thursday april 17 1062 the acton free press acton ontario paoe nvt h s holden eyes examined glasses fitted 7 douglas st ouelpm acton taxi phone 260r 24 hour prompt courteous arvlca radio dispatched cars take you anywhar at anytim just phone 260r frigldaire master model missionary given lire membership the taxtr thank ofterintf meet ing of the senior wms knox church was hold cut thursday afternoon the president mrs 11 mainprise opened the meeting with call to worship and prayer the devotional period waj in charge or mrs r 1ul mcdonald and mrs e- j hassawl collection was received by mrs j ingle and mrs a j mciauuc dedicated by prayer by mrs f blow miii m e anderson home n furlough from the mission field in drltuh cuionn wax guest speaker she gave n most 1 rural rmtt kaster moshagc and wan introduced by rev it armstrong this wan followed by mrs j davidson who tfnvi n lovely kosh er menage in sonjr accompanied hv miss margaret brown the life membership secretary mh oipv ii l bennle calle 1 mum anderson forward after tthnrt ntl dress flhe was presented with an honorary life membership certificate on behalf of the mlfl klon band and explorers group mm tt o hora presented funds fr a bar for her mtmhcnihlp pm mn it arrruitrnnk preti nted her with n lth gift for iiippllefl to be itsi d in her work these gifts wen mnde posaibfc by the different church organizations nnd friends although taken by surprise ml anderson made a v ry fitting reply md wafl moit grateful mr- dr a j buchanan movi i a vote of thanks to all who hlid taken part gucits wi re present from neigh boring centres and local churclu s nltio a group of indian from lone branch all were invited to thr ciirs room for n social half hour oftltuaty well known man g w murray dies a well known resident of acton george wesley murray passed away in gutlph general hospital tuesday april 8 he wj born in erin township son of the late mr and mrs a b murray mr mur- ray lived in erin township until ima when he married donalda mann and moved to lot 51 first line enqueuing wher he farmed until 1040 then he retired selling his farm and moving to his mill street homl in acton he took a ke n interest in agric ulture and wos one of ksouslngd bi it farmers lit served on the representatives discuss license continued from page one approval of road grant on 23 460 was received from the depart ment of highways deputyreeve j stewart reported for the road committee that of th loads of crushed stone applied to the streets this ye 71 to w of the loads had been used in the war time housing subdivision he reported health authorities hud asked jrome cleaning up of the dump the chairman explained that the damage had been done by individuals leaving refuse in the wrong place several loads had been dropped just at the gate on the road side of the fence an it- tempt was to he made with ftnait rafrigarator value available anywhere 1 built for years of eco nomical carefree food protection ha theie and many other fecthireei molormlsor mechanise exclusive qulckube tray two big hydrator fullwidth superfreezer fullwidth chill drawer rustresistant shelves 8 i to cu ft storage space olhor rnodali and tiles to choose from buy it now for only tex reduction on ell our electrical appliances manning south african forming orn land vnlirs hnvt risen deluxe all metal lirlume venetian minds 8 ways beftbri in ins u mttal html chanml xt if adjusting 1 liter iiihtiliii lilting rtilkr hi il i action cord i otk adjust ihu inst ill ition brack f m ulurutifht mtinl slnls om pitci mital bottom bail 1 i ntitl ht movable slats acton fair board for many years ucting on the different committees j grader to clean it up nnd as president in 1031 councillor wleck suggested this year- he was awarded an j mcmullen be notified to replace agricultural service diplojea for broken sidewalk in front of his meritorious service to agriculture bower ave property which had mr murray was aluo interested in hen destroyed by heavy trucks a municipal matters serving the letter was to be sent township of ettquejiing for eight tlceve hnrgmve reported that the ytora as councillor for three years tax hills were out and the clerk- as deputy reeve and for i two years treasurer submitted a comparison a beeve of t xpendltures to the end of thr murray memorial y mca march with the budgeted amounts in acton was built under his direct- dog taxes were due march 31 nnd notice to creditors and others in the ulr of lvdwd albert mill all persons having claims against the kxtatc of albert