Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 14, 1951, p. 6

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page six the acton free press thursday june 14th 1951 mrs noil mcnnbb in acirttt mr and mrs j c buchnnon nnd mr and mrs knrl whitney of francis saskntcheunn imted witkwr nnd mrs h mmnpnzt last wei k mrs c stou art and mis- grnct stiwart of midlnnc and mr ond mrs mole and children of to ronto wore sundin tsitor v ith frunds in town mrs j m slit le attiitdrd thi goth muversiir of the ernduiuuon class of hamilton general hospit al u ht n her niece h joan cun ninghmi sniduated mr- lone and mrs g a dills itttnded thi fortieth anniver- barv calibration of the john mil ton chapter of the iode in mil ton tinsel a afternoon mr and mrs ira in dugan and mis m x- henr of kitchener mr nnd mrs mtlford lovell and mar lea of erm were sunday visitors u ith mr and mrs charles mc- keow n mis- wan stead and miss jennie thompson of chupleau spent the ueelcend in acton with miss marv sirri and her family all three trained t one t her at the western hospital toronto mr and mrs g a dills attend ed the com ntion of the ontario and qutbic dmsion of the cana dian week newspapers ainocin- tion in montreal last u t ek rtturn- inc to uton sunda mrs g williamson her daugh ters mrs a commando hun 1 bett and curohn and son george isiu d sunda in dundas at the homt nf her mphou ski kied ar nold who rvtiiitl rt turned horn from kurt a afti r tin months with th anuritan arm there hon capt rex john m andi r- bon m c and bar of cuiiar for- nu 1 1 nf itun itti ikled thi leun- lon of h hikltluul litfht jnfint m gin lh vdui ii tin weekend he i umsted with tht sjhliii sit h i in nhiiiitiion with thus re union u id in knox chuich hurt on smulun morning mimwis of a kump whah u ft milt i bus list sundn to visit th k mptitlu am uuuuiil col h iv i dm barm and tar lunui iuildinmii ii l david hon ii 1 111 tula of aitwn the tri w i spuusoitd b tin ciop linpi mimiit smk i ition ami ir i on i malum s i i ul tin il 1 1 pi l st n v j v tthltt ilkk i gwendoline p clarke speaks to womens society at church birthday party t i a ni n misurn ti s sum i d i hint h h kl bnth 1 v m iht sili 1 in sih 1 ii th isdi vi lis 1 h w is iw t i il urn il 1 1 mm i iiu w th ok t iuiful h liq f 1 1mitt ii w i ii i mi i smith a i i mis u i iliiu n l l kt tin i i i si nti i 1 w i mi u i wit kiv i h mis it ldhuis out mi s i s n- i tfiilinc l mis j j si 1 s b mi c v ikt n mio b mis o 1 m j hu h o k s jm it i i m s h 1 i n 1 m- h i t i i 1 t ii ms it r m v it i 1 o i irm j hi mi gwi i l i ivithoi if v hi i m i ai n vln nn v i i rnuu- t h i i ims on i j i i skeihfs ml null otui i sllims whuh ttin ir tnumi j nsi mi v 1 ii moi ii ill nf things mis claike and thoe vln tsssttti un thi phujijiiu jrewonal mi albert kcenor la vlsltinfl with r georgn mann thu week mrs willlanumcnnbb of otttiwu in renewing old acqufclntnnco in town acton friorfd1 regret the ci itical illmssnf mr chewlor wallace in n toronto houpltal cordon ahkon and stewurt sin clair wire fbihlntf at whitney foi ti few clays recently mrs n m mcdonald i visltlnk with mt nnctmiiijn small and fnmilv in nlntiniu talth mr and mr honry syei ann mr and mrs jame sayem viiited iic on sundiiv mis ii campbell of toronti hi- retuimd home nftirlitink with her niece mrs f anderson mr and mrs a c howard of new york art vlsillnn mi and mn ii w hintnn this wwk mrs han iet greene of denver colorado attended the iuitledbe- groem ueddinc on june 2nd after a short illnejis at hpr home in toronto miks kay brown re turned to work in acton this week mr and mrs lawrence majo of cincinnati olio were present at the marriage of their nephew dick green on june 2nd creek sank is visitlne his mother auctionsjott mrs wm kenney ond sisters and brother here this week mrs wm mcnabb who just re cently returned from england is vwtinc th