Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 13, 1951, p. 2

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paok two the acton free press acton ontario tholrsday september 13 1051 perishabre news comment it is truly remarkable how perishable news comment is these days for instance thejedllor fjhejejausewtrecordadaholldayjrlrx retently and wrote a very interesting story about rtrioniiy oriu wiwiw j m t the part that would interest our readers is ot tourserhl5tximmoiitaboutacton which read tho poorest and rouqhest streets we found anywhere were in acton ontario tho streets of that town are familiar to all motorists in the district they havo been in that condition for quite a while they gel no belter is acton bankrupt we3on t know when the fergus writer mado his trip through acton but we do know that when his article appeared in print last thursday acton streets wero by n6 means the worst and that paving was well advanced on the hiqliway in town and by the time tins article appears in print acton will have the best roadways of any town in ontario or n the whole trip which the tarqus editor may make tins wppk tints how c l skl th nets can go from worst to best in these ais then is no need for further coniiiltnt about ws firinicnl mite tint cin reid ly be ascer tn nt i iron inform ition it hind for every editor sndhtss nothing to i wjthjjietpn woadwiy it s qu tt ev dent however that fergus his not rune iii nn or construction recently as has been done in acton or the fergus editor would be more conversant with the work and time entailed we agree svith the fergus editor that three weeks ago our streets wero terrible we know he will be fair enough to comment favourably on the change when he drives through acton the next time and that he ii appreciate the improve ment as we all do whose alarm alarm at the decrease in tho amount o coal purchased at tho present lime is boing oxpros sec it c that consumors have purchased 30 por cent less at this limo than is usually put in the coal bins ot tho householders of course7 thcro are griv warnings that unloss more coal is ordered now thcfvwill be a shortage this win icr and dolivery systems may bog dowiw truly these are days of alarm perhaps an overworked alarm of selling considering the rate at which householders are turning to oil for heating purposos the drop of sales for delivory in tho coal bins of house holders need not bo alarming high costs o coal might bo taken info consideration for the slump in sales in a considerable moasuro wo dont know the answer to belter 3ales for coal products but as long as ultimate cost to the consumer continues to rise other fuels and other methods of heating will find favour with the publil miny of us can renilinber the diys of wood lieittnci wlan the fires went out it night and the memory of those eold nid fiosty mornings and a creiktnc iiousl ire not pleinnt recollections coll and b ttt r hi lting put wood for heitinrj 1 licit i in the disi lrd in this section of tin toun ti m lyiii l better wiy of heiting our homes i on the wiy nid higher hiuliqe ind nnninq eww i mvl i then nt bunging of fuel to our doors thine definitely is cause for akirm on the pirt oi those who hive been supplying coil as a household fuel these das what is this thi 19 equalized assessment is an often talked of r in the local news these days and yet it is a difficult one for people to understand it is dif ficult for an oakvilie business man to understand why he is assessed 80 a foot while a business man in another community is charged only 40 a foot this is what the equalized assessment ooes tile equili t i ist ssmt nt s pi n e purpose is to hive eieh municipitity beir l proportiornte sh ire af t ix ition for nstlnce proputes in oik illi bronti milton ind acton shouiall belr tl e r propoilion ite shire of t lx it on operit on of tin counh nn h ch 5 cirrd out t count coi iv i costs moncn in i it s letssarx foi e lcii munipilti represintid o contribute towards ttie opiritoi coss ilince l oliitn nte e icii muinpilr s sllottid i trtiri per ctntige bised 01 tlie assisbiiiint ct tropert 11 e 11i1 tewn for nsllnct olkv le fms prooerty assessed or valued it 1 1 obs 000 so ttiev must f iy 1 42 per cent cf county costs iton has only t t50 000 worth of property and so pays the lower 1 124 per cent the f gures used here are the ones adopted by the county council for use in 1952 three of halton s municipality obected