Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 31, 1951, p. 5

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thursday uay silt 1ss1 the acton free press mufzfns plvmbtp one reason tolks onus relv oust what thev rdchlin club lose close 87 decision rjichlintf the acton entry in the eramou district softball league suffered their tint setback of the season on tuesday when oac haymakers edged them 87 in cuwlph kn auefrwenthhettmtcr on the hill for rachllns the team meets everton tonight at everton returning here on tuesday for a gimc with dm mills k railbird predict the rfichlln club u the team to beat in the loop judelrik from their first two starts lsomeotthe bst ulnt from the acton softball league now df- solved is available for duties and rachlins alone in previous seasons have been up near the top in their oun right the league is composed of oac hymnkcrti oac ag gies eden mills rockwood ever ton rockwood and acton page rtvm acton drops opening decision as ryder twirls a smart 3hitter a smart threohitter thrown by don ryder in his first atari on the mound in two years dldn t suffice acton intermediates m they drop ped a 32 decision last thursday in milton th mil ten clubtookjicu lettth to editor m bfmjjrfin suxhutsj works- plumbing heating rlsbw cycoopyscz opening ceremony reminds of help mr tdttor as i took part in tin opening of our lovdv new hnll nt rock- ttoml mv thoughts went brick to the dnv when mr k mckcn7ic put mthitnke it was through hi cooperntion thnt the hnll beemme n renlity it was one of his inst projects we wish to pnv him tribute he was a kind hearted citizen of this town as the churchea well know rockwood t would like to expfeu our thanks to j b mckcnzle and son in a good many years exper ience with builders i have never had dealings with a more obliging firm signed w g luxton rector of st john s and st albnn churches vantage of seven errors committed by tho loctrivn chalking up thor second win of the season tho issue was in doubt until the final frame when a two run acton rally fell just short one run with a man on third banc acton nick ed pooblc marshall the milton righthander for six hits and don ryder collected two- of them but lack of power in the clutches cost a ton the name nevertheless it was n surprising display from the acton team who were rated little ihnntt of making it ivin ciom the wt re under staffed with only one substitute on tin bi nch to open the season and in a pitcher i milton took a ont run it id in tht j third in rung when mcphail s ilnv c iromed off gi jordan s glove and lit wt nt to second on the ovcr- ihrow a pissed ball took him to third and he scored as marshall gtounded to short melanson beat out a slow ground ball to third stole both second nnt third and scored on an error nt the ints home debut is a 63 decision advertising necessary a mus8awd is the mau in the garqen who digs where the ladv ik the i apse hat savs to well anyway ts reasant exercise diqgmg ie garden at tins tirne of year but- f isnt pleasant exams fixing flat tires st t tnat the tires on your car ci n let you down this week end have them checked at it is just as necessary to advertise abroad as it is nt home to get new business and candinn exporters big and little would do well to re member this- according to john m milne or toronto export consult ant and one of canadas leading uithoi iiu s on international adver tising cross atmaihsltfllwill ctok tls jejv 13 c 0 s s auto parts i parts oil anti freeze for all make cars and trucks tires from 30x3 to 825x20 woods hoist and box 3 2 y chev d p axles bus phone 9031 milton res robert st phone 131 ttttt edge in the bottom half of the fourth again in the sixth melanson lined a single o left stole second and scored as eric toletzka a bat hit nmusing double to centre tor milton s final run acton bunched two hits arid a hobble at home for two runs in the top half of the seventh rvdei and tyler scored as robinson clocked a nlft single with rob inson on third mel jordan flled out to left field r h f acton 000 000 2 2 fi 7 milton 001 101 x t 2 7 acton g lord an sv robinson rf p allan lb m tordnn if mas- il s 2b masttrs c n brum cf b tl r lb rvd r p shultis batecl for g tordnn in 7th milton clivals rf riifk is mel an m lb t 1 tka of sto rr if k fi lb i rr 2h mcphail c m ir hall p cosily wild throws ond a four- hit fvrtricllon clainiw d our by southpaw don faw celt enabled waterdown to take n rtt dcelsion in n last nirht in acton internu d- ntcs home debut a tfood irowd was on hand to watch the merch nnts innii from behind in the fifth inning win