week with mr and county council shelves bylaw continued from pa0 oiu mint and aikod council to wlthold payment of the account until fur ther detail could h obtained from the weed act considerable hiucuitnlon aroe fol- lowinif the readlrttf of a communi cation fiom the provincial secre tary- in connection with civil de fense member felt each munici pality vtmuld or a nine n civil de fense committee before the cnuntv nikiuiiuition should be an aimed it v aspointedjut tthtli acton and oakville aheartv had trtiiitet ed oruanl7jition but weie uuitiuc voj- fuither infoimation and direc tion n the mattor iteev e joe wk kiion ti amlgar stated he was disappointed at the poor showing of represtyitath e fiom ifalton at the annual maors and fteeves convention held re cently at owen sound accounts approved and ordered to be paid included finance s 01320 assessment 13s7 county roads 11 mil 12 county building wn 07 printlnc 41s 2fl acricul- ture and rtoforestiitloh 113 ir hospital accounts ju102 10 home for the aged 3fl3bow education vinos your eyes deserve the best coniult r m bell feglttlfd oplomvtrist phon 23rv2 esln clearing of ber accredited rftuteltta ilara auu chalmers traelw imle- ments horses feed ete pollock and campbell manufacturers of r grade aaeaaorials memorial engraving 1 63 wr sf noah oalt telephone ms tho ppoport nf r b-cescie- lot 20 oth line west chincuac- olls tuesday june lfitii at 1 00 p m dst 21 reristered accredited holiteins several vaccinated allis chalmers ti actor on rubber used very little hops other farm equipment no reserve as the farm jii sold terms cash i frank pctch auctioneer notice to creditors and others in the strrrltt estate of william james all persons having claims against the estate of william james ster- ntt late of the township of es- queslnc in the county of halton farmer deceased who died on or about the fourth dny of march 1051 are required to file proof of some with the undersigned sol icitor on or before the sixteenth day of june 1051 after which date the estate will be distributed hav ing regard only to the claims then fikd dated at acton ontario thu thirtieth da of may 1051 robt s sterntt administrator by his solicitor c f ltatherland cecil a carr optometrist guph- 8 douglai si ti 1091 umehousc g scott playing on midland team gliit1wi ktt in pla mi lacrtvse for mhitin1 ihu uiuin cmtilrtttuuitumu to mr ami mrn ttml hrown n tht- arrival of a little son at ivil mnin iul lloupit- al mr anil mrn clmlii minilili ami tim kam visiti in ioiuioji tiuinu tin utokowl mr aloil wrlklil uu lnim from toionui on sunday mrs a w nort h nt tin uiik mi in h imiunn citnuiiiiiitlons to rutll lltimn alio uon un- chiciui lilli for junior luojict uark ml 11 1 mr- s wrlijlll moto i to iuidon on satiinl iv uilhthi arthxn 1111 s un- w i nni at th- lionu- of mn kirkpitruu on tliurdiv eden mius moore rocher painting and decorating contractors phone 299w or 275j acton raid fl jtamiltom optometbist st georges square guelph complete eyesight service john calder plumbing heating eavestroughing tinsmithing prompt courteous service frefc estimates church street phone 319w retired director guest at meeting wallace las by sr after serving as a director of the halton insur ance company for 42 years res igned at the january meeting he was invited by his fellow directors to attend the may meeting and was much surprised at bnfrig presented uitii a beautiful smwkcrs stand mrs iisby was given a lovely bedside lamp mr claude brinklow hi id a very successful auction sale on satur- notice to creditors a no otiikkit in the khutr of lonmrd atklnaon all persons having claim utfulim the estate of lwmjrd atkluxon i tte of the town of georgetown in the county of halton formetly or the village of acion and the city of toronto war ivnslonej deeeaied who died on or almut the kighhenth day of april 0m nrr refill red in