Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 14, 1951, p. 1

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ht jvcttftt sttt ftss seventysixth year no 49 acton ontario thursday june hlh 1951 ten home print pagesrsix cents police capture escaped or prisoner county council shelves wrecking yard bylaw following cnmtidt rnbli deliberation halton county council jnst tuesday shelved n b inw to j ovi rn wrecking nntl salvage vards until local municlpnl councils had nn opportunity to conjide r thi proposed legislation sponson d by trafalgar representatives tin b law was drawn nnd council began to cnmildt r inch clnuse sumi mcmbt rs felt the riiii cited by lnw wiib too broad nnd miiht interfere with nn nlrtadv exit tint bv lnw nf the municipnlltv however members felt that was not thi in lentinn but only cities towns county councils nnd townships bordtrini on cltie wire authorized to npprovc of such legislation should council approve of the byfc law it would nsulnt townflhips to govern such plneen of bun in ess most members ft it it wnn not id tended to licence salvage dcnlcro from other placco who nlrcndv were licenced but to control the type of business enrried nn in the county all members agreed some such control should be available ns in some instances this type of busi ncss maintained only a junkyard which wns unsightly howt vt r thev felt thnt such n business pro nerly fenced nnd conducted would be nn asset to a community copies of the by lnw are to be sent to nil municipal councils for suggestions nnd approval wurdcn ktnru th y dick expres sed his regnt on learning of thi resignation of w g hnswell clt putv rttvi of burlington he fell council lost nn esteemed and valued mimber reeve h d allen burlington explained mr hai- wt it s resignation was due to busi ness warden dick following tht nn nounct ment pre sentt d w inner in the nnnual t ssa contt st among student who were guests of conn cil last month v ith the ir prizes and congratulated thim for their fim i ssavs winni rs included 1 elsie lnrsen s s 11 esquesing sjlvin shepherd ss g nelson jcnn alexander ss l esquesinj elaine laird s s 7 esqucmg muriln marks acton public school verna krnnsty milton heights public school george hume s s 13 nelson eleanor joyce s s 1 esquesing bruce mc cnnn s s 1 trafalgar dorothy marshall ss 0 trafalgar rn f smith announcing the winners stnt ed five of the ten prizes went to esquesing township students se viral deputations awaited on council see king the annual grants for their respective organizations council npprov cd the following grants halton agricultural society s300 esquesing agricultural soc- iet 200 acton fair board 200 lome scots regiment 500 and the lome scots regimental brau band 500 charles lnundon of the halton agricultural soclotv nnnounct d a ntw exhibit hall was being erected thi mar mr linhnm alton told council acton fmr w as eoing to boost beef cattlt in tht lpm show col j r barber appeared on be half of the lome seols regiment the agricultural committee chair man georta currie questionid an account as pnsinttd b walter eaves count v wttd inspector he informed couneil the iccount was for fens and nulnm in connection w ith obtaining see el drill samples he wondered if tins work came un der tht jurisdiction o4 hi- depart continued on pagr sir esquesing weeds to face spraying esquesing township council nc ceipted uie attur at matacaul co hnviland p o toronto to spray both sides of the township roads nt a cost of il per mile at the meeting of council held wednesday evening mav 23 tin township is to supplv the material w ith tht work to be done when satisfactory to the road superintendent tht sprnving is mibjt ct to tht approval of tht de part tm nt of highways at the mi eting on hint 4 thi roid superintend nt was itithoriz td to purchase the mcesmirv amount of comrm rcinl weed killer oh from gntn cr lnsietmd s co a petition lskinj th il tht town i lint bttween esqueslnt nntl j