thursday january 11th isol the acton free press page seven 3 studies prpve bqse of health is food n dietary studies aire proving hhat the bails tt good health ifl tfood food good food contains tf the j5critlol rlemcnu of nutrition fn dephstlort of the atoll of north america hojrrrbuhcd in tho deterioration of the food w out fine appearance in no assurance l of food valuer althnutfli lh btt looking fond nr llwly to b of betw quality than blemjfdied or nfhijtidiud produce orndlhg niathcwtn have been dl eovdreti nd hhe being improved by which it in pomlblc to tfrndf food aoeordltttf to iu trua vfood value t one of the tttoat important ixlvmftct in tba prevention of ds- eaw ndtnthe improvement of the henltfi of the people hoi been j- akradlrtf of food tltr extension of tfradlntf to the identification of food value would be an enormoua stride in fotrtermtf the vellbeina of all the people the inkaaca of cuttlefish yield nepln pigment used by nrtlau l n jloju ft jfluhluah optomfthiht st rcnnnes soi7aip cut tin j comii vi f kyfsight sf rvicf scholarships given research persons ontario u making a uond rtcoid in keeping rettiarch sclent ihii whn have specialised n their mitict thrnuuu ituiolarghlpm aururdiid b the- movcrnjnmt when the ho search cnmmlkuon of ontario wnj appointed in llms to ronrdinate u search throughout the provlnc it found ihnt available trained pi r sonnel wanlnnufficlenttu rrieet tht demands for a full program it recommended hi ntyhifirtuftbe b the kovnmint df a nvslem o xihnliinihlpn for the training of tntjipeljht research nrsodm 1 front id4h to 1050 inclnmlve tit unvornmenthatnadr qwardn nfii- ountinu to more than 100 to hltbtlutentii a break down nhows that nf this number m are still mudent 30 nir in university position in in me dominion government 4 in the ontario government 21 fn in diitlry one hundred are still in ontario 18 in other provinces 22 in the united states and 0 nbrond of thine in the us only 0 have taken jobs in american universities or indintrlr mnlnlv to continue theh training and nil but 1 are expected to n utrn to cannda when thin ex perlonro is completed the schol nrthlps njue been in inch subjects is piivsfcs hlolnjrieal srii nier ait rlenllijre kenftraphv kenlng mi t uuriti etc a canada wide suri show s transportation- costs have llttlo or no relation to increases in tho cost of living nt differ nt points start the new year right i by buying your home from this select list priced right for quick sale modern bungalow for sale right in the heart of the banana belt mot water heated all modern conveniences low taxes close to town acre of good garden soil y with the prices of materials rising and becoming scarce now is the tuneo be thinking of that new home get settled early and avoid the spring rush wo have a large list of modern houses stprcs and businesses some witfc mimed late possession do not wait until controls are lifted enoy the pleasure and security of owmnq your own homo new home- we have ust listed exclusively one of the newest residences in a new sub division nh a plan terms by paying own er s equity and snnll monthly payments owrwr s artistic- skill has made this house and surroundings muchto be de sired all conveniences on one floor extra roofias can bo- added if needed later by completing the upstairs heavily wired furnace hot water full size cellar immediate posses ion as owner is leaving town for appointment to uitpect wright real estate and insurance appraisors realtors insurors v l u right offire 20 ullbur si actonphone 95 b wright offlee 69 macdonnrll st curlph phone 4915w vs wt have qthers as wellas small holdings and building iots sunday school lesson ilir vah1kd mintrily of jrsus csildi i ti xt jihus wt