fill proof of same with the undersigned on or in fore th twent third day of june 1011 after uhlrh cfate the estite v ill hi dittrihuted having regard onlv to tilt elaims thou filed dited it adon ontario ths lrst lay of june 1151 wilfrmlajuttnuraumjriast toronto ontario thorn ih albert atkinson a t- iiii ontario i 4j1 1 fxecutori day mn frank lemmer and family of lake view are spending this week in the home of her par ents mr and mrs j d lowrie the sacrament of the lords supper uill be- observed in the presbyterian church on sunday preparatorj serv ice is being held on friday evening this cnmmumtv sympathizes with mr robert watson on the loss of his barn b fire mrs mccabe of welland visited recenllv in the home of her daugh ter mrs floyd hammond and mr hammond mr and mrs jtrnme arsnault of hamilton and miss i mtlda ar- senault of ottawa spent a ueekend rectntlv in the home of mr and mrs arnold jtnstn friends are sorr to leirn mrs j d low ru is confined to hospital jgain all hope for her a speedy recovery mr and mrs r dawes and fam have purchased a home in guelph and are moving in the nt ar future mr and mrs w j low rie ac companied b mr ronnie ballagh of guilph spent sundav with their daughter mrs jimes d iniel and mi daniel it toronto rockwood tjvnai tax notice 1951 municipality of acton second instalment now due atuntion is diuwn to thi paynunt of 1051 txr which are now paw ble tn font tnstilmints taxlb are pavjble to the municipal trumiiit al thi acton public utilities office imttalmenu rntr our as ollow second instalment tiro instalment fourth instalment june 15th august 15th october 1 5th n it dm i ihi tax i ilhition b iiw a p nalt of of 1 nil pi i ii i tli will t adddtii on liu amount ruiuininu t 1 ilti il t ml it i f jiltu 111 s pen- tv ii llu att i ti n h i ii i in s n p n utkl 1 th o hi il l i h iniulnu nt m imueai manner i m i is dmttivi to tht ttnaitus and i n tli t im mjl ot im i ix notice n i wo i hill j it n ti un i i li iju p i alt v appl if the hi t in l 1 in til is nil m un oi intuit momias april loth mm iumim sow m tkt ol k tax noticl with ol w1hs mk pumlnt j mcgeachie collector festival entered by band members mtmbtis of kfkkwihkl nid ed t n miln cutnmunitv b imi journ- ti to wood- otk to t ik pirt m ofoid countv mus i fi il md mr siilcisful m winnm hih points in bind in tilmi 1 sel- icllill uist wi k mi imf ud hid tin i ii foitun to f 11 t thi rmr d h of hit hniin uul sum unetl in mjurv to h r hip shi w i- urn w i m imbul int to gui lph g- n- i il h jaillt il mt i mn k gi n i finiiti ic- in ii of hkkwikki md numb i i i cm lph g n t 1 ii it 1 hi- iiiwn fi i n l hiii md imuu w ill rui th it h i not s ttll x pn lir mr thorns miiln 11 i- i n tin hospit il it in lph mi md mis ron youn nt tui t st c ith irim s on sund i iit mis 1 mitchell who ls in h i ws mrs mitt hi 11 is lso i fin un i 1 1 sub tit of rikkwiimi i md mrs m irice hunt re tui ii i h tun duinii th wtk nd fiom tin tr trip to fnl ind they n pmt i fun tup imi thi bo it ut uul fiom ftikliml tin alw hid th pi lsim of meilintr ue j w ohvt who is also m tnlund on i hoi ida with mis oivr md mi h mk moon iiniw rsirv mrm will b h 11 nt t sundav it tiie uimd c hurt il moiling an i nun at ul i in tui u pm k v j it mutihtnor mutm tit pat tin nt of s i i s l i t lj wi i u kui r tn n st t for the da m mi mrs h hits u of prum a tt ssl ur miu visitors with mi ml mt j i auction sale ok hoi1kkiioii hjhvitijlth ktc thi undirhiuni d hjve receiv d ilistriittions from mltk j iiardv to si ii by public auction at hci residence mill street w milton on katurday fvg june 1btii at ti oclock the followlnfl chesterfield with 2 walnut end tables 0piece walnut finished dmintf room suite inexcellent condition 2 large lounge chairs newly up l f fumed rocker hall seat fumed oak solid walnut low oval islze bed and vanity dressing table with wing mirror and bench