Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 17, 1952, p. 1

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wht jvrtjcrn ftt flfrtes seventyseventh year no 4 1 acton ontario thursbay april 17th 1952 eight homo print pagossix cents township favors school in acton good friday easter services held in all acton churches good friday when the death of jesur christ is observed all over the world was marked with solemnity in three acton churches and two days later all five acton congregat ions joined christians throughout the world in expressing halmu- ia at his resurrection easter communion was changed from the regular first sunday in the month to easter sunday at ac ton baptist church the pastor douglas shutcr delivered both the kaster messages and clarence rei3 sang lead mo to calvary at the morning service the easter topic predominated t the young peoples meeting which followed the evening service on good friday afternoon the stations of the cross and veneration of the crucifix were held at st josephs church high mass on easter sunday at 11 am was sung by father corrigan s j of lor onto archdeacon mackintosh conduct ed good friday and morning and evening easter services at st al- ban s anglican church holy com munion at 30 am was also held easter morning special music in cluded an anthem by the junior eholr and another they have taken away my lord by the senior choir in the evening the choir fang gentle holy savior fred salt conducted the choir and mm f g oakcs was at the organ special easter messages were given the church was brightened by bouquets of hlies and white carn ations flowers tome in memory of mrs george nellis and wesley murray were ilso pi iced in acton united church for special easter services music was under the direction of miss olive lampard atcm the organist und choir leader the choir gave several easter anthems on easter sunday morning and at the evening service mm b vcldhuis md miss dorothy simmons sang a duet a film strip on the resur rection was sfiown rev r a currey also conducted a good friday service which fent ured easier music a cantata the conquering king was sung by knox presbyterian church choir at the evening service on easter sunday ted hansen dir ected the choir and accompanied them at the organ b th morning and evening serv ices were taken by the regular minister rev r h armstrong a good friday service was also held in this church continue s injur helton streams fn a continuation of the rcstockin program in opention for the pist few vein will provide excellent fishing for halton county anglers dudley hitchcox count game warden sud today more than c oofl speckled and brown trout eirlings from gov ernment hatcheries will be placed in cnuntv streims within the nes t 10 days he natd eight hundred speckled trout and 1 500 brown trout voirlings ire earmarked for iho black creek at acton some 3 000 speckled trout and 1 100 eirlings will be placed in the hcadwitcrs of sixteen mile creek at milton and 1 000 speckled trout will restock the credit river south of georcgtown the game wnrden said mrs t o nourkc escaped serious injury on tuosday whon she feh from i gray coach bus is it rounded the corner of mill st i hirgnvo s service station on t uj to london o one seems to know just how it happened but mrs ottourki wis evidently holding i door a 1 ing reidy to get off in acton as the bus rounded the corner the dooi flew open ind mrs orourke fll out barelv rolling clear in time ti ivoid being hit bv cira following the bus the bus v is driven by austin b mills of richmond hill mrs 0rourke hid just recovered from i spnined arm oldest masons attending the annual district deputy night at walker lodqe on monday were w bro a t brown v wor bro frank mcintosh and v wor bro w m cooper each of them has been a mason for well over 50 years and served their lodqe n every office tiilv rirely m ss any of the mason c func lions stall photo