Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 4, 1951, p. 1

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it jvrtim ttt ffress seventyseventh year no 13 acton ontario thursday october 4th 1951 eight homo print pages six cents smiung officials- look forward to a successful peanut day in their drive for funds to assist crippled children in aclon and dis trict rotary presidont t jones and socretary e hansen are seen with the queen of the peanut float and one of the peanut men in the background usl before they start tagging on satur day of last week peanut day nets 595 for the crippl chi i driver convicted 1 1 dangerous driving a fine of 200 nnd cnlu wns im nku4dav4ncourjin gnclph jnmc i mckinnon gnrnut mnn of cm iph when hi wnt convicted of dnnci roil i driving nrining out of ifnlnl nccutthl on scpttmbi r lit nhout four milen wist of acton no order wns made restricting the drivinr permit of the accused how ever the nccuned hnd elected summitry trial nnd pleaded not guilty mnaistrntn wntt in registering the conviction held the nccidcnt to be enured by mckinnon trn veiling too fnst as he entertd n curve four miles west of acton uhtrt the collision occurred mc kinnon hnd then tried to jet out of the wny but too into the court fuirctsttd mrs hnrbni n wnre 33 hh ftockwood n moth r of thin nmnll ijstaffpjinto cn wns almost inntnntly kil led in the crash w htch occurn d about 0 pm st pt mbi r 1 whin mckinnon s heavv vthiclt wns in collision with an i nulish modi i t hirli di im n h i in husbind of the nlim hun win sud in had ik in foiu fi i t on his rijjil h md l jfli hm up haying j pt limits htldwi in acton on s turdn uun acton rotu club in co opt rntum with thi plnnttis p mut co dim im d thin impugn to raise funds to assist in ttu work foi crippled childri n of acton mil district there wtrt rntaiiuns with pi units l tlu hue oi b thi tin on evtry mnin corntr thi pi inters co float had 112 307 of tlum aboard with n lqvtl peanut queen mid a couph of o ruiown p units bowini and dnncinu to the crowd the day started off nbout in m with n parade from younj st n ith acton citizens band in tht iead nnd the peanut float following it wound alone the mnin street- and jtculed at the poit office corner there was music nil tin waj thls was headquarters for the float but it made periodic trips throughout the dny around town in the cveninr it was beautlfull lighted and itnyed on the job right up until president jones of acton itotar nnnounred the winners of tlu guessing competition and thank ed all for the fini participation to mike acton s first peanut dn inch a success the re wen 102 107 peaiul s on the floit and the c leves t pin ss was made b j cnpps of r r 2 c ton who estimated 101200 he won 25 in cush ni x closist ruoss was that of be uiniont ridgewa with 1d1 000 w hicn brought him caih thiri guess was ll b ajflnn mathcs and he won 10 lendquarters was at the bank of non scotia where nn effort was made to summarize the financial ntum complete details wore not available saturday night hut at tuesdav s rotarv mtetmfe it was found the presah of eocklnl titb was 1m2 and net amount raised b eerthmp wns vw08 thi r were uln bags in the sale ann rifir ant mr re ist of the pi in r s co wit er much pleased with the suen s and fint co open turn ic tordtd b all tag day proceeds for food parcels punted- of the fur d i t ig mi of the uuke of devonshire c h ipte i of tin lodf will be forw irde d to pimiiuii1 he nleiu irte r- fur ml miitl- it w i- deiidtd i tin im tun of u chiptir on tue d evinmi tlu ch tpt r iilo n id ill him nil ut- to 111 ike new llies foi i- it rope m thildreii m ml i w h i h l llsl e lothmg foi o i i i nut nil i me foi ship win oked o i out ut mr j v unite in w mi ml i was nii t into th ch ip i uul fin aii i n t i ii i iidmi th t oikin s l o u 1 ms d i he oe ib e ii w i lull it the hotn m e u 1 htt1 presentajion for newlyweds councillor and mrs ray thompson about 35 attended tht prtslnt anon held at thi- home 6f mrs wm thompson on friday evening for the tuwlvueds mr and mrs ua thompson f the evening wts spent it pro gn sstt i uthn and crokinole wintn is of nichrt were mrs josh thonipstin md lis hilliday with