chineuacnusv north of tt rra cotta bi unproved ovvmt to the men nsi ri i tr if fit was consult red thi clt rk wns nsktd to request tht giorfitown hvdrn commission i to install strut i n hts on park st east in gltn willinms and lot 2j concession 0 glrn william in compliance with petitions previous 1 presented to council the rtvistd statutes of onlini idio win ordt re d f l ferguson professor and director of drainage at the oac attended the nutting and tnve a summnrv of the tile drainage net thi follow int accounts were or deied paid the bell telephone co services sin 35 hepc of ontario 72 tit grand vallev conservation author it 2 b0 dtpirtrmnl of htalth of ontario 147 g c brown renew nl policv 42 00 policv 42 00 h a lever audit fee 34g 67 a benton stamps 7 00 board announces teaching changes tht ten clung staff nt the public school is complete for next year it was reported nt the inst regular mtttmc tif tht public cchnol board hi id tut sdny evening in the school mis- de nn braidn will teach grades thn t nnd four miss willa mnckoy t rndt r two and thrt t nnd mrs jane gamble grades one and two frank flliott has bet n t ngnf t d to teach music replacing miss linda stew art tht nt w kindergarten primary liachtr is miss dorothv capper chairman onkes presided nt the mi e tint with trustees jones heard crt it hton nnd watsorpprcsent the property committee reported that nn extensive investigation hnd bt t n mnde covering the living mont stoker nnd reeommtndedd in stnllation of the livingstone rtok er bv ctntrncttr in the ntw school wiis metf-wmhvcm-mr- proval of the boarti mr hnnnnme de r of the samtarv r marking js7 years of married life aar and mrs w dredge r r 2 rock wood are seen on their farm married tn the county town of milton they lived at santa lina for some years and moved to their present home in 1901 both are still active in farm staff ptti plumbini nnd hentint co ngrted to tive tht board full price for tht 120 of 3 stttl pipe on hand hi also agreed to install a wnttr soft tnei in the bmkt room for tht hot and house work w watt i svsle m tht stiretnry reported receipt of 40 00 nonresident fits for the month of mav also first pivmtnt of the lrant of 0500 01 tht fin met rt port of 42j 20 was prtstntid and approved the sic ij tarv was diluted to nsstss the n hhsd board 1110 0a m iv plint it ion instructions were given the suritirv to solicit the si rv let s of tin ontiuo hvdro fit clru co throuj h tht lot il offirt nlitivt to undt re round eutih tn tht nt w school pnncipit mt kt nit submitted it qiiisituins ftn ti npptovtd bt uks foi the school foi w hieh tht dt putnient p i s full ir int special meeting on street repairs mill st services soon all of copper supt i intt ndt nt lnmbi rt rtporttd at tht list rieulr met tint f pub tic utilitiis commission tutsdiv t nine th it tin re nt w me of w itt r si iv icts with coppt r pipe on mill si i will in hand aeithontv w is i sin d for the i entwine of twtlvt 1 1 v ict s on the uppt i poition of mill st on tht north side whin thtsr ire ctunpli ted ill strvics on mill st tintlt i i it prrmnnrnt iiir 1 ct d rn id w ill bt coppt r pipt there n still siwn seivices to n n w tm m un si the s w ill hi t ik i n c in of nhnrtlv sold stead c lwa p capture in arena saturday i ontreformatorytscapee tt was re illv wontlt rful wh t vou eould huv with io qnirti r tht cnmmunitv auefion sili n the th n i list st turd i nfte moon ind i vening bout 000 ili s fciro mult du ing thi two stssions of nuttinnint w i h ibout 1000 nrticles up for sili in tht cnsi of ciitnn irtich s like bttoks ind smil trticlts of cletthnif sivenl win soltl toei th er is the luctiomers rov hindlev and latk flholt movid spiedilv on to the ni xt pile of eoods whith nnd been donittd for thi tuition prat tn allv trrv homi in alton w is cinv ivseel during the wek and i half 1 fori the tommunitv aucti n ind thi utielts put up for st provide d mti rest nnd irirtv for ill prt i nt vin if not ictir pnrt