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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 27, 1952, p. 5

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cf thubsday ifaitch 27th ism jl the acton free press acton ontario facm xv umehouse cars iettoh hills walk home on ice the finance conunlttee xst the w j sponsored a eudhre in the rail on tuesday evening when ten aablea were played winner were ha it t c brown and s wright mad aeconds went to mr e mil ler and e miller mm s kirlc- patriok winning the door prlzi glendon soolt waa home from midland recently quite a number from the village were forced to leave their can on one ofvthe various hills surround ing the village and walk home on saturday night one telephone line of the villages three wis broken down in the atorm and hydro wan off for four arid a half hours aand ni mr and mr max bradbury moved on tueeday to the cottage on the fifth line owned by mr prance of toledo mr and mm nell mccamum of mlttorr visited them on sunday baxters nab trophy 166 in dazzl fina games the sheency tost trophy haa come to acton for the first time ac tually it hasnt come yet because the confident smith and stone club who played the victorious baxter lab outfit moriday and tuesday of this week in georgetown arena forgot to bring the trophy to the game this con fidence which won them the georgetown industrial league trophy last year was shattered in the finals when the acton teams final score after the two goalstocount games was 16 to smith and stones six goals to- count and goals to snare monday night in georgetown ac ton doubled the score on the smith and stone finalists 03 in the first of the total goalstocount games which end the lengue aeries tuesday night the labmcn buzzed around the enemy net like so many bees around the hive and the result was just as aiitim1 a final store nl 103 sheer goal scoring ability smooth ed the rood to success tuesday with bob marshall the bright slar in the sparkling baxter firmament there were dark clouds in the first period though when the smith and stone welding electric and acetylene howard donnell phone rockwood 51rl4 blue springs una 3 lots north no 7 highway masales dairy quality guarded dairy product prompt delivery wo now havo acme farmers buttermilk for th convenient of our cutomr phone 74 acton ont team scored three in succession to wipe out the baxter ld of the night before the team came out for the kccond whh eyes asunt and from there 01 in 1 was all baxters the s and s roalw asked how many pucks baxters were usinjf anyway scorers were stewart from tim- pounding the sports beat thank you minn marshall from masters mar shall from jordan marshall unas sisted tlmmins from stewart jor dim from marshall and masters marshall from jordan marshall from mi iters robinson unassisted and znjnc unnjtfted the- line up douj coltman goal stewart timmms marshall mas tint jordan robinion zajnc mosa ics duval dennis coleman ever dell somcrvillc and field- allen was out with nn injury and adamion wna sick scorers on mondn when baxters alio hod the edge on the play were zajac stewart from somervillc and coleman mastt rs from marshall robinson from marshall and jordin stewart from timmins and somer villc and marshall from masters only phenomenal coal tending by smith and stones gordie king kept the score from basketball proper tions the game was highlighted by a lack of pennltlcr although george town was dished one misconduct saturday afternoon baxters elim inated burn s transport in the semi finals and have whirjwlnded since to the championship the baxter laboratory hockey team has been playing in the georgetown industrial league each monday evening all season the on ly team from acton team captain is mike coxe ploying captain jack stewart kerwin mcphail is coach and george beatty stick boy the shceney tost tropry which has lodged temporarily with the georgetown int b team oakville intermediates and last year with smith and stone came to acton for the first time tt is in memory of albert shceney tost an inter mediate player with georgetown who was killed in world wor ii labmcn plo ut their own expense with sweaters sticks pucks and equipment supplied by baxter lob orator ice of canada ltd with limited local support box tcr labs come through to end the season u ith unexpected dazzle and bevond a doubt surprised manj by vwnninj the league trophy acim will enter ta um teirmc4uic a erica f la o jla- it wit teeue t is taeettnc a t at the gtmtlec hotel tv teaaa will be itntwb m th act lblalves trf deferenee im the t f vn bo4ell owner of th tohlve ree- taurant gmbh will be kuyd in actott arena the team will eea- klmt knainly player reemlted from nolvml for the find beiutotn elected to head the club as presi dent was f botell sec tros s bruncllc committee m lafcrrlero e vnrty an tt goodwin mnnft- ger of the club will be joe jocquc and ollie burton is the coach lack of space this week forces us to give only o resume but next week we hope to give you the complete rtory on lacrosse in acton oaituaky mrs e mccutcheon buried at everton there passed away in st josephs hospital guriph on march 11th altar three days illness mrs kllm- both mccutcheon daucbter of the late james moore and margaret held born in erin townsklp she married the late oavld mc cutcheon in ibm who predeceased her in ibm she was a member of the united church which she attended regul arly and was hichlv esteemed by those who knew her well she leaves to mourn her loss a sonr wilfred and two grandchildren oil of toronto also two outers mrs margaret denny and mrs mary mann and one brother james moore all of acton tfrn fiiwrmt nrnm hfm fmm lh a sincere thank you to all citizens of acton and district who jupplied trans portation for acton children to the guelph ymca swimming classes dur ing the winter months acton ys mens club as a m ml mmwatm arm m mmm riiiiii barbers invites you to attend an art exhibit original oil paintings by jordanus van der vliet march 28th to april 10th ninatmn hundred and fiftytwo mr van der vliet will be in attendance on april 2 and 9 only barbers diamonds- watchesjewellerygifts georgetown betide the rosy telephone 310 bingo st josephs parish hall tuesday april 1st 8 30 sharp good prizes auspices altar society house for