Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 26, 1951, p. 1

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3hw jvrfim rtt bftss saventyseventh yr no 4 acton ontario thursday july 26th 1951 eight homo print pageisix centi county census shows 5r increase zz tmmrw lu fsssx half million dollar project ts the county home for the aged being erected south of milton on highway 25 here is shown the model of the 530000 construction that is to accommodate 100 aged people 6nck layers started recently on the veneer work of the one storey building photo bcrouch oakuille star ted rocer to bc depminister 0k s town sewer rental co acton council received a letter from wilbert west solicit or for h v dron suggesting thoy rebate mr dmn the sewerage rental charge of 4 s3 as ordered paid by judge w robinson and no further charge bo made against mr dron a copy of the letter published last week from the municipal board was enclosed for the councillors at their regular motion on friday evening councillor j greer reported to council on a meeting with the deputv minister of municipal affoirs it was reported the depuy minti ister felt the letter to mr west was only one mans opinion and any further case would be between the province of ontario rnthejv- than the town since the municipal board approved the bvlaw allow ing the sewerage rental levy coun cillor greer said the diput min ister felt the low n w is quite in order solicitor george elliott appeared for lee can regarding recommend atmn of the planning board and the refusal of council to allow the op ening of a laundrv on the south east corner of willow and ch streets mr elliott said he felt the b law did not apply in this case it law tow looks like a teat case under the bv- mr elliott commented ow n solicitor lcathcrland ad- iscd council that he felt there was no reason whv mr can coulonot legallv operate a laundry chairman of the planning board theron jonts informed council that at the time the zoning bvlaw was drawn up it was intended that buildings in this zone could not change their intended use thi he added was intended as a pro tection to all citizens a motion authorizing police 10 i dorw nters association made on the prosecute an person who operate- inspection of last december was a laundrv at the location as con- submitted trorv to the blaw was supported councillor l wieck of the road bv councillors wood weick and tommrtee reported on an mspect- greer but lost to the major1 lon of roads m the wartime hous- of mr and mrs a harris and re garding their claim for propert damage allegedly caused by the install ition of a sewerage lateral on their proper a meeting be tw t en the sew er committee mi and mrs harris and solicitor el liot was to be arranged u the town solicitor was to con tact the spartan contracting co re garding cnims of mrs hall mrs hollow a and f salt councillor greer of the finance committee reporting on a rcquc- of f crump for a salary increase rt commended a raise from 2400 lo g00 annually a resolution to the increase effective jul 23 w a defeated tom atkinson reported to coun cil that he was applying for a building permit to erect three tour ist cabins in his cameron ave prop rt he presented a petition sjiined b 1 1 ratepovers in that area agreeing with the proposed erection of these cabms mr atkinson was to submit a lette r establishing the terms of rtntal and other details when mak ing his formal opplication for a building permit the report of the canadian un- rtorefitwafdonces christen injun camp injun ts the name select ed for the acton v m c a tamp ot terra co tn the injun night held by the boys camp during their last week was the first dedication ceremony while the girls camp have planned a candlelight songfest thisg week for their counterpart in emistt n ng the camp the former event featured h ing torches war dances on th t sjvimmmg beach and the burning of a dumm figure representing e tl spirits afloat in the u ater the girls piogram w ill fe ature a varietv program of m in camp songs entertainiik nt b the camp stiff and a candlelight pyjama par ide loeal citizens of terra cota are expected ti atwnd mr and mrs cliff sultnn ar still in charge of the camp while mlss jeari harris is attending th standard placing lawn w myrarvmninb ih j providing able leadership a dozen girls are nt tending again this week with throe additions filling vacancies from the firsi weeks camping plenty of cram ming ls necessary this last week to got in special events from last week including an overnight hike and a masquerade some very prominent handicraft work is being done in woodwork ing icathercraft moccasin making tbttuattr respected citizen d m waldie dies son of the pioneer settlers of this farming district and llfeloni and highly respected citizen donald macgregor waldie passed awav on sunday july 15 at the guelph general hospital after un illmss of just ight days a son of