itipmts in the brisk bnv mg wnrllllli tnthiftuvr mn s of the ennmissior seven tables feast is colorful event tht ft ast announced for the prtsbv tenan church on wednes tl iv june gth proved to be trulv well said ancttsrth ided for the siven tables were decorated in thur own respictivi colors and the food sirvid enrneti out tht color schtme mr s mattht w s vv e lcome d tht mu st and mrs i- mccutehton in vittd thim to tht ti i tables when the win takt n c iri of bv the 1 itlu in t hai te vn blow prov ult d music throughout the afternoon tht w uitht i w is idtnl and thust vv he ittended uri well rewirded ft i ti iiunj two spiel il mietinj- tf alton couneil weri ht id tht past wetk tt dt il piirticu irlv with tht con truls for pn me on mill intl m un struts on fndav tvmini third rt idmg vv t tflsolivtn rhi bv law uithor izuii the borrow ini of s7i000 for thicomph tion of tht sewtngi vsttm and disposal plnnt afti r conmdtnni tht thru tin ritrv lor pnvint on fndnv ivimne i men tint on s iurdn dicidtd to j call ag un for ntw ittidtr- to bt i opened nt the neulir mteint to morn w t frid i i v t ning the ntw tt ndt rv ut r the formt r dtt il for tht woik nnd in ft it will oi more suit ible i i i pi in net to sitlh the p img rtintnets it the mttini tt mor row mtht i all on mbe wt i pi ts nt supt rintt ndt nt m ison ri pi rt tt that the work of instill inf until rtuind w in on mnn st w tmld procttd nt once mr a vint is to i iv th s pipt tht hick ard m st ill itions ire proceedim well ind it is tvpectid the ueirk on tht st nth side of miin st will bt com pie ten this wtik a it tti r was rttd from tht h epc of ontirto power user hid enquired ns to when the go cv t it pow i r chnnt ovtr w ould takt plnct no dtfinitt schedule has betn nrrnnted but it is expicted that the chnnteovtr wilt tnkt placi in two vears a li ttt r wns rtctivtd from tht workmen s compensation board rt a cl nm of a workman the com mission did not nlne with the de cision of thi jmard nnd will pursue tht matter further continued on pagr ten wiitt out bills for tht nrtieles just ns thev wt re s ild passing tht m ilont to thi ntw owmr immedint ilv accounts wire m ttlt d t ff ic it nth it i desk nnr hi door to thr rf na pnmi hiivs of the dnv wire two cars which were bid up nfter the mlims wen duh uin horns honked etc nnd n t it vision sit in th low i pnci hrnckt is wok usid nntl now clothing some rt quirt tl modi lling to isct rtiin thi si7i s men co p nti d bv mrlmtini thi bnv to tht ipplnuso of quitkined bid ind compliments from prasptctive buvirs fgks i him homi m uii pickle md j ns of fruit ittricted thi 1 idit th thildun kt pt fomm h irk t i inspect fhi cvin eolli pup ind pt d greed cocker spjni 1 pip thit wen for s d rt cords j ind old whint thnt rould be i m ult into things ittr icted the teen npers nnd furniture loads of wood i it ind used tools drew thi men tt ntinn nd for ill thi re w is thi it fn shmi nt booth thi m n s communitv nuct ion in been the clubs prime eon tt rn f ir ovtr i month with nil the m mb rs co opernting under thee projt ct committee chmreti bv ed footitt w ith charles wood nnd gordon oder i c nnm ihh pitt r kukhwiih with thi asmstnnci of orv diowp iptuiitl ui st ipt d i isnm i fitni tht ontiuo hifoimntoiv it guelph w ht n l iitliitd i tivi f i ii t nt in town m ntt iv ivtnint f thin wtik miss ilv ufiiinitoiv eu itls h 11 p m ifti r in h ttl hi i work- in it tht flow i i bids on tlu ti unds in m h old llinv kvli f to ronto w i mipposi d tt be m tin vitinilv if crtwsops cot mis jl formn toiv eunrdh w ho t ivt tlnsi ivv him one at tit n mills trivi mine f ist is supt i inti ndt nt c ol hi dlt v c b iski r snid i oe d poliet saw tin e s t iptt nt tht first lint wtst of town on foot ht lost tht pohci nnd np pnnntlv doubli d biek to the hijhwn while hi wis notici tl bv o brown lot ititl itnin in town wh n hi di rt n tnxi fti toronto h w is w ich th tinn c brown speaker at annual meeting car misses turn four cut