ntyiiljiml all tin filties and vlllnjus tiaihinu in thijkviuihouuitm nnil punclilnu tie ijorfirl uf the kingdom and hnulmu tveiy dlhitme und i vei v in fiihiltv mutt ojtl lisson text mk i 2 22 jtf- ii kxposjjjlm i ji iiik ptiwir- ni n ti nchtr 2j drrnn tji iikhou deuls with a tvpldiil tlv in thr life or our or v ii h ji 2h art uuhuhd in thi n pohitlnn the many forms of olir tordat mliitstry iirt tljustrnliv1 in tin entire chaptir he en tf nfled in ttnehinff healinn in- the ministry of v iff itn linn and revealed the im portance of prayer in his life aualri we find jisus in thy ayna- troteue on the snbbnlh andotfitln he is teachinu the results jirr for different in capernaum from those in mnxnreth luke 4 11 30 thev ore astonished at his ti aihink the greek woid is n viry stronk nni this was fn tyt utly tin rt suit of jisus ttaclunfi mutt 7 2h 10 4 jno7 4 tluit which an jonlshed thnn was that hi wannot n mere injnmentator on what an 1 11 nt nun of ood had snld tmt h tauqlit them n nm who himiilf 1 1111 hi dmcth fiom god tin v ltcoi ni7 d tli h n cud n man with 1 gmluieinu d uilhorltv above th l of moses mil all the an hint nun who ipnki fi inn god 1 matt r jl 22 ji 14 i nki 11 12 jno 1 1 hi h 1 1 we too omi1i1 to tiadi with mithortn tint wi cm nnl dn it whin ivi spi ik as tin orluli of tod 1 1 li t i ll- ii juiis powu 0n dimraii 23m thijc wns urn mm m lh svni- uorut who ispiclnlu m i di d hi lp a man huhad rnmi nnltl thi nowir 4f i unsttn initiial p r- on an dnt1t an spii i di mon lacid possi ision is qinti oninion tnda in linn ind othi 1 heathen land ii id nt v ins on oimoniaetd possession ind is not unknown n our land in u it 1111 kinds of lunaev and somi foims of tlan ovnnct and spiritu ilism tin pustnti of jtsns fillid tlio drmnn with ttiror hi n ctifnii t i sus 11 tin holv om of god ind in km w ids own doom must mint soon ind lit f 11 id th it tin horn h id t omt ihiu it thnn limn to di tio us hi bin ks m tt 1101 th- pn m im uf lesu dw is sins up tin di il ind his minions tl is m 1 1 h id sail to hi- ti dlyiliuij ifll 1 hut ill tin in io it tin tpihikh of 1 si tn 111 how i it uhin hi nuns il m h nod tm-w- fn ii nf 1 it hand hob 13 n third he vols- ei lr lip w pi ople need lotat llfl- tkl it it not enough to hay arise takii them by the hand and rainy hum up t in n it was urn fevir irft hei mcknihs an will as demons kavo way before jesus she at once be- tim in ust herjicw found hi alth and trhenuth in nilninti rng to her healer so many who aif helped forget to do thin a wondeiful jiiih follows i hh pt ople wait until tin sabbath tlnms nt hiixmel linn from evtrv ioiuerbf caper nnuin they brinu lo the fiet of lebus llr the wmortrpuvist ssetl and slik thev had no pi oof of ns povurvi ililivoi ami lienl oh that juujvhn hpvn had so mijch moie pinnrnynultf hi ikju rtll our devil tnrmtmutd and siik olw s to him thine pi ople howevt r win not as 1 flwur for spiritual tdcutliiss ait far hialintf am fwiph are pottlmlny dut jiuuv hittd cuury ioiu uf tin m j hlitf had u minislrvto the bfuly iiu well an the soul thin rundown wife gains 16 bs kt ntw psp istmdy n4ra i wm wjf ntuafa vunw- wiul kirn run4uu jrfflisaatt lal m hdumii ajfaam cclijrkjrftjtta jiu uxt omi tl wiw- all ut 1j 4aon jhhmm uh ilihl tiiaiimi u totiulmjwi wul wlmltw willi wilti uawvkw hfiu tlltmllam ullwl hi i i lr apm ktwtuaml 1 pnu ml balf lnm ik m1m 1 rl hw taking huh il itl m wftil ulmwlwm 4nublnlrl tim ly o4 tvy wni trtjil t1 tor uw lmi mmd udar at nil diujiuli w at t p a p i r s 0n m at wallapapats to chooas from in waaforn ontario pa i u tc jpnio of th mora popular brand of a i n i j nationally advertliwd plnl carriad in uock books stationary supplla toys kennedys book store 25 wyndham st guolph