v v wl sevontyseventh your no 38 acton ontario thursday march 27lh 1952 eight homo print page six cents h6nty of room seems evident in this picture of the almost completed kindergarten room in the new public school addition with windows all along one side at a meeting of the home and school committee to arrange organizational contributions to the new school monday evening it was decided to organize a fund that might be contributed to by acton old boys who wanted a part in providing an extra for the new school that will only partially replace their old alma mater contributions to the fund may be mailed to the bank of montreal stalt photo name committee to coordinate gkis for new school addition representatives of the lesion the legion ladle auxiliary lake side cliottfejlxxde duke of dev onshire chapter lo7dxtscout and guide mothers friendly circle ya mens club acton garage op erators the ihomc ond school as sociation school board the public school teachers the press and town council mot monday evening in the public school to discuss rifts or the spacious new addition to the school the chairman g mckcnzie tak ing the place of j hurst stressed that representatives of town organ izations were not at the meeting to commit themselves as to gifts and that the purpose of a gifts committee was to prevent duplic ation and to assist in the selection of articles most needed in the new building members of the gift committee are mrs h hlnton mrs a mer cer c klrkness x hurst mrs e smith mrs s sinclair mrs w buchanan j lasby j caldcr and w wolfe other groups who have ex- j pressed cntcrest in assisting in the j new school did not have repres entatives at the meeting- v a letter was read from c mat- i thews of toronto who attended public school in acton offering i silk screen reproductions of canad ian paintings which are available through- the national gallery in ottawa these pictures are avail able in two sizes and are of ex tensive subject range representat ives of the gifts committee are to see some of these pictures in tor onto the rotary club has already or dered a nest of playground equip- ment consisting of a slide two swings and a teeter totter for the school yard and the home and school is planning another such unit those present were told the legion has decided to give i matched pictures of queen eliza- beth ii and the duke of edinburgh j suggestions for suitable gifts for the school were lusted and included j pictures bibles lectern flag stan- dards and flags piano trophy case records for music appreciation picture of actons coat of arms i equipment for the community kit- j chen adjoining the auditorium world books or encyclopedias and a small classroom film strip proj- j cctor although no definite commit ments were made special interest i in certain of these items was shown toy representatives of several of the organizations present a fund for those who wish to help financially was suggested and discussed it was believed thit many acton old boys and old giris who still read the acton free press might be interested in sending a small sum which might yo toward the purchase of a piano j for the auditorium which is for j the use of the community it was stressed that the enure project of giving gifts was a com- munity one and that the commit tees function was primarily co ordination representatives present were as follows legion j lasby legion ladies auxiliary mrs w buch- 1 an an mrs w findlay scout and guide mothers mrs e etuckey mrs s sinclair lakeside chapter iode mn a fryer duke of i devonshire chapter iode mrs allan mercer friendly circle mrs e smith y mens club j calder school board w wolfe home and school association h hlnton council miss esther taylor teach ers mrs l alger garagemen j whitham following the meeting a tour h rough the new school was con ducted by lamplight about 20 visited mast of the rooms in the smtill moving circle of light dodg ing workmens equipment a cat scudded across the long shadows of the big dark unfinished audit orium as the small croup stood at the door dancing follows euchre at school the ladies of lome school s s no 12 esq u using sponsored a euchre and dance in the school last friday evening with 13 tables play ing winners for the evening were ladies first mrs wm evans sec ond mrs r mcenery mens firs fred cleave second mrs hook playing as a roan consolation ladies mrs clinton swnckhamer mens harry burns- travelling ladled miss gail dob- bie mens clark armstrong door prize charles m davidson lunch was served by the ladies after which there was- dancing v the music of the record player with r l davidson as floor man ager wi given sewing tips at meeting mrs johnc dennis was the hostess for the dublin w 1 meet ing held last thursday afternoon as it was a beautiful springlike day a fine number of members visitors and children attended mrs l ferguson the president- was in he chair and conducted the meet ing choices were made of the ex tension serviced of the womens institute branch and home econ omics service mrs wilmer wat- kins was named as convenor for a euchre and dance to be held in stewurttown in april two representatives of the singer sewing machine co guelph mis- weber and mr chamberlain were present and gave a splendid dem onstration of the use of the differ eiit attachments of their machirv and other worthwhile aids to th home sewer miss mildred wilson was the lucky winner of the doir prize which entitles her to a coure of nine sewing lessons at the sing er sewing centre the roll call was answered by sing say play or pay mrs gordon rognvjildson gave the mot to make the most of what yu have and an- in a very interesting way the hostess assuted by mrs m steele mrs a ross mrs w mc- intyre