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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 3, 1952, p. 5

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thursday january 3rd 113 the acton free press acton ontario paob rnn bargains at iast on almost evarythlna but food you nn got bargain thaw days if you do enough shopping around ajra ttaa tlnsnolal post thata tha ract but whether tha lower prloaa atom from overloaded inventory govanunant threats against raaale pries maintenance or just plain mart merchandising seems to de pend on individual cases by all counts increased labour and material costs the generaf opinion among manufacturers and retailers seamed to bo that prloaa should be gdlng up not down but th buyer la in the saddle in soma fields where overstockod shelves anee dealers have to move the huff to get cash sp0ztooass 111 iidii i hank acton high school news iljl iiiiiliilllill th wlnnahl and hii champion in that tuld erf tutofitlno it our ttaat cmtiplata una of palnhl f runt in lean and ui about ih tl kihinc in cain i inc t january clearance ladies station wagon coats recj 2995 for 3295 reg 34 95 for 3895 reg 32 95 for 2595 bomber jackets fur collar reg 14 95 for 1195 ladies navy ski pants 4 only reg 5 25 for 398 ona let bath mats reg 2 29 for 179 ona lot girls gloves brushed rayon reg 75c for 49c pair ona lot girls parkas for only 49c many other lines at reduced prices see them on display mens station wagon coats reg 38 95 for 29 95 sport jackets wool lined reg 14 95 for 1195 corduroy jackets rq 1995 to clear 1495 bu carollh ooltes on friday dotumbsr 21 tha student body assembled in roam 1 for the christmas party the nut ate society provided the program shirley thompson atartad off singing marahmallou world af- whlohry gave a talk about christmas carols nail- son ronton played uobestreum on the pluno followed by mr huron and miss harris singing good king wenoasuui tholr encore na deck the halls with boughs of holly vnyc cnrner played blun skirt waltj on the accordion and later silent night next on the pro gram was carol tfotierly singing kum to ilulld a dream on pojjgy oaken and dotty slncluir plnvntl a piano duet and sang pag an ijivb song their encore was the pluno duet silent night ar lone gordon then accompanied krmicea oakea to alng winter wonderland barbara anderson poggv nmdhow and nancy lam bert song white chriatmoa m- cnmponled by donrwi mocmulon then evoryone joined in the progrom while nutty mne lam bert gave amualcalqulz i dont know who won but h provided a lot at tun the atoff than got up to tha front of the room tn alng rudolph the itednosed reindeer their encore was away in a manger prank bean imitated jimmy dur ante by singing i ant ideas it wu very well done mlml parry vlalted us and sang buttons and bows everyone sang jingle bell and santa claim enme riding in on hi rolndoer he had a special gift rnr each teactier and then handed out gifts and candy to every stud ent at 3 oclock school was out for 11 days i mut say congratulat ions to ruth smith who wan chairman of the program rod torcc alao did a good job of taking hantoa place this was neceaury become santa was busy at the tannery party acton on the air again heres what the script said wednesday noisy welcome greets new year conhnum from page oh ncrimh the whole dominion from acton which was recently describ ed bv n toronto writer nn a friendly town the three qua iter hour broadcast tht first domlnton broadcoit of new years eve from n small on tario town want of the air at 12 ib a m but the party wont on until af ter 1 ovwk tc dance floor clear ed a little the boisterous welcome of the new year become more mini georffe murray wo jrenerous in hli numbers and the orchehttn untlrln when gcortfe murray in nn aji one of his concluding num bers the lordv prove the ciowri taos so nttintive von could huve heoui o pin drop yes it was n now years imrtv that will lone be remembered bv acton folkti the thnnks of all actonlaili here and acrou canada k to cbi udon fnirbairn all the nrtlnts and technicians who made it possible and lost and by no menna least to that livewire hardwork ing iiruup that are known on acton ys mens club for orrnnginr such un event might we auggcit th w who have had messnres concerning the broadcust from out oftown friends tell us of these messages so that w can pass them on in another is sm of the free press h would be i too if actomnns would write c b l expressing their appreciation if the acton bi uukast if vou would tike to mite don fairbnirn his iukluss is uox 444a toronto hefote the inomitom the editor it 1 1 iv ed the follow in