Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 6, 1951, p. 8

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the acton free press acton ontario thunhdaybeltlimner 8th im1 iotai nfws ftwms for tht cohmm mw h pumd to 174 or nt to tx pr prmm office ta ilctott work cantlnutn nt the oof of he public jwrxwil udduirm thu jut fi little over month until ttumkntflylnh thli yenr if on octobfitjlth hack to mchnnl nnd for ihc ytupllh iin ui 11 the pawnu tl u likely aplaimlchanflc thfl treh have twn jonlmn of the flowers for lone i noiufhrthry re iwtflnnine to turn bright color itt well and v ill cnmpletelv out- shint the uurrlen blooni before very lontf a totirnamint team from hit locnl club vulted feruus lnt thurs- dnv pvcnlntf for a return mntch and aoclal evenlntf the acton team defeated thn feraiu club 8l t rapture the honori for th evi n- worn i n ti institute dbpl ay at the acton fall valr aro ow n to inutitutih of hnllnn connfv km ninna and frln tnwiuthljw impioxi nu ntu in alton unltid rhtrrrti kiihutnuttntly tfmirr iitd thl w 4 k xx h n tin sunday st heud ribm wan painted tin mint dtiiuatshadi nlplnk jias aj so tramfermwl the piano into modi rn nttrnptlvr awet to thi room dinixw and nlvwowl finish ait vet to ctnne llobili liui cmnpd b two lilwk- wood nun cami net ond and third in till bull junior xrnrlinc claju at th inhibition tn toronto hvck haven monoflram pnwh owned bv harold v weir rockuood wan second and ma rt ind ale pet dknl a owned by erne hi h henham rorkunod third umehouse paint schoolroom for opening day sihnol reopi md at ss no u thlt v irk with mirh jean nuddell nfinln in chartfe tteijlnm ra include jo palteraon linda clarke nixie j on eji and itlllle ttroouii patsx ftmtt r ik a nu comi r in tirade fl gurry scott in fi nnclxrucu scott in 4i thnhnnnurnnnilci1irlull white ix orv nnd creen freflhlv painted nnd the limn mowi d ready for exciting ball jrnnira mr thornton had a number of visitors to aec his fflad ffnrdem on sundnx thru included mr and mrs wood and dniifihtrr audrey of out injt prov cnrvdnhli and mm alex mcnive n of wilton and uliu marffaret splicer and other member of her famllv thnjie from the district ntttndlni acton h s include knthleen kirk- natrtck anna marie spit7i r frank benton those nttendlnfi georflc- toxxn h s nr anna spim r ruth mcbrlde elllnc bt re and oln berc glendon scott mils home from midi nnd for the weekend mrs f mcdonnld nnd clifford mcdonnld of dedlrx vnrden nttend- rd the ueddinr on fridn ex mine of her jrnndson william a mc donnld of georjjctoia n and mnnn fcher in st johns prtshxterhn church hamilton nnd th rrcepiinn nftrrxumhi at the fountain cadi i n p bounu spent a couple of dins at himii ht r m routi from shiln manitoba xxhire hi his bt t n stationed for tht summer to tnkt up hla studus at rmc kinijston ncnln a c bourne is tp nriinc a f v wetks t homi nftt r two month nt knpuskn5int w hi n ht hn- been rmplnvtd ns a junior fin wntchir mrs a w norton isited her uter mnt warrlncton at shachot lakt oxtr the week end altx wrirht was homi from tor onto over th unk end snm gisb hnd a week