angus kanhady prop yfewpat 1 start v pvc openul niysjingi aciount ai the hink df nova scotu and hclicc nir its an mctmrnt that makii mc feci mighty jooj why dont you get that mighty good feeling too open a bmk of nova siotia savings account mm while the years new make ngulir deposits a habit and in joy the peace of mind that a mounting bink bilame create drop m and mi tin manigir or annum mt tt our niarhy bramh of tin hink of nina scotia you cm opiu jour mw iccuunt in fnc minutes or les wh not go in today and you loo ian enjoy a restful bfik irom wmry winds and snow the bus tup is oo jddfd tieat with sightseers all the way fares are low jackaonvilla 50 05 miami 61 55 tos angalat 89 50 harold wiles hfoni s fommimiln 01 i r this dtiim n thi isi m i siiki nun will ful i iiu lit us iiu i s isks tn hi christ will not i t ft htli 2 ml it is udiit ihi not sihituin i i is i 10 d r to f the oithndn iuiif th mini w is i i h ihti i ilh imi lid nt hnn i sus m tj u l ptid tlii- tistiriuui nf di minis 11 mk t ii i j v id hi t i in tlimon did not w ish in nmn out but he h id to put hi nndi i 1 ist strut lii intl li his ictim n pirtinr blow ifi nutli himsjc m i iiid but the cr wis nne of d pair and this nwful strujlli was the- hst it is ihi dt il s wi to nnkp i list stinjklt bi fort ui ink up his hold upon i iinn hi 12 12 thi pi oplt wt n ill im 171 d it this displ n of dimin powir on jtsus pirj f 11 lit 1 in tlu di thiv hid btinistoni hit tli it hi tnurht w ith authority now th ir amatd tint w ith uithorm he comni inds- tvin tin nntht dt m tn ind tin obi llitu but in ith ir istonihmrnt noi mnunnl is conirsion 1ittr wi thill vi the winds mil tin si 1 oluint lun h 4 41 tin 1 port of his mikhu piwii spii ui- jki wildfiri in tht w hi u sui n uinhm rtinntr tin 1 nib win n t uiustnimd to t1 n 1 rnir u h s iip t s i u om sukruss 1 vv tin in xl n in t h nn si tu trn fmul irimtid -11- i 1 ilnmi r i n i ii u r th 1 1 paid ititt t 40 hun w is sukn ss in this horn thi tirthi wis st tli nt trnr rin vf dniu m sjt km ss tin t 11 11 m f in i i sus hktd that hi w ishi s u 1 tu ihl ill our j sotij t him mitt 11 2s if ui will di this u stnll in fut fi nn ill inut thil 4 fi r vi t sus w uild hm us tod n l ict t w ird him just is tin dicip irs irtt d ttiw irti him whin h w it htrt on irth ihtb 13 h it sus i tuild hivi bm hurt if i tt r hut inn off ifrer 1 ditr instt id of coniinr firstrto him thi rr wis no mix in tillink t su str iuht wi tht ttll him of hir vov what jfius did firtt lit emu j l ji mis itudd hi il at i distinct jno i 4 vi sji luit lit took hi r b thi hnnd this ityis a k sson for us i it it a hand krjip of n huh stront i nid that the smfuj and wtak netsd jcsili- himself ih na to a w ha ilon manager acton ont hiatal not a fish story want ads tell long story of good results with a record of yaaribahind lham claxified dvariitamantt thoia lihlo placet of dynamita ara still proving thair ability to tell trade rant and do any number of thingi tuccetifully each week more than 5000 reader have an opportunity to tea your tmall selling mintage and answer its call i take the sick and sinfiinif b the classified advertisements often start a telephone or door bell ring ing shortly after tho advertisement has appeared in the paper the classified column thjt appear weekly on the back page of the paper are a meeting place for buyers and sellers dont wait sell those unnecessary items now and use the money for other requirements phone your classified advertisement to our office by wednesday of the week you want it to appear and your little message will greet a large potential market on thursday for results its classifieds in tlie aeton free press phone 174 56 mill st 3 -fl- s5 ajqlaawalallaa btmi 7 i