by glass cut bv flving glnss in an iccidcnt nnr cheltenham last saturday were four acton residents mr nnd mrs te d pt rkins jt nn kentner and bud wilson the driver of the enr wns normnn turner also of acton the v wt re treated in pee mt monnl hospitil brnmpton provincial constable james red path who investigatid said that the car misid a turn nnd rolled on its side tht roof wis enved m and tht windshield smashed tht othir two p isingi n in th enr wt rt lick mellor ind bill mnrsh ill both of acton acti ann iv much enjoyed yet y report reveals deficit mi nib hii tn tht ca for tht cumnt 34 it w is it a ileel i tilth annu il n port tht annua a uvst thursd iv rjinuiuialh th thi vtar with i or n dt en is of sonit 300 in the dificr a cvmipnnd u ith thi pn vnous i ir lxpenduuns for tht var tot died 3 812 83 including wljnes mjintnnct and other es i ntiab gvm classe s junior handicraft clubs modtl airplum club social clubc craft guild bridg club lad ies auxiliarv and a host of other activities were conducted in the v during the past vear according o the activ itv report prepared bv general secrdtar cliff sutton a popular inovatian thu vear was the lounfe at one end of the tton v gimt md dinmi room fmm tht v t r tot ill tl ot p h o tht ch uts md chi stt rt u id n hi six ni ir tht n cord plir hnvt comt prt sented it mil p impose fill prtjecl it v i it pelted ihil mis cinilvn oakts md mt i blow hnv nniiatt ntl to tint m th m c v v i nine tlub wound up j rttnd tht 1 tmtinmal eeubration dt f ie i of 265 3 conft mict nt clt v eland fmm june llth to 25th tht tirs nport ncalltd the he cimp at terra cotta tbt par n n ght and tht spcial holidav prwjr-am- the y men s club kpoiimnd a fathe r and son ban quit and a halloween partv it alwavs has been and i dare sa alwavs will bt a problem to ope rate an enterprise such as this the prxmdents message rends cme need a faith in the value of what we are trvin to do and a faith that the public and indunrv will lend us support u hv extent that we have earned rt the ntomic btmb is h intine ov ii i vt iv mt mil ion il eonft i nc t ihh itki n sword di chn tl ct 1 biown gent i il si crttirv of him ilton mca when hi nddrt s ttl tht innunl mt t tint of thi alton mca inst thurseliv evtnine mr brown eontinutd ti point out thnt somethinj like 20 billion hoise pnvr hid bt t n plnced in thi hnnds uf uilit who nre unnhlt to contiol i n thi ms ivts the spin kt r continued a fi vv bombs trnti gic illv plind would w ip nut tht w litis mtt llie1 mn it wtultl bt ti rriblt to nvivi tht i iw of suivivil of th fittost nntl tut oir nlun on lulv lfith 1045 i srtinll ertiip of slduis ind citntists mounted n mill bomb n n loeir whin it wis dt tt n tid th towir di nppi ind m j is inn thinj eompltttlv ntw in tht k i of ni inkind th it wis tht dnv thnt tin ntomic nei v is born nnd thi world will nivir bi tht sini ienin mr bnwn eontinutd i xpl nnin thit the in ss work must to out of rh irncti r building then is no rov il rond to christ in ch uictt buildine if it is fo stnnd the stress md stnn of thi i ir 2000 thi spi ikt r concluded churmnn of the y bonrd dick btin conducted n husintss mtit ing in which hi pomted out nteds- of tht y ns plans for expansion nnd n mimmi r cimp the meeting npproved n rtsolut ion prei nted b thi formt r bonrd to n crt iso the si7t of the bonrd fnm iro 12 mrs w g beattv wis littd the first womin to sjt on the bonrd othtrs t heeled wire a long k allen b bt in l girnt r ind g oder mimbers of tht ladiis auxil mr cntt red for the dinner prt c eding the muting nnd progr im ov i r so ittended tht an mini tvtnt a mimmin of he re port is included in this issue ciptut t d b constat kt ekli it nbout 10 30 mondiv nilht enn tnbh wns off dutv nt th nnd in plnln clothi s opp constnble todd w i nl o himtini the esetee in tht cruiser while conitablt knklcwich wns witching for him nt tht rmlnnd truks when he wns cnlli d bv oiv brown thu- enpei wns locked up nnd uiiied over to the ontario