Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 7, 1951, p. 2

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page two t l the acton free press rlluhsday june 7lh ittj its your money the abuso of public properly is often nppnl ling and especially to those who foot the bills wo doht suppose the misfits who are respon eiblo for most of the depredations rood editorial comment but we wrife in the hope that the ap peal may roach parents or those responsible for the decent upbringing of children acton has a fine park councils have ovqr the years spent money on making it more at tractive a number of picnic tables were sup plied small structures were built for dressing for those who bathed in fairy lake the picnic tables have been thrown in the water and used for rafts the boards have boon torn off the dressing houses until there is only the frame work loft the old grandstand continues to take o beating but there fsn t much use in replacing it and spending more of the taxpayers money until those responsible for damage learn to respect public property and leave it so it can be used for the enoyment of all it s all very discouraging atiha verybadlndtcatiorrofsomcacton homes we wouldn t blame any ratepayer for ad ministering some punishment to culprits who are apprehended in view of the act that punishment through the processes of law seems so invplved it s your money that is being wasted and abused if you want your property respected it looks as if latepayers will need vigilance to combat plain rowdyism and destructiveness the elder brothers we have never agreed wilh ninety per cent of the sermons preached on that pet sermon of the prodigal son but like the ministers and most newspapers we have been guilty of giving publicity to those boys and girls who have left home and made a success and often forgotten those who have stayed at home and made a big contribution to building up their home commun ity we are proud of course of the hometowners rho have made good in the cities although acton and its adacent districts have a large quota of success stones concerning men and women who left here and made their mark in their particular fields bf endeavour the boys and girls who stayed behind should not be forgotten the stay at home groups have some times been referred to as forgotten heroes as they carry on in their modest and quiet way with out fanfare publicity or self glorification yet in many cases they are the salt of the earth the foundation and corner stone on which citizenship has been built in this great and growing nation yes there are scores of home town and dis trict boys and girls who have not been swayed by the far away green fields but have remain ed at home and have done and are doing a good job in factory business or profession some of them never had the opportunity to leave their home town others did not want to since they felt their opportunity was here others left only to return the home town boys and girls who made good are not always in some place a good many of them are right now doing good work in bet tering their community and lots more of them will be nere in future generations we sincerely hope time changes viewpoints its been quite a while since we discussed editorially the north halton high school district our position as a member of the board and editor of the local papers in two of the lowns in the district has been uniquo and some times a bit of a problem in view ot the change as ndicated at present from one centrtl school to three schools one n each town borne sommlnt may ieern desirable we have no nqiets that ve put fcrtn it seme detail the actvint iqts ct one central set ocl we ore still of the op nion that iuch i lent wsukf be the most tteiiont l i mil pros j tie oe lit st iklvatkc mle nt nsteoilussihstjeikiitci tie i t e et i l ii lies i d ell i n 5 fds ihe ebhc it hi i e q iim m the iliil o i i i i pniii i i t wed i ppi 11 iii line k one inn i u li s i k ul t nleil e n le te sv ii ise tl lee d bit el the tit iui tie qu t i the ontvi o dt p til i whieh pays qrants ef ui pros m lie is lun quirt ers of the sost h ive ch u ltd he r cleats et ce t tial schools be it out je et eer tss e i ise 1 ways eontendtel lh it he iiic pas tht p pel calls the tune it woukf appear that vs lh three lowns of almost identical s zv in the d strict none were prepared to yield their prestige or local patriot ism or wtiatever you may call it and the accomp lishmenl of one central site could not be settled it