Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 21, 1951, p. 4

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page four the acton free press thursday june slat jwi nassaoaweya s s no 7 show puff paste at wi meeting mrs ed davenport entertained the busy bee institute last week for thtir regular meeting the meet in k opened with the institute odt and the roll call wan answered by something i can do well mr davenport gave a report of the district annual meeujip and 1 bilked for members to bring thr hi tory of thir farms or other inter citing place to be handed in for two dfmuir hintorj there wni a diicussion on ekliibilnfor imz tatt fain mrs mclean convenor of the home economic nnd health uns in ch fofth progrirp which con skud f mil tic by mrs geo ito berhon nnd n demon of puff pirate h mm fred ilet7el sr mrs mel nn lwc wmr hints on cook ing nnd mjoyinj life the tptntinh of the lord prnii nnd the ifiiot ocinl cup of ten bir ifiht a vt rv intcretinr nnd instructive meeting to a close cnn id i s 10v sugar beet harwit is tptcted to im over om million trm 1 irtit jn hrtorv ttockwood r harris class at oac reunion snturdav was ex students reun ion wi h their wives nnd children at- thao aci mhottthocnfif pro- c vlous nn gathered together for renewal of acquaintance nnd dm ttcr in creelmnn dining hall ex ntudenu of closs yeir ifl met pri dav ev ning in tlje college cife term while those of class v nrs 11 21 2p 1 19 nnd 41 met in dif ferent dining hills and enfttrnas i well i riinltth room rov nl hot 1 cl n tovi n w lit r th timi tune for dinmi in ci elm in h ill minn l i html 1 d t m tht r vvh te full justict wn ciui to th kd thin j pi idtd hiltililht of tht dinm i hom the pu sent ltion of i pr i tr lit hi win r rt i mb i done i i in m ledon ild os rtii 1 1 di r k domting tin portr i i to tin c illi j fnd tht pu irnt ptritnt dr t i wuluh lint fpiiiil it di r ek in th first t 10k the positi ir of pi t tit nt dui inl the illness of dr christi md during the follow ing i ir wis mode president up till it t qimnn r when dr i d mntltchlin took ch irlt nt opm ing foil m ssion mr f w present of toronto was gutst speaker while mr j m ppleton alumni presi dent nnd prof a w baker wlre among those at the head table go ing further back in the college years mr mcconke of near till onburg and mr richard harris of rocku ood re presented the class year of 09 the annual picnic of the presby terian church congregation and sundav school was held saturday afternoon in exhibition park with a good attendance and fine wenth cr the usual program of sports thtmsthes as well as doing full justice to the good things provided w as c irried out and all enjoyed bv the indies of the congregation anniv t rsary serv ices were held sundav nt the united church when the cdifict was well filled for the morn in j with rev j r mutchmor secretnrv department of social service and evungtlism u guest preach sptcnl music was also enjtn t d from tht choir w ith mr wm gold as choir leader and gorj d i at the organ rev w s lrw in supply minibtt r in ab s net t f ri j w olivtr asmsltd in tlu si rv let and mr cliaa h hums cltik of si ssion iavc out unmnintt nit nts ow in to dr mutehmor not bt me ublt tt be pnsent for tht tvtmnt st rviet rev j smith of georgt town w 1- guest preacher and spt cuit nunibtis b tlu ehoir wtrt ap prttiattd bv thost prtsent stbc tlons in tht indus thorus und tht nu n l horns tht luttt r smiint stuil vwiv with tht n turn of warm w t atht r tiling jkople i m ht tt t n sport mi thtiustlvts m tlu w u u i ut hortup b mill dam a mimbt i who wm m town dur ink tht w t k iul wt it miss tnid menubb toionlo mis minnie nuktll toront mis hi ib th mumudrin of onihkt v lb mi in i mis i i ti olivii of stouftvilt mi tplivir iv on tlu staff r bt hilii school u that tow n mi it 1 mis itivmonrf dt in and fmiiw u lib mis ktti mtnibb kn sunnv bro k hospital toronto sp nt i f t w ttis list uok at lu i bomt mr ijut mis j nm s mi nabb nut f inuu ulpb wtn suiul i v isi t i i h nu f tht finiurs iwr enus m and mrs j d mtnibb mis lorna lmfoot was rtiuovtd to hivjpitu in gutlph lust wink and operated on for uppnduitis she it expected home durihg this wvtk her mun friends wish brfr a tpeedv recovery mrs langford who is in hospital ts showing some improvement wlacftuzl mr george jtigginu of aurora was hom for the wet k end mr nnd mrs g a dills vuited in hanover during the week end miis clare crindb y naln this w eck for furope whe re she u ill spend the summer mr fnrl marshall r turned home from toronto g rtt ril hospital snturdnv nfb r ix wtek illness mr rmd mnr rh fllmtt left sunday for comber w ht re the will ipntl paitronhelr holidivi mi t fnncts rurhnn