Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 12, 1951, p. 8

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page hobt the acton free press ftms sot this column may b phonal to 1 or mt t tlwfre tuesday wtw the hottest day of the year so fur its the twelfth of july and a rtit dny for the oranknen g w benton opened his new store on queen street last wtek youcan uiuallyjudjiciljjiiina inflect by htifohniiyadtsattrwr without being dlwtfremble kcw flooring was laid in maln- prlyes bnrbtfr fchop this week ftd- jink to other recent renovations yejj oil printing displayed in the window of the free press of fice is done rlttht in our own shop bases for mill street llttht tftnndnrdb arc being prepared this week in the ejtslvlmnroyjmen program vacation time is here again and wherever you plan to go this paper will follow just give us a call or write the second cement tnnk hns been poured at the ncwemge dis posnl plant there nre two more o be completed look out for black cats n id indderi and be sure to toil sme ialt over jour shoulder iomor row s fndny the 13th through the courtisj of tki flliott ind tom gordon the chim many favor the good old days but didnt rvallrc that their recommendations mlzht send th- oungr generation back to the dayfl of the iroquois raid for in spiration in the haircut field mrj and mn george a love of dashwood ont have taken 1thyn fl owned by mr and mrs if j mc- cutcheon east of the tracks on young st the sale was arranged by wright ttoal estate the pump motor at the spring on highway 25 burned out satur day morning but sunt iambcrt replaced it with the duplicate mo tor scheduled for the new pump house and no interruption was made in the water supply anyone with a printing job in mind letterheads tickets pro gram handbills etc should not forget that the printing shop staff will be ncatloning from july 30 until august 7th copv for jobi wanted before then should be broksrnt in ns soon as possible ife of the liberal member of rirlinncn t for wcllinfiton south mrs hcnr hoiking suffered leg injuries wcdnisdtv w hen the car in which she was ridinc collided with mother she wns trcitcd in hospitil iisj 1 it hall hodenosiwnre w ts completed on mondi night th n mn ot girnef ho 1 w is in idv rtm 1 mitt i fi ni the piomotuin it ts of tht acion public sch ol ht wt promo i from gridi on to gndc two sidtuilks ire bing repaired in tow n and w ork started on c st this fol a c decision fnda evelnmg to hire ex tra men and insure completion oi the work if the holidat schedule has in tcrrup ed out bu ing of the paper perhaps a subscription for a ear or just the summer js the answer 1 nil 1 be sent each week to wher ever ou arc i l 1jjbuiv lul attoa eotr thr opulinon of th town to bt 89s tins is an increase of 035 in the t 10 oirs whin tlu pipuhtion i 1041 ui pictd it 2 063 ll wi md id imftilumte that 1 t w ik fr pr repirted tht ht unitid church sundi school picnic is po tponed until thur di aftirnoon tile date was actum chnnttd to monda we sincere 1 rcjjr tnnv mcon cnience caus ed i when a car seat caught sud dinl on fire outside the v ins mondi evening the owner car ned it out to beside the building whirt bucki ts of water were toss ed on the flames the seat which smoked for some time was burned right 4mqugh v council receives report of police eepo comrt omhmurd from poqm ont 3c vsi c nc 1 1 u u ld apl t th s it fcic ml- cut huid bt no r p r c boird tcoimnd c u ar 0 o a lo en wtl r b on u zonng bv law t t p cranrd bv john v i ia h ui pxhu5td txfoc he 1 c t was passed it is k- t-j- td sw for builduip i z t f oi n town so c vi a tio n ncon z otr p or o ht lo as t lj m w 1 arron ntains twti tir mjcr and rteve r tj h t to on c r j gicr ucct3tfd that i k b- done on the side iixi rdali council airicd r ic rod commit ec w as to y tx a mi to start this work rl aely cr mcgeachitv was inslructisd t ir v a it ttrr informing hanv g rdon that ht would b hi id ns p ri blr for th broken sidewalk n uilo s jus south of hot chrni bakery an agreement was shtlvtd from th- department of htghwuys ask ing that the town pav w per cent i f maintenanct costs on thi c ntrt i mill r cons co grading fll o sand 4 gnl c on public utilitiis ont prov polici c in nat