would appear the public are prepared to pay for this maintenance of local rather jhan central ized institutions 3 the continued growth of not only the towm but alto the townships would presently indicate thai throo high schools would bo roqyir- cd hero much more than in contros whoro iho department has already given approval to estab lishment of districts and maintenance of second ary education constitutions it has never been our desire to thwart the leadership of olectod govornmontsor the will of the public wo always feel it a duty to present the issues as wo see therm for public udgmonf we readily agree that wo aro human fn our decisions and not infalllblo the trend of central ized cducationakfacilitios has changed in the past five years and ot our ago we aro content to swim with the tide rather than against it and hopeful of being able to meet our share of tho costs to have the things apparently most desirod we do earnestly hope the various depart ments of municipal and provincial governments will too find agreement now that the north hal- ton district board has come to unanimity leadership demands respect leaders who demand respect are men of character this is particularly true of youth to clay a young soldier will follow the leader he respects and has confidence in through thick and thin a school boy relies almost entirely on the leadership portrayed by his teacher an athlete whether engaged in a game of hockey or in run ning the hurdles will study the pattern of those who are adept at that brand of sport members of the rank and file in politics municipal or pro vincial admire a man in whom they have con fidence h therefore behooves leaders in all walks of life to set a good example especially where youth is concerned leaders must have a stabil ity of character and if placed in positions of trust they should act in such a manner as to always command respect and admiration happy the leader who carries out the duties of his office in a manner which at all times calls for steadfast support on the part of those with whom he comes in contact woe to the leader v ho succeeds in climbing to a position of trust and respect in the community province or nation and then spoils everything by getting the idea that he is indispensable and can get away with looseness of character and habits which lower his status m the eyes of the youth or the people who elevated him to that position a leader must always be steadfast and true and to a certain degree exemplary in his habits bowmanville c i o hereafter higgins lets repair leaks with some- thing more substantial than bubble gum the good old days j may have seemed j better back in 1901 back in 1931 tal ill frojn tht tism of tht h r taki n from thi isut of u frrt prni of thursday jum 6th 1ioi pn of thursday jum 4thll another phase of life the local high school and the public schools will soon be closing for the summer vacation and final midsummer examinations will commence in a couple of weeks colleges are already dis missed for the term with graduation exercises the order yes another graduation time is again here at this time of the year young people are faced with decisions of great importance to them and to the country those who graduate from our schools this year must decide at once what vocation they will follow within a few years they must make up their minds about marrying and founding a family and from now on they are charged witi a certain responsibility for the development of canada all this requires that they set up a philosophy of life if they have not l iready done so the graduates have passed through chosen courses matriculation science philosophy arts engineering and so on the next course is in survival not physical survival because that is coillpara lively easy in this age but survival as fiee milii and women getting great satisfaction out of life afti r a cciupu of utks continu ous ri st iht strut sprinkler is on its rounds iifiain a imilint of ihl contnbutois to ihc monurmnt fund will ol held in tht council chamber tomorrow tvtnuil council met on monday tvuiinj minibus prist nt vtrc ret vi wil- lnmi and councillors hcndlrson svvnckhirru r and hynds count il adjourned nt 9 4s pm the georgetown hi mid sivs thi re uic twenty boys in vinous stnets of intoxication rtiltnj nbout the streets on 24th miy mr t t moore principal of the public school wis the recipient isterdiy of the finest speckled trout seen in this section this year it measured 1g inches weifihed a little