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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 4, 1951, p. 2

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mob two the acton free press acton ontario thursday october 4th 1b6i let us give thanks thanksgiving day of 1951 comes vyith abun dant cause for giving hanks true world condi tions may bo unsettled but that is our own fault a great harvost has been largely gathered in nature has given of her boupty amply repaying the wfforts of man in producing enough for all the storage bins of this groat country are full as winter draws close and evory day wo learn of the discovery of now natural resourcos that can only point of a great fujure for canada and canadians a quotation of henry ward bocchers given many years ago scorns as appropriate on this day as it was in the day many years ago when it was given if one should givo me a dish of sand and tell mo there wore particles of iron in it i might look for them with my eyes and search for them with my clumsy fingers and be unable to detect them but let mo take a magnot and swoop through it and how would it draw to it self the most invisible particles by the mero power of attraction the unthankful heart like my finger in tho sand discovers no mercies but let tho thankful heart swoop through the day and as the magnet finds the iron so it will find in every hour some heavenly blessings only the iron in gods sand is gold continuedefayr every date for the use of the sewage disposal plant operation in acton has fallen down and after a trip to the plant this week we doubt very much if the plant will be in operation this year we have no fault to find with council because we do know the effort they have exerted to have the work finished but wo do feel that there is quite some laxity on the part of the engineering department for the delay upon delay surely the feos on the proiect are sufficient to guarantee some speeding up of completion and a fulfilment of dates once in awhile mid september was the last date promised and pro lific promises were made prior to this the con struction worlras practically finished but from the looks of material uncraled and about the pre mises equipment installation is travelling at a snails pace i the whole situation is certainly embarrassing to town officials but seems of little concern to those who are being paid for a completed ob we will be only too glad to publish any explana tion the engineer cares to make regarding the oelay but we would much prefer to see definite completion rather than promises or excuses for a ob that has been nearly two years in the mak- ing we think the engineer in charge has a duty to the citizens of acton and something close to the rosy picturepresented when actonians voted approval of the work abolish homework let s abolish homework says sidney katz o social worker and magazine writer in a current article in macleans magazine that s something we can t help agreeing with not because we have interviewed hundreds or studied the social complexities ot the subect but simply because we were once a student ourselves plagued by thethoughts of a nightly session with books and subects we didn t appreciate from all his surveying katz says there is evidence that homework sours pupils on learn ing for the rest of their lives creates unnecessary work and worry for parents and robs pupils of wholesome recreational and social life during heir most formative years again we can t help agreeing with the writer it s a well known fact that you can t do two things at once that is dimply you can t go to club meetings and accom plish tlie homework assignments perhaps club meetings aren t important but it tems thut children and youths can accomplish much in learning the intncicies of orcjjtn it ion dlish h ipp accomplishments of working to and tho gother emiv person wlio qot s to bchool is erlinl not a sli dint somi eiiov pouring oer books while olheis ol test it surtly it isn i too soon to st irt the children on the kit i of ilk nq the r work i nojqh to wotk evtii hours at it few ptople are reall happy enouqh in their work to study it and put in extra hours vist amounts of money are spent on aptitude tests and vocational guid tnce in attempting to fit poo pie to a ob in which they will be happy yet in our schools where we feel that education is the prime requisite we forget that children should like to go to school and should like it so well that extra hours of work