thursday september 6th ilttl the afcton free press page axlijbt cecil a carr opjometr1st guelph douglas st ti 1091 moore rocher painting and decorating contractors phone 39w or icton acton faeltfairr frldav and saturday september 21st 22nd special prizes the bowl tdtw ho is 2s 3s 4s is is 7s os os hobhk hprtialk ilrst ii irh slrppinb horse 1st suoo cash 2nd 12 00 cosh tu st stnalc turnout 1st alu of 11 m 2nd wilui- of 12 vi best spun hlbh slrpprrt in harniss 1st cosh 100 2nd voliu of 1100 beit spjin hpovv horn s nnv br rd 1st 7 00 2nd 3 00 3rd 2 00 rush licit lady drlmr 1st nlui 5 00 2nd milne 2 00 bcit hrnv horn on urounds mnn or ri idlne any breed 1st aofl 2nd 4 on cnh best ponv fool 1st 0 00 volui 2nd bv j a kerr 1 bocplontfr horse conditioner vnlm 121 beit sinklc dduirv morsi 1st cuslllsoo 2nd cnh 3 00 best shoumunship of fonl opin to bov or ctrl 1st cmh 4 00 2nd v nl uc 3 00 nut ciolip of not use thon five horses mnid hv one ex hibitor lit alui 700 2nd volues00 3rd olut 300 7 00 7 00 13 00 7 00 0 21 n oo 1ss us 15s iis 17s ins ids 20s is 23s js 20s 27s 21 s 12s 13s 34s 31s 30s btst guernsey jit of r croup of three antmnls cither sex anv family having wona t eaton co limited prize in this clau ot a fair in ibm not plluibh to com- peti bv t eaton company limited ib silver plated servinn tro uith filnu relnh liner best two beef calves 1st cosh 2 ml 2nd value 2 00 3rd value 1 00 beat two dairy colves 1st value 210 2nd value 2 00 3rd value 1 00 junior hird any beef breed consisting of bull ond 3 fe males previously ahown in individual claaiaa all under two yean ot bvjst value 100 2nd value 3 00 beat holiteln cow in milk any aac lit- coin 10 00 2nd 5 00 by the secretary best jersey cow in milk any ace 1st cash 10 00 2nd cash s 00 by acton creamery moo specials b st poir wi online pic bacon tj p 2 bats purlno chow mix voluc 000 donated by thomson bros feed sup ply store v bist pen mai kit hoes 1st 2 baus pioneer bacon pro duct r value 7 80 2nd 1 bag blatchford a hog grower value 4 13 by j a kerr volue sheep specials best flock of shup consistinc of 1 ram 2 ewts and 2 ewe lombs anv breed lit valu 3 00 2nd value 200 bist pair mirki libit witlur liinihs vnlui 2 11 jml vului 2 00 nt st i iv t fvv i lnimis cash best find iim wool t ash j 11 ulkl 100 bisdiun look wool c ish 10 j 00 100 ikiiitry rleciais nest pur corkin 1 md pullit anv breed 1 bit mnitir mix iavlnc mush bv j p klrkwood value 4 10 nist pair barrid doik cockirtl and pullet 1 bac purlno chow mix lav mushbv tnomviin ilrothi r v ilui hist im on id hiikins evil i lbs ill nor to itnivt sum h lvill llii- ili sjd ml sltilki hill home iiriabtment steciaij bi st i o if of llomt mndo bri ad mide from hith loaf flour bv r h i ludsav 0b lbs high 1 mf flour value bist i icht ciki modi from exit lsior flour bv d h lindsiv 411 ihv fxitkinr hour valu bist link lovtr fuki donor to rtttivt same bv jennings bowline all bist choioliti lavir cake donor to ritiivt sami by mre it hi m c irou acton tnsh100 bist i icht lavi r cake bv secrttirv mist h i nki s slklms li l upli nun i i ilsl nut 1 i v is ittt nditlk th vui h kisli ill li 1 i t i nil i il k p is 1 stuitiiv si ti mill iv i t r hi 111 at km tut lri s m v n v ilu r tilt ins n mm inn l n i- i inn tin ii hi si his nu it put l stuitiiv i i i npulititn of ills tun ilu t t n fn i iss n w it v tin hi si i nnik lnl1 uiid i 1 v us mil 1 ill r i in fi how bund mil i uk mi mi 11 t mil 1st t ish u iki li pitt is in nil v ilu 11111 jul v ilu o 11 si piintitid until ii ii vt i mil ft om puk inliinii to stain ls anil kills in pill mis i lollutii mori t 1 n i si juk1 ml 1110 lui 5 1x1 k is hi v with tilt in st in t kit ti i in lsl t ish 11111 nil i ish j1h1 in i isli 1 iki ill with tin in si fin kl 1 1st sh 1111 nit t ish fh jul tush 1 kl tums boots ami hitbu spk ials btst collittton