representatives discuss a salva yard license according to i re pit sent it ion it thi rogulir meeting of council on tuesdnv evening officnn will soon be isked to consider the npplicition of sam hoffman for i license o ope rite i salvige yird on mill st wlst in the propt rt thit wis formeilv a mill solicitor gtorke f flliott representing mr hoffmin commended the man to council and re id i letter from toronto s mivor allin lamport icknowledging him is i good citizen at the same time i pt titmn w is tabled from 27 rate piv era protesting tht grinlini of i liccnsi for a junk ird or ilviee v ird m the business section whicl the petition set out is mill st from john to park ind on mun st fitm ui ock te bower mr elliott pointed out the prop it erty wis in disreputable condi ion pri partd to ukl thls to qutxn now ind mr hoffmin plinncd to pirk lf ncctssar n jusu to remodel the front of thl buildup mr crump 1 micht si these ire nest swings given by ys mens club a ni st f sumo t i thi pk will h j in i h is d t it ii mt n club it w l ikritd it the mu in in lh i litthursiiv unnit it iliiil tin nt i h ii m pit suit lit uui i t h pt i t id ti tht t ih sprn k vim i ml iv if th clul ktn vlimsen th u kiwi 11 irditi clivut w t 1 1 kii sts introd in i b bill bens n thi i ps kirkius shk on hls ncml tnj to th wist hi wis thanked b g rdon oder plans wr ti uit fir an am tun milt ind fir tin 1- ithtr ind s n h n pu t hrnnn iiwutui iitsidtiit wis nun s1 i i li l itt h u t thi tn tinnti nil i nf uru in hint it banff to give standard flag to new school mr i v schr id r b wt w is h v u vn f r th n m t iiil f the ihiki f di vnh r t h ipt r 1 o of whuh w is h u tii tl in pr 11 th it lim mr- lfred lonj pr id d ihiriiu th up unit ixn t i n nit nt f jrimr wis ibsrvei l r tw mi ntx r wh in t nous 11 in ha pit u it u i di id ii i pr t nt i flik nri i uui mi t h sp nil c ts c mm tt h f th hi me and cn i vs t i i ii f r tht md t ti mi h i w publ swh ol t i tin mn is dl il d h i f 1 t i i ir iti i a m t i l ii i i this ff t c mm rs v i it 1 f r thi in l i h i h hi nr change in managers at the bank of nova scotia in acton mr hn i i nut i r h p k fis ti n t n f r th ilk nlihifxihi b i n i i t hi m m ik ss of h br i hi v n im m i mi ms ii n 1 i i thi ni t j 1 w m i i i c i n t k rt tit hi r thi w 1 b ni stl in th c mnum t v h r thrx hni tiktn in icti in r t mr h in 1 wi tr iii- r f t n r tir ci ib in 1 jlw iw w illim 1 1 t ikt his part i i mmu i t afurv succror in the c in bin h will be mr w otlburn wh hv bet n xsslstan miniger of thi queen in i church branch of th bank if vma scotia in toronto thev uill occupx the residence on church street where mr ifavdm tas bftn residing i n nt th th 1 m four acton singers in massed choir put in office in pit the front ia put an utht foo solid boi d ftnet iround the ird thl olieitor sad hi fel it w il not p iwnt further idxineerunt of the municipali v i understiitd mk 111 will inl b there fir i shirt turn bifori b iiil moud t ion nto hi suefitsted thit under a bvl i passed 1 isl i ir council h id full m rol of the irci ind might il ikt the license i in time with out vi me ri is i n it s luiii t b in isset ra hir thin i dil i nunt mr elliott concluded v mcliod reprt entink the pi tiont r ukid thit couniil consider un eirtfulh tht bv liw ind thi p w il h tt b firl printing inj lu i nst mr mil 1 ur i hi if i l i h1 bu i s i ii r n i if i 1 i w ill b i mis mri u t s r n r i mm nd that o un 1 kivi t ii ful th uth mr h iffm in nd i think th i i ul i i t u m thirik th 1 u w 11 u kij t in first clx i ii ii i mi inntei it hi ii irrn ljtstid ipplic iti n f r i h tn i bt midi in wn u t it wh h tinu i unci would i n di r it m iv r h i him i i roducinc tht nn t r f iusil n s ud i m t r it turb d ir i mw im h i i m t f the councill rs iround 1 k k it sonu propt rtit s on w hich it h id i numbi r of complaints i k ii t n d t i m i l fictu n s i s ni r l- it discrt pintu in he is