Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 19, 1951, p. 5

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toomday atm uth hal poem k our- vera will be quite we ar very busy we are making hew parking una of a sort and the work u keeping us dizzy when you find ui maved at a later date well b just around the corner our number will still lw one two fcisht and the waiting room should v- roys taxi phone 128 acton j auction sale rntirk rattmt rtock implkmenta etc the properly of okirnn sraowl 4th line- esquoslna lust blow no 3 hishuoy about a mile and a half j from acton monday aitttll uttl hlndley li elliott aucloneera cuamno auction sale of some hegistfittkd stock new till tractor double disc hammer mill hay loader and other good implement erhur 8ed oats nobarb seed barley prlxe winning alfalfa red clover and timothy seed and household furnitu pome antloueai bho itture- a pment for hotmi kouipment for horsect the property of w o uowmmoe lot 5 con 7 esqueslne township on wednesday may ivd at 13 jo pm ljnn dance auctioneers your eyes deserve the best consult r m bell registered optometrist mwum mr 15 erin cycolocystz f wed all scatter tue sumsuiue we should we ua9uldut mjkiotvic 3aiwv dans hat waalhar hn getting you down during tfto latt two wookt dont let your cat2 get you down too have it serviced at school building motion defeated ctmttmmmd from tqm one georgetown on sunday and choir concerts were to be given at 011 william and church ul wfw stevenson and mr tl whet- tone ducuasod informally with the board the formation of an orch- eitra in milton high school more information 1 to bv ttecured and the matter further discussed at the net meeting it wa decided umialwor tender for painting thp auditorium boys and girls lavatories principal j room library and lady tetfehera room nt mlltnn and one dm room the library and hall at georgetown tender were to be nsked on each room iin that the board could decide what work could be undertaken this year mlss laycock and mr roos rep- tcscntlng the teacher of the schools naked that n teachertrus tees committee be appointed to deal with talary and other prob lems the milton and acton teacher requested an increase in talary effective september 1st of woo in addition to the annual increment of 1300 and a maximum of 44fto for specialist standing permission wa given the gco-ge- town high school to purchase teachers desks and chair to the amount of 204 00 the question of the engagement of teacher was also discussed whether the trustees and principal in the town affected were to do this work or whether hwoult4 -ie- the basketball game scheduled for last week wait called off but we have had word that orangavllle will play a game of volley bull with uh on friday april 2d at ac ion v mca at 7 50 pmt no mut ter whit the game is rugby bas ketball or hascball acton will bo in there fighting we bnve back nt school with un two of our old pupfls when we sa old of course it lit under stand that we do not mean it in the sense of age thev ore dmnna papillon who hod been attending school n toronto and also joyce greer coming toon is the track and field meet around the first of may we will be having our own high school field meet and an ylav iflthls the interschdol flald meet which will be held tbli year in the acton park last vear it wai held at krln visiting schools for this occasion are milton georgetown and erin this year at the inter- field meet cups will be awarded the winner in each class junior intermediate and senior and alio a cup to the school obtaining the most points wc hope that acton will wln the cup hopeful thinking on moy 12th the waterloo games uc a th o a cll 1 st lortt g i jen j mltt3tolnletulci the point under discussion it ap peared that the present settling of these details in the town affected was working satisfactorily and was most advantageous as the manage ment committee had members from three towns trustees present at the meeting were messrs coon buchanan and dills of acton martin and pickett of milton bell blehn and milne of georgetown schenk and ciea e of esqueslng and chairman car bon of nassagawcva who prcjidcd following adjournment of tbe meeting the members met wlh mr a d sproat former secretory of the board and mr carbert on their behalf made a presentation of a pair of pip in a leather eaic and expressed their appreciation of his service mr sproat replied appropriately the board and principals were later entertained at mr sproats home on queen street where cof fee and sandwiches were rcrved