dance to tex bemeke amd his orchestra wednesday june 6th brampton memorial arena hrst jm ticketi ou tale alaa chlim rtob centre qarftl st w memaimdiek at 1j mail orders write cd brampton arena north e ast west south news- trom all directions t thirafabafartottu in onr own fcrauda of kaaroliaiidlaa safer elieeain tun aw mead of jlomab oofpee damum ef blaoda war aauplad somas oosths hmc fcaj jtut the rttht have ami raillowhw bag mohahoh a wute cake mix yaok pie crust mix tie choc cake mix s 36c ginger alera b7c hus btrftut grapefruit 33c a florida 48oztm juice x9c sooz tinfl blended juice i5c 37e orange juice 17e 39c date nut loaf bslsie veivet flour 24c 38c meats babies mum 3 41c cereals for baby gsaje baby foods ukus 3 ima x8c tomato soup 3 ate corned beeff loaf 34c spic and span 25e 62c fob washing walls or floors pko speedcoat gfi 59c 98c simplex cleaner as 45c javexs i5e z5c 48c rinso or lux 41c 81c kiwi shoe polish i8c cleanser bwiftb tin 132 10oz tin- ioc pep dog food cat food a 227e ballards meaties iss33e bird gravel moom 2 m x9c bird seed 100k pko 25c trarktoxd utevg 4b peas 2 80oz tins 25c i l vai j1w oranges doz 32c imp new cabbage pound 6c 1 1 lio tomatoes pkg 29c l itfhmu 5 lettuce 2 for 25c 1 hksii itaiiv c rlrr llrarla olrry stalk ilunrh carroll ucuiubrr ii ii tomjlor w hulk carrot uiiuiuk uaduhu uhubarb panalpa feat fr the coutull what la council fcolntf to do about the rpb an oakviho citizen nuked the town council weve had them running thrmish 6ur back yard for two years the clll- 2cn continual in her tale of wo u council shook collectively baffled heads and appointed councillor nos glhion jis pledhpiper or to invcflllifatc the menace apparent ly the town dump altera the pic ture and poison wont affect the hardy rodents geargetawn appoint auhrijuii georgetown ban n new wwihtant principal for ita public school a natlvo of tavistock presently teach ing at vlncland 13 a stein will join the georgetown ntarf erin loo minister mernhers of the erin united church congregation bid farewell to rev h ii somcrvllle and hla wife at a social evening recently the couple wore presented with n trfllght miss d bird a faithful secretary treasurer for the pnjit eleven years was pre wit a purse for her appreciated service rawer cbreovr power interruptions will mark the changeover from 6fl cycles to co cycles when oakville trafalgar and bronte electricity is cut off the changeover is pnrt of the standardization program for aoutli- raoatarlo csdeta rrd burlingtons annual cadet inspec tion and physical display was greeted by warm weathnr thl year tlie burlington- caxotlb repvjrta n good fcrowd nnd n well prepared 8how despite the minimum of re hearsing paused by other pressing events pvlku tsttjp the london intematlpna dog show saw- three erin dobermans walk off with first prfrcn and wil lie was also n reserve winner the pups were owned by mrs w s milne of erin will and a way some ingenunitv nnd n prnnp nf volunteer hoi porn are making basement excavation at grace anglican church in milton milton machine shop designed a small ex cavator for the job which has speeded up laborious work it funs on 0 track and a car of earth can be taken out every three minutes tlte earth is dumped over a nearby jwnkfrom thc cnr three man force milton will be watched by three man police forco according to a recent decision of the council thoy agreed to hire an oxtra policeman the same nijiht as they decided to seek approval of a woqwldclkinjj rcforlliii fiaiuatas installation eveftton bees planned for manse shingling a shingling bee was held at the manse on saturday when about half the roof was done a second bee will be held again next satur day weekend visitors with mr and mrs william head were mr and mrs fred murray guelph mr and mrs charlie head weston and mr and mrs kitchener head and vale rie centre island troonto mrs irene walker and blanche acton spent the weekend with mr nnd mrs t d mccutcheon mr stanley stninton toronto haji been engaged ns student speak er for the summer at church of christ mr nnd mrs walter couling 0angeville visited on sunday with mj nnd mrs harvey jcstlh and i bobby i weekend visitors with mr and mrs charles fountain werl mr nnd mrs dick grill and mmily oakville nnd mr ted fouktam guelph congrntulntions to mr nnd chlrles fountain who cvlobrated their twentyfifth anniversary on tuesday may 29th mr and mrs robert patten and diane guelph visited on saturday with mr nnd mrs john alton sunday visitors with mr and mrs w ii hnrtop were mr nnd mrs bert pilframan nnd