i s it i roll f t th mpson i would hink th r in stril hit h aid b 1 kid nto n i t w sti uirt mi m pr ss l hit ui hii n t i k h i i h rii il ing thit 1 np i wi d o htilii cirtm in f i m mr w i ck w 15 r f r k t m h nisi on a 1 1 i h ci incl mbl t 1 1 us ti 1 r n i hi k ruml th m in 1 fin e i- 1 in on i uw w n i n ni i e f o md slici h 1 t 1 tin th 1 c 1 h u 1 i 1 niji ik in t his figures council irrmfied a 25 split on kite rectiipls from the r imes plin iied bn the cbin uicrosse assoc hon with hi orpinizition to pi r fin from their ts per cent h ire ind e ire ikint md the tow j n 1 jht md witer from iti 1 nt hre utttr from j wolfe iski i m irl iei p mce of the tern nil iud bn him it thl meeting on hi tuikin nut mci he ponti ut thit the offer if no accepted n no n of pnl 16 would b 11 idirtd withdriwn ind the tur h md lim mitti rs considered i indinidiiil 1 iiu the letter w is file d ti ffic il r qulsition from the h ii il n h eh sihoil dl r t h i v n ct i d eton s hir 1 tii n 1 u d be 8 084 of thi st 5m blldklt m i r r ichhn lsked to corrlc 1 il r titi nunt i cilkd ji n 1 1 t i tht fict that the audi s lu t h iw id the library ii 1 id wih i surplus tf 300 ind ni aetinlh it w isn t 1 surplus b 1 1 c ssarn for curren expenses inf r thi rant cnmi in from thi t mi i und r tind the gnnt of woo on th s2 200 was onlj in i innttd figure the don t expect rtc u more thin 00 c nrintu i n piqi fu mrs r l davidson heads institute the reculir monthly meeting of the acton womm s institute was j- 1 lri it the home of mrs hcllowa on april 1 the president mra r l d imoson presided the roll cill wis limel for the ison housecleaninr tins tht motto of the month keep your face to the sunshine ind the shidou w 11 fill behind vou wns rivui bv mrs wm dcnnv in itepinp with the easti r its in mrs wllderspln rt nd i t r jiv rig the orium of the hymn the ih ludred crass ind mem as unilid in singing it mrs lambert contributed i rcid nn entitled mo hers work thi uport of the district directors i meting w ii gi en b mrs karl limbert the innual meeting is to b held in knox church acton this sp inr a picnic ls also plnnnel with ill bnnches being iskd for i smill fio to help donitions were oted to th s lund ind ilso to the nppeil for i olio research mrs lis wilds conducted i qu 7 pirm on know jour fish for the election of officers m ceo lintz was in the chair and he election resulted is follow president mrs r l divldson first icr president mrs f smith sccondi vice president mrs g lnnt7 secretary treisurer mrs t andi rson district directors mrs e limbert convenors at committee s igric- ul un md cinadnn industries mrs a wilderspin home oconom ics mrs gto frer historicil re snrch mrs geo linlz citizenship mrs wm himilton comm initv letmtifs mrs w dinn piin st m tfins ind mrs limbert mr diiidsnn piid tribute to hi m mbers for their co operation in thi pi t ind icceptad tht nominit on for thi onr beciuse this ve ir tht ire tirting their fiftuth ei of service to the eommunitv ind in loit m11 relebrnte their golden m niver irv mr di ids in knows- her mi ni i rs- though snnl in number in t t in heir ind t r w ilhng to h j ihi ir b t for tht snke of their motto honu ind countrv i tht group of the month nrud 1 r fr hm nt- md n pleasnnt tlm njoved opinion still divided on high sch build plan no uniform urimitnt i leiclud on tin pioposal of tin north hilton hilh sehool llisti let hoard to built new st hooltt in aclon and gtorjetowi and a gnin imiiiii in milttii whin tht mnttn wni put iwfore councils of tin du niuniclp ilitu- by the repre it nlauvtn it was learned at 1 niietini ni the hoirtl mi n 1 1 in milton molioni of appiov il una iicinetl finni aeton ind getirn inw n eouncits anil miltt n touneil li pri p 11 ini tlu motion on which conned has expre s d arrtimint tht re was however no rt poi t fiom nissaguwiva eouneil to thu n ud nu etinl follow inj the discussion of the ir council i squi sing 1 otin