edward mill late of the town of acton in the county of halt on tanner deceas ed who dlrd on or about the seventeenth day of march 102 are requested to file proof of same with the undersigned solicitor on or before the twentysixth day of april 1052 after which date the estate wilt be distributed having regard only to the claims then filed dated at acton ontario this ninth day of april 1063 charles w mason kxecuor by his solicitor c v leatherland acton on a 40 1 odbye id beer inn when he ncted as executor for the ejtate of his cousin the late j a murray h was a member of acton un- itid church which he served as a sit ward nnd tnmtee the funeral was conducted by hls pastor nev e a currey as litcd by the rev c i poole from the victor b burnley funeral homt on thursday april 10 ht is burvlved by his wife and one daughter velma mrs t tiny venings during the ball season millar toronto nnd one grand was granted daughter heather millar also one i scrt tns for the new pumplnf sister mrs fred denny acton and tattnn on south main st sewer to 5 000 hadhoeen collected in taxes to date councillor taylor reported for tht fin- and public buildings rommittie a requtst rv a reliff- ioils orranl7itlon to rent the town hall was dealt with ond the rate or 35 for outside organizations as formt rly established was quoted a request from the ladies soft bull group for the diamond on mon- 18 23 28 33 37 40 to 22 to 27 to 32 to 36 to 39 to 43 643 69 64 s3 99 644 49 644 95 645 95 646 95 two brothcrr edward of kitchener and andrtw of acton one da ugh tt r tnurn predeceased him in 1021 the m mv floral tributes bore slh nt testimony to the esteem in which he was held they were re ctivttl from the following hi wife velma nnd lloyd millar htnther millnr mr and mrs fred dennv mr and mrs edward mur ray and miss workmnn mr nnd mrs andrtw murray and family misses elizabeth and jean moffat mr and mrs dugan and family mr nnd mrs chns mckeown mr and mrs jamtii moore mr and mrs nathan graj mr and mrs frt d plank the kingnburys mr and mrs alex orr mr nnd mrs geo currit mr and mrs t k willianxs nnd miss martha orr mr nnd mrs robert johnston mr and mrs chns millar mr nnd mrs gmrgt barnes nnd phllls mr nnd mrs batts mr and mrs hart mr u n brown miss margaret brown nnd mli mccullough womens as socintion of thi united church first luu lesquesing neighbors pirk avmui and mill street ni ighbors tht pnllbearers were messrs george curric william gamble robert johnston charles mc kiimn wilmer watkins and orv- tlli johnston thi flowtr benrtrs were mtssrs puncnn wnldit alexander orr norman mcfnthem robert ander sin douglis curne george barnes r johnston r l davidson intt rnu nt wls in fnlrview c m- i u r vcton glass flown from canada electric phone 230 acton ayaiuible in winte or eggshell slats also in 72 length acton home furnishings john calder plumbing heating eovestroughing tinsmithing prompt courteous service free estimates church stfteet phone 319w s tti h airlivt t irr ilmost dil s imjik s of ti is fr im cain di m f urn u i s for nn ih-su- at tht si hihns lnneushin lnborator- u s of i uk firm thi smiplis art dr iv n off is hiti in tht i i as po siblt flown to pristuick then de- luircd ti tht laboratories by plolie uid t r within 72 hours tht glass pi in s rective u compltte analysis of thxir products i w- 1 spoktooass by bor fhanh recover now for spring excellent workmanship at manufacturers prices brampton 857w coll for free estimates special i sofa and chair reupholstered 7800 and up fsee a hostess chair given away fro with ovary 3pis suit rmvrd manufacturing company toronto furniture hosi and tht nt w polict enntran wt re all deferred council iuthori7td the purchase of a trollf v for the new well on north m un si j lombert wat rworks superintendent explained that it wis ustd to lift and carry i heavy pumps from and to the well for repain price was estimnted i bt tween 25 nnd 35 i the ontario provincial police re- port for march showed n numbt r of warningr but no fines levied a report for february showed the town s share of fines as 3014 permission was grunted the dukt of devonshire chapter i o d e to hold n tag day for the blind a by 1tw allowing the borrow ing of up to 05 000 for expenses wis p isstd council authorlztd payment of 720 as actons share from the de pirtmt nt of highways for main unanct on number 7 nnd 25 high ways it v andrrson engineer sent tht cop of a u ttt r forwarded t si irtin contracting advising them thit a 1ittrnl instilled at 27 brock ae was too high and