railwas cross- e tur ixpmsi 28 00 i 1020 1 701 bb g0 00 5704 28 5001 5 383 91 siwir accounts totalling 13 120 09 win passe for pamtn i salvage and wrecking yardl b law from the countv of hal ton was indorsed follownng dis j cushion and the town solicitor was instructed to prepart a bv law for tht town on this subject following a request for a street likhl b mrs p smith the mad committit recomnundid that no hht was nthxssar cli rk mcgi achit rt port d tha j tht m w fire truck had h id its pnliminarv t sjs and the c e hickiv co- had promised delivery f tht truck this month thi rotary and vs mini clubs ixpnsmsd their appreciation for d nations in connection with the monster bingo and community auc tion two cars collide near silver creek 33 fxt of main st bv a previous agree ment the dopartnu nt w us responsible for 100 p r ce nt of the centre 22 feet l tl r from e a dmh and dr imurunct adjusters rxfustd puvnunt on all of the claims re- fi rri d to tht ni thi d m ii r sul et from thi inst til ttum of si wt r nt comu il filt it wits the adjumi i s dut t filt tht 1 1 imui t tin t tin sp in ui c mtruitint 1 1 rither thin rx f t rnng them to tin u wn v uiuil tiusiiis d tin j v imb it of hivm mi iiimiuiut br kt r ni tkt i survi if tht town ins ui uirt tn 1 submit u iv num ndat two cart travilllnb eait were in rntirion at thi junction of the th lltu and no 7 hithwu wiu of georaetown on frida at about midnight driven bv bill huffman of georni tow n tht firjt cai wai nundinj thi eorni r when the miiind ear drivin b uie plam t ndi n was in collision with it mr plamondun wat cha jid w uh can h v dnv ing tht bukl end of tin i luff mm e t w d ni tmd ti tht ix nit of 200 and thi immundon car damotfe w i etim ttid it j500 then was oiu pis si iti r in thi pi urn mi n ii leiutibli a minivtn if milt n mvi itigatid thi t 11 win k v unts wi re lkts iil r pa mi nt vt ni r n i pre ss 182 65 macsw am mi tors kjs i il u306 vnhu uiwr luttinfi grai i150 ndi ruon u i mini w titling 300 ont munieipal board 201 00 irfonv glow ce firemen llluves 40 50 j adamson court costs 800 bowman black l shoe maker lurvey 150 00 franklin preu m4m v b rumlev wrclith boo guelph girl killed by train at norval 1 i il ir unk giulph kirl pat itkm whi wat killed when thi i tr slit was dnvuik was struck b i triln at a uvtl i awvliik nt tr nirval last fndav morning leavei relutlv5 in thi aeton district the 20 mar old girl w a driving o gui iph to meel her mother mn j wutklns and vltrr janice and the thrve planned to ht p for a wedding trouftcau uus walklni flanc wu jack felhdecker of chlcuo a student at the o ac a good time f miust acton phone ntf continuous mon thru fri from 7 30 p rt sal nnd hoi from 7 00pm matinees sat and hoi start 2pm visit our refreshment bar in the foyer movjesarebertflju frisat qmtinutm tllmu ik ttcmkicolok imjk iodles july 131 coulirln mkit 1bihhe uuv w flrg also 3 selected shouts montugs i he story of valerie and ben hog g july 1617 who never gave up and the girl who u never let him fj down thursday ju ulh 1m1 births marriages deaths etc nkn rveitdklt to hny nrnl hmrl tvirtliu incti krlincuy 4t gllllpli general uuspltal on suntluy july 1 ll11 a tluutfmer htith bllxubtui jois mr untl mm giortft jot it h 1 aclon aro hnppy to iinnounce tho birtli of tlilir son uujnlyuuj ll51auloultoiinntl vnlc hurpltnl b uouty on tuiduy luly ird ll irlvliujitipllal iii mr iiucwrazguriiljtzirqjll by a dauutitt r siuulra carol n- lir for mnrjork douglas mr unil mrs norm an doiijih1 ii h j atlon ar liappy to animiuiili tlil turth of a on william howltt at gm tph grnerat honpitn juiil 2tt ht51 a brottu r for norman skillincmr and mrj harold skilllni atton arl pit aitd to announco dip birth of a baby klrl barbara klkn at guelph gtniral hospital jum jo 1051 n tlstrr for uiu kostmary md uobbk makrifi mason cook at tcrth avenue chunli toronto on juiil iolh by thi htv ch is jay mr puuuncc cook roriiino lo chirks w m isun aitun hlamb mason on tridij jini i it ikslmp struhin chap i lorunto lot ihibt h mit m duilhtir of mi md mrs j s m ison roicuito to h it v r un son of mi md mis j t 1 1 un t n pt h irm it h 1 milt in want ads for sale foh 3ale hmi currant annie moon phone oflji pon salfe 1 fnti