and miss minnie somervlll served a bountiful lunch at the close of the meeting those who lived here and left for all you people who lfved in acton and left those arc who this article is for a gffts committee has been set up comprised of members of the home and school association and representatives of different organ izations interested in helping this committee has decided that a spec ial fund will tc set up for you people who went to school here and would like to send a dollar or two towards a piano or some other item not provided for m grants or plana the address to send your contrib utions is acton home and school special gjfts co bank of mont real acton ontario lists of those who have sent to help furnish the addition will be brought regularly to the free press for publication unless other wsj stated receipts will be mailed f they are requested and if anybody who went to ac ton public school and still lives in acton has read this article for the butoftowners well your gift for the alma mater will be muen ap preciated too spring pump stops no water pressure miss l wiles host to knox auxiliary the members of knox evening at the regular public uuhtlcji4fauxiuary met at the home of mui caruso record included in study of opera by music club verdis opera rigolctlo was studied tuesday evening by the members of the acton music club among the records hoard wa a reeut of an original sung by galli- curzf and caruso j the meeing was held at tht home of mrs h elliott bower ave with the president miss margaret brown charge re- j freshments followed the business i and study period news from an ad in a new jersey paper visit our clothing depjtrt- ment we can outwit the whole family the readers digest wi remembers irish at meeting mrs john lovell frederick st was hostess to the acton wi for the march meeting recently the president gave a reading on the values of education in rec ognition of educational week a donation of 1000 was voted to the halton musical festival an invit ation was received from silver- wood branch to attend their first anniversary party mrs lambert reported the quilt was ready so a date was set for the quilting party the roll call was answered by a place in ireland and someone who eame frtirh there home economics convenor mrs fryer gave a talk on the use of common baking stvla as an odor remover stain removt r and in various other household tasks mrs lantz in her historical re search related the story of st davids day coming on march 1st and of special interest to the welsh folk the motto was on st patrick and was presented by mrs d drysdale who is as irish aa st patrick himself another reading by mrs g fryer was called jve never been to ireland and a paper on the hospitality of the irish was giv en by mrs r l davidson the singing of when irish eyea are smiling brought the pro gram to a close commission meeting- on tuesday evening superintendent lambert reported on the damage done to the motor at the spring mnndny morning the cooling funnel nnd dome of the motor had broken nnd fallen into the vanes on the rotor of the motor the vanes were twisted and the wiring in the motor brokem this had resulted in the pump stopping and the pressure was off the mnins for a very short time the other motor was installod and the damaged motor tnkn to guelph for repairs no estimata of the damage had been received from the electric company mr lambert was instructed to find if any damage had been done to the drive shaft the commission by motion au thorized the allowance of 10 per cent discount on the purchase of hydro flat rate water heaters and installed by plumbers and heaters another motion passed by the commission prohibited the install ation on flat rate of any hot watr heaters after april 1 except hydro approved heaters the commission ruled that t seynuck would be charged for two water services to his house where there are two families residing supt lambert reported tha an other window had been broken in the sewage pumping station on main st on the creek side after some dlussion as to the cost of replacing theglas3a- qnumber have been broken mayor richlin stated he would take the mnttcr up with the police and see if the cul prits could be apprehended as the wnges of the town em ployees had been increased to 90c per hour recently it was decided that the pay of w kelly be in creased to the same rate supt mason reported that the guy pole on the cornor of young and mill sts had been removed and the guy had been attached io a tree quite some time was spent dis cussing the flushing of sewers outlying sewers should be flushed at least twice a year it is fast ap proaching the time they should be flushed and no hose or other equipment has been procured for this job mayor rachlin promised to bring the matter to the attent ion of council at their next meet ing supt lambert was instructed to make arrangements to see some cleaning equipment in operation in toronto and hamilton the pump men have been here i for the sewage plant and installed new springs in the sewage pump- ing station with supt lambert plans were presented of the pro posed new garage and workshop for the hydro department each of the commission members had viewed the plans ond specifications secretary j mcgeachie was- in structed to arrange a meeting with hepc officials for next week so that clearance for the project could be given by the officials an electric heater has been loc ated for the sewage disposal plan mayor rachlin is to also take thbi matter up with the sewage com mittee of council before an order is placed those present at the meeting were commissioner c e wood mayor b d rachlin and bob mac- arthur the following accounts were passed for payment hydro account