranging marriages annual meeting 0- halton agricultural society will bo held in tho com ust toiiromr jan is 1951 at 200 pm director mna at 130 1 a dixonfwnt etaunbonrsotretary a start the new year rght r by buying your home from this k select list priced right for quick sale new remodel this homey place has 7 rooms the collar i5futlsirewh fruit space coal bin furnace heated it also has j ackot heater kitchen has built in cupboards there is a cozy fireplace in the living room hardwood downstairs this homo is fueeo and ready to be lived in come early spring the sun porch garden nice lawn and generous shade trees that go with this property add to its desirability phono usand arrange an appointmorjt to discuss this proposition call 95 modern bungalow for sale right in the heart of the banana belt hot water heated- h modern conveniences low taxes close to town aero of gu yj with the prices of materials rising and becoming scarce now is the time to be thinking of that new home get settled early and avoid the spring rush we tiave a large list of modern houses stores and businesses some with immed late possession do nofwait until controls are lifted enoy the pleasure and security of owning your ownhome new home we have ust listed exclusively one of the newest residences in a new sub division n h a plan terms by paying own er s equity and small monthly payments owners artistic skill has made this hduse and surroundings much to bo de sired all conveniences on one floor extra rooms can be added if needed later by completing ihe upstairs heavily wired furnace hot water full size cellar immediate posses ion as owner is leaving town for appointment to inspect contact wright real estate and insurance appraisors realtors insurors v l wrlsht office 30 wilbur st acton phone 05 n a wright office go macdonnrll st gnelph phone 49i3w yes wl have others as well as small holdings and building lots the specified amount of 220 0o0 it is understood that the construct ion of ihe school is not to com menre until final approval is given bv the mujticipil hoord the t ctmb r report of the police wns rc4yed the countv assessor have notice of a meeting otnll county assessors on januarv 4h in muton assesso- crtimp v ill attend a bvlaw was lven the required j read in us to authorize the lm posit ion upon owners or occupants wha scotland to visit west indies the recently reconditioned 2600q ton canadian pacific luxury liner empress of scotland svitl reenter the cruise field this winter wtthaa senej of seven voyagei from new york down thvough the sun bathed caribbean ports of the storied spanish main thh beautifully appointed flagthip of the canadian pacific white empress fleet shovan in lower left will feature indoor and outdoor swimming pools a- lido duck for sunbathing shown at top and buffet meals served on jh glass enclosed promenade deck lower riglt traditfbnal canadian pacific service and cuisine will be combined with extensive cruiso to the four corners of the world before the war x

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