in ind mr gitn piatt of i ondon isit d over tht w k nd i ith mi ind mr r h flliott mi nnd mi itu 1 1 forti rid ipd t ann h rt ulmsdiv ti p nd th summer nt then cottnge in h iliburton mi nnd mrs f i st chir i os iil les cnliforni i nnd mr vi 1 t pusint toronto vuited with miss rubv clnrk inst wtek end miss cnrnlv n onkt s nnd mlii bjow i ft mnlton nirport bv plane on tuesday nfternoon to nttend the c nttnninl convention of the ym ca in cleveland ohio mi nnd mrs stnnl nderson mnrmn nnd eileen nnd mrs ru sell millnr nil of pownssan vis it d with friends nt acton water loo nnd moorefield over the week tiid friends of miss jo mcphml gathered nt the home of mr nnd mrs mnc svmon mondav evening nnd presi nted her with a lovclv rose bow 1 miss mcphnll lenv es th acton tubllc school stnff after two vtnrs to tench in london ont mr nnd mis george poole nnd tht ir dnulhti r of toronto v isited at the home of rt v nnd mrs c i poole on sundnv nnd mr poole spoke nt the morning service at tht unitd church mm adnms nnd h r daughter of toronto were also nests the samt dav mi nnd mr d c mcliilnn wish to nnnounc tht lngngemen f their d mghter helen shirle to jo t ph cv nl jocqiit- son of mrs anes locque of ac on the wedding to take place in knox presbyterian church the end of june miss joan holmes guest of honor june 12 as friends attend shower a kitchen shower was held on tuesday june 12th for miss joan holmes at the home of mrs jack holmes church st about twenty fiv t friendi including the girls tmploved b the bell telephone co attended the bride to be received many lovlv gifts and lunch- was served speedvale avenue east north east limit of gualph fri sat june 2223 jungle goddess wanda mackay mon tue5 june 2526 the hasty heart ronald reagan patricia neal wed thurs june 272s doublefeaturel holiday in havana desi arnaz prison warden warner baxter hldklns playcroun0 2 shows nightly is oti i l m chwrrn undtr 12 rrm free clearance of broken lines ladies summer shoes wonderful values in important aummer akoes choose from specs sandals pumps a wide variety while they last 100 and 198 huge savings for you e braida shoe stoftt mill st acton excellent opportunity become a motion picture projectionist opportunity for permanent poulion and future at a motion picture projectionist to a reliable single or married man the chosen applicant will be fully trained in this skilled profession on successful completion of the course he will be given a generous cash bonus together with a permanent position as a motion picture projectionist applicants wishing to take advantage of this excellent opportunity must be not less thrrri8yeay o a er sess an earnest desire to attach himself to a profession that provides a secure and permanent future addreu alt applications to box 50 free press look its here again 4th annual hornby ball clubs garden party the greatest hit of the season to be held at hornby ball park thursday july 5th 1951 featuring- jr girls soft ball game 715 sharp garten vs clapps from east toronto soft ball league followed by hornby juvenile rodeo show featuring skilful riding etc if alone is worth the admission price by three juveniles aged 6 1 1 years also featuring a stage program of professional artists bigger better and happier thin last year a merry time for young and old artists al harvey the star of cbc radio network singing his own original songs his humor and comedy will keep you in fitsbring your big handkerchiefs the nixbees sensational acrobatic and hand balancing a tricky act and marvellous to see a real treat for all billy meek versatile variety entertainer comedy musical chatter songs jokes and stories just finished successful week at the casino come and have a laugh i gibbard sisters those two snappy rhythm dancers tapping happen from the canadian night clubs oh boy you can t afford to miss jfiem mildred morey theuar ofjjie army show canadas leading comedienne songs mirth merriment laughs direct from tjie leading night clubs and theatres of canada and usa what a scream she is tops nancy and margaret the two popular accordiamsts with their snappy musical melodies from the leading hotels and clubs of canada oh what a treat to hear them ted rust and pat thejsupreme ventriloquist radio artist also tlev sion just finished tour in states of leading hotels andpr vale clubs the artist children will scream for tom hamiltonyour genial master of ceremonies ernie barnespiamst and musical director eree prizes loud speaker system refreshment booth come one come all if s the night of the season for you tte biggest night of entertainment for the small admission adults 50c children 121 yrs 55c under 13 free admission and gum good parking