elliot bros supp 304 w h cunningham supp 645 macdonald elec supp 4d3 hammond mnfg co supp 1302 lionel davey supp 22 75 sangamo co ltd supp 120 3r fed wire l cable supp 14 70 hepc of ont power bill 745076 hec gen inspection 9 50 w d talbot supp 4 52 bell telephone serv 33 21 petty cash exp transport 827 laura wiles on wednesday even ing march 10 mrs a mclinnc presided and opened the mellng with a call to worship and a prayer tim devoionnl period was taken by mrs bob adams and mrs w q mfcsaioa the study topic was taken in two parts by mlis isobcl smith and mrs f anderson which was a continued study of the work being dono in southvamerlca and paid tribute to the labors of mr reeko who with mrs reekie resided n acton after their return from mis sion work in bolivia the date was ret for the spring fireside and thnnkoffering fiervlcc when miss ralston of the prosbyt- erlal deaconess home in toronto would be the guest speaker mrs c lclshman rendered a beautiful solo the lord is my shepherd acompnnled by miss margaret brown at the piano mrs h l bcnnie took the mem bers on an imaginary vist up north and her story was christ of the yukon the closing hymn was sung and mrs bennie gave the closing pray er during the social period that fol lowed some irish quiz games and a shamrock contest were enjoyed and to make the evening complete the usual cup of tea with lunch a id friendly chatter was enjoyed mrs s sinclair expressed the thanks to the hostess and group in charge biggest rush for 1952 motor permits the biggest day of issuing motor vehicle licenses was experienced last thursday by j k gardiner who has held the office since it was first opened in acton several years ago from eight oclock in the morning until eight in the ev ening there were folks who had left the job unitl the last day for attention the result was that local police report not a summons lsued for failure to meet the deadline but the tardy ones saved little time in the last diy rush the vehicles without the canary colored corner sticker are now outdated stylist displays latest home trend j st albans parish hah actoh was filled on monday evening when color stylist miss betty blight dls- i played the modern trend in home decoration the fine art of in terior decorating was clearly shown in the choice of wall paper drape- ries and rugs colored slides of room decorations showed that deep tones have replaced pastels in many leases and that the recent method of j having one wall a focal point is definitely acceptable to decorating experts j mrs f g oakes introduced miss i blight and she was thanked by w denny during the demonstration she was assisted by cyril titt of rock wood l four door prizes room lots of wallpaper were won by mrs t hemsley miss j currie mrs w dobie and mrs j lovell i miss blightif ensembles suggested attractive color schemes for rooms in a large oldstyle house and a modern small home 1 refreshments were served at the close of the demonstration the j style show was under the auspices j of st albans church choir knox pyps has stewardship night representatives present school building details no decision wan asked or reached when council met with acton representatives of the north llnlton high school district board in a spe cial meeting to consider the possibility of a building program in tho dis trict that would place a new 200 pupil high school at georgetown and an other at acton and add a gymnasium to the milton school all councillors were present with w coong a dills c wood and col brown representing the district board in presenting the boards proposal g a dills pointed otitthnt the district had been in operation for nearly five years because it was cheaper and more economical to operate as a district at the outset the central school was to be erected at spey- side but that idea didnt get over the first year mr pills pointed out 7 the department of bd neutron in h a does nof favor schools located war nurses work described to group the friendly circle held its regu lar monthly meeting on wednesday march 10 at the home of mrs s wilkinson with the president miss clara grindley presiding mis grindley thanked everyone who helped with the fashion show nnd also those who had taken part in the program mrs jack stewnrt jr rend the minutes of the previous meeting nnd also gave the report of the ex ecutive meeting which was recently held at the home of miss m bennett the correspondence was read and the roll call taken plans were made for a spring tea it was decided that the circle would aid in the purchase of new chairs for the sunday school room of the church a contribution is also being sent to the canndloi mnrch of dimes for the treatment of poliomyelitis each member was asked to con tribute three recipes for a recipe book to be put out by the friendly circle early in the summer a reunion of the class in the form of a dinner was discussed group two under the direction of m rs g mckcnzic and mrs j stewart sr conducted the devo tional period what a friend we have in jesus was sung and mrs helen little read the 23rd psalm miss jean mclean lead in prayer and mrs stewart read a poem mrs e a currey gave a very in teresting tnlk on her work and experiences as a nurse at home and overseas during the second world war and showed pictures of her travels mrs gordon johnston thanked mrs currey for her in- formaive talk the evening closed with the group in charge serving a delicious lunch and a social time was spent mrs o robbins thanked mrs wilkinson for the use of her home outside towns because the growth of the municipalities might make the country location obsolete it was pointed out grants on high school districts which would apply on the con struction of a new school