cil had referud it t mattt r to mtssrs level and moslem uidiloi for n npiit which hid bun si cured vcrifsink tht estmiitts of thi lit aid md 111 iking various jiroposils esquesing council it a meeting on monda had ilso paiised two 1 evolutions copies of which wcr leid to the board that the coun cil of the township of esqutslng hivmg studied the brief presented bv jour committee of the n ii ii s i bo ird is of the opinion that thi eot involved in the proposed build iiil progr im is too great th council is not prepircd to jliivc dt bi nturcs issued at this time for tht imount estimited but ls pre pirtd to consider a modified pro jnm the si cond resolution of esq u eh mi council re id thit the council of tht township of esquesing is not in fivor of iny building program whitever until such time is the virmils municipalities in the north h tlton hit h school district ire acton lodge greets district deputy umehouse wms program at mrs mulders 1 si but pas r hi 1 miv on the ficc of 1 hi si t th nk tin of ils can tak in r n on w hiu the cad s f 1 i m we hiv m but wt can look into it richlin pointed out that th pvs5mt isessor ha not com puttln n ismc1 ti wholt mun vme f gun being used arc thor in i km minn j 11m 1 stud rts f i prrv ioil- xssessor the assso- from ill ovir thi province in th jurt docn t have time i mgfcwt he v xu and msrumental concert hld j rx ign from the planning board and in toronto in conjunction with the rive more time to this work ontario colli at of education con i in concluding the discussion vmtion during easter week mavor rachhn claimed tin quite 1 s 1 k s ar in tht 1 0 1 1 s 1 1 1 n ch n l ch ir ti 1 r h tlt n if d csh 11 11 i 1 n r tn fit n uti ir 1 11 t in sdjn caroline ojml hirl v th npson v nn brun th w m nut n th hime if ms o muldt r in ttwn in thur i v vmuik mrs noon i k m n th l od i ord bt s in i rv p n u and mrs o mu d r w h l t id 1 r p ure pi iv 1 int mitlro mr- c piftr 1 i 1 princ- mrs gi b ind m- k njw trick d fr m th s udv i k m th s uh americans th h j t s5 vtd unrh iti i ir i tht fi i 1 i in h u pn l t ruin churh n sundin u t v 1 li 1 m rn mon of he i w n r chii bn hjt wif th w is t good it ndince it tht s r m 1- 1 p h nird sini ms r h r pi rsvn is isinc h f pirteron s his week i n pitsrm 1 ip nding n f w iins e th hi r grandpints m- md vn c sincla r divid rn ighlev 1 recuperat nc 1 home f611owmg removal of ton ils in rjiiclph general hospital ixt tbursdav th w held heir months meeting at tht home of mun ieni in tuesdav of last week f ui i tru i di th to he m i n n lh w is i big night r iu r i ik it v the oc n of th i it or domld f i dom if mill igt n di i hi offi nl v 1 to th ft r the degree work of 1 ir the m tine idjourncd mca gvmnxium where thi mis of the officers si rv od i i nnt lunch r wor bros rev l j kt n n f g ti iph pronounced th b n d c ion ind w bro wm mid d n propo ed tht toist to the lilu bro thos watson proposed hi tout to the grind i odgi w hit h w is rt sponded to bv rt wor bn d f wile th dis rlct dep 11 n f r wellington district the svmbolism of freemason- r was the subject of a verv ip it n stinc ind informative address m rt wor bro d e wade of el miri the v isitlng repreaentitiv e f grind lodge not onlv expllined th mbols of misonrv but pointed ni ti hi bre hren the need for nci itv md tht right k nd nf mind n p ls nn these fcv mbols ind the ff ct uch his on cich new cand id itt h d it 1 ir f n the v irio is hi ni iition ird the impnr mr ich hid m h r inl and b f hit wxs itichrd h m b v tj us luthonmc it it l thn ightf il iddrs fup of mis n mf rmatinn ind of intenst ill i t nd ng t wor bro c dirbv pr n vs i ht ut to the visi ir ihirh ex r snondt d to bv wor b t iiii of guelph and wor h- i 1 1 of kltehimr the i h d it of th evcn ng bro b rind n alo spike bneflv ntirln 110 sat down to the mtal 1 pnjcntinu ibout twentv lodf- rxim the surrounding districts the toist list was presided over bv wor bro j buchanan