and a delightful social time enjov- ed campbellville the grace mission band met at the home of beverly roberts on saturday afternoon with the pres ident marianna greenlces open ing the meeting with a call to worship anita smith offered pra er in the absence of donna mitchell joan black read the scripture lesson thirteen girls inswered the roll call with my favorite bible story the cheer secretary reported sending tw o cards the birthdav song was sung for beerlv roberts and gloria pu d recitations were given by joan early and joan cramp th- topic was given by the leader mrs j wallace and dealt with the mis sionary w ork among the indians in canada the meeting was closed with prayer by bsverly roberta there was a short work period followed with a gam con ducted by mrs h ramahaw after which all enjoyed a dainty lunch served by the hostess mrs wn roberts assisted by lois greclees and anita smith the acton h mbs page wtvm u anmgxat tudenti- will shoes of quality ladiessup out proudly comfortably and smartly in a pair of our new distinctive spring styles mensdrvss oxfordsof titchi suter and hartt quallma work raota from 350 up chilorensshom by savao today people realize that ihe poise and bearing of the entire body even the expression of the face may be affeced by the comfort of their feet therefore you are naturally interested in shoes that will take you through crowded days that demand thousands of footsteps hours of standing and walking on hard pavement comfortable and stylish shoes for father for mother and for child are fitted by xray no guess work no shadow of doubt about the fit because you see with your own eyes through the x rayj machne the relationship between your foot and the shoet for shoes that are smart and for shoes that are fitted by x ray visit our store today e braida shoe store mill st acton tiuetpk ling somi down acton will also bo repres ented we hope thnt those at tending will make a goo showing the paper committee has inform ed us that another issue of the fye opener will be out bv the end of april rm sure it is hoped that the paper committee does not have as much trouble as thev did last time when the ditto machine hrove down although they tried hard things did not go as well ns it was expected that time some of the students have been worried about skunks around the school recentlv one was noticed running ocross the ground on one side of the school on th other de a dog was chasing squirrels quite a menagerie list week we had with us mr hnllman head of the normal school at hamilton he divided the room into ten sections and each section decided upon a question and the chairman of each group presented it ntm at our assembly last thursday mr robbififl showed us another one of his films taken in europe last summer this particular film had iwen taken mostly of switz erland and down o venice several shots were taken of the swicr alps and these proved very interesting at our assembly thursday april 10th wre will see the film of the stanlev cup games of 10v thls will probablv be very interesting especially to those who like hockey the north halton high school district board decided at their last meeting lo offer scholarships to the students of ahs these scholarship will be presented an nually at the commeneemeni ex- ercues commencing at the end of the present year these scholarships will bo aw arded to the students who comp lete in one venr the work of the jtralle in which thev ape nrolld with the highest academic standing average per cent mark in j who have taken at least five subjects in that grade all subjects in th it gride ia ill be counted but no sub jects in i higher or lower grndt w ill be considered on tuesdav afternoon grajc b put on their literary program the mi eting opened w 1th the king follow ed b the reading of the minutis of the previoua meeting b the sicrvtar carol tyler the chairman for the meeting wa- bill mchugh who innounied that the first item on the program was a skit with hugh sirrs as the cowboy coming to the big jt looking for some exeitcm nt and eeln saunders as the telephone operator bcttv williamson is a dtaf mute who the cowboy tries to date and bill price who escort bett the effect on the students wis quite hilarious this was fol lowed b a piano solo bv betty sinclair and a monologue b th grade 9b girls the next item on the program was a quartette bv four hovs or we should sajc darkies their faci s and hands were blackened to help the illusion thev were bill skll- hng ra mison paul law son and bill somerwlle and wen