are added to the regular chool day voluntarily if a student likes school well enough to do extra work fine but we think as does the maga line writer that fiours of homework every night in the week rob the pupil of those things that help him mature and develop a broader happier outlook on things in general newspaper week this week of october 1st to 8th is sot esldo as national newspaper wook what is it just anothor wook no it is not it is o wook in tho year in which tho people of canada can bo justly pioud fofit is a weak tammomoratmgthcrircer pross of canada our newspapers light tho way of freedom tho preservation of tho right of canadas- people being ablo to worship god as thoy wish to criticize their govornmont if thoy wish and with a limitod number of controls operate their business as thoy wish is somothing wo must cherish 11 is tho duty of evory editor and accoptod as a duty to purvey the news without bias it is tho privilego of tho reador to read tho nowspapors undorstand analyze and tntorprot tho news by reading tn our nowspapors of tho actions of groups and individuals and tho reactions of others we can make up our mind as to the course we bclicvo in and thus wo judge tho ac ceptable from tho unacceptable this is vitally important and is no doubt the outstanding in fluence in keeping our democracy alive yes a newspaper is not published for the funnies it is published in an honest effort to tell the reader all sometimes the facts are gory sometimes they are scintillating sometimes they are sad but honest editorship commands the itttllr timl- r m- i an opportunity reform institutions minister footes state ment that lack of money is holding back research which has as its purpose a certain cure for alco holism shofuld not cause any groat perplexity as to a sourcexjf such money it would seem only lustice that the liquor interests who mako such laige fortunes from the cause of alcoholism would advance the necessary money to make such cures possible we would not suggest further taxation on alcohol in its many forms such a plan would of course immediately bring forth a chorus of in- digant protest of being partial to the higher in come groups rather one could almost expect that the breweries and distilleries would volun tarily donate great sums for tho purpose they show an amazing interest in conservation of wild life rather than mankind they demonstrate ti uly surprising concern over highway traffic after throwing onto the market what is generally conceded the main cause of highway unsafety they are very philanthropic in a number of other ways here is offered a means of partially un doing the harm they do but of course there is always the danger of lower sales and lower profit if the public are kept fully informed of the great harm that in toxicating liquor does and other forms of adver tising are more diverting and tend to mako the liquor manufacturers and brewers appear to be qood fellows advertising after all to be effective must be tiuthful and its difficult to be truthful of any qood that intoxicating beverages may be work ing tor people its very doubtful if the liquor interests will contribute to anything which will attempt to cure alcoholism you cant tune me out misteri cm the repairman the good old days may have seemed u better back in 190 taken from thi issue of the free vrrvn1thursinuqrtohe 7 iw1 a planners logic a rise in the wage costs of a business the must unique md among tht most intcrtstmk ccremonila of n pubjic chinctlr eer held in ac ton wltl those attending the un vlilink of the gunner moore mem orial at fnirviow cemetery su afternoon between two and three i oclock detachments from d bai- fffry the scholars of the public schools members of the county and town councils and citizens par aded at the town hall and were led by the 20th recimental band and acton cornet band to fairview cemetery veterans of d battery comrades of the deceased in south africa in khaki included gunner gould of acton and driver james nockwood about our nnd a half full columns of small type were devoted to the ceremonies with ia ords of three hymns given in full the tax collectors for esqueslnr township have been appointed and are walter shortreed richard dick henry wilson peter gibbons jas nickoll and tlico norton mr w erbkine of toronto lnc of grind valle hxs come into possismon of the pilace drug sior which was founded md built up to a successful volume by mr j d mckee muss rnch ind mlss dorlind were favored with 