the late alt ander waldie and margani macgiegor he resided on the sec ond hintfor the lust 44 vears al though in failing hi alth he kept attive until his last illness b his plssing the mmmunitv ihms a launch and uptight tittin and a in in who was a fiiinil of all mi waldie was born in 111712 on tin old fannu homestead on tht first lint he livid at cliffi n nt plaits irr tht in a and then in glin willi ims fiom hum to lmlt w hi n hi moved to the second hut 1i man lid the fount r jnne eh i b th mooie in into at scntrh nine k me nisi iuiiui public jjulitlti dov evening the plating of the mill slrcot light standards was discussed at thr last negular mieting of the i commission tucs- mavore tv ier imtl commission r j f ware were pn sent mid j ii macarthur pres ide d v some proptity owners nbjetti d to then plating whilt otluis wire m i to operative in allowing the pnlts to he platt d on their piop- i it tin coiniiiivsiini sta id tht ii ap- pii nation foi i hi in opt lation of un s i itjen- and also thttsi on the bitk stint uhtu tht poll wui pi u i d to ft i d tin stuns mi mill s tht commission pnmi- im il i makt ii laujt in nts ton- i ining tin ti iiisfoinu r at th it or j i pdwaids pi opt itv as soon as the onsti tutloii tuiii is taki n can of halton census 43844 urban and rura equal the 1051 centui figured iupplld by chief county ennnu rfitnr a padhurv ihow thnt in tin past ten years halton county has increaked in population by over all i hi iieiuul uitreuite in population figures is mj halton s population nttirdlng lo the 19m l nsus is 411141 this is made up nf 22111 in ban n suit nis and 21 1111 rural lesiift nts the population in 1111 was ill holh iuhan and riiralj suit nis hhow ylibfiiit tin scotty burton goes back to ain folk e iitlt nf nit l ast it n miis afo thi iniil populat ion of tin otnitv w i 2 1 orvn and tht in ban popul ition v is 11510 i ii triii has one moil minmitipirhty in the tin year piimd ii villa- of hton in iking tlu iih ht u ar sunn otlnm i t us limn thi ucil ti nsiis figuii ill of uhith hiw ginwth in ih tounty to aunt i xti nt and plaster moulding swimming has not been neglected and all ar- working hard on different water skills and swimming the raft added this year is proving very popular softball archery and volleyball are the popular sports morning devotions is a feature each morning all food ls prepar ed over an open fire bv the camp ers under supervision which bv this time ls hardly ncccssaiy as all are quite expert rti n ii anns rung conduct d the furural si i ice in knox pres- bltnan church acton on till il and interment followed in fair- nw cemetery acton pallbearers were jamis godfrey gikirgetown erlene roberts shel burne and willard brittonptew- art elliott lawrence gibbens and murwood steele all of acton flower bearers were nephews ross brit on gordon johnston jomes sayen wilfred waldie george job and william waldie mr waldie leaves besides hi wife jane elizabeth waldie two sons rev john r waldie london ont and alexander of acton three brother and two sisters al so remom alex and william of brandon man duncan mrs wm robertson and mrs harry sayers all of acton to all of these sym pathy of the communih goes in the loss of a kind and loving hus band father and brother ing subdiv lson and recommenh- mavor wvite to dr mather head ations wire made to the town coimcillor wood asked that the of the halton cmmt health unit advising him of the need for fur ther ineditnl uvlsrmce in the town and asking for a recommendation council retei ed t lett sohtitor giorge ell ott o foi i man for unprox i men fou mm kirktuss n ported that 77 i inii n sidi alk blocks were n pi kid in the sidtwalk improve- fim nunt piogram tin supp of cem- bihair fcofirinued on page fight i no news next week tan burn week after newspaper holidays there wont be any accidents in acton next w eek no fires no weddings no meetings no news that is as far as the paper is concerned the editor photographer re porters secretary and all the printers are off providing personals for some other towrjs paper during the annual vacation of the staff from july 27 till august 7 there will be no issue of the paper next week subscribers are asked to do the best they can to keep up on whats going on in town down shopping in the post office or over the phones although we blithely state there will bo no news next week its likely not true so well try to catch the loose ends of stories for the week after and ask the cor respondents to send along a twin budget of their communitys hap penings from july 20 until august 0 everything will be in full swing again here in tle office on tues day august 7th the only impedi ments to usual service may be sun burn and mosquito bites theres no edition of the paper oh august but look on it on the bright side after all that means there will be over 50 issues we trust before theres another break match covers of russia acton hobnob