rnnsol ition- going to mr and mis gor ion inhtntim the bride an i frt eim wen cilltd to chairs and mi c pitte rson re id til id di s mr h otterbun ore se nte tl the nt with i eoffet tlble ft mi the uif of thompson mo oi- mr ch is plouff and mr wnkhimp sun present them with i tnlight 1 imp and i nd table from the sus te rs and brotln rs tlu gi onni m idi a fitting repl nnd ill jomtd tn singing tln are jol good fellews ifte r which a el nnl lunch uas served emusl p issi d si r othi r ludis on tlu liiive wlun tlu lei lision oeeui led the lights of thi mckinnon c ir cunt uios his c it dnecth in fiont of him mil thin swung t tht rihl ind tlu mckinnon c ir w is on the wiung suit of the roid jack shi ad gu lph who wis folio uni mckinnon into gutlph suil the i e ar k ft side of mckin- nms cir hid bttn over the centre line of the toad ntcr the accident he hid kin help to tht injured in both tus the onl sign of liquor he noticed was a bottle in thi iloe compartment of the mc kinnon car he told crown attor ney j m kearns kc whoprosi cllted willi im he non of mimico who also i uni ujmn the scene shorth ftir thi collision also said the mikinnon t ir w us jurti ill on th id afli r the e hi tl luiuoi in w i one suit of th el isli lb hid the cut lph e il mckinnon tld mi ke u ns th it lit h id ben it it ii il i m n s pii in it 1 im but h ui lit e j 1 ii itiou di the lutle tup i pilud 1 i ir h tlu i ii i ebln t know the le w i- 111v ll putt 111 the i h iii slli mis hospital charges to be investigated an impmtlil eommlwiion will he i libliihed to invimligf- cinndi ip jjjiuin chu get thnt pntlentii nt sunn brook veteran hospital an not receiving ndcquitc medlcnl tie itnn nt il is mild the commission will likel lie set up bv ordorincoum 1 undi i tin enqnirieb act and will probably be composed of an eminent dottoi a lawyer nnd a represent itivi of the vi ternn not cunoclnted with the legion it will have power to call wil- nessei hear ev idence u id i oath and in pirticulnr give a hcirini to arthur pidhitry chairman of the legion s service bureiu in ontirin who last week made the chirges thit sunnybrook patients are being used as giunei pigs for the un iversilv of toronto nvedical school mr p idburv s chirges were sup ported s ilurday by the ndminls- jr itive committee of the le guin s ont ino rommind which decided to ike up thi di part nn nt of veter in iff ins offi r to provide facilities for m imestig ition of the illeg iums suite mi pitlbuiv- hiies with tht ii eintril the m tint sunmbiiink in ttm nt w is of th luipi il i mm i ition with the un ivi rsit imditil school iva of fn j il h i hi e n m idi it utt 1 iw ue of the indign ition of th dor tors mil uige oris v ho have given their lmu on i cill in bisis to dva hospiuils mrs b veldhuis hostess for regular womans association meet the womm s asswntion o tin united church wis held it thi home of mrs b ve ldhlils in the ihstnct of the president the firt vicepresident mrs ii buras nre- tided the devotionil peiod viis conducted b miss e haw home thi chinch kitchen is prcgr mg md in innc comph ti n t w i- e porteel mi niori il hunts were plived it tlu sund i nuiintiil i i m u mnn of the 1 it mr- sw uk- l nn i md mi s ri u b hi i uiit mis- i imp in tlu di i im eoinpli i d siunl pi h me kiiiimn w hei h id be e n in th l ii ilsi slid the sill ill vehicle hl been mi the wttmi side of tht it big congregations at harvest festival tin innu il hirvim thanksgiv inj sitvitis vele held in st alb ill c huieh on thursdav evening of 1 ist we 1 1 and on sundiv th t huich w u beautifulls de corated jaj h i i un fruit vt ge table s nil mowers a lexif of bre id mil 11 apt- wile pltittd on the lit u spec ill nnisic w us unilired at all s i v ice on thurd iv evening the in sun if mv soul w us sung mi bt tun lb us soloist irlult uon thompson of cn w n v is thi pit icht r sun i i morn mi tlu t it t i tuiteii iu1 conimunitm hi tin i v in tin t hon s un s i h 1 ul t h eiv with mi i ill 11 l t it ill the solet p u t i u he i i the t ning w l uioii i h smith of on nut th uilnm with tn ii i v mil in v ith vn u t 1 voluntary workers improve church vethintuv workeis hive midt gn it impi ove nu nus in tin united chinch