tnd leaw fnm sunnx brook tliwpltnl the fifsi obi sinct parl jul mm wm carhsli of giulph and mrs nobh and fimih of sudburx isited mrs robt pattt rson ncint u a thornton nnd william shi 1 bmum win tnu sts at thi woods whlttli wtddinc in st andrew prisbui rinn chunh giulph ot siturtlax obituary pioneer familys last member dies coin uprooted from resting place on mill st by paving aftt r a whorl illnesh mm robt h r id pa wit d peact fullv nwny at ht r intest ildence 17t imdon st s hamilton on tuesda autfust 211th 10m in lur luith viar mis reld was formi rlv bt tc i ri milt mckinnon tlnutlhtt r if tin jati nell mckinnon and mar lan f mrmiilau sht wu llit luttl nu nilu r of this pionttr fnmtlx o 1 1 in tow nship she wnn a n sidi ht of erin town ship for oxtr half a centur belnn btirn on lot 20 fourth line on januarv 4th lfuul she married rob ert h reld and they made their home on lot r third line on the farm which is now occupied by their son huch in 1025 the moved to acton where mr beld paftsed awav in 1010 nine ean aco mrs reld nnd her dnufihtcr laura moved to hamilton where- she resided until the time of her death two sons nnd four daughters are left to mourn the passing of a lov ing mothtr hugh m mrs harold l griffin jessie mrs mervin hillinrd wlnnlfred all of erin tow nship mrs chas landsbor- ough marjnnei acton joseph n nnd laura k of hamilton and 12 grandchildren two daughter mrs robt currlt ftht l nnd mnblt prt dec nsed her mis rt id was of a quiet home- lox ing disposition a faithful mi m hi r of the baptist church she was si ldom nbstnt from church serx ice ns long as ik r henlth permitted the font rnl was- held on august oth w ith a short serx ice at the jickhnmcrljiuz fum ral home in hamhtaofollow cd bj a stiicc in tht acton baptist church conduct ed bv a forme r pastor rev j w boxd of guelph purlng the ser- x ice douglas peck of georgetown grandson bx marriage sang sxxeet ptact the gift of gods love tin manx floral tributes showed tht high esteem in which sht was htld tht pnllbcan rs wt rt neil mc kinnon fred mcmillan lnwrcnce i burt edgar young norman mc laughlin and ross mckinnon all m phi x s of thi dtctased tin floxxtr bearers were garnet 1 sincl in smith griff in clarinet i rt id ooilas pick nnd earl sox- t rt un inttrmtnt was in coninfsbx c i n y ti i x tru nds itti ndtd from di troil put him toiontu ham unn uui buihnton hornby tin 1 1 s no nllmj jijwt how loni n in u dark toin inu d with krtm his turn lost on mill st if it wm ltvst hi xt tr it w u minted alton was i h unit t part of th t townshi of imhumiij it w s lost tht xi at a post offm w iv k tt tin iowiuk until and robt rt swan win h id iiiomii thi n mit iton oi tin littli pt m sonu 1 t i bti mi tht fust pt stmast i tin im4 luif tnn w is found last situuii m iiimj in i in ap of t irth th it w i tiu u m tin vo its of uxtllmj pt i i t i ixuik t x huj1 tltahan w ht iims in no tlltsl on tit mdi of tin thuk id tt in is i i u si w ith i 1 1 i r th il ui him k i ui in wt iti- idi t stli on tin t tin i i i i luu t t 1 t inldmj iroutnl tin utmdt i ni pu x nu if t in ui i the piect