in h v drons collection knox choir party honors w burton mr and mrs ab robinson n- ert uned tht choir of knox church at a pirtv at tlu ir home on tluirvdiv evming julv it mls- isab 1 and rstm w as a v r cornp- i tent mistress of cer nitmii for sti nil a scot w p to the haltonville pair 56 years married tin lip ii t and po ihl h noteb b bus fills ks imilld ht fro lis tutebootw is mr ollet 1 on h i lu ht- fullv o i r a piiiod of 1h 1 hi n un- tw spit idui mad i iai- wluuv1 h in the lookout for forvin iu niiiv mitih uniis statu p lu- t s cgmtte pivkae s is m itth box lab ls chilstmas aui fstei eals us ire te tarou and other bi s of printed papi r th it uoum b ovtrlooked b manv but h n paipstakingh gathend and i bti- itd provided a collection tull of interejt hour could be sptnl with th se books the match box cov rs from foreign countries are colorful bits of ceylon austral in latvia finland england panama japan south africa india and even rus- m i nd initrh bu s riin tton ir jils as protiuiun i an diffittnt il i f c mons of tiir ti i mis uuudi situ s with m unils hors ihildtn foin all oir ht wutld outstion md m- swirs i bi nit fu gildei it of turds uui a uuln r of birds th i tie piifoi luttand would st ind n cints from n iv v shp dipls liukv ihirm sines and manv otn rs for ign monev mcludi a soo mlllon mark from cirnnn as will as french b igian and dutch lulls air mail slicker of diffi ren countries the chinese one is un ique are tvpical of the section of the book in which small collections of v afnous items provide constant change and interest its a whirlwind trip around the world to turn the pages in mr drons notebooks nmg conduc inj mtuh tnjovtd tontests of tish n dure in lu u of si oitv burton n turn land of his birth siottv burton w its among those w inning pruti w ho w n as follows mrs kirbv williams mrs li ni ir mrs ab robinson in- mtltllin fj salt itiv r h ami rong clirrncr ole and tid hansen afti r a bountiful lunth mrs hiuo anderson on b half of the choir prisenudmr burton with i trav i ming clock and a bref ng ming was the culminat on- of i delightful e ening one of the first road qommission- i t rs for nissagaweva township ted brit on of haltonville and mrs i bntton celebratid their mth wed- ding annnernrv on july icth thi touple were marrud in gi orge- tuwn in lbdi and lived for 43 ta- on thi ir 100 acre farm on lot 17 fifth line for 11 cars thev livtd in a house on a side road out of halton ville and then thev moved into the last november i mr and mrs bntton havt tight children willard bntton at inn mrs lina padbur rockwotyl f mrs ted bonlon toronto mrs edna anderson toronto mrs lt titia hi rd long brahch bntton acton glen bntton tonv ille and mrs v rna mull haltonville another daught jean died some ears ago ken timlnis vits piyrnt nt the uniting he reqtitstid an intriast in salaii to 2jh per annum th cnmmismiin considen d this re- fpust but tiid not grant t inert use a letter from the h ep c of ontario gavt the new prices on the conversion of meters from i to co cycle these prlcts have in be revised upwards secretary j mcgcachle read part of the fire underwriters report to the commission which had been submitted to council the he pc notified the com mission of a lineman school being held at toronto the commission felt that this was o good step but the school would serve its purpost better if htld fn the wintei months not when a heavy con struction program is in progress during the summer months a form was presented frorh the bell telephone which enclosed a stati ment for thennt use of poles the p u tyr is using 21 poles of the bell and the telephone company are using si poles of th puc it was dicided to have u shovel dig the sewerage lateral into r raw sons new home on willow st as the main trunk is about 15 feet deep this will be done when the new main is dug to the well on main st north superintendent lambert report ed that he had completed the re newing of 32 woter services on mill street there arc just five lo be replaced or main st to comp ute the program a new lateral and water service has been installed to a house on peel st being built by j e mc- mullcn the secretary was instructed to write the h ep c for the rates to be charged to the town for the new hghtinj on mill street arrangements were to be made to hove the spring lone graded by the town grader before the cold weather sets in superintendent mason rd ported tronsformer had been burnt out on bower ave tuesday this transformer was supplying the domestic load the following accounts wen- lssed for pavment ffwdrn ehiorrbros 4 is bell telephone co 3fl 35 wm mcdougnll and son 3 aa he pc of qpt n32 32 wh thim s garage 10 05 ddn saignph i jjfl northern elect nr 47 07 rig gin mtttr insp 250 pi tt rash ftfls mr h palmt r 17 00 vine 7100 wi iknoun md iidt nt port fiii w p isiottyi bui ton it ft on tut mi w fin ins lioiim pi imin- huikli siotl md win h ht will