footstool solid walnut bedroom rocker wal nut finish coffee table walnut fin ish smojcer tapestry covered arm chair upholstered arm chair wal nut finish book cose 2 wilton rus with pads 0x12 and 4sxg 2 small wilton rugs axminiter rugs ovfl and 6x4s day bed kitchen table rmall tames feather mattreis table silencer 2 sprinr filled mat tresses steel bed and springs odd drowers odd stands extension table with t leaves oak fl oak chairs leather seats jirdlnieres combination china cabinet and buf fet oik card tabli s cook stove coil or wood finliy hot plate ind oven ice box rtone crocks fruit jirs aquarium chemical toilet electric iron lawn mower new on rubber hot plate long handled ihovel 2 leightday mantel clocks kitchen utensils wash tubs pails aluminum ware curtains eushlons drapts odd china and glass some ornaments and other smill house h effects terms cash settlement with clerk div of sale no reserve as the propnetn ii giving up housekeedinc hindley and eluott auctioneers w randell clerk b4b acton public school kindergarten enrolment child s name christian name dulo ovrcrowdd condlftona ik preterit blicdterfljirfon will hold niklmum of 56 ktudenta therefore children will b enrolled according id o for infor7axwon phone 73w i meefte complete lhl form end mull or tend to aps before june 20th weighing less than two pounds an aluminum sprayer can turn out iso pounds of pressure at nozzle savs the financial report the nozzle can be adjusted for fine mist or a- 35 foot stream five foot neo print host is attached to sprav 3 looking for a bungalow there it a tlrong demand for buttfjatawi en accaunt al the eaiy living ihey afford at well at tow heating toih we have juit lifted two that will tatlify your requlrementa and your purte semidetached two umls one well jenanled olher now vacant immediate- pnwinn rmlt nf rouo mr gardens each contains toilet water and electricity will sell separately but both would make a good invest men well decorated and in good state of repair four rooms another detached bungalow almost new owner has improved it considerably newer type of construction solid wood blocks covered with a wash stucco easily heated wash room with toilet bowl and shower five rooms in nice residential district close to both high ways for appointment to view contact wright real estate and insurance appraisors realtors insurors f l writhl office 20 wilbur bt acton phone 85 n a wrif bt office s3 micdannrll st guelph phom 4b1xw yes we have others as well as small holdings and building lots progressive merchants advertise another great tribute to qajltomt economy and efficiency 1 lit jiii i outside a night temperature never above 40 below zero v for five weeks svvrrfrn inside a si iteady temperature of 80 5 cheaper and cleaner s than coal oj like thousands of gar wood ownera mr h r mclean 1037 oth st brandon manitoba writes enthumaatically about hia gar wood unil it maintained a steady temperature of 80 in hia home oven during a five week period when the outsidenipht temperature never went above 40 below zero economical amazingly bo mr mclean heated hia home for the full senium with only 625 gallons of fuel oil iet us hhow you equally katihfying records avmlocal homes ind from other parts of civhilh for definite economy and for many kxtldi years of troublefree erforniance chooulvpar wood m h l i i i m r h ci i ttiit hi tti juvjni of hi r 1 ii- ul i tl ii ii li i mi 1 1 mi- i ii uh uii inn r r fi it h u m til 1 r ti i i t ii ii lh 1 ii rr m tr i r m l ll 1 in ht r iv r tim h irt l mr mil m- j iiil ii n t imi mr i ul mrn oiiru ilixlir mil mr uul mn ilii-m- tjrt jvljinlii tin funi i jl in torvmito bilt0n perry limited 341w i ati r od f 1 i j i 1 fi i t phone 269w qfafaxt tempered aire write phone or visit us for full information automatic oil heatingat its best

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