reform ntorv kunitls liti r hi wis due to hi ioli istxl tn august itt r sorvtnff i nint month smttnet for th ft acton crafts group executive elected the ntw executive of the acton arts ind crnfts eroup was elected it n ltntrnl mtitint ht id in the y wt dm sdav ivining the honornry prtsidtnt is mrs w beattv who din ett d tht f n st vtar of operntion foi tht clnssi s sucieeding her ni pn sidt nt is mrs george mnson with vict prtsidtnt mrs edith h hi r stcretarv mrs georgi mus slli trinsuni mrs c cook ind purchnstr miss rita mcnabb all prt si nt ngrted unanimously that thi club should continut op i rntion and it vv is decided to hold n it nernl meeting evers two months a convenor for each croft will be namtd in the fall mrs w beatty ictt d in this capacity for each of tht crnfts this ear it w ns announced that the group had bten asked by the fall fair board to exhibit plans were made for on exhibi tion of the work done in classes thityear by the 02 mimbers of the crafts group meeting at home of mrs j ingles nine tenderfoot girls enrolled tuesday by commissioner douglas nint tindirfool girls y rt m rolltd m acton guidis tut 1 iv ivinnt bv commussu ni r d iifjas of burlington so mi t f tht m th t rs w i rt pn t r t ft r hi mn t nj and tnjovtd n frcshmt nts f it r wird the new guides an jovct h ill i dnv bttr sinclnir phvliss bnrn es el uni dtfonst flinbtth j inv darlcni limbi rt clam lnmbt rt ena jtnnings md vorn rohson about 1000 items were sold at the community auction held in the acton areta last saturday under the sponsorship of acton ys mens club items collected from acton homes crossed the auction block tn a seemingly endless procession hmdley and elliott handled the auctioneering and crowds gathered to search for bargains in an ythmg froi clothes to beds this is a typical scene as the crowd listens to bidders and auctioneers in their familiar tine of pa her staff photo the alert evening auxiliary ot evt nmg j knox church hi id its june meeting tm wednesdny evening at the homo of mrs j ingles arthur street j mrs a mclsaac the president pre- sidtd and ltd the devotional period i assisted bv mrs f a hansen and mrs russi ii patte rson i the chaptt r from the study i book dealing with the work in tal- win wis t ikt n in three parts by mrs f a hans n miss isabel smith and mrs russell patterson thi supply committee rect ived tltnation to send in to the june hilt supply and pi in in the fall to send a baby s layitti mrs hansen conduct d a bible contest with mrs george sumer v ille winning the award the president conducted a glad tidings tjuiz and closed the meeting with prayer creek dredging progressing to relieve flood water hazard dredging opt mt ions to re lie v t the flood hanrd in tht cntlt run nmg from fairy lake to beardmort co wen started thus wcik silting caused bv the installation of a st wi rage s stem and tht con r qucnt flushing op rations built up the bed of the creek and raised the pickid up in floed times rather than carrying it down tht cnek a dam initallid by the town be fort reetlon of the main street p imping station did not relieve the situation satisfactory but he iped cut down on silting the pond created at this dam now slows the w ate r level causing flood waters w uti r dow n sufficiently to be ef- to cause damage at lindm s mill ftctive and the beard more co the creek bed is being dredged and w idened by regtna brag to relieve this situation ponds were created between lindsay b mill and the church street bridge and just east of the main st bridge these ponds will serve u settl ing basins in which the water slowed down will deposit any ilt the problem was placed before council in late winter by beardmore co and d lindsay the tender for the work ws let to storm con- rtruction co but th contractor modi no progress and reglna broa we re brought in to do the dredg ing t it is expected the operation will be completed soon

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