n they nicked three safeties off h ftv mel tordan that pyramided into four runs with tht nddition of loose pla in tin at ton infu id tin ganu w as ixdh d at tin ml of tin sixth due to dirk in ss lip until tin fifth acton hid t in tme m h ind bi hind step ly pilihmg from tot din tin rol poh fink sid r wint tin distant kivuik up onl svn hits nnd m ndint n nun down sw mi lug juivcttlilrukout mm aclon midl i stiong bid in un bottom h ilf of tin sixth led off by i ltisu triph fiom the bjt of owlii m tnl- an error and a walk iividiil tin bins ind coach dudi liudsa wint in to pinch hit f bob ttii r imdav was halton juniors in woodstock concert on snltmlny mnj mlh thv hal- ton junior rnrtmra lrav lied to woodstock by but to participate in the provincial choir cnnrerl s cn count k were rurwnted bruce halton middlesex norfolk oxford perth and went worth each choir put on a u n minute progiam of their own ruclfon the thirty five voieo halton coun ty choir niuig mi n of harlech and tlioiit music throughout the evening was of a very high calibre mr g roy fenwlck mus doc critic for the concert mid hnltoh county gave a very artistic performance a laige portion of this credit should go to tin er capable din dor mi thojnts alii n of hund is tin i veiling closi d with the m lss d rlmir vio volcis in all sinking two numhi rs i have j tuihi oxen wind it fvtry tonjnn aclon tine new rates of fare interurban routes during llie past ion yoars llio cost of providing stsrvlco has steadily incroasod and or some tlrrto the present rates of fate havo not provided sufficient amounts to meet ex penses campbeilviile eavestroughing is the time to replace those leaky eavestrouqhs tt on hind jt prtstnt a qood supply of ni llenals but first come ii be first served we m m r n ites g his ft rn sluh prompt ehictnt attertt on c macarthur and r anderson phone 3b4r2 milton ont orders left at talbots hardware ph 76 acton will be given prompt attention annual meeting acton ymca thursday june 7th 1951 supper at 6 30 p aa i spealer tickets mr cecil brown ganaral secretary v m c a hamilton 1 00 per plate members wives friends welcome mrs king hostess wms thursday mrs u illacx king was hostess to tin w m s of st david s church on thursda aftirnoon the prcsi dt nt mrs r flhot opened the nn t ting an tin absence of the tn isutlt and convmor of theup- pl committte miss j mcphail pave thse reports mrs r inrlis rtporttd one call made by the wil ling orkt rs committee it was dtcidtd to haii a quilting for tin bait it tin june mttttng tin topic n trip across canada was t iki n b miss f simpson the prt ib u u in church is responsible for tin mismi n in work on the bhil ind jhinsi fnlds tin prisidtnt kii a bruf rtport of tlu r ill in d in fergus and mrs l shu pi gut a ir full n port of tin addnss dilnered that da b hi h inform rtturmd misaionan fiom chin i the mis iitmiit u s b tin ir quiet persistent wot km k uui dl uoiknik together h bis n ibk t i tchn pr gn s tin hijh e iltbre of the missionary forces ind tin consicrateti christ- un clunisi peopli ill w oi king to getln r in doink wondtkul work in thi yunn in miion fuld both n poits win intin sling 1 h ti t w ord f r hi roll oi f w is w isd m the nni tint clase 1 with pni r led b mrs i inn the hostess assisted b her daughttr join and lit social committee ser ed n f n shnn nts ind all njood a phaant hdlf hour mr and mrs f d marion were weik t nd guilts with mr nnd mrs ro turmr of belleville mr and mrs j k mahon were wetk end guests with mr and mrs david mahon of windsor mr and mrs carlson of califor nia visited last urok with mr and mrs robert infiuaand mr and mrs wm robert mr and mn jamei wallace and gwen spent last week end tn phils delphia v isiting friends friends and relatives surprised jack roberts on tuesday eening on the occasion of his 17th birthday progressive euchre was enjoyed and be received many cards of con gratulri lions and gifts passed up sen ring m isalii but with the base still loaded gib jordan grounded into a double play it wis aclon s second luss against one win the locals took an 0 7 decision froni clarlcson on satur d iv in ten innings with big chuck shu uis having a 71 working mar gin at one point don rdcr went m to n in e shultis in thi fifth ac ton colli cted fourteen hits from thi combined of ft nnp twa ci nkson pitchi rs- whili clarkson man iged but sivtn from both ac ton tw irlers aoton w ill bi gun nmg for thi ir second win with giorgitowti here on friday thi atton elub is not up to full ttmgth ml three or four signed pi ii rv lni not i t appeari d in u ii form co rch dudi i