sundiv school room the whtih room his turn re punted n l w inn tin il pink new plvwtod p un i- hive been put nround th b ist and cupboirds bull for hvmn bo k- uul projector nothir group 1 nd a ne w ecu e nt w ilk it the churih entnnce neeiitlv o th it side w ilk md moor livel llili no steps ii ill it will ob v i iti tin intonv e nu net of water di un ii i flooding the entr mce in the sjulni w e i he r 1 hi weik now hi mg done us op th id be k i mum which i- b inj 1 1 in kk iktl h kilcln n nsi w ih hive in nidi ion to i upb i 1 p ie i n iw i ul ibl mothe r gmu i f tipbiiei with sputs for se rv ill f oil flilli the kite inn o tin mini loom onlv n iti n il- f i mi w ok li i b t n ptuth isicl ml th u 1 1 li i b n i 1 ibot of love mi 1 i si r w us v t ii l 1 j of till 111 il i icihuis ls std b mr s ft nt md mrs d lin 1 i e d him h nd i mx i i linn njove d a voti of thinks w is jivi i to mrs ve idhtus for her horn nd to the lunch committee a n imbt i numbers ittmdcd the turkey ii r at chuichill tut sd ly ivemng township officers of pc party meet a muling of officers of n iss ij t wiv pioimossiw consirv itive as somiion hi ld thursd iv evening si pt 27 it thi home of ah priiilh hit 1 acton w is attended bv the mla for hilton mr st ml v hill who eptessid the view tint while in election this fill w is unlikilv b nevtittuless eom minded th i nl limbimg up of lot il en k mi nions cioieli ii bl tcklm k ve is ippointe ti thitinim foi k ud 1 lepltling m ix ston who his moved tw iv i i in tht tow nhip liu iiuitui deeiiiid to hive i hi ah e uul i ue hie nicht i ul in nm mbt md u i mij un nt- ji i tin itbi i nt w t it it ft to tlu t u e f mis m un lhum is 1 impbell vill md mi iu hi nk i ue lph h twp approves new assessment at a pet nl meeting of ilsipu ingciiiiiu il approval wis giv n ttu bvlnvv i ipi uiing liu jss s- nn nt of 1 in ton county for 1uv2 u p issi d bv the county cnnncfl it was also decided to fietition tlji i3e putnu nt of lllghwivt foi the statutory road grant on ex penditurei from january to align i 1st for the sum of 41142 49 council prottsh d the plans of the department of t inds md for ists in granting an oner season for the hunting of dt er rh certain counties oj southern ontario all councillors were present at this special meeting presided over bv bee vi- george currtc at the regulir monthly meeting onflond iv council decided to purchise a 014 j 1 ad uns mioi gride r anording to u nde this putehasi wis to ho subject to tlu approvil of the muniiipi bond md thi depirtmint of ilighvt iv- the municipil bmrd w us t i lntitionid for appr v il of pun ii isi p n nu nls u- set out on buk of ordi i mo ions win pt 1 b uin il i e m hiding the unptmn of in tj ft tnhiatt7hrt- i 11 nun i ion in md m iliii hi tuidi r ef ceo w ti mill m tin iiittml hill md miking fil foi tin sum of 1 il7 for ipproximi i iv 7 ioo mbu v irds this wis dso stibjiil to the dtp trim nt of htjhw ivs a bv live w is pisse d i st lbl sh ni i fin arii to be known ts flit ani no 2 or thi town of milton thi nnd superintendent wi- in t rmted to cill for tenders for plowing snow for the town lip for thi winte r of 19swi2 roid icconnts p lsse d mounted to lgil40fhi md relit r ircoui ts of s4h we re paid it w us re ported to council thit the miinu ipil boird nil the tnas- iii di p irtmi nt h ive civ i n ipprov- il of thi tile ii run age byliw aetounts n lss d nr p i nn n in hided bll t h phoiu co oti cmiiigeiown ilvdro lit it ge iri v n ii i ihl jj 70 rioiii biowij premium out iim mnn i ip il b i ird t inff f 10 a v bi ntnn st mips sij 0 h w un nn him cliunu andi ron ii ii i ilun fe nt i u w ing fei s s1j i uni- for hi ip kilted sr r md valuitors fits of 11 virmjn dougl is w ls pud s for ho ling i fox il pul nivt gtorge ixsl and councillors if cnik held wilind bud md wilte r lmhim wop pn sent at this meeting at wriuh itievi george curnt pitsidid balance provincial grant received by school board at tin uimimi of ae ion liihlic school bonrel on i uesdny ev nlntf the iiietiiiv kiioitiel that tin hitanie of tlu igisihivi giant imiount- ini tei ui t h ul hem leieivid i his miiki s tlu total giant for tbly n si jim v noil ii uli ut fee- of 0000 wi ro iiivnlfoi tlu