paojc sec the acton ree press v cecil baker freeman top halton f it ut crop competition the awtrfrd1 in connection wlthth field crop competition in beaver oats sponsor l by the halton atf riculturnl sock ty nt mhilon have juit b en rolt n4 d by the wcroary wfm ceo e ktiidhend mrs place in the competition wni ivynrtled by the official iudtfe j m cockburn of guelph to cecil baker of free man whoe fit id had a wore of 06 points other iw irds wen as follow 2nd j vorrish moffat rd m t micnibh it sons georgetown 4lh john p4cket it son hornby 5lh geo e ittidluid milton fltn ceo s atkins bronte 7th j l chuhnlm milton 8th j ii will molt milton corn 11 tops wheat variety tett at fred dixons fan in the fill or 1010 the halton crop imjirom nit nt association laid down winiii utiiit variety tests on tuo halton farms om acre blocks of dim sons golden chaff dawbul and cornell xda uirc sown on eiich of the tuo famu the results of the test on the fred dixon farm near milton hove just been n leaned by secntirv j e whin lock of the crop improvenunt associttion mr ctmibinld anm mnuhnd up crop s no profit maker under preji i nt dacojits halton trip winner fnjav v 5 tour two of halton s promliu nt jim agriculture iteprtjtentatlve in hur on county and prior to that served in the name capacity in the county at glwitfrtfry mr hi nnetl u a brotlu r of the v ma tile und popu lar jnek hoinett of camphellvliie jl if t who oteialen the bennett itomt jileiid and in betwi eu tlim hulpu out in vmlouri eapnettle at community prouramn in hl new jiokltlon mr bennett will tllv flperlul attention to boys and olils clubn in ontario ills many frii ndji uiroiiflhoul thi coun- t wish him will in his ut w field tor tarmsm accompanied the lin toln county hut tour which left st citharinei last vvtek the fortunate otitic men w re mac sprowl of aeton vice prostdi nt of hilton juniors who was awarded the himilton bpet tntor championship trip in connection with the halton juniors judinu cmripelttfonn held t irllcr this vtir and john c will motl of milton runner up who won the st cond ehimpioiuhip trip which uas domted by halton jun iors th putv was made up of prom inent juniors from a number of i cmtril utd wtsttrn ontario coun- 1 its during the week which they u ere awa the vlslted various points of inter it in the states of pennsy until west virjitnii and new york the voting n tiple re turned on auntist 1st each varicij wpiiriiii his find inffs wen n- follows d tuan s golden chiff his lbs dawbul 1520 lbs corn 11 vk 1770 lbv ah thru plots were t ich slightl under om icrc in extent and fur thermon there u is also a slight dirtennce in t sizes ofthethrge half on juniors fnjou moon unfit crtiise hilton and peel junior parmers jatnttv sponsor d i moonlight crinst to qui enston tnd return via thu ssgnu4l3 o t ninji ln according to david pillttttno prtsidtnt of tht halton juniors appro imatt v one hund- rd hilton juniors participated in tin cnilse ind all report a delight ful evmmj humour his it thit two hilton juniors having missed the boit in toronto mntorlto quccn- f taylor now in off at ttritat t f i taylor of kumscntt farm mtltnn harttnirfehirotlfrr trip to groat britain durlhjf his brli f stav tvi rseas mr taylor ut siliuintf mm additional found- itlon stock for his nut standing hertl of larue english whltoi at k im- aiott farms during the compar- alivt ly short time tht kelm icott swipe ht rd has bt t n in opt ration it has ocltlevt d international prom inenee as a houree of milstandlna fnunditinn stock shipim nts havl hetn made to practically all prav- inct s in canada and nlso to many elites nenvw the lln vision are always imprejwid by the vigor scale bone and ripld krowfh madt by the large engllflh whitts incldintallv w p watson ontario live qtock commissioner foundation stuck in gnat britain with which jo establish a hi rd at the ontario agricultural colli ge outdoor mitsfumr canadians own and freely en joy some wftho finest outdoor museums in thtv wor in their wiu diptheria still killer doctor says diptlurla u xtlll i kill r that t itilnut llvi s net tilt nly in- cunutlu and throughout the world point uutui c s ftuglln n mi lhriiiof hi alth ntagarine during the rec ond world war it wuu the h adlng