rprle ruokn utuul condition phnnt 07j4 a foil sale 1 ton hav and i ton itrnv apply holchfn 3tlnwry h vcin balk iot4 lord tnnrh apply miti mow 111 bower ave a kiisajul i0huoupllajuvsn we ki old apply don m millnn phont tltorl milton a oit aljv iwo 1 llle chevro- ii t coach in fjowl condition orlg inal otner phone vi a ioii salk klve room cotton- with fnraee apply thomas cut tins mt mill st acton a 511 jon saljldiil chi vrolet car in imod runnlni condition 4 komi i ins bi it ca h off r apply 42 main st foh sall yfiuni chickeni for roastinc or frylnk r idv for thi ovi n ld tinnini phoiu 15n a i 2 ioll sai e maroon bnln bin- i i od condition r iiomble in i clo i 1 mi dm ild ilkd phi ni 3 o foil saif ilmltnl qiiintlt in inliick md pin pinidoif lumh r mixed il lbs b in tnnk iotii i w s i nruht phon 1 1 lu i ioii sai i oi i i r i ill i ii ii it m ir in i i ii lit i ii apil fi ii i- in i i it 11 l m it r mill n i ii wanted wantfd man to prune two appk tn i s phone loflni wantld llnponiihli idults riouin nfuirlmint or hone ap ply sims ii irbi r shop a hlghkfr priekapoirmrt chlcki n lluttonvilli poultry kll- llru si ilion phono brampton 343rl4 or niljl a4412 iu i btswa a hreclm il niis uood prids pud apply- to rwuldli cluck hi th n i ltd rus ont i-m- wild va fnm jin to 11 for di ad or disilihd nit md horsi 21 hour sirvni n li ph in cullect mrll bihviml giorr c i in s i 1 12 dead oil disablfd ais wantfd cow hor hnui wi piy cash at our farm phone gui iph 13t4 collie for 1m- midiiti si rvici wm lalnc op erating for gordon younjf tf livistof k want d ilvm fur vi ihnifc tiulls cinm r uh ind old litis for prid un i tl ind in i i nikhli r cl it b- the rpi irl r arrmjifir ntk ip nnd d in r 1 i llilm ii d sonc n tf tivdihs ioh paijting t nili rs r k d f r h p unt i i s s s r i d i in i 1 1 i f irtl r i f i- i ni n st ii i ll i ii i i n ind nirnf t nd- v irk o be i itlon 11 f r i r fs r i i 2 anne baxter dennis okeefe follow the sun w june havoc ftxuni b samuel g engel to b sidney lanfield mhlrwoihjinmmrwill bawjmabtaklrmmivtuuuitmuuhiuft44waaluiiifr4nt also- why korean webthurs july 1819 two grand hits i shes wfr lines even 7je mller brush mam 0 cant cotnpth wthi j l bah a albert i hi nit bttfc ummhi tuwila wilumomnlwhtl also on the same program hbv guests of the week mrs imdn mtsom mru j uooi kiwfv u your nflme appears abovo you aro inviletl to snoy a complete evening of iriovie entertainment for two ai rjuettt of the theatre management on any night during the week of jtffy j to july 19 merely make yourielt jnown fo the management on arrival at the theatre am tenure admittance free of all charges i si r ml u in 1 i il 1 i i i i th r ill i 1 trie k num 1 n r ph ii lis ajtin a iinhium i 1 muiti i mi jim diuuii v im si ac ii n m ml i iiih 1 a iiti ijrunt will i w id h 1 il luhii kitl ii h i tilth u v anw kso smith nk it hi r id lu h it 1 inipbt iimii on silmd i jul 7 vjtl u h it ul win and i en billt hns bind f l if i mi ilnmni r dtir fithtr nf ktith ind bttt fuiiu il srvilc is held tucs- di jul 10 it hi- lal rimfiltict w ith intt rmtn t u fcbt ni2t r can ltery b mcdonald at gutlph guilhi hospttil un sundiv july 8 19si donald idini mcdomld of ii jl 4 acion beloved huibnnd of cmch 1012 ch ct ich viokt donovnn ton firo fluid dm j2orront- tmi to it sai r 1 grfitrftol i stom him ui h u ilk nd i md ripini ill ompl t d p s s l in nnm diitili fir furthi r pir lie ul ir iinti itnl md him s gil n willnms or phimt 7 fi r in ip p mtmtnt b 7 2 kill 111 n i s j klt kin i i i fl 1 i i ii i vi ii ii r s i i illy lost qnd found yor sale- ia0 phmouth md m rt i n iiw pl mouth scdin blick hit nll tins 1112 mod 1 b ford 1d33 v 8 ford 1011 chi 1051 hilf 1040 hilf ujst 1 d jjlj lit a i condition phont 85 act- lustld it the victor b rumky cl funcrul ilomi acton until wid micsuiln motors ncsday whirt ufncral strvico wa3 ht id nt 2 00 o clock inur- mtnt evlrjrlln ccmitirj milton i for sale another wu known firm known ns th ar mcbtllde suddenly as tht nsult thur firm hich comprlsis 100 of m iccident on tuesdaj juw icrts si mud 2 mile cuth it 10 1051 annu m campbell be of atton within 1 milt f no 7 ltd wife of thomai mcbrido md il o no 2 hirhwi gnrd nd de ir mothi r of mary mrs buildim hwiro