telejrim conkrituluionv for obtain i to i bio k it foi th huiiu town a ton is uiumhin will in listi it uif ui fumlv oitf h ipp nitt i i to limiununitn choi ki uui t i for ttu who might have tuned in u little late or iribwed wodntui- huy pvoninsv broadcji n -tt- rlurch fcrid ptipnrw aponaord by the cltle service oil co we re produce tsho cripi luted tn that hrnndciut that fuuturod the acton flee vrc und wllllum ii mult priyo jack well doc a new ytmr h duwued and throughout 10l3 wo ahull devote a period in each at our clllttm srvo protframa to unliiti- fvn ftfontiirlnm hftwyinwwi dor and altui the oldfimt ruld- niit of the community that news- pupor tiervea jack and mo thnr will u no ifflvourltum well cluiwo thvuu cnmmunlilaa as far an potumuj in ulphab4ttloal ueouanro which mfhuiu today the placft u acton the paper tnii pwo pre one of tho oldest newspaper in can- uda datlnu back ulmnat to confd era 1 01 fc dor which would make 1u foujidlna ttomuvhere around 1by0 jack a whade later doc the first bifluo of the acton free prmu wuh publiuhfid on dominion day 1176 in tluvae duya aa you can imnulnu prlntinu equipment waa quite primitive tliey had to fire up u atuamlmller on preou day and the flrnt edittnn wore printed on an old prouty preas dor and no doubt the type waa not by hand jncl that it wan up until 1017 the acton free proas waa amonu the first to natal a linotype machine which can hot a column of type in one hour a job that took 4 to 5 noun by hand matter of fact the paper haa always been tirngrojhlvc remodelling expand ing trying innovations its edit orial policv and newfl rove ruffe la of auch high calibre that it haa won hpverol prixeji in competitions iipoiunrod by the canadian week ly nowkpapnr aaaoclatlon doc who in editor of the fmi press jack jack g a bills haa been edit or for the pojrt 34 yean and thata a real aucceju story too be cause mr dill has been associated wth the acton free preaa for ol- nwuit 41 years started as a printer a dnvll incidentally its likely thai the free preaa and the dills nnmc will be linked totfethnr for some time to come bacaiou the editor two sons dave and jim are both umoclated with the newspaper and the prlntlnb plinl doe carrying on the family tradition eh jark and a proud tradition it bi the free press is the only newspaper ever published in at ton and ho never missed a publication date in all its lonf hlfltory for 76 yean week by week the acton free press hot told the story of its community supported progressive measures and opposed those it considered to be detrimental cities service takei pleasure in saluting the acton free presrt a newspaper in the finest tradition f cnnndlan journalism doc and while were at it lets also pay tribute to actons oldest reildent 04v arold willtom if mainprise juk that would be one man who remembers when acton didnt have a free press dor mr mainprlze remembers much of th development of thn whole area he was born on a form near auburn in huron coun ty as n boy he helped clear the land with oxen remembers mol- ing tallowcandles their onlv light ing fondly recalls making maple svrup the only sweetener thev had those dovs jack sounds like o happy child hood ill bet there wasnt i school anywhere nearby dor oh ye then was in the village foirlv close but in those davs thev went to school in son idly wltiimued most of that pmgreni toduy almoat lift he umii keep iutiy mowing uihuwii 4rlmmlnif the ludg idioveuliig the tuiow ho still iuh u lot of rimdlng und la fond of deer hunt ing boating and fishing hes an active man as you run judge and its appropriate that his fav orite song in oh its nice to get up in the morning jtivk well heres wishing him a huppy 03th birthday on march 21 uli the uvaslon the acton free pre will fihoruy present mr willkjin h malnprun with hit iartralt in charcoal by kgbort c itiefj an u token of esteem foi tui oldest reildnnt of aeton onturio end with the poi trait jfons cltit service oil company heurthut eangratulatlons thi winter and worked on farm during the summer jack has mr mainpni miineil baehelor there evnu- who c urn thit tht w i t live to i no old ag do n i tin w mr mnln- pn m irrft d when in w is 27 tin luh v is sinh flizibeth diwson s i unt i islitiv nf hirs b an the nre winners given in ymca program a host of wlnnen were nn- nouik i d i ei i ntly ul tht v for un ir uiiuftandlug p i f miuinte dm lug the chitstmiim holidnv pt ill i m und other competition ti i minuting recently tin fiuil of tht itopuli hit und mliut gym t omtwtluunh diew to u i iw last wet k featuring winners n all tit ieguhii gym tlusnth as fttllown hoys iittpj lb rnnrd it iinint hi