pagksix the acton ruee press thursday january 11th 1951 t j rutl stained alfalfa cinudinn grown ulfulfa need is hi chert simplv nnd likely to be hi glim in price iiftuiatt nr itntu a h martin pi reefer ccropn setdi an j skrnrwjnlch toro mr martli aljoealed thai for the first time irtfl riuifybir of yearn red stained alfiira eed 11 likely to be ayall abl in ontario this need k mostly otfrerjch origin with ncrhnp some frorh the sou thorn states auth- ontits m ottawa ind guclph stale thnt the hnrdinesti of the seed is in doubt as n milter of fact thm is che rt ioh tohv the i d will hi rt lined rd i a dimmer signal it is stittd that tlu differential jjc- twein tht price of domestic nffalf i and thi rid nlumd setd ihav b as much i 20 ci nts per pound hil- fon fimurs would- thiritoro bi will idv id to lociti and sictin theiriulremi nts of cjundinn il filfi r 1 if tin tirlirtt pnjubl diti in i vir opinion it would bt m fi r bt for halton firmer t rii tht r usinl nu of ceding jfrj ortt or tv pound- pn icre rnthnr thin iim i thonci orr red sfmntrt sctd f doubtful hudnuss lug mmfntltioii in the milton town hull foltowed by their annual fchureh si r itc then comes thclv annual at home in the ytrant xmi 1urllnoit a inn is- with all flih thev are nlrt considering the pnihllltv nf railing sufficient funds to holld a junior knrmr nuitdhig in milton where all agrl cultural ojtfwm i addons might make their headquarters and hold thrlr sriou mrmingi and functions air in nu it is on ambitious programme whuh will hac the support of all farm leidrrv holroi op annual room t the eleventh annual nu clinu- of the halton crop impr iv i ment assn brought a ncord crowd t hear the exccllint prognmme pre cars that should be off the roads hifoir the war a motor car over 12 nrld was rather a ran ilrht on the cinndinn hjghwnv thnt is not thi t ill lodi tin re arc liter- nu thousands of vthirun tint date btck well into thi thi r lira ind rjuiti tjw tnn nri older even thin tint smei thi i nd tin war cann- flnw li purchased close lo n million new vehicles but in the par coiirkxame period the have scrapped is than 100 000 thnt means thnt th nre fnrrnorc cars- on our hirhwavs todav but also thnt there irr far more-older-one- this is a factor an an important sided oer b pn mdcnt v f mcnnt in mil- ihrming jncrenso in arthur w h tthc txciptim of th f tnff iccidcnts as th prisonej tn pncticallv verv pt w rboroueh r points out juailabit stii m ihi court room it is not alwn5 old can which milton wa liken bv tho 131 firm u iifti for safe druinr but folk i ondanc fnm all stctions old cars ore most llkeh to be un cfhsr p pi i a list i soriceiblc their heidlnmps are d h i- fa eron hi ad of theither too weak or too brfflht one ft- economic bnnch of th clannc and the other feeble or ot i depjrtmnl of jrnculture ene is out and the other not the irtl n i uhi ua troduced b tail lirht micht be so dim that it on ht f bronte ua the cannot be seen a hundred ards p ik r aiar a his sub iava thc frequently have not tf cip it fvcice in rel 3i h r lnpinriit itc t irh hi tddt o iiaai connecton 3 hi ip i rii t l k dar d- pa cson t c t a h audicier u ith his abl e i i- he i cos nc d enough power to dme at n proper h cha fpied ire thus more dan- cerous on the hirhwaxs thon a cor tra ellinft at sixt their brakes are often uncertain their tires old their w indshield w ipers ineffcc- tic hirh speed and outh hac much ilu i- dr pjitg tr answ for in this ptim business i h b man iqu nw per of hjthwa occidents buuflie cj t ac loif i op 1 curb thp toll then all fac u i a jirmn i tors mustbe taken into account w k ih d somethinr certunk must be d eie k- fdone- a bout- obsolete vehicles that- hold up traffic on cer hill and cjrc and thireb inlte danserous nass nc nd bihind the wheels t thee incient chinots which arc a much out of pi ice on i modern hirhwa is a woodburninr loco knuld be on thi mont re il toronto run who do we find vot j- r irreponsiljlr teen ircr but mt often the mot respectable and otherwise cmtious nf people ti fmanrjil poit watchmaker isnt immune to shock the tollmatft is asmdn com- pact house vvji little waste jtpnee it hat three bilroomit combination kltchin dlnetti ind a comortnbli llvinu room thi covered front i ntranci enti in a vestibuli in which thurv is a cont closet th i nt name is locatid convent ntlv c losi to the kitche outstanding u the btntiliful kit thi n with in thru eximulire trvindos oriook thj frdnt en t inci ind tlu side and nnr vard it i- connectnl to tlu ci iffri bt d room which cm iko be ust d as n work room rtie ekfner sink is in the ti ntre of tlu ciblmtn the htovi on tlu left and tlu refrlfl- i rntut on the right hrht ilosds an dlstrlbutid or to t a h hi fl room thn e in the kt thi n one in the vestihuh and a limn in thi bathroom pi ins cill for in evti rlor of w ltt sldinji and asph ilt shlntflikj dimensions iri 12 f 1 1 1 bv 21 fiit floor inn is h7 square fiet w hilt tjn t ubafv is ip 012 cubic fi 1 1 north e ast west s outh news from all directions wfi first in 51 min pipirs boist tin irnv il of thi fint- bab in thi town or citv for thi mw uir col l 1 nillcs of oak villi mikts another clum of which he is evidently just is proud he thinks he has the firs cinndian thoroughbred colt m t95i the foal was bffnt thrci hours after midnight on januirv jst it mirjalc farm dawes rd switchover thi newl established erin hirh school oppned last week as erin continuation school becomes m turn of locil history a number of chinres will be nadchext septem ber whm the new term starts iii rry wwk in dt folr r rt t jvi jin dcfiolt wati h nwtitw it i m ndvirtlulnu ilaim ut uiuhulh htfi d wowim llki wnti rprnnf and fmhkk proof hlmpw m em to put tin m on tin lr mi ttlu wnti h n pitlrnu n jnv pun luoter t u in swimming wi iihiiu ihi tiinrphr and inki lotiu koakinjt hoi baths with tin tii an pru mini etimi in to a ncn jeweller lrtudly crvink oyp fe had filled ttx wunhhowl jjod dropped his watch li leaving it tlu r to steep all day now ij wnuldn t run he complained a technician points nut that watches may he hermetically seat ed before they irttve the factory but thnt on re they hnve been on mrt for clennhnf or any other purpose they are no longer wall r- proof doesn f quite mean whot onother detroller thought it did his watch had riven up even tryinjf o tick he told thi repair man and ill he d done for a te t waa fllntf itar ilnst the wall a f t w times the thinits drtrolters will do to their w itchi s purposely or inid vertenlly nnd still ixptct n simple repair job to put things riplit nrt nnhollpvablet a sk witchmak r said one mm brought in i corroded sodden- tim piece thnt had a fnlnt odor of cterinlums he expliined that the watrh hid been missing fpr severtt months the otlu r dav when his wlfl wis trinsplintinj indoor plonts she d found tv it the hot torn of t nnt of erin turns tumor