facilities lots of room second tender call nets one bid continued from pag on ihinh ifl i having bt di n movt d onc t vv nee mm li totallinif w12w won nppmvwl for liny tntnl the follow in if u m r il illouiiis wfti rittrl tutiri hill 1 it niinni co 15 do thoi ciitlini liihklitk iwo n ii nlin mftiii jt nit hfh mel j jin limit r pub ld ulvt rtismi lfl 00 w colivi ifljusttm nt iwii iiwnl 1n piiimi timim in bo- ii fi nu low co siipp in 15 alton i i pj s piintini j f5 mh t snifi a cf iv i ana t nm i iith tml al i ii- tin in i td cnur 1 si nu tn no i ii m iik ii7i h shi supp 10 00 rii mi m m t ii i i hi l ii on 070 li s tlu iloi i ith i line pr si nttx i i in iin for sijtnlno by the mijoi ind ci rk tho onsompnti win foi th s vvtriri pip iln thit cr pnv ito propirl 1 lui i ii f in v j iki njjjj mnfn sin 1 1 a liv 1 iw wis tnim d nuthnrlvini th mivoi itwl cli rk to alkh tin i isnmrnts hrtwpi n thr town nnrj ht irdmon mil co coorf aid p irl holnu s frm st nnd mnrmret rols nillii nnd nirclli hall al hi rt nnd von hirrii clcornlnt nnd fohn hnrrh chnrlcs nnd f in slmltii nnd wm fryer council considi red the posslbil itvnffitlmttfhprpidij rntier th ipplyina calcium ai has been- ti prnctire tin rond cornmiltee suk- h st d prices b obtnuiel ind nt 1 n t om stn i t be tried sohciui 14 itherl ind pointed out hint it vv is po ibl f i tin town t i nti r in iji nu nt w ith the i niiitv fir 11 nits ii i i id tin d i i untv c nni tinl link n vhith 0 p i c nt li mt fnm ih tmt could b nb iimd th tuvn of hi p i r n kec i iiinl to p t t hi th i pnrtm nt f ii unv i iirdmr ih in qu il tv of i nit n e niiitv ron i i im il mpl mi d h it th in ij i i v of w rt w n h nu 1 i th i h l i f h i untv in i nli 1 th tint n iitnn tn th hul of d von h 1 c inpt r i o 1 i- dv 1 th count it thnt ih v h id innd n a nr nrrnnr m nt fu h idink th n rooking cli i 1 in th tvvn hnl nnd isktd tht pne of th hil pt r nifht council chnrjtd tht usiiil price dtput retvt j s t wnrt ch ur mnn of th road committee re ported on his urvey of somi of tht town trm- ih points out the nectssitv of much minor ind somi mnjor ro id vv ork tht police report for tht month wns presented councillor thorn pson complnmtd of the manv pet- tv fines thnt were bt mr lqvied council debited the point and rt pressed the feeling thit the fine- were satisfnctor clerk mccjvachie reported that the rotiry and vs metis arena ren nl cheques hid been received council returned the cheques for the clube charitable work mrs ptter smith asked the in stallntion of i strei t linht on th conit r of m tin ind quetn streets tlu matt r wns h ft with th roid committet for investigation councillors l weick j gr r c wood a fxit r e tavlor r thompson dttut rei v suwnrt ind ret vi ilnrrmve wer pr nt mnor e tvur presided free pant sale free obituary i lifelong resident died suddenly lif timi and hikhlv tstt i nud rtsidmt of acton and dutrict miss fdna may russell pissed nwi at tlu gtntral hospttnl in gutlph on saturdnv junt 9th whiw mus russtu hid lutn in fniltnc health for somi tinu ht r suddt n pnssmji emu as i shock to rtlitives ond f ru nds sht wis in fur 64th ytoi fdn mav rttsstll wai born in erin tow nship n dnutfttter of the latt alt xandt r and mary jam rus sll ststt r mrs minim j mi thomas it diet ittl h r i v r mo two nitcit n main rill i miy thorn is of vantotntr rc ind mrs louis rrownlnw oi i if mlt rni rc mivs h ess ii wis an utui w u k tr ind faithful itundatit if churt hill i nitid hurch and in th w rk of the tu h md anion n in fru ti 1 slu will l much thissi i th fun r il ws h 1 i in tui s lav aft in n f i st wtik with a pj l it m i ui it tin- vu tor r rum u fun nl h in f llowtd lis st r xui ti l hurt i 11 united church t m u e t i n id v k o v f r in in ml mi it t inti rnu nt wa- m i i l u i i t ui tlu lull i t an i s vuri mi si s smith griffin it i it ktr anluw hi ndi rson ttti i whin davit hulell and h ik kenni t ti uu 4rat ltl 1j motor aix uwnt kilud u canadians mid murhl h43 with the cooperation of the manufacturers we are able to offer you a second pair of pants free jtlllmsmsvmi ladetomeasure suit also 1 0 off on all madetomeasure sport jackets and mens and ladies slacks a good soloction of matorult to choose from of for good for limited time only eisens clothing store next to carrolls acton band concert a band concert will be held at stanley park erin on sunday afternoon and evening june 24 330 and 830 pm lorne scots band plan your chicken or steak dinner at hilltop lodge and itay for both concert upweus ltd the arts and crafts group w ii hold an exhibition or sev t q lejtlierwor- tailoring metalwork oil painting in the y friday june 22

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