had obxiouslx bun u tin k ml i look tin md hut u i i tlisiinm tnf it t t ild u rt id liki lx tin 10 m n t ki tvin rt marked sonu t iuum in i ti i xx hi n it a iin vnv tin liht t da saturdax hold wiener roast to begin season orangeville fair tues and wed sept 18th and 19th improved livestock home exhibits 1 38 and fraaferall hacat bli0y pdny racai carnival shows bands sports j w pawlfy prrs coonry st wednesday night main hall dibonnaires band relax i take in a movie tonite ths sign or a good time mill st acton phone 110 continuous aaon thru fri from 7 30 p m sl nnd hoi from 7 00pm mfllinecs sat nd hoi start 2pm ha mininn irt m ikitit platis h i til m 1 mt r p i kiim t i l i miti llu i u i w itti u i ni r roast m m irv thomjv ml no n i ii 1 1 t ir il pomti mi i i t r m o u it- thi wiik to nkt 1 ii r iu duti n ml h r hi rn 1 i in 1 mlsii hi r 11 i kin i br i ili i i i pr i nt h i i i i r ni h im it m lu sh u- m triimii i b camt v t i tin i hi th itthl worst blow th w hn h li il i- k vtiut m th k it irit blow in anmi y optomalntl 7 douglas st guelph eyes examined glasses fitted visit our refreshment bar in the foyer fri sat sept 78 superthrill serial the incomparable batman flrobin t boy wwdll plui pma midpmoni e ygttrdiyye olda swap shop m0ntues like tabul lcnio miewiy from l wmvaroto t liop idl the i th extra early i dood rd sept 1011 hottest singprw a- y the great tabbimc mario ann lanza elyth dor0toy jarmla kirstennovotna blanchethebom wedthurs two top hits sept 1213 bbv u savage e of mtrigu joan fontaine robert ryan zachary scott tmtiktt by robtit ssiiti oincttd by nichaus riy snamfiuy by edit samawr second feature hit- iwhus1iiiuti0nu p umvxbs jukoesom muiwmmtiimasimimm news events of the world births marriages deaths etc hoitn lit th m il in iluuutili r kkhwin mr ullt mr j kf- win ltiiw i avi mi vi rv itumiy to iiimiitinii on hlitti nf tmilr ftimuttuir 1iititilu ann niiiitliiu ilium a tun in l i mothi r mill lunl flm waindn l4riiliil mm x wat nun inn ill st nu hniipv tn iilinniinii tin till iii nt tin ir iliinuliln annn kllllll th t ll niitnlnu iiiiiiii at inn i pit mlii i a iimii klulil fin duvlil nllir llulilj muulu uml uubx ilnlnu wi ii makhihi nhi i in siitirrlbj tnt in si itiut nhu ait ii bv lit v kiilhi r 1 1 urn kllnlu tli kiiitnrr oi kn kln si l mlii i liiliih mmuilil killunli l nf mr nilit mm jimapll krn- mm kiniii i aimni to llni hi t nt nit h mm if mi unit im it nli i attiin iinysnaik on thunulnv auu hit tn kim miiritiilil ann in fntil itimuhti r nf mi mid mrn tnllll i vulliti acini wa11i ah tin ritnilt nf nil i lili nt mi snlirtit ty hi pti mhi i j iiim llni inn n mm iivlni hi luu- i wlti nf alln rt hi ni v willi nt it it itnikwmiil ill ill inn tin i nf ii nh mi mm ii nrici unit ilmnili in in i mill yi m 111111 i ll mllln uih in hi ut si aiiiaii i anillijii tliinili aitnn intiiniint w iv in itniuwniiil ci rn- ii iv tti mimokiam want ads i hi ha i plinm im for sale milium mofu t hi i oh mam llr i pit lum r- fh id mim 10 nw lid hid mid npiniji t ii aithut hi ii lolt sam iliiidwnihl lirlmit it iiulln imy r iitint it v i ikih lit