that the share was top high and suggested that property had nctf beettvalued with the same yard st ck in each of halton s 10 mun c palittes burlington and oakvilie obected tojhe 1951 figures established last year winch had to s be inter established by the county udge s nee then oakvilie s assessment ha6 apparently jumped from the 1951 figure of 4 813 057 to the 1952 figure of 11688 000 little wonder oakvilie hesitates at accept ng the new figure towns like burlington and oakvilie that have had rapid growth must shne 111 an equally high ei percentage of the county rate rules or vard sicks fei ovalual on of property 1 halton s nun t pil t is rt seppesed to oe stanfirded a set oet 11 ttii nt an f isid ir der the tj ince 1 the comty assessor perl iqo i 1 1 s tkv wore not standirdzed equal id osstssme t iloss 1 r rem pur chiser to judje he s llee ef pepeites hy the assessment and affords a compii sen w th other locations equalized assessmem stated 5 mp y j as you grow so do you pay when the equalized plan was ntroduced to the county a county assessor was appo nred w th the hope of eliminating the hold ng ot costly court cases to establish the bas 5 of taxat on berlington oakvilie and georgetown have filed an appeal against the figures submitted by the county assessor and a court case seems the next step apparently the appointment of a county assessor and the revaluation of property was a waste of time if the court case is still necessary a better form in he united states special inducements are being offered to have new defense plants locat ed well away from crowded areas and especially from those marked as prime targets for atom bomb attack in some cases president truman has announced that only such plants wiu get certain defense orders andstiixjprivileges will be offered to encourage this general program of spreading around vital industry no doubt tho same will soon be applicable here in canada but aside from the thought of dropping bonibs it is easy to see in canada the general trend away from the larger cities that have be come too large ind unwieldy on every hand we it lrn of city workers becoming diss it i shed with the hours w isted travelling to and from tlu ir cliv s work the city rush hours of morning nd n qht ire things everyone w ints to avod tiii qigant c plints where hbor and mirngc niliif ire miiils ipirt do not mike for better rt i tionships in the diyi work school attendancc n the do mitown siphons show the trend of c fy chow th to be to th suburbm districts adjoin nq tht best answer would seem to be in the establishment of nnn hrqe towns or smill c t 1 s add nq on to the fringes of toronto mont real himilton 6v v ndsor is definitely not the cure but only a m ike shift solut on as has been proven m most of thtse large cities war or peie t would appear ontario and canada would grow better as a group of small towns and cities rather than densely populated cities lock your car during the course of any year many cars are stolen a goodly number of such vehicles are involved in accidents the usual car thief is desperate accordingly he is inclined to be reckless he does not own the car he has no investment tied up in it he is anxious to get somewhere as quickly as pos ible he is not as greatly concerned about his own safety as is someone within the law ac cord ngly he is more inclined to speed he is more likely to take chances the odds that he will become involved n an accident are so much the greiter the owner of the car s of course indignant hi s put to consderable nconvenience and ex ee se he feels very bidly about the whole 11 liter tint s only to lie expected fores ght is 1 itter thin h 1 ds qi t hie t me to lock the stable s lefore the horse s stolen so the old adage loes the sime may be said about cars too iiv people leae their cars unattended and inlocked they extend a tacit invitation 10 the potent al thef then they complain when that mv tation is accepted locks are placed on car doors for a purpose they are not particularly things of beauty en hancng the appearance of the vehicle hence motorists should use them when leaving their vehicles unattended they should lock them par cularly during hours of darkness when the thief is not so likely to be apprehended to leave a vehicle unattended and unlocked in circumstances in which t can be easily stolen s tc invite such action and there are plenty of car thieves waiting to receive and accept such an invitation