month if se pt m- knox ladies aid hold october meeting at mrs wilmer watkins the nn mbi n of knox liellis aid enjoyed a delightful afh moon at thi country hoint of mm wll- mi r watklns wlun liny g ttln red for tin u monthly meeting mri vxt d mecntehetm contluclel the meeting mrs f blow led jn the devotion il period the afternoon was taken un with lui business thit eif planning tlu nu nu and appointing mnviuiuri foi the vinous tjislis to make the intiu il tuikiv supper a utciss mis h l divid toi progijini toimnoi i ive i report oi the pi i im thit would follow thi silppi i a biithdiv of tlu month gift w pie i nted to mr c ii in i n md e liimllim nirit1 us ormluli i l i t i i i ri in whlii it icichcd the pitsiflmt h i ift tor hir liu 1 1 ilium tie i of tlu month tvid lunih uul i smnl time wn e njoved mrs p i ii i ml x pn sed the thinks to tin luistt s1 md ill who hid assisted prominent milton industrialist dies 4 year old hurt in car accident stnu k bv in nitomobile liit thursd i ifte rtioon i mice wag in i ige d four dmghti r of mr ind mrs gordon w ignt r was thrown ib ml tm feit md suffind a fr ittun d right irm mil 1 g m 1 bun is to her hi id ind bodv she i- nputid ls m iking fivjiibli proi n ss it hi r home here tin lit li g rl w is pi imhi with fiuiuls on mill stnct wlun i e ir diiv n h alfnd h tilhot if ev- rtcin mmk u r ls shi ls s ud to h iv i el nnd ut on th ro i iw i the ii i d n riiiin d th in to i m a f n p dii ine stie it d th i i hobeitsiin milton s u uhng industn ilist died at his home tm m irtin st on wednesdiy mr itobertson wis m mvtntor and mthor of somt note hls invention of the socki t he id strew ltd to the sliblnhim nt in milton of i m ijoi industry whuh mvis i mplov mi nt to over 100 nun md women th pi mt vy is stutid fottv i irs igi wi h i or 10 e mplove s md h i how n ti idv jriwth uul piii im lb w is in sidi nt of the p i bob ttson m uiiif k turuu co in milton mi itohe rlmm hid bun in fill im hi ilth for the p ist six vt in and i onfuu d to his homi hi vv ls i nitivi of se in t i township and i inn to milton m 10011 ifn r some time in himilton in wclfue ind m his first bonk tlu bi medv published in the i irlv 10 0 he urged i re v dilation of thi gold standird during thos di pre ssion timts lit livetl i quiet lift dt voti d to his industrv and his pi oph mr hob rtson never m irnetl tht furu r il wis hi id on situr d i ifti rnoon with sirvitis it the honu of mr g w m icke nzii eonduited by rt v lohn riddi 11 litre m mv frii nds gi lured to pi tnbuti to the life 1111 woik of p i robe rtson inte rmi nt w is in ivirgnstn omtttry milton two brothers surviw mm lr v a robertson eif toronto md john b robe rtson of albuqin rqut new mexico bt i i he sn ti t ii idvi d thnt in- suruue eif 40000 was tlu current oveiugi jm tlu in w tihool ilu finance it iti m nt of 111 ifld was pristntid ami ipptoveel the stiitlarv win elireeted to isbeflji nii1isi boird of which jl0 10 wns si we r ind tu w urlnnl insi il ition 100 17 se im mber plant mainti nance mr mitcenu ieoitd that the ifti niooii ti i spotison d bv the honu uul school c lull w h in il ue i hi pli iidi i it i nd nu of tlu pm nts w is hi ilifviug mil tt u he i uul p in iik i ii j i d i h ipv hour tlu bond innsid i d hit uul- ld ligh die inn t ot in t illt to pn ve nt v nut ih in t tn i houl pi nu i ihi hiiiifl iimii l1 vllmg put of he plivgi iiuiel il he i ir iif the miu x pi un ipil mi i ni i ul i tli it s imol tilel b il 1 t be i 2 i n iii o t i ion of li b it hi r s- tnnvi ntjnli hi il i kl i th it tlu ibeiue eif hil hibil from tin 1 ill f in w is diu o tin fai lit the plle list w i not ttcivtt until tlu st i ond wet i in si jite ni hil whuh w is tu uffi i nt irne to pie p ire the m tlu propi rt loinnntie w li iiilhorii el to hive lueesniry re puis to the high school i oof made bv thi contr ictm doing the new si hool roof the seen tirv re porte d that mr i e itlu rl md h id id ted th it the suivi of tht piopimii ti ict of i mil wmild lx t mpl t d in even d ivs bund ippiove d n i ii dit t- hii nn md i ml1i h lux f r in u ti ii id p ipin i nn ii i ut ii tun e ill d 1 i t m mth with uthit t and s m il ii plumb in md n nn u g rd- ni i ii h iitni up