of farm produt lmluding grain roots vtcetnbl s and tlowtrs gardtntrs not eligible 1st cash 3 00 2nd value of 2 00 ntst six quart haskit of onions valut 100 hi st thru samplts of grain consistinc of wheat oats and borlt v hulf bushtl of cath 1st voluc j00 2nd v alut 1 80 bist bushel basket of mixed vrgi tables not open to market gurduurs bv lakevltw greenhouses plants spring of ism 1st valut 2 00 2nd valut 100 best bushel shipping turnips 1st cash 2 00 2nd cah 1 00 r- best bag of potulims donor to rttilvt same bv highway garage acton cash best bas potatoes donor to revtlvt same bv m pallant cash best baskit of potati s 11 quarts anv variety 1st 100 2nd mjt- fbl it spet lls 33s best bushel mcintosh applts donor to rectivi same by hlnton s v to 1 store cash 13s btst bushtl vorthirn spv pplts tit nor to rtctive same bv wm cooper cash plavt ani hower sie4iijj sjs best 12 white gladioli 1st cash 1 00 2nd cash 7se s8s btst living boom bouquet 1st caah 100 ind cash 50c 57s1 best basket cut flower 1st caah 100 2nd caah soc ms centre piece of assorted flowers on tray for dinner table seating twelve 1st value 300 ind caah 7sc sos beat basket wild flowers arranged for affect 1st value 2 00 2nd cash 10c iiomfi b ft spec ls 80s best lulltctmn of faniv work not mort than 13 pitcts not shown before 3 00 is best babv s lavettr 3 00 s2s beit 3 noveltv articles 2 so 3s collection of 5 articles soluble for christmas gifts each article to be valued at nut more than 1 2 50 4js 4s 44s 46s s 4ss 405 sos sis hi llo llnnii maki ru have you ivir wondirid whv mints an tall id in i f vial poik inullor when on tin tahli but niwu calvi m piits jindsluklulluil01ktlloliikiffvvell wi hiiv in en aski tl so ofli n that wi win piomplid ti suiith fin on iiniuir a cm dink lo iiihuiiv this tlistlni lion of tirius orlcinatid afti i the vorman conipii st of kltirluiid the immi of ihu mi at cnmi from ihi lanuunce of the conquerors who ntt it while tho saxon piasont vt ho took care of tin animals con tinned to call them bv tlulr suxon nanus to dav no mntti r what kind of mi at we want tin costs si t ms trt tokt most of our food budcet kir instanci o survlv shown that tht attract prlci of stew inji bit tlur- inc julv 1011 was 12 cents pi r poiintf v hilt thi julv ptlre till vtar for sttwlnc bttf has biei about fill cints so whtn tin but clur ttlls you thut a loin pork roast costs about ii ci nt you mny in ttmpttd to dlsrt curd tin itss ixptnslve bief cuts howtvir iinltss voti cook tin ruahf tan fully vou will only havi one strv- inc pt r pound win 1 1 as sti w madi withirtsh curdtn vt li labli s k thrit strvlngs pir pound savoi1y stew 1 lbs stlwlnc bttf 3 tbspn dripping bkitimii tkn llai ion hat a u lull ti n kallotl lint wu flown finill iiiiilnn to ciugaiy in taiuithnt illyu muvor nnn mai kuv aid h w nil to nun i iii iii ill ll u at ilu si i up il tin hat wih lu uli bv a slniltpiiil film on in h ilf u llillaliis iiilli hit nulirsli iiif occstion box mis it k imkh lluw do vou brilul lltlll a cntl ts i hups nnil slli id rrat oti s 80 is 00 is 00 0 w 13 is s 00 4 so 4 oil 1 10 1 10 4 10 4 to 11 ihi su 2 60 2 00 5 00 3 00 lp loth oi carrt itkry ond tnmutots 1 cup cubed pototots 1 bay leaf 2 tbsps minced porslt v isp thymt cut bief in 1 inch cubis hull pltcth in flour brown miat in drlppinc covlr with boilinc water simmtr i hours add vecctablea and aeasoninc and cook 3s mlns thlckm liquid with flour to matft gruvy 4 if dtslrtd cook dumplings pork boast 4 to 1 lb pork ruast salt pepptr flour take tin roast from tht rifrit i rotor ot it list i hour bi fore cook inc it wlpi it with a damp cloth and pot roast with inixturt of flour sail and ptpptr piatt fat mil up in prthtatid ovm of j10 digs itoast about 2 to 3 bonis illowing 11 mills pir lb tin lh wbul willi tkv a tip 1 stni mi it ilium tiiati iv it friki