luii sweeney mldguu hill itihnsioiit don i mm ur nun jimiors hob wuhlmun gai y duw- klns olrls midgets iluth land- l pal smethurii juniors 1 l tilhv lji wluns sylva muui ti li th huliu n hit chrurtma bolma pto- iuiin wltilii of i vunh weit jh fulow mldgi t tiiiyti spot bi lotiili- iiiiu nt geotgi oaken mllo humt niirtnhnmoiii bnwhng tourna nn ut winning u am cheryl mor ton don wild illll skllllng dor othy iwkinn lue jmiy iiighln- dlvldual iiovm hill skllllng fllils l ggy ookea in tht hovtt antl gli lit indooi lit hi i tu met i la1 mnitdiiy high uigr gutt si oil n in tht sevi n t v- i tut i ompt tltion wen as folluw ploi ing in tndit of un ntlon iluy t ljss1 i miki humt john hurs i pi it i ni wlim i iujis a pett r hurst don wilds hob wuhlmun jul i laii ii joy peal amu di furtst marilyn woods lluaa a chi rvl morton mai v mug s kl- aihi deforeilt oni rtli i i oulstaiidiiig evinl dor ine tin y chrlstmiih progun f atun d o y cnmp injun rciin- lon at terra colta the purty of tl lift tin y in i unt provided bv lout t itltnti uit nttht remuliilrig huum of duyllght utboggunlng and tikiing on tin tiu ep tdopi h u round 1 rru c otli and in the cveninf hiked to tin iiimmi i uimp sitt jiik i u joy ef i a tasty bt an supper pre- puttd and servi d outdoom dur uig tin day tht party w rt gtltji foi a short while und served hot hotolali nt the terro cotta inn plus added puujintly to reminisc- i nee of summer cum ping a th pioprietont mr ond mrs furr r and family had been regular wel- ethih visltorn t the camp durlou tin p ist summers camp in jul tin sunday school sponsond siiudav school sports prugrum unnpleti d us first ten weeks ncr- ii s of soturdav morning coinpet- ition n- i ntlv and prizes ire to hi aw ardd to tin following pounding the sports beat with a vangaanca more dogs than marriages births and deaths in town minoit iiockky cut 1u fit lit floui ishiiu on tiiuuduy night when the youngei kids pluyfut theii flrwt gunituj we havent the roiiiiltu of thdse games bub well endtmvoi to have them nuut week tinlght ithuisday tha bigger half or the leugue is choosing taams und pluvlnif their find games fly indftittiiymniw flouriumng nehiilta of games ond ntundlngu will be in this newspaper euih week the riomlk of oh a hockey in aclon makes it dlffi- ult to keep this column appearing nullum vjr digress into history which some are inclined to think is bettei loft to the hlhtoiiiuim nevei minimis hmir gllmtwes into the past nevei hint unvoue wlll aclon tunilei li evel hile tin ilitdl mediate hoi kt v plitiue again thatu the 04 mioutlou no iiiunv un linking it hiunih to take so muih out of tin wlutei seiuain in at ton when then in no intel mediuti team to follow tht dubs fiom acton ul ways bud tin following of the t utile town it liu hided tin kids mom pop nude hi othei grund- pop giundmu aunt mmy und uric hi jot there was no distinc tion between personu everyone hiu ued tht lull m ii piovldud con- vil hutloil for the uhop the office the tiost offieir the pool room und tin htieet t oi riei when the tearn lost upli its ebbed until the rut at guiui when thi menu would be huked to exufll tvvenge yes homothlhg wot thwhile wuh lost j when the tumw i h hung up their skates presumably until urtlftclal he is lustulled actons dls- uppnuiutid from uk key hud its ef- ftd in othei centres too towns tiki geoigitowii fergus elora and otangeville don t ueem to generate tin tiuiin eulhuulasiii any moie tin hyateiia ufu i ttu wui has beiu itpimd tivifi tnttnririiun i holy liund tm thi ciying luw i pit uut fjassagawcya ss no 7 a yeurnnd roimd up of town flguihs ahowu ui ere was oe more bltth li town than doath during the year lom s7 horn in ae- tnn and m dying here there ware many more dogs than weddings lust year with jo muirlugo eitlfleutes issued to prospective hrldos and jfrooms and he lloensaa puivhasad for dogu in fuel there fliv evidently more dogs thnn births marrlatfaa and deaths put together tajlwajpald by77manovfir 31 who were not uwawadd as housa- holderw tlwt issuing of licenses during uin yooi netted the town th3 con tributing were the dog tax poll uiu cigarette lleanae tavl lioettm tuvl dilvers ueensu hawkers and peddlers license and transient traders license the towns ahuie of fines oolhtcf- ed was iw12d the value of building permits la- mnd wus lower last your than in htfu this is the general trend throughout canada antons total does not show as much decrease as other centres wheru the drop has been as much as 30 per cant due ui mortgage and interest rate hete the decrease was 12 per cent in iflfil actons total in build ing penult vulues wus jwi7w while in 10a0 it was 