hid burled it there ind mima hid been watering renn ium ind witch ever sine fix it pipi ordered nrll ms throurh east girifrixi town ship tht ucount rnds quite a siirprisi ucently w i given to th- nsidents of thi district when the tnspiclor in i hilicoptcr passed nvtr the line thlre ori no ac counts of ensuing reports of men from mars or communists atticks in the irti however christmas cards thi georgetown herild ins tercsting rndinj in a column which describes sdnu of the odd and lovelv chrlhtmis cards thi editor and his wift received on one christmas tree was hand woven tim cotti irtist jordanus vin dei vlu t use oni of his own puntlnus i cxperao alo i d cc g c sum s 1- 1 pcai wtre v v u i j- otj tj 4 bv hir e v j a- w e u fcil r b s a i d m o- r i r t h r r prt it r 3ii j v rv v j t v r t h i w 1 t w f b t s r i- rj j t- n r h v 11t3w nt w vjrr jird hnbt hur r tri j j r mcphy- ei tid f i hi swacthiti r k h c t- 1 ha- r j o- ir r js- 1 1 r t it fxh b p jr ii is 6 t-r- h n o a on w- 1 c- c ak n n f r h v r it 7 i u j r r i r 3 h it- v a t- h v tj i 11 v ir- ii neighbourly sat metaiized cloth o 1 fabric maktr h p o ik tlothts warmir without m urn ihwiirht or bulk of the it fabric a m t ilizi d h h he aniar it s suppos d o c bod hint instcid of thr iw z of b radiation no onl wis niws a httli scirce during thl holidnv season but mill wirt not functioning with nornlil dt spitch perhips most hire hit bv- lick of news ind ofthi p ipt rs thi msi ives was don fnir- b urn thi nihhbourly news iwnn tntitor who broidcists itims froigwt kl ruwspipirs eich sun d i m imng miny p ipt rs mivsi d publ ntion whili o hi rs filkd to nnh um iltogether for his pro jrnn on chrutrais ind nt w i ir s divs with his greetings minv irv dit frrtnt md btnuhful onib wire sent to this editor too quiti i ftw tin worth f riming ttack lrom mars th grind viltiv stir ind vld tti inn hinci mother nrpl sur pric to idd to flvnik miiei rs stor- n s thi win- hive bun stninj ilong thi bighdri lint which pis h s j d h nt hi 1 p 1 r j j 11 r jl pil 1 1 1 v 11 li n ni f i fini 1 1 1 1 i f pri 1 til plan r midi fir 11 litlv irrnmm difinr hi dminu n this i ichidi i skitinr cirnlvil it tit mi tin anna i mock pirl lament in tae milton hirh school i tbanquut in the traiajaav- town- j ship hall their annual seed judf j tvtt mtpcrlatl citllcrciicc vefotch uus ohcc oca tuiya6im man is ah i 1 jvc it lit vitli litm imurmiwm y tu tail nun n with ur tu nh lind nuriiy in n th f tl ru tin intpt t u mriil r fit nr 11 t tl tj t t ui i t uurtn i i i t if rr an j tj r 1 firtt ts v rtnih iij hj n il i t t lai r j t r j l i r f k i avr i i f hu h j ak i u m w i in nw i t t in n m u it vil v iu l t f l l v 1 w1 x 1 i k t u 1 f t i i ft w i i 4111 u il i in n ia u i m h ij nni t you of mans tiurirnt kit li i h h un i t lli t n i n an 1 tl f irivniv i tt ui tl t f n ilniafiiu 4ir l ut bi k in t i alt t tulp yu niakr tluit ill h f v t tt fc hut i iimir f r 1 th i t tl rr ij milnrr v t utav 41 d t m ituw irly ti r wn 1 it u ta tr to nift v or own pert mini ntii the life insurance companies in canada and ulr bprntaiiv wotkino fos national iniooifu tuhdinc pusonat itcutltv halton liberals thi m w provincnl li idi i yil ti r thompson kc w i tlu gue of honour it i muting of the hil ton i ilii r il i xi cuttle ind thi fr wivis it gh nw od sihiol in nil mi township 1 ist frld i i ulrij- afti r imni r th isi pn i nt nu t th n w h idi r md hi irxl in