f j th iu w e hool boiil i ipr v d p m 1o bi sum t out i ilid md were to hi doiti bv sunt ii v imumbirn ind lb itmg trustees jones h ird mil cvi ighton wire present md clnir- in in oikes presided th mi etinff idjoiinn d at 0 15 pm evening classes tor new canadians at acton high school two cases polio reported in halton tn ii nf polinim litis wcra n piilti il to th ii 1 i riiunty hi ilth unit ilurini thi vi k i ntl- iiu- si pti mbi r jn on t is i a 14 m ir nld ho in tl if ilfnr town ship vu t h i nn til m s pti mbit jntl hi is i i mild t isi with nn pirilvms md i h mi t inil fur t hiiiiii tin i ih r is i m ir old 1mi in t ipi in tun hip hi hnn nn pirilvsis in ill 111 i i s h i i r pqrt- i il mm i tin in i on n f nist hut onh i is s ha hul their i iim t in s pi mil i th r h ivi- i n in 1 ith h ii im n t th ill 1 i 11 uni th 1 thi h u s- j ind ii i i i at ti 1 i i md hi ik il h iris i i 11 1 1 th sirth ii ill in lliih s hn 1 i irct mia luld hnitil pl m t pi n id ii in lis dun t th tinning st ir si i ii i m ntks t n hi h in s h i 11 ii i ii 1 i i 1 h 1 ii t l s i t il in c i i t i suff ii i nt numbs r p t jt v t i 11 i ti moitl sstiiti 111 mint n i hi ntlirin ml tn iiibhi r 1 ii mini i 111 llll iii 1 pr u th i 1 if tl smashes plate glass windows in early hours of sunday ink i id m a m uli i fle i lllel is fluim 1 ihsl hid t pi sl v i to ie jill klgl 1j foi i u iiii w iu ii h sni ls d i plute 1 iss diuir a m ihe r s bho ston itiru stmd i mostiuin md thn to nuiki mirv ot hn ing hus mdutni iu s impriswd smoihtd th tfla in tht bm show window of the store to moke hls smash e s h nitd 1 large tone an th door and show w mdow the door was equipped with a double yale lock which rv alstod his effort to enter the store throush the broken bias panel it is said that arnold complained that all the shoes on display were the kit i d 1 to uui li i p in to fit him charged with brt ikmj md i ti v he wis lodged m the count j ul it milton it ii surmisisd hu i hu f disir w t- to kit i stnttnee thit vould find him lodimn for the winur imci he mudt no effort to leie the smu und it us rnalud i similir escapade occurrid in a in ijihbonne town a uar or so alio arnold s rampage made a ihamb- ut of the maher store front all tlu display had to be removed from the window and the window boarded up the door also had to be boarded until new glafc could be installed m hn i ti in i l l i in mi ik r ii 1 i i i t c n i a c i v li p n it i ih ul mill t ii i ii pi in ip il o ii lilun ti i i 0 i i s ii s th irr in t tl t fi t it uts m i h msd i i ill prompt action averts big fire in 300 foot frame buildings w i ii r ni iuth m the is n eirninj end s n di sictlen hiuldin loi hunk house d t tin fl r i small se rtioi crowds of actonians looked on as excited peanut wen danced and an enchanting queen of the peanut float waved to the crowds of children that followed the float from aaacswams ser vice station to the post office saturday morning where it was stationed making occasional tours of the town rotary club officials welcomed the 50000 float and its crew of six for peanut day staff pholo uh m hi h ise e mfl im itlen w t- e e il is s iki- i ste i 1 d im it c nfim ei t t of thi jlitrdmun c ills known c the haitiujji w li infnu inf and om hide of if the building the buildings w inch art jboul tog feit in kngth und of frame coiustruction wen ud until about six utt ks ago as living quarturs for many ninale men employed by beardmore and co at urries aver fifty men had lodfiintf m these pre mises but they are now closed and boardtd up and the power lines have been cut off ih il f i m 1 hn 1 lit li h l7t ldnu k i h ird ttu c rukjin 1 n idmn md notin d th ih linrih dl ite iv tunuxi u irni it thi he ardm ir pl h f l si r p e d rk he tun n mi kinoke h il- t whe re tlu siren w us sounded end ilo re m it d on the toun alarm a line uui laid from thi biardmon host house it the maria btrttt bridge md tht fin brigade appli d water to th smouldtnng fmndation jolstv then li no not ut ton ad to how the fire started the tove in the corner hadnt been lighted and tht re was no evidence of myone breaking in and ualng the building

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