hrib ptimtliuwmlllktr u4t m sam im iivii limn v nlln phnnr littmtit mm cull iiuw ivvji i uniuini 1 1 42 cuim run ht a voit ham id i nudltlind lili v li m iiiiiiiinttt7i viihitt io 11 slilppiml cod i uprwuti a lliomuii 111 imltmtif ill ml im onto a h4 rm sam kiiikii ml mniill ili qiiflx i lit lilt r full h7o hnd imi i li i ti li iun hi mi ih nniot ivi winhlnu nun ilm qm lu t kit i in ii hidvi mioiii i our u i oh sam dlnlnu riimn nnh iniili i onk with i iithi i hiati il i hnln alrin hi puruif dlnlnu mom hihli all i ki i hint mulltton will sill rlii up mitt alii n imioriit ml o mu sari 1 lonmiil m w hrhk hiitiliiilda- k ntd t hldi ntliil dhitrlit ill c il- flimiih lint wild r in utliitf full hii hini ni nt with up ii i tnt ii i it illiin loom sldiwiiikh in j nd i iwn liiidi rt lmmru 4llw u i ok sai i mill ii iii wnl will ll i lllllll llllill fill pi i i ut i i nh nu i llipliti fin ii iltrnt inn miiut n ilntmit 2 ki hi vuui vii miiki lliuth m it id it it j ai inn phuni i l iii viu l hvdi ii in luxnilt nu murv of our mii iii lux ltidi i hk hyih t kill id si pit mhi i 7 11h0 s idlx mis d nnd vi r r nu mln r tltttvmotli rind nmrwytdi in ut i oh sai 1 10 xmii old nollil mlii hi li k ilium iiijiui iittiuhiit lil iil windows kumwimid tilrti jhimi m iput mtloo x lioo jidvhi ap lilv h mi i hum martin sl mil ion u foil sam fn sll i ikvi r linn m i t unt dm im vli 4 ih tin iiv nih limn v ill iiiii dt ilr itiufl hulk t uhtn- ju i lh tin 11 lh tin 1 lit minn il k hydht in vi i itivtnu immmy inn di it min nut hiotliit jtodi i lik who so midih nly li fl 111 sip li nihil 7th hmd i 00 dt inly hi luvi d r xi 1 to hi torliotti n mom ljitd0l snti 1 mid hiothi ih 1jvi i i-oitsaii- o111 imc nrn hydijiin oxinir iiimmy uf our ij r n iiy ni w 2im on foik- hrolhii in hiw jind unth hod- sh lmv umtu r nrly n w trick jdli kilhd si pli niht r 7 0n j hc j bult r uriy mw 11700 om 7 mniwi y hjirru hindrr hih ni inory is us dt nr lo dny tu m y ilnrrh hay ixjiid 1 i conni y omnifi villi ihli phriin 21i4j4 jifti r 10 pm 0 an in thi hour he passi d away sadly inissi d and 1 vi r rtinniur id hy jack and ida surhc y and also juciin luu trant and lutriltu hydi- h in lovipt nunioi y of a dtar husband and fnthi r kodti ick who it ft us juht two yens uuu st plimur 7 1140 nothing tin ivir 1 iki awa tin lovi 1 heart holds duir iontl mi iniiriis imj r vi ry d i itt im mhr inci knils him mar lovin wift and 1 nnilv lank in loxinj memory of 1 char mother md ranihnothi r mrs liar 1 lam who p ls id avx ly scpumber hfih 10so ut 11 mothi r you ir nut fotuotttn rimulih on t irji you are 110 moii still in nu iiko hi in xx ith us as ou alvx is wt n htfon s idly nnss d by d iukhu r mrs c alhn md h nnily niciitingali- in fond md lux in j nu mm x of 1 dt ir husb md md f iihc r arthur nithlint ih who dtpirttd this lift on stilt luh hhti our memory us 1 kitnsiki rrom which vxill never part god his you in his ketpmc wl have you in our hiurt sadly miistd md rtnu mot red by hls wife and family alvxays donaldson- in loxi of mv dt ir hush md tldson xx ho plwd hth h dt arc r still as timt di p irls iur iiitmor lives