were estimated at 70 to 75 per cent the remaining prcccntage would he borne by the municipalities in the district actons share is th low est cast of each of the two new schools was estimated nt 418000 and the addition at milton at 00000 cost to municipalities participat ing in the district estimated to in- elude new schools and operating cosis was acton 15400 milton 16000 georgetown w23 es- quesing 40g0q nassagawcya 10020 for each year this years cost for the operation of the north hallon high school district to acton was b6fm milton 07324 georgetown t33flr es- queslng 22840 nassagawcya 0504 representatives of the board pointed out that better educational facilities would be provided if the new schools were erected they emphasized the fact that charges on debentures that would be neces- sary would not likely begin until 1054 since there was still a great deal of preliminary work to bo done before any type of construct ion could begin it was reported that the depart ment felt the board should have the consent of at least four out of five of the municipalities before proceeding if acton opposed thi- move the majority could still carry the plan and acton might be left without a high school since the five year agreement on tha present building owned by the public school board expires this year representatives also pointed out that government grants could not be obtained on any space that wa rented to accommodate the extra pupils must wage peace speaker tells halt0n wms members s7682u7 waterworks account wallace v tiernan supp 52 fi9 wipers waste prod supp 1450 w d talbot supp 2060 07 75 w k randell transferred to bank of nova scotia in cobourg w k randeu who has been on the staff of the bank of nova scotia in acton since november 1949 has been transferred to cob- ourg wherehe will be the ac countant c u smith of hamilton is ho new accountant at the bonk of nova scotia here j it was stewardship night at knox i pvi s on tuesday evening with kae hanstn the convenor in charge the meeting was opened with a devotional meditation and then a hynn was sung don david son read the scripture lesson and bill main prize led in prayer babe roszell dedicated the offering and i another hymn was sung inez mclellan reported on the i convenors clinic held in kitchener recently which had been attended by several members who found it i most interesting and beneficial ken mann sang near to the heart of god as a solo then another hymn was sung the expected guest speaker failed to arrive so kae hansen turned the meeting over to bill bell to conduct business the secretarys report was read and 16 members answered present to the roll coll after the treasurers report the benediction was pro nounced halton presbytery of the wom ans missionary society of the tin ned church the smallest presbyt ery in the hamilton branch of thr largest organization of women in the world had over 100 members t their 23rd annual meeting which was held wednesday morning and afternoon in acton united church ladies from all over the county gathered for the program which included two talks reports pres entations music and a delicious lunch peace must be waged no less than war stated mrs j g mc- caul dominion board secretary for christian citizenship of toronto in her address during the morning session we must not live and let live but live nnd help live she declared that citizenship has four aspects temperance racial broth erhood world peace and social wel- fure she stressed the part mem bers of the wms lfavo in making a better world mrs mecaul was introduced and thanked by mrs it d galbraith o milton the opening meditation was tok en by mrs r h jones of george town and the georgetown auxil iary conducted the worship service the recording secretary of the halton presbyterial mrs c peer of kilbride read the minutes and the president mrs a e pickard of bronte told highlights of the years work mrs e b clemen u of milton spoke on literature and she with mrs g decoursey of oakville and muu m main prize of acton presided at a literature table the mission band award was presented by mis b h1u depart mental secretary of mtwon band to the acton mission band mlat m z bennett accepted the award on behalf of mrs r macarthur after lunch served by the acton ladies a worship and ln feer- lam service was under the direct ion of mrs j c mcmillan of mel ville auxiliary following th dedication of the offering by mrs w n brownridgv mrs r sa- worth gave the treasurers repcrt which stated that the years al location was 7330 and th sum raised 7025bq mis a blansh- ard spoke on stewardship the secretary for the halton campaign for a training school to be located in toronto mrs hunter reid oakville told of the school i plans illustrating a talk on missionary work at smoky lake alberta mlsi myrtle macgrcgor home mltsion- ary on furlough gave the wms representatives a clearer view of home missions she was introd uced by mr w h g johiuon of milton reports of the nominating com mittee showed that the only chang es of officers are as follows awu- lated cgit mrs roy coulter baby bands mm j drummond associate members to be named literature mrs c dcoouraey press mm j hellboddy th pres ident is again mrs a e ptrkord first vice- president mn w n brownridge second vicepresident mrs v beaumont third vicepres ident mm e woods recording secretary mrs c peer eorresp- onding secretary mm e m head- head and- treasurer mrs rum segsworth mrs h agnew of oakvlut and mrs g t a hammond of kil bride each sang solos and mm b veldhuls and miss d simmons or acton a duet during the day the president of the milton ev- evenini auxiliary thanked every- oneand the benediction was pro nouneed by rev r a currey of acton united church