i aim in in i told fisb atiiiusph t ittniv winppiiik mm fish n sinnk il in it mil ivr tin lp in isi iv with wis i ipt i h iv inn i nils npi n st i in 111 in 1 inp il mi nt in ilu tttlv in low ilu fnitik unit 2 sinn kniinil nn it in in it kipir but r t i i h ho ns i st i ft il in at in th ft nn unit of tin t ft iki r itor k mint fro7tn until r nd to i i n t i m 1 stni t kt tl in its wi ip tl do n t nit kiititt o iinltl n ils f i us 1 p nits v ki ps in tt r win 1 in j ii tl s li ip lush msh ti nil li t iv nil stun in a invttid uit it kttjr i k vvitlnii liiuis i i tin it nn it without 1 sun nnlstui tin livor vt l ip lust in illlniinuni i ll in vt t p nth in nl pip i silt i il nn it1 in it il bi hi iti 1 in i r iv sin nl jj il u sill th s 00 1 00 3 80 3 60 3 00 4 00 3 00 1 so 4 00 3 00 1 ts i so 1 so 3 73 2 so 2 00 2 00 1 so stop and see us for- pontiacs bulcks vauxhalls gaac trucks parts and accessories tires and batteries good selection of used cars complete service and repairs lome garner motors acton oftt main st ta 432 fn uh nn nth ki i tomutly in mli it oi hit nn nt into a lljhtlv imitt n i j if tnut il u it 1 a lanlt hpnun nt htllu i1u ti ih tlhi in i ml iiiimlh mis ii w ukuh n oil mi uu liluthtiiti ii in l ui tif fttnir fni thic kt ninit hti uh atikwtt yih wt maki n torn utmth pimti vith t old uutt r ani ihitktn tin nn nt htock of lamb or vtit rlth it in prtftiliitf tn flnnr tht fhimiur will ik t xtru utkid ami it iivi u ill in n hti to tin umvy mrs w it nrin uu by rtqutht ttu fnlumlnu favorite mini ounlo hkl-i- iiahii slightly cook 2 tunph niinctd nniiniu in a nklllrt in a an will aimmnt if fat add 2 tup ininrtd camud tnriutl bt f 1 tups chop pid tuoktd pntatm j tbtiprt drip plni and j cup tnniutn juici cuvir and took slowly for about m rpinulitt nr until a brown crunt has fnrnu tl mv tht bottom if di stud hirvt u poailud tuii on tail sirvinu your ey deserve the best consult r m bell phort 3arll in mdwual ivhkwkittk mikti r ii v puv4v u of imdon i uiltiiul huu nliiuiii rtkl tho world if miiuh hv invi ntlnu and pnhniv nut ilu flisl l pi i ilj thid an n iij in all tht 1 1 inplt fcitli i nf six mliiu said an i ffi lal of lliiliilis mush inn union it miiv i jut i nii h i iiiuju wrlllnt vv lid pollock and campbell munllfucturrs til high grade memorials memorial engraving 61 wlr jt north gait tl i mllonf j4ih to the canadian national exhibition august 25th to september 8th except sunday direct into the grounds v rsducad sfffc tt admission fti t leave acton leave exhibition 8 36 rrt 10 30 p m daylight time exhibition puungin travailing en regular buwt will transitu at torenlo bus tarminal to bussi running into lha grounds tickets and information at harold wiles phpne 58 ti lulisehj 3r heftv hauler thats quick on its teet t a central motors value you want n truck that has plenty of heft for the pay tbad but the rlftht kind of power in the clincher thats why so many truckers turn to cmc for swift performers that can pack home the pay load for in these broadshouldered carriers- chassis and engine are yoked together to form a perfect team for hauling a team thats built for keeps the result is a treat line of trucks from nimble vt- tonners up to brawny ruxfu with twocycle efficiency with horse power unsurpassed in their class that ytatr ky u fnur inujjmg jcft has made them the talk of the countrys truck men thats why whether your carfto is com pact or bulky liquid or holid grain or cement if you load it on a gmc you deliver it jastvr at less cost per mile as your cmc dealer we can ftlve you the longtime benefits of the right combina tion of axle engine transmission and frame for the loads you have to work skilfully engineered by the worlds largest exclusive manufacturer of com mercial vehicles gets maltmcki lorne garner motors limited main at bower acton ont jtls 3