mr clnr- ence hortnp rnckwood man at work enforced idleness kills fit old men enforced idleness kills many fine fit older men and women who could and would enrry on happily with useful work if given a chance one of the reasons why women live longer thnn men is that most of them are able to continue doing some useful and interesting work which keeps them content in the knowledge that they are contribut ing tb the happiness of others men who have acquired valuable skills and knowledge in a lifetime of work find compulsory usefulness unbearable while they are still fit to make an important contribution to the wellbeing of their families nnd neighbors creating employment conditions that will enable older people to continue at work within their phymcjl capacities perhaps only four hours a day add twenty hours a week is one of the most urgent pioblems business boom a night ilub loudspi akrr sjste11 recently blxsted this innounciment will the ouiur of the car with luvme nuinbei xxoooo please gu out ami nunc the cir you are parked over an open manhole and the telephone man would like to tome up and go home ifeie are three items from a re- tit iait of the financial post that confirm the flourishing state of canadian business cheques cashed in j0 exceeded ik billhms for first time increase of 1125 4 per cent over 1938 great est gain by b c up 330 per cent expansion reflected increased in dustrial pioductton nnd rise in pnees department store sales fpr week ending feb 21 rose 21 per cent fiumlast year increase in all re gions saskatchew an leading with 34 per cent followed by quebec and manitoba with 27 per cent f carloadings on canadian rail- was for week ended feb 24 were 7 15b cars 737111 preceding week 70037 last rar for first eight weeks loadings reached new peak for period mf 58a hoo 5281100 last its worth saving part of family allowance cheques make this down payment on a full education theie aie many w a s of giving ihiuiren a wof hwhile start in lift home training counts foi a lot so do got hi fotni md clothing and theies thi great advantage of a w ti i balanced education musi pjniin haw ptobablv du- t listed them nialters often enough just as tht t diseussfd the besi wa s of cinplov ing the monthly famih allowance cheques and the ve eonsideretl the loiigleptt uses of these cheues n ing them for high school md college das ken if oti cunt fcee our wa to st aside the whole cheque each monh whv not sie a portion of j it for his purpose opt n a special savings uccvunt at the hank of i monti al and put awa 011r dol lars for kdueatioii regular v each niunth b the time vour familv tis them thevll have addisl up with interest- to a- mmoie sum vour voungsters will appreciate this great help f inward on the road to uccrxs when ou receive our next cheque drop into your local branch r frigida1re hectrie laqe modal rm30 lhown model rm3s has coolma iter oven clock control and lamp both have ulentll drawer a completely new idea and t lidalrorrttrarjfdueir more uiable thrifty oven in a range that taki u fji kllehafl tpacsl breolhtotilng ttyllna by raymond loawyl fsatur ofrr feature of costllstr rang mad ell including frlgldafi rtw mora efficient radlantuba suf- faca unltil ail at an amaxlrta valua prloal coma in 1 tfila ilarlllng n aw- comae among alactrlc rarigatl a ifa csmpsrtl ifa thrlrfyl i lrtrllahipdl you cant mafdt a manning electric acton ont rfc r ulstinliuishell f l v i iv f c l i s s for tin act or actf of valour courage or devotion to duty performed whilst flying in active operations again it the enemy during the second wortd war the dihlintuishcd flying cross was awarded to 4028 members of the roval canadian air force exceptional fearlessness in the face of the enemy outstanding courage and determination 4028 citations each one a tribute to service in the defence of freedom bv men of the rc a f today in canadas rapidly expan ding air force more young men are needed to train as air crew officers navigation officers radio officer and pilots to be eligible you rnust be be tween 18 and 2f be a canadian citien or other british subject be physically fit and have junior matriculation or better royal canadian air force consult the carter counsellor at your nearest rcaf recruiting unit ormail this coupon rcaf recruiting unit j si lark sstrrrt ilionr pi ssis or jct7 i toronto ontario 1 khu vail bm j wlhtmt ulaafea i fell bwufaimt ra- agnliai mtal eaawliamiali i aaj aamiflat aaw j lcaj name niasa ham street address i city v province education lav aaaaa am hovaiod cat i wa mk