over two pounds and as cuikht bv mr jol m moore fore- min of the georuetoun herald call all the others what you will but when all is said ind told and retold there is but one gnat cir cus which is in every pirticular and detail the greatest and grandest of the entire worlds circusses and that is the great panamerican shows which are commk to acton on siturdav june 8th in all refill mikificence its unequalled numbers ind vast proportions under tht greatest cit of snow white tents evir erected on an grounds will bi sin full one hundred conn thi m one hundred exilud stars u ho will jive one hundred and fift supi nor icts too numi rous to tlissif too nnnv to mini too multifarious to dtscnb misn lotth ind hiil m ison k n i cm nt t md org m dm ts it the fpwoi h li ilui girthn pirt ttt s1iliom on tm sda iwnmg an txciting i inu of btstbill w is pliwd list sitmdin ifurnoon bi lw 1 1 n th t mplo us of thi ok k itht i tinriiiv md thos of thi t mm r ot w ii store ind son tin p n mg w i not of th mo- bi alii int ihnl nr but is vt i in after jul first post ig will bi thn i c nls in cm id i six s iturdays with ram possible jum will switth its showtrs ft snmi othi r diy in thi wk acton tinnis club h ivi intend a team in the w st rn ontario li ague and will ciimpi te this year with two towns in that group the si etion ind niuipmi nt hud out foi the horseshoe pitching it thi athletic association grounds is finding faoui md now being ulilitd the united churth hi id i con gn g ition i ning las thursd iy whin i skitch of the compilation md michinicil production of thi nt w hvmn ir was gien ind j numbi r of the ni w hmns un rendtrid as solos and by thi choir mr e j moon and mr and mr c fi mklin li ggi noted musicians of toronto assisted the choir on tutsdav etning a number of the frit nds and business assoc lates of mr l b shorty assemb- hd at home for i social cenin and pnscntid him with a bt mti ful fi ted club bag dorm blow in acton on wtdnesda ma 27 roil to mr and mrs f s blow a son dif mulliv at the home arthur st acton on saturdi mav 10 101 martha flori net scott w ifc of william r mullin in hi r 7rth t ar crewson at st jasiphs hti pit il gut lph ontario on mon- d june i 1931 ki nni lh john cnwson son of b smi and fn d cnwson in his 11th tir local breeders buy at holstein sale r editorial notes bi c d nrj on most farms s ccmple te n h l ee i te r i it it a hile crop concl i of b tppedi to lt f wcurable lut t htrt s m uly alw son e i f t i t l iure irlti iei i o i i li i r o i uiu is t t tins r ot che ip n oni i j low iteest i itt b were nt u ng n end th s v il n e cd tie le od ik vs to those who h li to i ve on t r e un r os ind meet the present high costs cf u r i ij the mass t es of ufe tini f i tin n ri i n i i f 1 i i tht 1 1 n i mti numi i u ill i 111 ti 14 r r s in in ii 1 h c il 11 1 111 1 i i on i h in n h i 1 v ii mrs nni m ihrr gnmnr film o ik tilt riciitd thi hlfih ist priti foi in upm huftr of 1 iik it tin nitmnil holsuin s ili in 111 m vlh it oikullt th i iirch i- r is mrs n m hilluinl v ith ii illi v qui this iu his in nl 111 ifl i lisultllll ll till uutu til is i i ij hutu 1 1 i lis mi oi is in ii i itls dm 111 s i iliuuitt r i f lt ut 11 mil 111 hit i ill 11 vi is i il n n miki i ii m it it mini 1 i i 1 i i mi 1 fn 111 i- i tlt i in i lt n t ij n iii h i t ki m it n lit tldl t lh ii n mi t ii is i ti mi ii i ii t r i in 1 1 ii h t i i i i i i il f i s l 1 ii i ii ii ti h i i 1 1 1 t i i i ii i i t 1 1 i ii htitlrb illiurrif of fiuttabo a friendly cjnjilch partfonntte 20 bower avenue phono if kev v a currey ha b d minister mim o m lainminl atojm urennlfit nd choir louder suniiav june 10th 10 10ik1 ii tn suiidny s lino 1100 i m mornlni worship sub ject the doctrine of provitl- nc sermon ili 7 00 pm evmink won hip snlj- jctl what chris innity ir continued ilujillbt churth acton sunday iune 10th 101 10 10 im sundiiy school i m0 n m morninr s rvice 7 10 pm evmink sfrvlce mond iy to fndnv jun 11 to 11 emh vtnink nt 0 pm evnn- k list pa v f t summers special miimi ev ryon w 1 mmi jlrcdbjitntati sliifrt inr canoha knox hvrctt acton itkv koiikrt ii awmtthovo ma bo mlnlatrr sunday june 10th 10 10 00 n m sundny school 1 1 00 i m divine worship 7 00 pm divine womhlp all are welcome 6t albuna tttjurrh r anllrr ttjselo tt w g luktob ttm sunday iune 10th 101 trinity iii ooo am holy communion 10 00 i m sunday school 1 1 00 am bekinners class 7 10 p m ev nsnnc a welcome awaits you professional directory and travellers guide mfdical dr