junior k jost allowed to practice during the commercials the good old days j may have seemed better back in19 1 t r th ft ii 11 r if stj tin 1 m low i fi jo ulll unio t tiki tin joncl old minim r tun sli id i mth thi ti mpt 1 itim o r 1 1 ht in tin sli ictt a rink of acton bimlirs pirtui mw1 in 1 tmirniminl nt i lm i on iihoiir di ind won fourth prlz tin mh nttiid bnutiful wnl nut hbnry tables in thi rtmcnnl ot mr mid mr- cm t iii ird more and fimil 10 montrnl alton last citizi ns of rcnl worth who will be mi si d in mun communit u ti itu s the tiu rf ir 1 h impionship w ls 1 ipttiit i l ai on vjik mi thi 1 ir tli iithnot t s 1 nt 1 1 1 d two t nn ind both 1 u hid tin simi fin d but ih t 1111 wt r tlu ill mipiortship inm tin 1 r tl t nnj pit f u w 1 ks 1 h md it bi 1 11 1 t i du 1 v i id 1 tin 1 1 1 ih 11 f i in 1 n 1 1 j 11 v h iy h u 1 11 m if mi i o i ihn n 1 f n m rid i t ninl m 1 t u ti 1 i ml f h m i d imiu pull t hum in di in n h i h n tr mr th r in th um intf it w d i lull md ff i k-lfhr9g- jilin inii ih 1 in ii t nt i m llmr ilmi si 1 1 ijiil ill nl iii ti knit v tn il in v hi iii 1 if ill till ll ll iihl il thi ll 1111 i f tin in nil lit nt till p ii ann i u in i xjmisltlmi ll tin iiiinik nf iihiih iislirdiy iftir iii hi 1 tllll mil ll till ittl lll t uos 111 kit til ississulltl till 111 iii of th tl itliilliil ruvi rnlm lit hi we mnil inn jnil liuwini whin thi sh irp i r ick nf i rivolvir r inn nut tvllcl in sulci ssmn mil thi julius tike a sismm n polish in irchisl v is nl inn t sum sful in his rl lstnritly i rum at ininiil mcitnif ri t vi wil h ims iipnrtiil th it hi hid hi on ijiprn ictn il with n it n m i to thi pnbihilitv of i rintinir lici n i fr poo t ihlt ill limn ih txplunit hi hnl tli toiirikiil thi itln i th it mil i t i fill iii him ii i il iii i tint till ill thi i i in 1 tint i i ih mil ild ml if uiis 1 m ii in t f 1 s n mh i il i m- nto in v i phi i i i lit died sw ck1i mi it on s in t pll i 111 i il in f h i t ml m in tuu liidtr v tl i f h it lln f jth s ituhini r f mitili of iton dont worry about your operation i ppn im iti 1 t n million ptop will undi tko in opt r it ion thus nr if on irt i nt of tin m ou cin druw conifort from iht tdv incts in surllcil ttchniques h i i m id i thi lreat m ijontv of up ntuns coniplttih saft author gritr willnms lmikid ilosil it 10 opintions from miner ti m ijor ind rt pors ri isminnll in i hi idt rs dint t articli con din d from nations bumiuss t iking ill op ritions is hi comt on vounn ind old on pit nt in joid condition or p ir r risk of dt ith in tfu h inls if th skdlitl mirm n is ibout i m n uk thuib u th mi it id inn f hi ptsl jo t irs in thi ctnrol f pin mf iti n shoi k n 1 ip mil phsiril will hi iiij i 1 th it m i nt u ith h t luiiks ind k dm s h it 10 i n nl hin t 1 1 if il r h i i f th it ml i m i ii 1 t si of his dwi uwk mrs thorns scutt lit if ilui 1 t n in i v st t i k nn i n s ii 1 i c h w il it m ph i h i i i n d h p m i ti h i t in n u nt st d nd 11 i t l t n in f h 1 h s 1 p chuuh 1 t f j l t l ii i1l 1u l i 111 il l f pi c mf 111 t ill 11 t f th to w s itif i mi i b ri f itht r fccn th in w st i mius in in impuu nu nt to the inu ru r of st ji i ph ind iri inotlu r tiknrc of th mttrist of fithtr funs in thi i hurch ind pioph hi n mr richard cook h ivdispo cd fict thit itu htr ind mstir mcdomld mitn st nndi itu pashcsion laki t to w ho w ith hi r mr nnd miss w ill t iki im n w i m il h uld tell easier steel maybe on its way b rrinfj t turn for thi wort in i ni i i n ill tht ln it vtt 1 1 ihor m i th st rt t r st ti thi inevth ti t i in j ut on ti sj t p txwnd all pun in 41 to vi mtonds ind hold iou thi ri for ht jitirth of thi opi ratiihi sur lions no lonlir ha t to op ntrt with likhtninc spid is tht onci did uhm om out ot etrv four pitu nts died afti r a major oper ition ttii shock of lone anesthesia and much loss of blood made peod improtic but toda hurrv is n pardixi as a hazard the anesthe ut can cte tht surjicon all the tim h nicd and blood uns ls a mintr problim now tharall hospitals have blood binks transfusions once sin nifvmc that the pitiont was in critical condition are today routine practice in many operations pleasant dreamt du nt mi k t h im s i ui i nr out ri s itts mill tin ij i h ii n m dd rti istnj off th in th ij tuiih st ur t irs p r iti r but thi mm time fin incl il utihrh ccfiurrlt ot hauuba anion ontario a rhikndrv cumtcn ironijm hi towr avnu liiiif 110 lv v