iciomp- amed bv peggy oakes they sing such songs as tennessee wilt mock in bird hill etc ri mison plaved swanee rker on the har monlca and sang a solo ghost riders in the sk fter the su- dnts stopped rolling in the aisles ind wiping their crving ves the program continued with a rtvir int skit the actors were nils olson as the customer marv bnldi ostvie waitress pnnllng pjp as the manageress and des celebrating their 6 2nd wadding anniversary on saturday april 21st are mr and mrs edwin e dudd of r r 1 campboll- vlllo marrlod in ealing england the pair camo to canada in 911 after sovoral years in hamilton ihoy moved to nolson township over 30 years ago both aru 80 years old acton switchboard enlarged by may to provide improved telephonu service in acton an extension to the switchboard is being installed at the local exchange r g dlllune bell teltphono manager for this region informed the free press thin week thot the switchboard is being enlarged by one operator a position ninklnj three positions in all tho work is oxp t bp touta bivnik in ruilurllira servitt the enlarged swiuhboard will enable thru operators to bo on duty nt n time instead of two ns nt present mr dlllone said in nddltlnn there will be additional iqutpmont nvnlloble for tho oper ators to use in completing cills the manager explained that the tfeln s sometimes cxperloneed in placing cnlls are usually caused by the shortage of equipment thi ro are onl o certain number of con necting cords available at the switchboard depending on the number of operators positions and when nil these cords are in use in peak periods the operator ennnot complete n call until someone hangs up with the ndditlonnl fncllltles now being installed these delays should be reduced to a minimum he said the switchboard extension bing installed by northern electric company craftsmen was mide necewaiv bv the evergrowing use of telephone service here ther now are some 820 telephones serv ed byr the local exchange compar ed with about 410 in 1045 on nn overage day acton res idents now make some 2 72 local cills compnred with 810 a doy in 1045 and long distance mils nver age 170 a day against 8 mr dlllnne smld the new switch board equipment will provide ex change facilities to meet the com munity a telephone needs for some time however new service still cannot be supplied jn a few cises because the necessary outside tel ephone lines are not available the construction of new tele phone lines will be carried out is rapidly as the availability of 1 bir and materials permits he added dominion head attends wa day one of tho best attended and most impressive and interesting meetings of the halton presbytery womens association was held on wednesday april 11th in acton united church special guests including mrs m r fall is tho president of the dominion coun ell attended the morning and af ternoon sessions of the third on- ouioj w a day enjoying fhi h wiiornl it h ituwtt ttiw obituary john l macdonald dies at eden mills after a funeral service at his late residtnce at eden mills john len- nard macdonald was laid to rest at eden mills cemetery on tuesdiy april 10 mr macdonald passed iway the preceding friday born in dundas mr mncdonalj had a grocery buslnt ss in hamilton for manv years in 1918 he was seriously injured in a railway ic cident while employ d bv tho rail- wa he was a m mber of eden milu pn sbvterlan church he is survived b his u ife tht former margaret hde of dundas one son willinm r mncdonald of fd n mills o daughter mrs wil son bewle bettv of campbell ilk a brother r h macdonald of hamilton n sister mrs j s corrle of himllton and fle grand children 0 rourke as the minager then the quartette cime out igain to sing some more sonifs this time w ithout accompinment john mowat dressed as i i dy pave nn introduction to the styles of 19s1 while the models par 1 i d t the front of the room at this the whole school wis in nn uproar ind i m sure the laughter could be heard down at baxl r lab or een at melsiac s gnrage as i finale of the fashion show th models came in agiln and orders were i ken for trese magnfircw ceit- ons th n the qinrtette cime in agiln but m this time the noet bid won off so thev soin tt out ngnin to end their progrim th s 9b3ingjso long 1 s been food to know yiu 4nstallatlonotthoof fleers for 1051 was also on important feature of the program the president of the hnlton presbytery mrs hunter reld of onkvlllc who was in chnrge of the meeting opened with a welcoms to nil those attending mrs wi1 derspln of acton