w g c kenney rliynlrian and surfeon isuccissor to dr j a mcniven offic in symon rlock mill st acton office phone 7 reuldence church st phone iso dr d a garrett physician and hurceon corner of wlllovs and itlvcr su fntrnncc mlver strtet acton ontario phone 238 nintal dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office leishman block mill st office hours 9 am to 6 p m x ray telephone 148 dr george a sirrs dental surgeon mill st corntr frederick acton olfice hours 0 00 o m to 530 pm telephone 19 c f leatherland barrister solicitor notary public office 22 phone res lol acton mlsceixanfour the victor b rumley funeral home funrral home heated ambuca phont 30 nicht or day strvink the eommunity for 41 years fve care by appointment wm c milligan r o optometrist s nd ird wtdnesdays of lh monlh 2 pm to 0 p m it mill st residence of a t brown please telephone 3b5j vftfrivary b d young bvsc c l young d v m veterinary surgeon offlci brookville onturtu plume milton i4flr4 f g oakes v s b v sc veterinary surgeon otlilt and residence knox ave aeton phone 130 lever hoskin chartered accountants stlecevsors to jtnkins and hardy 1305 mdropolltan bldk 44 victoria st toronto elk 9131 willoughby farm agency lirttt ind oidst aenc in can ida hi ad office 360 bay st toronto phone empire 30004 georgetown rt prist ntitise i tom llewson phone georgetown 332w travellers guide gray coach lines daylight saving time olcllfch leave actov eastbound fi 38 a m isi am 1 1 23 a m j oil p m 03 p m 0 33 p m 8 j3 pm b 1 0 r p m wrstbound 10 17 am 12 52 pm 2 57 p m 1 27 p m 7 27 p m 0 12pm 1 1 ss p in 112 im sun to kitchener iml i i duly except sundoj and holi days b silurdoy sunday and holl- i is wright real estate and insurance f i right v b wright 20 uillnir st i micdonm 11 st act n ont gik lph ont plinnt 0 phont 49isw aluators traitor iniurors m ml 1 1 im rais il iristitut f c in id i minh is gu lph md distnit itt 1 1st iti hi ird mi 1 t is gu l h mil disti it il i im i i i as i t i itn n i lls mils i is d ill i i i i i 1 is i i fl sill sun canadian national railways otidard time isastbound ils r tm d nly i xctpt sun i4 im 7 10 pm sunday 11 lli pin dally exctpt sun- hr it grilown 9 02 i m v hnr it ci nrft tossn 10 11 wentbound its pt sunday md mon- i i t in sunday and monday 12 18 i in daily ixkpt sun- ii 4 i i in ii ill p m 7 44 p m i xi pt s t ind sun 5 411 p m 1 pi silurdiv onlv 1 111 p m lis i nlv 14 1 i in ifllkstip is i nlv ii 4 1 i in i flikst p is nls hk rut gui lph 7 08 fair bairn reviews weekly editors ii i w tn in increase in postage rites now n effect an increased excise tax on material and another boost in the cost of newsprint it s only a matter of time until the price of your home town paper will have lo pass on pari of the load in a higher subscription rale in the mean time we ust have lo continue our policy of stop- ping all subscriptions when they become due we can only supply subscribers who keep their subscriptions paid in advance l hi sii t h 1 it f l 11 i n q s kls n h i i i ssi 1 liullll iii 1 ii t from 0 4s 10 00 i m n jum 10th vsith dan filn n f hi p p i ti 1 m tin il itn 11 psnl t us c lint id sund i d rk bairn nsitssint tht sork f lh const ntion and mti r it vs ui somi of tht vvthklv editor a few minutes nftt r this spttal show that is startlnil at loosjim don will give his regular broadcast at molghborly news from the ont ario and qubec weeklln from the cbcs montreal studios 1 is ii ii n ii i iii i t i i il lh i i im i ii f f iki nil 1 h i i ii i i i i in tin ii ilini iil iv s un i i 111 v ml ii 1 ii ildt n i i no 11 s 1kh i llll is l im it il uk i ii i 1 1 i i in 1 is ir n 1 t i u lit i i in s f i r i ss lul th 4 100 bull mi ueklk in t inspir itn n i lint fi m i r ii nth rr impti n top prist fel t ftmit ssas ld rtiiistd bs rasm nil lit firm vaudrtutl qui from nt lsi n p n dletnn i ndinsili vt rmont 10 head brought at liast 1 000 twin tj hiad vint to the usa in ims conadluni on the average attended motion pictures is times and paid about 7 each in silmls- ions the acton free press 7 i o i p iii i d in at i i i mi i si tilth irl il is s and i is m nl it partitt nt otlaiv i founded in 1875 i int r vuillt itiirtau in iiulluii s and olluriu ln ill t dlvlsinii jvm advertising rates on request subscription in advance 2 50 in canada 3 00 in united states 6 months 1 50 single copies 6c telephones business and editorial office 174 residence 131 progreative merchant advrtis

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