0 page six fhe acton free press tholisimy january 4th lag a blazing inferno this truck caught fire at crewson s corners and was flagged down by a passing motoust in may attempts japthe driver stan tilley toronto tp extinguish the blaze were hopeless and 80 gallons of gasoline exploded as a result of the flames our annual pictorial fteview for 1950 plifwfii on fkii po hvo appeared in the 19s0 edl- tlent of your home lawn papar they ara again pre- sanlad hara to refresh yeur memory on ike events thai have made up the ufa of tha community and district dur ing ha past usr three were hospitalized and four others lnurcd when these two cars wore in head on colli sionin late july on the second concession three mites north of acton the 1950 model cur was driven by bruce fletcher of r r 5 gyelph and the oldei modol car was driven by william an derson main st t acton fiftieth anniversary of their marriage was celebrated by mr and mrs howard masalos at their home in acton in march of this year both are life long residents of acton plastered with pie are these entrants in the acton fall fair pie eating contest a piece of raisin pie held flat in each hand pampered manoeuvering and the udgos warning not to drop a single rcrumb resulted in many grimaces before two pieces were downed nlrje boys entered the event joe jany second from the left was prize pie oater his official timing was 1 minute and 24 sec cmds which certainly doesn f allow for the recommended number of chews per bite the contest was held at the fair in september smok1no mtmns were all that remained in the morning omhe fire on tha douglas farm near speyside in the ruins were 20 ihead of cattle 75 hens pigs and farm implements 1 giving a final checkup to tho new hydro power stauortare a hydro workman and engineer stuart robertson centre about 200 kilovolt amps were added to the 1500 which have tpeen supplying the town from the substation on willow st pictured above is the entire unit which has costlhe hydro in the neigh borhood of 65000 it is composed of a metat clad gear box pn the left the 20 ton transformer and the superstructure support ing overhead switching gear and power lead in lines work itarted in august and wasjompleted in october k th mr x vandals ransacked the office of aax engineering in august and strewed papers and mater tal around they entered from a window obscured from the road by a pile o lumber a foun tain pen and some stamps was all that was stolen the firm offered a reward for information in connection with the breakin i yl vj the first town council took the oath of office on january 3 seated left- to right are councillors j greer j hargrave reev tyler mayor mascm deputyvreeve mcleod councillors r thompson w roszel lasurer dills who has reported council news for 30 years standing are j mcgeachle clerk and treasurer councillors l hotchen and t nicol and editor g a