master of walker lodge who with hi of fictrs had exemplified the entervd apprentice degree beaten robbed on main st sun nuholis gli si rteiivtti 1 fi ict urd skull whin ht w ls liquid mi the h id ibout thn 1 timts md robbi d of si00 ju t iftc r mid n lht situidiv he ilso nctivtd ni s ind tiruist in thi beitin pi lin rt port git-vm- m acton 1 m m t two m n n th rov il c if wh wire 1 kinr if i girio i n th it i utld r p lir their 1 ir mi issi 1 mpmlid ih m t mifuh rn s j irigi nnd then thi wilkid up miin st to iom nu r motors i 1 t is thi tr o reiched thi 11 r of mun md bower glussc wi slugged and 100 tiken from h s e diet one slug w isn t enough n i two mi re wer idministered itxi rding to informitinn police h ie clissc w is found w inderinj d ied with i blood soaked fice pihce n n nllt d ind tht injured tin v is treited n tnei h is b n found of th 1 i i indi film projector chapters gift tin april mi 1 tint of thi iikc sidi chijur iodf wis di voted ti i usini ss di tills for the t nsuing vi ir pi ins wiri m ide for the an nu it m ly ti 1 and prov isn n nrndc fur thi prtsintation to tht nt w sihi t 1 1 f a projt ct r tht ch iptt r will it tend tht h wml if tie k il tour is a trtup tlntitivi pi ins for futurt u in itu s pn mist 1 ur tf inw rest ind activity in vim on their actual tmiuitiietl assessments rather than on an orb itnry fitiure that bt ing under t iken thus council suggtsis the building of one high school in the town of acton it a figure whereby the government subsidy would np ply to the total cost a idle 1 from aeton public sehool boird showed actons plujht in high school milters the board quoted the text of the agreement enured into it the timi the distritt w ls formed md that use of thi present building w ls gr intenl for fivi i irs the ign t ment e tiled for om enrs notice of termination b either pirty the aclon boird uivi officii notici of termination of tht u rt t mt nt efftetive in two mirs it tht end of lime 10m as thi building would then bl re quirt d for public sehool purposes thi suretiiv was instructed to indtivot to in mgc 1 meetina of the ct unclb of esquesing ind nifl ikiwivi to confi r with the high st hool buird to uidtavor to irrivu u 1 snhitit n of thi probli m all 1 hook in now bully crowded md mi of tht progr im of building tun t be siirttd it oikt to meet tho situitlon uui tht inert lsi in school pnpul itu n in tin while district i 1 ter from thiei irehitecti in fpurmj on tht building pit gram n tirdt nd filed sph ndid insp ttors report was r tivid on tht work of the cum- inert ul diputmiiit hid tuehtr at aeton si hool utut wis recuvid of in in- ti l in iniirmce ritis on th h 1 1 pruptrlits md the board wll in ikt iiiiiiry before jeieptlng th propu ed in w r iti s a 1 nmis fur tuition were n eeiv- ed from guelph collcgu e for s 7111 hi ind from himilton board f rduiitun for lfll thi si am tints w re for pupils from thu uth ii ilton distnct pure hi e tf threi sits of colored pictures of queen elir ibt th and th ljuk of kdinhuri h wt n 1 ithoru d i n si t c f frunid plcttirts lor h school pprov il w is mvtri hy in ition of tht mini mint committees del etion of mr i cuthbirtnon to till th vac iricv e nisi d by tht resign iv 1 n of mr j m hi run from th ack n stiff aeci tint for april imountinjj tj 11174 41 win pissed for p lyment lftt r ipprov d b tht finance com m tt e thi board decided to taki mem- bt rship in the ontario urban and rural school trustees association ind authorized piyment of the fe member present at thin meeting hi id in milton on monday night were messrs ber blehn coon pickett dhls martin wood miln and brown and chilrman j bell presided wor uo ma j buchanan was in charge when rt wor bro d ei wade of elmira vitited walker lodge on monday even ing on hij official vmt aaatont fronj many lodgei in the district attended this special night m masonic annals statt phot

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