asked thai it be lowered a litltr fnm the department of highwas sud they uould discus mun nnd mill st p iving when in tht dtstric t the ruling on the main st bridpi i is to be ooktd ifti r b tht bndjt dtpartmcni tht following n counts wltc ap pro t d for paynn nt btll tt it phone co acton p u c v t toronto tire ltd gridtr tire repairs gastitntr ltd supp cnr flasher mamt gpsum limt aubast- tne ltd crushed tone f ttrn postm st stamps acton frtt press prin ing ler l hoskin 51 audit j h goy cartage toth s garage grease for disposal plant lome garner motors ltd hauling stone j ridlev hauling stone t mcdowell hauling stone a cook fibre brushes thompson farm service stove oil thompson motors repairs l cutting jiauling stone it think it oner poultftymen i pfloduckrs before you vot tin following is i litttr which we at thomphons ptiultry kan i i hatchery gt orgelnwn receivtd iet ntl woodstock onlilo april 12th id 2 dtar sir i w are writing this lettt r to you tti miliul your influence among tht pntduci n in vour aren regarding the proposed ontario poultry pro duct rs mnrketlng scheme on which all poultry producers will ott on april 17th iflth and lfllh may we ask your consideration of thi following reasons why we h litvt that this scheme should tx tlj cted 1 it ls loo costly the levy of oni cent a do7tn on all eggs mnrk ted though gg grading stations is 12 to 15 cents per hen 12 to 15 per 100 hi ns 30 to 45 on a fl k or too hens compare this with 2 ct nts per hog under the hoj srhi me 2 the 2 000 000 raised bv thi l vv will be list d to gamble on thi mirket huy eggs when prices nr low store and sell when prlci s art high this ls what a highlv comp t tltive and experienced egg tndi h is teon doing for vearn hive w inv rewon to believe thit i pro dueer boird could do a better job 1 thi bo ird cm inspect the pn mises ind hooks of persons en ir d in the producing or marl et irg of eggs and his authority to ilsnt nd the pi rmits of product rs ml griding st ition operators for infringement of rules a thi board can require produc i r ind gratllng stitlon nprnon t hold ctrtiin eggs off the mnrki thit is refuse them a market wi know as you do thit enn ditions ire tough right now this is n sltuitlon that will rectify lt if the scheme does not promise to nctif the abnormal present con dition and once unproved it c m be rescinded onlv bv another vote with a two thirds majority ngilnst we earnestly request your co op cntion in defeating a scheme thnt might well be disastrous to the poultry industry use your persnn- il influence anil the local pres thi time is short yours very truly normnn s schult c f luck him f e ellis on behalf of the fmt rgency committee b opening dance stanley park erin friday april 18th modemaires band dancing 9 to i admission 6qc dancinc rvery trlday night hiutop lodge will be open for meals commencing april 10ib for rasarvallons phona 41 rj upwells ltd 55 si moon moo 57 4i 1 75 18 02 ml tl 502 vi 400 i 200 iso 00 96 00 go 00 5 00 i 1so ib so 78 00 cecil a carr optometrist guelph 8 douglas si tal 1091 see usfor new lowprice goodvear tires prices reduced on automobile truck and farm tires and tubes look at these new low prices the famous 1 marathon now only less a big tradein allowance marathon supercushion ss 24- tan 4je in less a bio tradein allowance see ua and find out about tba aasw atantial price reductiona oa ah etfear ooodyear brea and tube thompson motors phone 69 acton ont 1300 34 a hill asked a rebate on his waterworks frontage since he felt i he had been overcharged in prev lous years council had no auth- ontv to grant a rebate i all councillors wen present at this regular meeting with the ex- j ception of councillor rognvaldson j how m tky bthngr wer vary strong for tpoody trvic good mcrchandito and reatonabu pneoft wool growars oroamzalion wool ship collect to our ragtstarad warahousa no 1 westov ontario raliabla grading diract saltlamant bhlppcrs may obtain uc lu and tu inp ithoul chares f rtn j ttriiie klrk no ac too clarfnce dimny allan bo johnson aetob i j h ridley box ssi arlon or by rilint direct to canadian co operative wool growerb ljmjted 217 ray htrrt toroau ciuli w notice a new dry cleaning agency take your cleaning problems to the k roszell kaye shop on willow st aganey or white rose cleaners and dyers 48 hour pickup and delivery service ji pickup and delivery every tuesday thursday and saturday mans shirts loundarad lo parfoction and bulk laundry also moderate prices and efficient wock dona only tha whila rosa way