iddn ss fiom hnn mm wa pn si nt n p r i nhiu til puts nf thi inunt atisrnt mindrd motorkt a i id nt of giulph tiwnship npoitid t go iph pnhci tint 1 i ir hid bi t n j li n fmm whin it n liftpitlcid in thi titv inst wnk a u ide m ireh w is londutled ind then nm hour 1 iti r tht v h icli wis found p irki d n jiiv md wilting not fir from where tin owiur thought hi hid lift it think thit sounds liki i wnrniji driver will it w isn t it w is x m in who got in thi c ir ind droi iw i ulchent frier rrr akncultun mlnistt i ki niu d out irio pndutid in tuonto list wtk thit oll will m ih htih si f od prici s in th histi rv f th pr iv inn th sh i ij t if f um m inp iwi r h mil is is s r ms i duiim hi ir is u rkium i ir m re utru d t th t f ti s th in tht f irm t i m i t ng in gu iph hi nd h h li v d tint cin uli w il i b th rr i t rmintrv f tht futur uiheahe hits turnips alitady causjntf consfderablcrlosk in some fields turnip mosaic a vlr- lifc- disease that u ihoiijfhjf tti b spread by nphlds is becoming u mult r of concern tq turnip urowtirs in certain districts in oninrio ac- ordinal lo officials of ui canada ii liartmi nl of aurlculltirc s ilalmr- atory at plant potholocv ut bt ilhurlncif ont pollock and campbell mauiuraoturara higprade memorials memorial engravincm- 62 water ku north- galt tbijciiion mii bilt0n ft perry limited s plumbing heating air conditioning and sheet metal contractors acton ontario rum parry 269w phones ed billon 341w annual meeting of halton agricultural society will bo hold in the court house milton on ianrisrwsl at li director masting at 1 30f a dixon president c laundon secretary 5 v- 1 ooor in door deliver n i nkl n s g i tl si thit th i n nn i ct t hiv tos il d 1 iv h f r t i 1 mg tht pi nt i ff 1 tn ill r t f r th thinu m r u th in i i 1 1 ir hi r mm n 1 i th fut il chin h d i irtm nt il h iikh ti i i 11 bi r f miil lot i just b 1 n th r pur d figure ilrtnle the moocher f uiuh ir sikht ri kink str t n h in irnntgs thi hun it n s l i r r ir m ir i i w kj h rid 11 ik h j il u iik t r hi ilk nl f id i i hind in si k it il m f th m ft im sv d snt sh p the skilled jiei of the rceme thr workshops of the roval c anadun electrical i and mechanical i pgmlcrs are expanding rapidly in step w ith the row th of the an jdiaa army active lorct ttil men ofhe r ci m e re doing thtir pirt to mike anuda strong there u an urgent ncid for skilled tradesmen to man the workshops of ttm nfulh import ant corps of soldier tradesmen skilled cruftwiicn arc rctjuiretl to fill the posts of automotive mechanics fitters toolmikert radar and radio techniciins instrument makers welders i watchmakers auchimstv md other key jobs if you epuhfy as a skilled tradesman there s a place for ou in the r c i me you can serve mqu when canada needs jtu as jn expert soldier tradesman thi arctic burrcn tnds ore th list stronyhold of the musk ox on inimal which once ranged from the arctic to the mississippi valley to ntiit in th r c e m e you musf i iti canadian cilnn at t tith ufact 3 i btw t7 and 40 yar mt oq 3 ft ungls 4 ml army tail rfquirmnu 3 velunir far mtvm aaywkra fosr ficht ahuxjo wiu hu j4 cvtwurt ih ottawa ont ma s niimmi 0al all f fa kino ton 0t n 4 pafomvtal oapt ckeuy porh 0uqlm drta toronto ont h 7 prnl 0h wtlul iwrmki ii ain it london ol c help make canada strong canadian army active force tar sparkling antartalnmanl llitaa la tm v4ca o tha army wadnaufay vnlitq domlmlan natwsrb