lt on a itnjtln holid i with his ain folk he has two is its liv ing 1 tin r anil has not m l idi d n- at um ppiltin mil i hmin s iidinr his futm plans st ttl husimvs slhli hm nts 78 his iisidid ul alton for our 10 1 milton population j i l homes mils nudjajl trip hil k 1li bnsim ss 1 stblishm nts h3 as il o a lati nit ii and eiulxi rf knox fhurth home in it it sintlv v fulhliil chun and sang in quartittt work lit gave of his talent fully in toinifuinity concerts and all lotal 1 vi nts well miss him ot the hockty ind baseball games in the churth chnfr and about town gen erally we hope hell soon come batk again 13500 pounds of paper collected by scouts cuds saturday the most scrap paper collected by the acton boy scouts and cub so far was gathered from hornet all ovi r town last saturday morn ing and afternoon thi loods which are githend together and thin taken by truck to guelph witghed 11500 pounds or mx and thrie quarter tons one days col- it ttion ls usually taken in one load but the truck had to return sat urday for a second pile of paper about 20 scouts and tubs assisted with the most successful collection trucks were borrowed from john- n gny ajorf engineering and jack holmes the previous record was five and a half tons new truck rolls pown hill hits car f idoy the 13th certainly lived up to most pessimistic expectations i for john ferguson r r 2 hills- burgh following an accident ot church ill on june 20 h his light pickup truck was considered a total loss it caught fire after colliding with thompson motors acton gas truck erin fire brigade was cal- td to tht sctne to put out the blnze on the unlucky 13th mr fer guson parktd his new truck bought aftt r the accidtnt in gi orgetown rolling down the hill it mnilshtd into a 1949 met or drivtn bv how ard winters erin although onl minor damage was done to hi truck this time the winters car was considerably damaged gi orgi low n pujiiil 1 um mit homi s 1 070 bilsm ss t sfibllah- nients ofl burlington popul it inn floh homes 1 u20r busint i- istabliah- melits 13 oakvllle population 0 741 hom es 1g35 business estblishments 2flfl brontepopulation 1 124 homeu 345 business establishments 3fl nassagaweya population 1074 homes 535 business establishments 19 fprms 341 esquesing population 3004 homes 1105 business establish ments 45 farms 4111 nelson population 8 70i homes 2 300 business establishments m farms 570 trofulgor population 7 220 homes 2 070 business establish ments 03 forms 091 it should be noted that farms consist of premises of three acres or pvt r the above figures arc of course preliminary and subject lo corn ction while we cannot give the enmp- ara ivt figuns for the census of 1941 and 1051 in each case it is worthy of note that nelson town ship has shown the greatest growth and doubled the population figure of 1941 this township has grown from 4 100 in ten years to 8703 in increase of 4 30 trafalgar comes second with an increase of 3 035 in the past decade truck leaves road rams car into tree when he suffered a weak spell lit the wheel of aflcavel truck own ed by f carson and son lyle croucher of grnvcnhurst drove the vehicle off the roadway last week and into the back of a parked car the accident occurred just off no 7 highway at silvercrtek the parke d cor owned bv mr norton was damaged to an esti mated 500 while 50 damage was estimated to the truck when struck the- norton car was eiriven into a tree by the- impact jim hul- watir thompson motors tton puc hvdro 9 014 80 4 20 005 54 009 74 to lay no charges in sunday accident no charges w ere laid after an accident on no 7 highway just out of acton in which a car driven by mr arnott acton and a second dnven b mr baker london were involved on sunday at 5 15 pm evidently the first car was making a left hand turn when the london car passing ran hto it friends attend miscellaneous shower for miss pearl paynter a miscellaneous shower was held on tucmijv july 17 in georgetow- b mrs william young mrs charles hill and mrs ray addy to honor miss pearl paynter of acton fourteen friends gathered at the home of mrs addy to present the bridetobe with many lovely gifts miss paynter will marry jim fos ter of norval on august 4th this years picnic claimed best ever the best sunday schoril picnic vtt was the report of parents and voungsters who gathered on wed nesday july 18 in acton park for the annual picnic of st josephs church sunday school smce the numbers attending were more thn in other years the racing and oth er events were especially popular the picnic was sponsored by the ladles of the altar society married in 1025 on july 17 mr and mrs ted bntton of halton ville relax in their garden on their 56th wedding anniversary mr bntton was one of the first road superintendents tn nassagaweya township and the couple have liyed for the pest 12 years in or near haltonville staff photo

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