a i urrry a mm n mlnljilr m1noay lkijkmbkit ifllh hi i 40 tmu m uunduy u jwl- h til mkiiink w- rthiii r ut jut our htditmitt fit ir n jvi u 00 pin kv rluji womhlp 1 lb it i f jin flisd of jj tlr suittuit fjiirrl stlmjay hkii kmhkimflui 1011 i0juuin siiruliiy hitiool 1 1 iii 11 in mill 11 p ni it v i i hi li inriiiitii wirtni dnv ii lll puiyi i miitup itiiiiv h pm iiyitj jjrmbittrrlntt cfjijurrlj in ctjuhtiba hnox 1iu1w1i acton i1kv imiiirkt ii allmhtrons i ma n mlnltr r in iiri a m w p m sutkm intn lllvlrid wrirahlp snnilny sftioil i vi rilntf si ri ai i ahe wfir omr ftkralbatta rurilj antlusjti uulirkiiv vj j ijjaua t mjwiia spptf alimi il rr rn yvit ifmiri o rr sur diy lti 11 iht n in it ly t u m n f 11 ulr r r r h n iii ii in h ji i nu ir i rr a wi i a ll professional directory and travellers guide ml ll al dp w g r emiii lllhlilin 4111i surkfiri irin in l li 1 1 1 i i till si ait 1 it i r i hi ml ami ismt eavw inwj johi r l r t i 1 01 1 1 1 llflir illiinr ih khlllrllrr linn ll hi ilmnr im dr d a garkeft iliyiilrun anil surkfon 11 r ut willow md itlvi r su i 11 tr inn itiv r strut ac inn ontirlii ihonr 23h tnrr nrtyv ttrg ptim rt ir ihm ri i r il ium lruun ilninr crirctoun 132w wright pel fotate afid insupanre f i witloiit b viuqbt nrvtal dr a j buchanan drntal hurkron officr u ishmnn ninck mill st oftltr llmirs tl o m tn 8 p m x hay telephone i dr george a sirrs drntal hurreon mill st corm r fredrnck acton ohicl hours boo am tn r p rn thhhoni 1 vithtiary b d young bvsc c l young d v m 1 ti rlnury surcrons olfi iii kmllir out irlo i ii n mil n hi 1 i 20 will ir st art n ont ph rn iii vi micdonistjst r ji iph ont i lion- 4d15w realtor iimi appnisil institjte valuator mi ml of nnirla mi rnt m gui iph and district rial eiutn board mirnhirs guilph and district insnrinc ai nu association wi urtfintly ri quire listing af firm prop rt from 50 to 300 acre also smill h ldinirs from 1 to sft cr s ci nt irt andy frank a 1 1 1 it 1 c impli 1 villc ihonr milton 3rsrl c h dyment roaltor 1 s i si s ii 1 r hon i 7 10 1 g oakes v s b v sc tttrinar surgeon ill i ii 1 li net kn ae tl 11 i h 111 i iii c f leatherlafjd ilirristrr solicitor notar public ot c ph 1 h 1 at ion lever 8 hoskin hartrrid crountant s in ors in jrnkins am hvitnv ijdi mi trilp lit in illdi 4t victi ua st ton nto tik ant 7 h parkin i loor sanding and itrflnuhlni iii 10 w kvii ll travellers guide gray coach lines li fjl t sin 11 a t n o lltrs i f wi- tov aslliound 1 1 a i 1 1 3 a nx i 1 1 11 111pm 1 3 i 1 i westbound 1 11 i i 11 i in ii- s ip t pt s mil suniliy iim dill 1 sit ir iiv pm ind holl- ind holl- miscflinfous the victor b rumley funeral home punrral home llratrd ambuuttss phoni 30 nlkht or dny siruni tlu commtiniti for 4i yinrs canadian national railways standard tim t sun- p m iundjtr eye care by appointment wm c milligan r o optomrtrlst s mil 3rd widntsdavs of the rn n h 2pm to 0 p m it mill st itesuii net of t brown hantbound dnh i r a m dnlyixtipl iliu i 1 111 7 10 p m s i nis k in pn duly i xenpt si d is fu r it gi i rhi tnvsn d 02 ojd dul tkir it oiorhltnwn 10j1 p m rtbound u 1 xn pt sundiy and moa- i h 1 in s ind ly and monday 1208 im dally txcept sim- h 411 1 111 fi 10 p m 7 44 p rl 1 xc t s 1 md sun 48 p dn il in nil das dllh fl ik it sin dav nl nh iturd 1 1141 hmi onlv 1 30 pm 1 m fhliltop il on iph 7 co noii il tr id th it m mi du in t in id 1 if mxt ir ntl its r port 1 mil ti d rd impr t ib 1 h i si d th f rst nl miiiisrinc of inwntorv ror rtttion nv ls ihow in tip but mm ixl thit it mlkht taki until tht fiim quart r of p2 to imsmr currtnt us confusion raised bs tht ntu controlled matt nils plir in cjinada bftween now ind th time on improvement could be tx pected thingn ma ret worse for some steel ust rs notablv in tht ctinstpiction biuincss tht rt the jiomjtt his bttn and still is hurt ink tht most tru jtlls fish is one of the grtnt- rt i xispt ntiorw of canadlin cois il fishermen it is unmarket ablt md fotils up gear the acton free press tht on pubhslitd pal er ltir ublnbi t i mill il in at in ictl rhiirsiliis tttui ont irn authorlird second las mall 1ot lce drparlmrnt oiu c a dills publishtr member audtl buremo rlrcuullon wna and onurloquebce dlvlsloo c w vj advartitlno ru on raquatl subscription in advance 1 so in canada 3 00 in united statf s 6 months 1 50 single copies 6c telephones business and editorial office residence 174 131

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