indsnv hopi to hivi strrv hippv i iwson diminutivi colored infu id r in th lint up oon law sons f iiln i is s n ulsh ilf in a hamil on h x pit il ind tin little short stop hi b n closi to his fithtrs- b d thi hi h tin crisis jack hough m portsidi r harrv liuvin tvo ilu ibl additions havi failed o m 1 1 ti rms as vet al h nigh ho i h t signed r ii f it rdown 100 041 fi 7 i i n 00j 001 4 4 1 w itt rdown d thompson ss l curns if dow ling c 2b in 4th iiinmnn lb jacobs cf j thorn u n lb zah 2b brush tn 4th i mimii rf tvndill rf in 4th fiwcitt p i iton g jordon ss robinson rf mian lb m tordan p masales 2b makers tb bruce cf townky r tvhr if lindav batted for tv 1 t m fith clfaring auction sale township of nassagaweya of reititfrfdand grade jersey cattle brood rowartiih impirmrnuetc thi uniieisigiird has neeived in trm tions from clalinf brinklow to sill bv public auction at hii faim lot 10 eon 3 nituatid 2 jxuhu uait mwa 4 tnhes- fiouth of rockwood saturday junf tii al 130 o clock the following reg cows g registered jersey cows nil tn sh sjnee mar reg lersev cow due july 8 3 grade cows f n sh since mar grade cow dui jul 12 3 reg jersey heifers due in fall reg jersev heifers 2 trade heifi rs t reg jersey cilvis 2 jersey bull calves the above herd are a choice lot have bi i n raised by owner nil vaccin al d and in full production dairy fquipmfnt hlnmnn 2 unit milking machine n arly m w w 1th all pipes pumps etc fconomv king ehclrfc cream sep- irator fl milk cans milk cart sti w art i lectric clippers tattoo sit romph tt half hp i lectric mo tor rngks and stratton air cooled i tractor g impi fmfnts llfl g m c half ton pickup truck cock mm tt no u tractor on rlibbi r in good condition cock shutt no fi trip or sprmder on nil hi r good is n v d irborn buck riki mil binder fi ft cut with powi r taki off drivi ii t oth lultiv itor power lift m h oil bath mow i i fi ft cut coin shutt h iv loidtr kood as nm c ksluitt- sidi di livi rv tedder nnd k good as m w rubb r tmd bus pittongors will rowdily undorstflnd that it is im possible in tho face of such rapidly rising costs to maintain a high standard of service without an increase in faros conteijuenllly effective friday june 1st a mode rate upward adjustment will be made in all fares ort gray coach lines nterurfaan routes i your continued support and goodwill will bo appreciat ed and wjll ensure a continuance of tho quality of service you desire information regarding the new fares including commuter and scholars rates will be available at your local agency after wednesday may 30th harold wiles phone 58 gray coach lines why run jn ohvtult and aficr every rain srorm i hrough a farm imirsr every sprint tk rr r ft cut m h walking plow harrows girdm tk big hold r barn is 100 red o hi r irtich s pt n h rnn j n b vi ars old rt yorkshlr mpir ii inlon phti brush f ii m w ikon fl it it id uood mimi r h disc s d drill uffh r 4 m etion it it r kain true j poultrv fcf dt rs bn k md maiiv horsfs niaek r il purposi man j tod in all names rrood sows ow kelmcott princess horn mav t 10 with 0 pigs nt sid ynr v with r pigs it side york s iw w ith 7 pigs t side tarn sow u ith 7 pig- at idt tarn sou with 7 pii at id tarn sow dm jun 2 hampshire iow due june 21 1 voung york ovvs bred m air i yirkshin twnr k 1m cott co in t brn mav 2r 11s0 2 tim w rh bmrs rt ad for s rv ic olto pigs n thrift chunks mptottmtut lotin from the hnfm you can finance the making nf elitehes drainage sys tems djkiril is well a many other farm improvements if you need rculv iash to do he jeib a farm tmfirot emcuf in tn may he the answer drop in unti talk hver the details with our nearest b of m manjger remember if vour proposition is sound there money for you at the bank of montreal bank of montreal mir acton branch gordon oder managet 1 n iv 8 in i i h pp rs i 11 ik r iturt f ihrtnruit mtiot jump uul it 1 i t 02 di k nld k old tfrms ci h 111 d iv of si wm i m mill ii i thrift hriftv hmt woikino with canadians in vlir walk op lipf unci 1si7 gibson- urt l progressive merchants advertise grim year tht i tt jr loolu like ont vxf peril nd difficulty dcclarxt thg financial post eerybod wiu havi more uork and prubums than h- uanta and for most it will bt a lotttr standard of u inn announcing showing new chevrolet with power glide new 88 rocket 0ldsm0bile open every evening until 9 30 and on display in our show rooms june 2nd btntil june 9th i niniw- huiiutunuwupiiimii mcniihflhthn imnitm qmttihiifthmiimirimii u mtu bell bros sales and service chevrolet oldsmobile chev trucks

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