i pldtmlr tllsenu tm the furopean lontinint both in nlnt of numbers of persomt iiffeited and numlwrit of li at hn caused in canatla there hnn 1m en hteadv fall in tho number of report- td taites of dfpthi rhi from the yenr ifu4whn there wevrii2tn thn vor imp whim there wern 70 similarly tlie yearly munlu r of di utltn iuih falh n dtirlnj the nam pi rind from m0 in 1im4 to 70 ih 1m0 according to the hi alth league of cjmnda publication i lhe fight against diptheria in i this country hos hot n no successful fhit ntnnv canadians moy nevev havt heard of anyone they know stiff i ring from it writes dr antf- lin who is a paedlatrlclnn on the staff of the hospital for slek child ren toronto indci d therr nre many doctors in practice today who havi m ver seen a patient with diptheria in spile of this however dipthi ria ls nil ii with as bringing suffi ring and death to canadian famlltis who have not been reaeh- i d hv safe and simple immuniz ation thursday august wi ib01 rih1iop jih wkeatll dr harold fit xton bishop tvf vttuoouver ht in ijtmtlon with mh nancy hodg s jjw aki r of tit ilritlhlt coluntblu ij giila tin it ttcititly laid it wn tth nn the grav of captain gtorge vaitcouvi r at stjuur church petrrshum stir rey the mayor of vanioiivtr last ytiir gave 2 ij towurdi thi r sor atlon of st ptters in canadian home hulliflng lxth nlarts aiid complltfivtir of n w dwellings went higlu r in- the first fo month omomuianintl i e tmine pi rlhl or 1010 if this superb tea guarantees the flavour of every cup- sa1am orange pekoe yukon road plols hn thi so factors were tak- i sto d returned with the crula- en into iccount tht icreage jields for tht thne varieties were as fol- iov s dau son s golden chaff 27 9 bus diwbul 27 4 bus cornell sos 31 7 bus the second test was laid down on the firm of fred nume near achgrove nndvields of the three varietie- will be released as soon as available ur we understand the young men nn question come from neir low- v tile perhaps they jtandird timi opirite nl historic parks as wildlife sanc tuaries the national parks also provide rare natural laboratories for the study of wildlife manage ment tops with camera enthusiasts are the deer elk bear moose buffalo rocky moun tain bhoei and goat squirrel and a fascinating variety of other small animals which roam the parks without fear the 247milo ullwcflther high way from whltehorse yt on tho alaska highway to mayo eomplet- ed inst yepr ifitftfttcrtor to yearround traffic tiienow road also- goo far in cutting down the dlfflcuhleji arid uncertainties of seasonal river transportation with which mining operations have liecn faced in the past mori than 100 000 acres of sugar bti is have bccnuxanted in canada this year and a million ton crop 1b expected the orangeville bottling works oranoeviue ont phone 137w v j3 halton club vember visit oac two bus loids of club members from thi counties of halton and ful w ed the ontario agrlcult- uril colli ei recentlv the b5 voung p ople w i n tiken for a tour of somt of th exptrimtntil plots tht bn f ind diirv birns md th jrrttnh u is b mi mbt rs of the staff of lht n sp ctiv t depart ments fnl owing lunch it which tho tii uists of thi college lit v oung colli g chap lain ind dr norman high dir ector o h two r aasoci c mrsi i i did i vilioim voting j 1 ind bru flv dt scrib ed s f the coursih iv i liable nt th o c macdonald institute md h ontino v tt rmirv col li kt in h ifurnoon lours were mid h unittd firmers co op ctk imt r thi fjora rocks and thi sh ind dim it fergus at the littir thi chu f engineer m- cirnt ron punttd out i f i w inter ttinj fie concerning the prot jict in ill the hive flooded 1800 ncrit uid hai 900 acres sur rounding btuwood lake planted back to ui in addition to pro viding fir w ttir storage and con trolling floods the artificial lake is rapid v tu coming a tourist res ort trfet largi bos camps have bet n sit up and at ltat a hundred sumnn r home have bith built hen mil thrrt along the shoreline all m i 1 judging b nports the younj p opu had a most profitable and t nji ible dav hovmn f y uthortfv to ad tresf hi iron cmp vtifitio thi fum of itobt a hurrn on thi giu li h lim ojii null south of c impb ilvilu wils thi sci ne of an tt i mj 1 1 p