icinpptd through j huniert toronto miriret tut h iim c n mi furn c md mrs j tost gerittown j mrs g jobi acion prun mrs k bes t funtr il str ict w ill bt htld in georgetown fnd ly jul 13 w ith inttrmtnt in greenwood cimcurj georgetown b ith with h t pr u rt t m fi d pond b tw ii n h put 12 000 tirm appk chn e cults b ton phoiu 110jl2 nd ct ui w t b mtiful sprinj md birn irnnm d r 4 ac b s ii cl i ii n udi vard lo ville ph i atton miscellaneous i- or guk uurc n i t ioni- at 23 p r liru il foe t c itact j sirmk t o prank t h tt n a 1 2 washer ilepairb rolls parls cornplett ovtrhiuls ernie ridio ind electric g orbetown phone 465 roxv thi itn bldjr a tl in memor1am simpson in lovintf mtmor of our dear son and brotht r pu harold l simpson roj rett of cinada who died of wounds in fnnce jul 1g 1044 just n tribute of loc ind lemem branet to a dtar son ont of the best the joys that ht missed on hf a highway miv he find in gods fcirdtn of rest sidlv misbtkl b motht r did helen md lornc cards oi- thanks 1 coming events this office cannot be responsible for conflicting dates of events garden pirt on wesdntsda jul 18th it brookmlk run or shine ball garni s 6 pm vinctv progrim auspices niigiwcn i w i admission adults s0c child ren 25c b i would like to thank neighbor and friend for the carets and fruit sent me while j was in hospit il thtse kindntsies wtre indtid ap predated mrs j iki b im r i wish to thank m man fritnd for the besjutlful flowtr pi inli ind iotl cards and mm nthi r kindnessts shown mt during m stav in st mich n s hospit il ella and frank gibbons thi family of the latt john f sinclair wish to thank dr kcnm fru ndi and nt ichbors for thi ir kindness the cards and floral tn butos received durmff their rectnt benotmint ths kipd acts wil alwis be rtmihnbend cecil a carr optometrist guelph 8 doug us si tl 1001 sewing machines sil s and strmti repairs to ill makea frnu ridio ind ll ctr phone 4ti rox thutrt bl it gtomc- town a tl wolu in r wh pien d up ii i b k l nu i ik si urd iy in rmnj it b ink f montn il pit i n turn t mr- h rbic r w ird ft kitchener upholstery have your chesterfield suite reup holstered for as little as j80 tea prompt and efficient service eall 103 acton one weeks service vacancy rawmeirh buslnesf- now opt n in acton trade wu tsibluhtd fxc ll nt opportun- it full tirm wntt it once riwltikhs dipt ml g 111 ibo montn il opportunity for fftntlenuufc or lady to work two afternoons or ewnwks i wtek wonderful em- inks cir a d finite issi t but not ismntnl for appointment plfts vnt a goldsworth 2fl frdl- ick st i kitchen r al letter answtrtti ind confldentnl b 50- business of youi un the sun w in t micci ss with fimilex pr duct thi larri rt i irtmetit f lu ir mti ill nt coimtit ery- bod is talking about famllex th i d n s wi hav un open u i riti rn w hi ri ou c m sell our prtkltu t- no i xp n nc- mctii- v ir writ f r di tails it fimil ix 1m0 dilonmur d pt d m ntrettl the acton free press classified advertising rates now in tfrtfct ni thirt- f r mm umm t nti f bub hi mnrn ik s l ill and rnfcafcinmits in mrmoriam sr plus low per line for verse artuus forsalt hint etc 2c a w i rd minimum caah 33 if not paid until aftrr insertion 5r rox no to tbu off ire lie additional cominu fmu 10c per cuunt line wlh 30c minimum all c laamlfled adveriuesaesiu otu4 reacb the office before s bu on wedswojaya moore rocher painting and decorating contractors phone 299w or 275j actom the bankruptcy act 1949 notice to creditors in ibr null of the bankruptcy of jimci royal barker froter off thr town of aclon in la provln of ontario bankrupt otlcf is hirtby i t that j ni i s hi il ilarkt r irnir if the ti wu nt it n in th ir uk of oi t ir mult m usikiiin t m th ith ilis it july 1151 and thit th first ni tmu if irlitur s ii ik h ul ii thi 2th dav oi j il lll it j pm bst it the rt th tr ist- hins 1 it mi 11 bis sir t n th ity f r i nt in th iv i ik of i t ir dmhi it ti r iiti tin llrih duy f jills i hi ii lv1 ii or mt tn is n lli tinrli 1 out optometuist 7 st geohgts squaiu5 guluill complete eyesight sehvice farnworth memorials uonumrnla al motlant rruaa cemftery lettering elara bd al caaularjt gliuu ony r

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