within 1 ht irt no length of tunt tin tiki aw mx thoughts of jou from d iv dix sadly missed and tvir j mi mlw rtd hy his wife phoni j40 i- oh sam- two thru and four vxiik old uon sixid puth tn rock 1 r is sm t ial rji 1 s on fivt tt six vi 1 ks tihl whilt th v hmt ilirnd itork hid x itmk pulh tji w7 mm 11 xi d ti1 rt corki r h fa 1 himdrtd inm also day olr w axsortid hrnvy ilrnd 100 hiiks twiddh hh k h itc hi rh s limited pirjiili ont irlo 0 2 for sale id i t 1111 mtirv john don- i ax y sip usui cart truili trartors n mipn rni iit liro ri id di loxi tudor sm ill iiiih il md m in w cir ti n ditiin lhjl miriurx 111 wll tudor jut ovirhmlid md a ood t ir thi uihoiit 1047 m n tiry 114 tudor n il ood mm i plymouth s d in 1041 ford 1 dm 1 mj dim1li s plssinuir roupi 1040 dikim ifh 1imb ford roith in rtxn sh ipi imfl didii si d in in iood sh ip 107 sttidnbiki r nidio 2w hh7chtv coirb 250 10 1ft ford roupt 1040 y ord coith in al condilinn 1041 dodfji coich food 1047 ford 1 ton express 1 red si rvire ihlc tnirk 1041 ford 2 ton chaisis md cab 300 10ti ford pit k up 12i ford rutor motor ovi rh mle d ind mninlly in tood rondition i ailis c hilmt n trictor fjulh v md 10 ft ford left dkr rd tijli r thi lx si toe i m de tillint loiifih kremnd 7 ft m f wanted inaiikst miickh- rir fowl it ihlikiiih hulhmvlllh poultry kll- llnu mlnthm phumi llrumpton h4srl or 1 kij4 o44 u wiil pay fimnilo to ift tow ehiiel or ejuiihl i 1 uttli mid hormtk 24 hmrr hiivih iiliphom tnllml 2u4 hi lwooet lioiun llhson a1 ja iiwhwanii 5 m mni nit ms biicmer- dont tuki n 1 linffin iiltitrlnu ymnr old hnuh we huy tin in nu tiny nrn xiibii nt fun n phone rolh fd 4hmj yi111 ipli 0 ft- dkad oh i1ihahlkd anim- a1s wan run cow imrflui hoim we nay umh id your farm phoni cluilph 1114 eilliht for im- im dhito tie rvh 1 win i olntf op- etnitlritf r gordon yeiunii tf wantm lnk rni thn puhjlr lllllllliji olfiie iimmiu pi m for pi nmimml 1 mployi e pl 11 k itiitc hiihn y 1 kpi 1 te il and mialifie at loni applli alloiiri tnijil hi in by 1 11 iday si nti mhi r 14th at 12 o e 1 u imoit j mi n lie lili hi 11 ttiry b pudlkth wanlhl airijittd line u h ifood prletm inld alao- i 01 kin hi wult ihli fm hr eh m ni w hamiinhlre n i ijdit suniie u olumblii lioi k alie f i lit want- id te nupply im with hatrhlnif uil apply twiddle f hie k h it h ilu i id 1 1 iuum out 1 fl il wan 1 1 1 ih hiibh n in 1 1 in a ton i xpi tie n n 1 swarv a fin nop i tunity 1 into eild piofit bl htisin it iwh ifh ihitluib h ivi h for villi iilk jnofiis i cunlmh 1 on nidll wm tplh di il mi 1 111 km le iii dud t net i sll j f hi ri- ii tmld inilije ts itllw- mont 1 ti z wani i- 1 opp hlnni v f ir i hllifht 1uv in vi bin 01 7 rtfti- h inn the priii thik trad ith op omttinlty for e7jeesiniiind mieiiil- lliij in hand romposltlnt tin typ npernttem pressif nf ht it iuto matlr lypi md cylinders in i in sight into rite re otypiiil ml otli r brane in s the npplieant hhould li ev it h ist two yiarh in iiifh school t epi illfy for the werk nnd 1 de hlre to li 111 n and ndvnnn if you hav-r- no incentive to e t ahe id or an u cpiltte r tin joj