1 large number of visitors m the glasgow hoiue vesttrday on the occasion of their autumn millinery opening the rooms were gny in their loal dec orations of red white and blue and branches of maple leits and the beautiful new milliner knt an es- ptcnl chirm in the trimmings it wls noticeable thit all colors are in vogue though red predominates tnd broft11- md green ire also in fnvor the frmch combimtions of fur lice and flowers are quite plentiful bu isls md quills are ill the rigi uid there is also an ab- undince of j ts md m quins uncle sam 1 says economic stabilizer eric johnson does not and should not get itself translated in to an equivalent rise in prices mr johnson sup ports this curious bit of reasoning by asserting that higher wages for workers will make them so happy that they will produce more thus mcreas ing the available supply of goods and bringing puces down r unfotturvitelv human experience provides little evidence that mr johnson is right organ ied labour ruis constantly manifested deep con cent that production per man hour should be loss r ither th n more the theory being that in this ly nu rt ohs will be created most business mi n i ktv se h ive discovered that wages loom 1 itht r i ir jt r m production costs than mr john sein m ij in s when wage costs rise to the pom here flu lest of production exceeds the sale i ikl m ltiuf kturers usually decide to stop pro dutf on n i o into some other business it rtoul f bo wonderful if uncle sams eco nomit stabil er turned out to be right after all the chances cirif bowever that he will turn out tc be wrong and that before he discovers how wrong he is goods will become scarcer and prices will go higher back in 1931 taken rom the issue of the free pren of thuratgij october 1 1931 ihn honor iiwultss c him thru months after he lost both huids from bums stiff rid when hi touehed a pouii lint six tii old jihnn p im of st thomas out 1 1 t i 1 te l nt m mitob 1 md b c down tl 111 1 llulj stunting wistl iitttw k armistice d ly on november 11 will hereafter be known as rem- embrnnee d iv geo exhmholm of esqucsing who has never misse d milton fair in 75 years kept up his record by rttending last saturday twenty bowlers wound up the season in a local tournament on saturday between showers the prize winners were a buchanan first j leishman second as an unemployment measure to relieve municipalities between tor onto and hamilton a third highway will be- started this fall four brid ges will be required tenders for the installation of 1 hot water heating system for tho pumphouse were received by the council but no definite decision was made until the council visited the pumphousc tcnde rs ranged 270 to 411 grihim law son a natm of es- quesing anil for manv vcars a rcs- i t ctcd citizen of acton pissed away on monda at the home of hi dmghtt r mrs d l mckinnon guelph a pi cttv autumn wedding took plico siturdn september 20 a the home of mr and mrs james t tuerbrook campbcllvillc when their eldest daughter elvira was mitied to mr j h tansle birnes eldest son of mr and mrs james barnes ashgro e ontario norv bennie at the manse willov street acton on thursdi sep tember 24 10t1 to r ii l and mrs bennie i dnughi r tih anderson at thi guelph gon er il hospiti on wi dm sdi september 2t 10t1 thnm is geo audi imjii in his 7fith eir sales drop di pirtnn nt stun silt s for the fust uitk of aughlst win below runt ponding wk lit ear b r pt r ct nt ri p rts th fimnciil post thi v in i dng fur iwhih tnmpmd with list m irs figure- in 1 his bumiig wis so brisk ju ifti 1 tin kun m w ir outbn ik b pimmiis mbiiti up h pt r ct nt silskiiu hi w in 1 pi r c nt mari time mil on t it iu down 0 p 1 lnnj st mding w ish tun he w is m nit in honor 11 wolf cub- more thin 100 cubs mil stunts win on h md to wilt mm juhnn to smuting anil to 1 until butt to 1 siun tulhition fur thi jutinm pim bt ih fit ftlnd now ppio alum hhh p tut qiu bt 1 down 1 p r cm sim t tin in ginning of the fit n iliun il blood 1 1 nsftisi m si r 1 in 1047 rid cross blood tr in 1 dniis but i o 1 r ti niun thm mill m nub s of c m uli in n id thanksgiving day next monday on evory side there is evidence that we have much reason for giving thanks to a benevolent providence fall fairs are over and daylight saving has ended reminders indeed that much of activities for the next few months will of necessity be lender cover the acton free press n omijj fnp r fur piililliliil tn aclmi i ill 1 ii 1 ull tllili5iliv it ih mill st acton