10aiaa it waa reported that 411 nil but two nf the wartlim lloiuus on uid girl for sports ac m huth lamlsborough baptist bob i m waihlmnu elaine defon st bettv hi in itnitf d bob murahnll pre i l ti nan another 10 wteks s r- i a s is to start this saturday al y rlissi hove rtsumtd tin ir niulir schedule and are preponng for a parents nnht to l lu id later thi month mr mrs kennedy mark anniversary congrutulationit to mr und mrs thomas fcuiiiiedy tht y celebrated their fkftysevt nth wedding i nlveruary on new your day tin annual christmas concert in the tit hool wuh not im wt it attend td as usual it wili u very utormy night tht pupils put on an ex tellint prugrum thut must have luken u grout deul of plunnlng and pructice for tin puplla und ihetr lijuchrr mm paul buntu delight id the children when he r unu to unload liu tree mr und mrs wm mccullough tiptnt christmas day in guulph with thi ir daughters mr and mra wm wallad were christ mus guiitji in the houu of mr und mrs kt n wallace gut iph christiniis visitors in the nutne of mr and mrs oscur lot ker were mrs locker 1 mother mrs wright mr und mrs bert wright und fumlly mr and mrs george hedrnan and karon mr und mrs hurold broomer mid ann of weston were guests of mr and mrs peter mcle ju un fhrwtmas duy mr and mrs grant m millan and mlh duuiui spent christmus with tin barbers in giorgetown mi hid mi 1 w m mlllum l ithl tin ir daughtt r mrs berber irk own on r hristmus duy ind mm fn d hetzel and ff toronto w r holiday it tin hel7cl home rs j j hi ndi rnon und joi rum wi rt christmus guests hill humt in erin ind mrs i hi nderson vlalt- f imth ill ls m hindi at tht mr d mr ind mrt i inn s hob in- it chnstit on christmas djv i your vote and influence will bf f appreciated for reelection of walter linhami v i to esquesing council for 1952 71 i n hi i know of c v 11 i v ls a lonp and h ipi in i n ff 1 htitit ilmrwt a7 f ir jml i m pps4 mr miinpr ls in ntin m nt now hut whi omf ut rk dfd he do nx- w 11 nuv rtm entu he v ii nn i n ini r with th bardmore voting day january 7th 1952 1whi compmv for v wir in bncc- 1 bridgv and acton when he firt cm in 1011 he rerills that the rnd wen unpihl the sne lijrht went ou it midnight ond there wen- onl three automo bile people hid to go to the town pump- for w it r and the onlv j industries in acton then were glovemaking and tanning 1 jack acton sure has grown e lot i ince then last time i wyw there i heard thev hove nenrlv m ind ustries now doc and mr mainprize haa per- i mason und moivmald wvd mm now pilvst4 y owned the held figures issued by the town rleik cover a gre del0l what ran only he nailed living in aeton last year aoh item birth marriage tine prmlths a atory iwhlnd it theres much life assimilated in the town office in the tatm ni rlgures sale announced the mount yor8t confederate last weak announced that harold j kalr of new york nad purchssftd the controlling interest in that paper of miss grace wright and mrs w winchester and would as sume hla new duties as nf january 1st the confederate has been in the wright fumlly nearly half a inntury since the death of arthur w wilght in 1044 the papei has been i inducted by his daughter and mr 8 h niaekburn the new editor has beun in newspaper work for 30 years he has written for the ar thur newsknlerprlae and tha guulph mercury and joined the cunadian press in 1034 and served there until 104a to go with neuters ililtlsh news agency the prairie crnnis ts thr emblem of manitoba crowded scene on the stage of aclon town hall as acton broadcasts to omodd trom the new years pve celforar of tit orchestra is seen in action as the crowd m ms around the- foe ground about 350 attended the entertainment w ch featured don fairbdirn as master of ceremonies and george vjrra arj bonnie clarke as entertainers stafl photo my sincere thanks to the electors of esquesing township for their confidence in me in according me an acclamation to the office of roev george leslie lrnn m m h craig reid with five yeart experience o an eiquimg township t councillor tvohcita your vote for deputyreeve on monday january 7th to electors of township of esquesing your vote alto influencr fop r n brown for councillor will be appreciated on monday january 7th hariq ifrvtd three previojs er courrihor i ill en rit n or 1o ryjf oil duy roniidrttion to ttu- tflryfltri dollar j or d to ttir impror mtr t of tr township this it the first i ttu n fil ari you t e hod the privilege to voll for a roun i so lets yet o jt ar d otr- vote wilfrid bird deputyreeve for esquesing township euctien day monday january 7 1952

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