mthtitik on iridav auku f d tht nit i tint tint red ttixtun i i p i iisd oat md baruv t ts i m t niitituti i aiiotht pi jn i nil bv th hilton t i i im i nunl otiition this s u l fit in tie of oau ind i sun umbr m iuti j f ljtiu it l npluitid fnir i mi s wi ri i i it l m tin ti st j i 1 in itivt f th dt pirt- mi nt f 1 i husbundrv it the 0 c i h dimiis n i i the i vjii i i tji tht pr ur tm in cludi i i tliivs bijmf ii w i gobu j iik i tl ii omoliki i mb subj t ntrol of th hi l in i i nn tun u m in u w i i n hi d tm ik hal t n w i r crop th k f th im ir p k und 1 i t w t k in 1 id t 1 iw t 0 bii- to the nn have bten ipoititi triu i small prvintjgi of hil i fuldj will likilv ixuod 40 bu o thi am but our guvs u thit the awrage itld for ohe countv will not be virv muih aver the 20 bu mark with wheat be ing quotihi around the 1 mark one doe- not have to be a mathe matician to reallte that a 20 biu j a garner fxteiuion director visits halton j a g a rnerdtrectoroffxtctr sion for the ontario department oi agncufture in toronto paid a brief vlsit to this county on wednesday of list week in compinv with ag riculture representative j e whitelock brief visits were made to the provinciil pig hatchery own ed and operated by dr c a mar tin of milton kelmscott swim herd of large english whites own ed bv e l tivlor or milton hal tons fimous beaver dim the fisher pond mir ntlon the j c bell pond neir nelson in addition to si v i ril other pond ind dugouts in the district mr girner wis pnr- tictilarlv impri ssed by the efforts ing midi in halton towards con st rv itifui gordon bennett jvetn associate clfjnriilftiral ejrfenjfon dtrtctor n mnouncemint rt ci ntlv mide bv c thi hon thns l kcnmdv ont in t ministt r of ajniul tm j will bi of mttrist to manv of our halton n idirs commencing ug ust 1st gordon bennett formerfy of thi kilbndi carlisle district w ill bt om of the issocnti direct ors of cxtinsion for the ontario d partment of agricultun w ith h idquarttrs in toronto for somt vt in mr bennett ha served as x l v u ii m well pay top prices for any size any brand any type of old tires wuu4 you than im ih foff new goodvears priced at tew at ib00 x 101 tuncuruiowince see us for the best tire deal in town i thompson motors at home and overseas serve canada frort lines if freedim imoiiitii iiiriilioii luic nol lukiii away from i lie infantry ull- iiiimrtunt purl in victory ruin unl auin in llic itattlfu of 193915 ani in knrrn infuntr iiom proveij ilnef urii of battlr the jolt of the iiifunlrniun lias liffoinr lonelier more complex ur inuil he nlilc to handle more weaponx and to meet a preater variety of hituatioiih in ilrfence and attack mom mbn ar netved mmedatecy conditions of srvlc urrrnt ratm of pjv and allowances saiw for 3 j earn or mal it a career vtraa lafits ki tnntiti ment in civil employment unenw iilovnunt insurant and tit her appropruta im nefilh uutlfr rtrran uiaitrr as ex it nilt d hv parlianirnt otb ranlts krtrntion of present re- m rv forr kink or hef ranl lurid in second itrld j ur mihjrct to proviffj quslifios- tioiit in mrikt uithin a period offtrs s rvicr onamiwions will ih rantt d tt uflufnt uho do not wish to tnrtill in the tuo font on a career basis r urthcr in forma turn nhoiild be obtained from vonr un unit or tbo nearest rmf ilrtwmiiel depot 130 mill st phona 69 enrolment stondordt to mnlltf you must 1 volunteer to serve onvwhfrp 2 be 17 in 40 tradenmi n to l 3 meet vrmy requirement 4 married men will lw uiecpted terms of engagement cyou uid be t nrolh f in tin canadian rniy active rorn fur a pt rind of time v if all men are i hibh foroverm ihntmu if the military pt viinta marrit tl mt u ater whijearn rvnc krrw im ind ninie men aflt r tuo vtarn mtviii kithouh mav be returned ft inuid i at vthnh tmit tht v mav rt qui mt di lurpt t en if thtv havt lint ompkttd full ihnte vears mhki apply to the nearest recruiting depot u 13 pwimm oapat wsbis hmm ihimu mm cmmtunm u oha om comodwn army crwtivasloltmi 90 iuhmd st w trt 0l no 7 prfuwj 0pl wlmuy brrhhi f ltirhi srr 1muii om atmy nmciwhma cmmtrm 130 mwi strmr watt mtli my 01 army tuttutg cfr smmmt utt armuy 300 im st nttk mmh omt army scrwhno ctr m artkor ajmtmun arthur o o join the canadian army active force now