replied the special speaker of the morn ing wns mrs orpha houston the superintendent of the cednrvile school for girls nt georgetown who told of the work done tht re the worship was taken by mrs j holllngsworth kilbride and re ports given by mrs g m howden 1051 secretory mr c o wilson treasurer mrs b savage devot ions mrs r menalrn visiting mrs j moore june conference and mrs frank smith literature during luncheon the special guesli were introduced nnd mrs reld called on several to speak to the lnrge group of wa members these included rev currey of acton united church rev mercer of appleby president of the hal ton presbytery mrs v w kins man president of the homllton conference wa mrs livingston president of the homllton county presbytery and mrs beattl of st catharines president of the no folk and haldlmand counties w a other guests from outside hal ton included mrs clayton sejrle sarnlo miss helen burlton tor onto mtsslonory secretary of the dominion scm mrs h f olds hamilton domini olfw a council and mrs f h whlteloek st cath arines hamilton conference w a the dominion council president mrs fallis paid a surprise visl to the conference and was ospoclally welcomed the address during the ifter- noon session was given by mrs clayton searle who spoke of dif ferent aspects of w a work an in memoriam service was taken by lowvllle wa the of fering by sheridan wa and the dedication of the offering b mrs a a wilson of queeniwny the past president of the hilton prcsb tcry arw the vlceprciident of the hamilton conference mrs t j hedley of burlington con ducted the installation of officers for this year elections resulted as follows president mrs hunter reld oak- ville 1st vicepresident mm jas moore acton 2nd vlccprideit mrs bel ford savage oakvllle 3rd icepresident mrs frnnk free man r r 2 acton 4th vice- president mrs w h drummond r r i waterdown recording secretary mrs g g grummett burlington corresponding secret ary mrs j lee oakville tnas- urer mrs c g wilson mlltnn press secretary mrs o m how den burlington departments parsonage mrs harold cleave georgetown visiting mrs robert menalrn waterdown income tax forms completed books kept or audited all acruunti prepared ony business sprrlallsrd srrirr for farmers including avrrafe and baste ilrrd claims ntasonaule fees phone rockwood 116r6 orlgueleh4131r t your full support for the jack kentner jr family fund is solicited campaign opens fri april 26th campaign closesfri may 11th piggy banks are locatod at businast plaeas for your convnunc make em grunt donations will bo gladly received at both banks and by tho executivo chnlrmnn sammy hltunelik vim chairman onvmu i1iiowm fxi rutlvi liny milium iirnn masters sanford shantx horry holmis kic trcus w mlddlptnn 1 get happily settled in your own home from this select list brick on new street j designed for easy living all conveniences full size cellar heavily wired fur n hofandm w on lirsf-floafr-bo- i sighed so ht srvtalrfisrvilly csn lluo on first floors upstairs- can bo finished if oxtra rooms noedod stair in owners artistic skill has made this house and sur- jroundings much to bo dosired terms by paying owners equity and small monthly payments or cash owner oc cupied possession arranged new with half acre near town right for smallholder seven rooms private water supply under pressure drilled well builtin bath and shower large kitchen with cabinet sink and ample cupboards wash tubs in utility rqom on ground floor hot and cold running water just right for the family that loves peace and quietness with ample room to move in tho sun parlor of acton price right immediate possossipn about 50 down wright real estate and insurance appraisors realtors insurors p l wrlrht offlcr 20 wilbur st acton pttuu m n b wrlfht office cd mscdonncll hi ornish pkasa u1sw yes we have others as well as small holdings and building lots jack kentner benefit hockey game friday april 20th 8 30 pm milton coops vs georgetown raiders at georgetown arena total proceeds to go to the widow and family of tho lat jack kentner 75c admission tickets may be purchased from n all hockey players 10000 challenge series best 3 out of 5 games between milton coops and georgetown raiders first game tuesday april 24th milton at georgetown friday april27th georgetown at milton monday april 30th milton at georgetown wednesday may 2nd georgetown at milton friday may 4th if necessary location to bo determined by the toss of a coin adults 50c -admission- children 35c

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