in not for yo 1 th workink condition an nkd and th whop is oik of the m nt ni dirn in tin towiih of ontario yeiu tan 1 am whlh ejulpplnti yours if for a life time of jriti n stln t rk if you an inh n sleil wrili i letter to the arton free pn i ac ton ontario only wiitt n ipphc- atlorifl will hi ronileh n d ancf ph iihc 1f not phone or r ill miscellaneous washer itfpains noiu purtn rompliti nvi rh nils ernfer tlndln nnd elirtrlr gorffiitowm phoni 411 roxy thmtrn nldg lf sfwing machinps silon and sirvln ripolni to ill malcri rrnujlllidln nnde -trl- phone m hnxy thiotri nidg oiorkf- town mxt kitchener upholstetiy hnvr your cheiterfleld iult r-ur- holitird for oi little if 140 vor prompt and efficient service cslj 101 acton one weikl service auction sale in mrvituri tt vxil bi hi id it thi proprntns heme e pposjte hornby iton on uhf sia y mfirrf mb r 10th it 2 o clock i nil list in ne xt xxi e k 1 pipe r mrs i tt ikorrktrihh hmdhy hholt a jtiuni- ra coming events this office cannot be rrriofutbf for conflicting dales of tints earlys of a hi in don t fokit thi liki idl u il ti7i ir i o i r lu id s i u d aniiu oi chip inn tint nt iohi in th i s i t mhi r rt mil ir mm thlt iiki mdt chjp i r uk on 11 ill tn 11 it a 11 ni pirtn sniht uill h h id anon 11 ih sm i in thnr l i s i nib i i ii p in th h ind priuipil vv 11 hi 11 itl t n p it i ii- tl t iw pt i in i sales and servicf phoni mill n illjrl kri and monarch milt n 11lw i vi ninis lost auction sale of mhvitirf th l nth r ikiii d h i t f in trui ti d bv mrs joiis vviiiivmlos i fn i h st alt i i nf in r i tin tn t ii b ibllc it li n n svtirdal shil mltut hii 1 in t 1 lh 1 i i t ih it r xl i i r r i ll irl lh it i r i or simd iv k hi p ik i ii tt mr u 11 i ind th a i nn r 1- inn r vt il h 1 1 li r ml i n th n 1 i wi i s 1 1 h t ii id i st h li ii t r 1 n ii t i n th i- i- i i t ith nt 7 11 v v ll f 1 1 i 11 i rn ht f v w 1 111 l ii i rv s rv 1 1 n k u v i p i tt r n h irt s i d s ml r in i 11 t ii nd ii 1 n u t h kl w i sp i i i 1 n i oi 1 t n t mil st 1- s t r rv tl 1 pr ir i vdn i i 1 xi h 1 1 rt n ii ti r u m t v rvh logs wanted hiohatt pricat paid for red oak walnut and hard maple vanaar logi or standing timbar woodmosaic limited woodstock ont phone 1250 the adon free press classified advertising rates sou is htkt s i m f r ii i t i ills 1 ii at v m irntim dt ill mil i ni im int i n in mrmoriam s0 plus 10c per llnr for vrrsea articlil for salr rrnt ftc jc u w t rd minimum tut uf if not paid until after insertion mel bo so to jills office isc additional tiniiik rvints 10c er cu int lint vvih 30c minimum ll lasalflrd advrrtlarmebts must rrach the office before 2 p m on wednesdays lh r hi i iii iw i l sr i spr i i i 11 ml i v i ir ir i l s i mi s 11 i i 1 1 ni sid 1 11 i ii k i mi i hall w 1 n 1 1 ii 4 i irii i tl m di rd 2 k ln i r i i t tr ii ti 1 c n p il i- q 1 m 1 i i i 1 m v n t v tutms ami ml s k i ptc 1 1 r i i rk farnworth memorials ulenamrnu at madermte prices cfmetfr lkttfrisg flors rd al crmrlrrr glelph ont a 1 3 j v s o k 3 i vv i r rn

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