sale double dwelling on quiet residential street six rooms each side immediate possession one side cther sids well ten anted will eventually pay for whole building reasonable down payment owner leaving town for appointment to view contact wright real estate and insurance appraisors realtors insurors f l wrifkt office m wither st aeun phase m m b writs office maedaanell st gaelph phase uuw yes we have others as well as small holdings and building lots mluxv jul mttal irlume vfjhtian bunds 3 ways ittmi 1 fnclosed ulnt hiad chanin 1 i su djulink tillir 3 tvil vil ir tilunc roll r 4 rrik ction cord lock 5 djustibu instillation brack ts 6 f ath rv irht m lal si its do pus mtal b horn rail paunlid hnivatl mals 18 to 22 x 64 w 69 2s to 27 x 643 09 28 to 32 x 64j4 49 33 to 36 x 64 95 37 to 39 x 645 9s 40 to 47 x 64 6 95 acton home furnishings whnl transpired nt the nnnunl mcetinc of the acton basthnll txt cutivc could hardly be clnssod tj conducive to the further dtvelop- rmnt of intermldinte bnacbnll in ac- ion although it certainly pointed out how the executive of last enr stood the entire executive resigned and wmshed their hind ftf base- bail in acton same did it became they fattnd it difficult to find ampe time to help bat uait blajni- ed it on the state f affair that existed last ueuaon in the inter mediate elub members thought there was not enough tupport from fans and the players were indifferent to the suc cess of the team one member said in effect that you vc got to have a winning team in this town to attract the customers or they just don t show another member said he didn t think that was the reason he said the spec tators as well as the executive were fed up with the lackadaisical atti tude of some of- the players in the past two years there isnt a better town around than acton for support he said if you have a team thats trying to win johnny labatt or jimmy o kcefe whatever you like beat us in one game at milton last year said one of the executive several agreed some of the players on the team like owen masales worked hard all year to try and have a winning club but the attitude of five or six of the others discouraged anyone front uorking said another there was a decided deficit over from last years operations and it served to encourage the pessimism shared by most of the executive a plea by sid eison that they take the money owed him for equipment and use it for nn intermediate entry this yt ir was rejected is imprac tical a motion was passed movtnr the 1951 executive resign and place all the equipment at the dis posal of the next executive to be elected a stiecestlon that the exrcutie rail a meeting of the plajers before remgnlnjr waa lost where are the plaen to night drmanded one member lets see if someone else can run the elub this rar perhaps the can get the co operation of the plajer l ilh thit chilltnm tht nut tint dispt rstd will in p irt thits the stor of mu rnu di iu b im bill in acton it thi murium clrtuinu tht ixicu ti i from 1 ist nr hid mr n ison to bt discour itd thty pncucallj hid to tu thi shoo lacts of somt of tht plavirs to git tht m to play in losl tht n stinu of tht mort tern pi rami nutl ont s minted to know vt h it tht u ould fn t out of it howivtr for the sakt of the tt n or tliwn bo s uho did tr to rrnkt i winning ttam mort than just t rtmow possibility t are of tht opinion that inurmediatt base bill is not dtad in acton there arc thrth or four of last iars xecu tivt whom wt art sur did not share tht ptssimiim of tht mijont and would like to stt a team tun 3ornt masttrs otftredth informa tion th a tht gtsorti town plavt rs would hki to hook up with cton this tar thitrtfrain of cours is ptrtnniil and sonn how n m ir gttrt low n manatis to havt some stmblmct i f a tt im in uniform on oh nink dav on the other hand interest waa to poor last term and georgetown has suffered so much from infe rior teami of late that it is a pos alhillu not u be overlooked it mould of rourar entail enurtajj an intermediate b elnb victor b rumley funeral home and wn conducted by her pastor itev e a currey interment was in everton cemetery friends were prewnt from gait hockwood guelph georgtoro ind toronto pallbearers were fred mccutcheon telford mcdow ell charles mason norman burns d cripps and fred cleave spoktooass iy io frank all kinds of mens suits in the finest fabrics both imported and domestic in the latest styles also mens sport jackets casual jacket pant topcoat and boy suits no down payment to tltablished credit account one sixth down to new accounts and six months to pay eisens 1 1 mill st next to carroll store acton ont now try benin the bakuine no matter how you look at it were the answer to your painting problem call on u for help in planning color schemes v xaevestwinc- in 0 aintng i vuv hose ictos ontario acton taxi phone 260r i find tt necessary to go to sunnybrook rlo- pital for a time for treatment while i am away my wife will be managing our taxli business i hope the people of acton will give her their full support al denny prop act meat market 1 mill street telephone 541 we cordially mv te you to visit with us on the opening of our actott meat market on friday march 28th inspect our range of quality meat and receive a lucky draw card on thus dehoous 15 pound turkey with each purchase th draw will take place in this market at fr oclock on saturday evening representative to call mr f i crawford will uit ac n within the npxt few davs and will oil in f r t nd of the lordv dix mlnncc h will appreciate a heary w eleome and response w hen called upon valuable work is being performed bv this orcan nation in safeiruarding the national w ot kl dav of rtwt for canadian workers afiainat commercial ex poittlon and enahllnff the lndi tduol freedom to use the diy tor wurship rtst and culture smoklo sllnklej picnic hams lb 45c sliced side bacon lb 35c sciineinebb bacon squares lb 23c 1st gkadf butter si n niine margarine lb 67c lb 29c beef specials steak or roast sirloin wino porterhouse 85c lb srfsii side pork lb 35c fttebll pork hocks lb 25c slickd pork liver lb 25c a good vsimv or nan silver might salmon steaks special 52c b satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded quality price service

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