qiiluii authorlxrit at strand uui mall lat offtrr llrpartmrnl oluwa c dtlls publiahir alrmbrr audit bumu circulation w v a aiul onurloqurbrc dlvlalon c w na advertising ritet an raquait subscription in advance 350 in canada 300 in united states 6 months 1 50 single copies 6c telephones business and editorial office 174 residence 131 t at tht vntttb elhril of flattaba aetata oaiuk a friendly church parsonage 30 bower avenl phone 60 kiev e a cnrry ha bib mlnbrur mlaa o ml immpsrd atom organist and choir leader ktinnav octo 7 ids 10 00 ttjrrl sunday school 11 00 nmdlvlnc wonhlp world wide communion sundny 7 00 pm evenlne wonhlp sub ject the hovcfilintt word 0 30 pm inter confirektloml firenlde in the bnpllit church thought or the week in tlibi world it u not what we tnke up but what we lvo up that makes uji rich henry word beecher t albauti llljurri anflkaut bftetoir rv w g lajxtaa ba sunday octobetl 7lh trinity xx 10 00 am sunday school 1100 am mnminit prayer bckinnen clnnl 7 00 p m eveninjj prayer a welcome awaits you 1051 irrbfagtsttan buret fa banaba knox 6hvbol a0toi4 rev hobkrt u akmhtkone ftfa bd minister sunday october 7th 1100 am divine worship 10 00 n m sundny school 7 00 pm evening service aijiaxibwelcomb 1051 asaptlat chuh acton sunday october 7ui 11 standard time 1030 am sunday school 1130 am morning service 7 30 pm evening senin 8 30 pm i1vpu lint son wednesday 0pm pray n ing friday b pm bvpi the mrtinrr r r ls juj the wi ikcr ilx because of the renbth the wi iki r si x his m r h ironb- t r s x or is it b c uk of ih weak ness of thi stronr r xf thr unki r si x professiona directory and travellers guide medical dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in symon block mill st acton office phone 7r residence church sl phone is dr d a garrett pbyalelan and sorgeen corner of willow and river sta entrance river street acton ontario phone zss dental dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office lushman block mill st office hours 0 am to 6 p m xray telephone 148 dr george a sirrs dental surgeon mill st corner frederick acton office hours 000am to5 30pm telephone 10 veterinary b d young bvsc c l young d v m veterinary surgeons office brookvllle ontario phone milton 14flr4 f g oakes v s b v sc veterinary hurgeon office and residence knox ave acton phone 130 lft3al c f leatherland barrister solicitor notary public office n phoru hcs 151 acton lever hoskin hartcred accountants suicissors tn jivkins and hard uua mt tiopolitan bide 44 victcirn st toronto ht 9111 real estate and instjranov willoughby farm agency largest and oldest agency in canada head office 3sb bay st toronto phone emplre 30604 georgetown representative tern ilewsan phone georgetown 332w wright real estate and insurance 1 l wright n b wrkjht 20 wilbur sl so macdonnell st acton ont guelph ont phone 05 phone 4015w valuators realtors insurer mernbir appraisal institute of canada mimbirs guelph and district rial estate board mi inbt rs guelph and district insurance agents association wi urgmtly retimr- listings of form property from 50 to 300 acre also small holdings from 1 lo 39 aeres contact andy frank associate at cimpbillvjlle rhone milton sjsrj c h dyment realtor li wentworth st s hamiltod phone 78085 w h parkin floor banding and rcfln lining phone 1058w oakville travellers guide gray coach lines duiiinm satlno time com iks llavh actov lastbound w i in 1 1 23 a m j3 p m 3 mist rllanfols the victor b rumley funeral home funrral home llratrd ambulane 1 iuiih iii iin1 l or 1 1 s i mih tin i i n uniu for t m us hit mtl 11 l llm t 11 vm c milligan po optlillirtrkt i ml w iii i is i 1 mill it it i i i t iikohs aqth 16 111 a in ii vl jim p in i iii pm p in bill 1 p tn westbound 10 17 am u ij pm j i7 n m1 5j7 pm 7j7 prn 0 13 pm i1u j in 1 ij a in i sun to kitchener ullw i iuh ttpt surui and holl- 1 1 s l s ituitiiv und iv ind holl- i us 1 canadian national railways stnnttartl tunc faklliound i i f i t i ml i l 1 t x ft s ull- tl il m 7 it i mi sunday m ft i in diii i x4it sun- jii l iv r 1 1 l nrf tmi ti mj a m i u h i it ink t ati 10 11 1 wtstliuund 1 1 i i s m nui mod- i 1 4 s ii i iv md monday l nt it d ulv pt sun- 1 i ii i m pm v xar si in i s 18 p m i s ird i i 1 i pm tli v h 1 i u nitfstup ill i hwr it c iih 706 moore rocher painting and decorating contractors phone 399w or 27sj acton your eyes descrve the rest contult r m bell rfllilfd opwmaltul ntom3ar12 tftin

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