Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 8, 1952, p. 6

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r aoc six the acton free press acton ontario bauinafap mrs mckay host wms april meet tfce wms met ut the home of mm a mokny for their april meeting the theme for the wor- hip service and topic combined vnn eiujtor gave us tha bible throifijh all the conturlw or christian history the bible hiw been the principal channel of krnee through which the world has come to know lb saviour the tjiblo b gnod news plan were made for gathering ui the iuppllt and packing the bale mrs mckay led in o bible tjulr and the roll cnll was answered bf tolling something of n tree men tioned in the bible tllimsnay may nth 1 guaranteed watch re pa i ring promptly expert work fineat material work dona aut guaranteed let uj give you ht eatiraata jar elgins durapower mainspring guaranlaad nwr 10 break in aarrieat available for moat elgin uotlala uidaojkuuoyaiartlmti rachlin jewellers acton fiiatrm canada stomfftm filled to caiicitv storage u tacks of pork on april lit totalled 3i7fw000 pound which i nearly 10 million pounds higher titan the jitornge ntnclui on april 1st a year ago in addition we have name is million poundit of canned pork available for eniuiump tion thi- 15 million pounds of canned pork ii the equivalent of 20 million pound of domestic culfl o tiit actually on april hit oui surplus of pork products won ap proximately 50 million pound according to w t walsnn on tnrin livestock comrnksioner all storage in eastern canada april 30th were filled to capacity with pork and poultry and itn ex port outlets for beef or yiofk ap peared to be in night wt understand that the domin ion government dispatched two of its senior official to the old country about midapril in the hope they might be able to ncgot lite n deal tor beef or pork or both until the moat recently an nounced outbreak of foot and mouth dlseoae about two weclcs ago officials were hopeful that the embargo would be lifted in sep tember thu most recent outbreak would seem to eliminate any iuch pas- sibiltu if the embargo remains in effect after september canadian cattlemen will bo faced with o much greater crisis than at present canada according to mr watson has a surplus of about 400000 head hence turning more cattle on gross is simply postponing the market- in i date toths service station acton ont phone 326r lorne garner motors acton ont phone 452 if the american murkcl in avail able again before the end of the gracing neanon cattle ownnrn who turn their cattle on grans have more than an oven chance at profit ing thereby if the ombargo ix not lifted an exceptionally lorge num- ber of cattle will have to be matk eted in canada next fall while the producer is guaranteed a floor it doen not nccejuiarlly fol low that it will he at the present figure it b not likely to be higher and it could bo lower when a floor u nat n floor about a month ago the federal government announced ils in tril lion of establishing a floor price for rattle it will ho recalled that the floor established wan 25 pei cwt for good cattle at toronto with approprlote differentials foi ojher grodes and other markets this floor would be applicable fm the months of april may and june and would be reviewed thereafter with the price for each succeeding month announced 30 day- in ad vance of the month when it would applv it was further announced that the government would main tain a floor price for as long is the present u s embargo iis in effect however one of the jokers in the picture is thot the governm nt cannot pass regu lations making 4 or offense for any person to buy below the floor as such action would he conntrued r price fixing a practice declored il legal by statutes at the last seiaioi of parliament the onlv obvious alternative was for the government to aiithnrizi the prices support hoard to offer to purchase any or all bet f at pneesconslstent with the floors for the various grades of cottle in m far as we can ascertain the board is prepared to carry out its res ponsibilities in this regard but is powerlesi to act because of the lack of storage space or an export out let for anv beef that it might acquire until some relief by wa of more storage space or an export outlet con be found officials of both fed eral and provincial governments are urging producers to market onlv finished cattle so that our markets will not be unduly de pressed by lorge number of thin animals i am not racing you engineer explains to speedy motorists ity jw liu in our mlmouripfcrl son you see them coming oi mov- liqfitd ferttlijrrrt again tn the public eve in recent weeks salesnu n havt again been making farm to farm visits attempting to hell liquid fert ilizers we have no idea how many of our farmer friends fell for the smooth sales talk in view of this high pressure campaign it is of interest to note a recent r mm mttlfdiin i am a locomotive engineer on one of the leading trunk railway system of thui country i operate both hteam and diesel locomotives in both fust and local piuwengei ncrvlce let mi say to the train racers where the highway pnwallebj the railway i am not ruclng you i am making a npeei set for aie bv company rulew and si hed tiles i make high speed lwruuse the public demands it and the- railwav letpnres it f nfe it is not of ntv 4boosing you are dilving at a high rate of speed in muni cases bocuise of tht thrill you get and it offords you something to tell about at the next svi vit e station cofi hotel lolttiy or be i joint at whit h vmi mn stop i h ive a gnid roadbed heat v ha i list and heavv ileel rails all on i u deed right of way mv way is lined with the lati tt and mosi ef fieient electric automobile bloc k sfgnals- which tell me the way is clear they warp me and give me plenty of time and space in which to reduce speed or bring my trabi to a stop thev give me jhe location and movement of anv otht r trolns foi miles ahead in order that i mov govern the movement of mv train accordingly i know pi ronuil i v most of the engineers on the other trains and i knowshat in order to remain in the servicv all of them are period ically cnselv examined on operat ing rules and machinery also that they must undergo a physical ex amination covering vision hearing and color perception at regular in tervals when t am to mejt or pass a train i know by hloclc signals and rules just what the other man i going to do and vice vi rsa yet in spite of all this we do have some accidents now you who drive dont race a train for you have no privote right of way and in many cjises you know little or nothing of the condition of the highwav you have no signots to tell you the movement of other cars or trucks- one ran 7op out in front of yni an v where anv time without anv warning at all you have n t the least idea who is driving the car coming toward you or moving around vou nothing at all to tell vou whether it is man woman or child a cripple a drunk a fool a halfwit or a normal per auction sale antique and modern household furnlturr carpenter tools etc miss may orit to sl b public aucticn lease by the advisory fertilizer lite andrew orrs farm lot n board of ontario the undersigned havr instructions from ing and uothlng hut your guest ttdls von what they are uolng to do or that lhy even see your car mv pusuengers are mtratigers to me i doubt if i ever juw one of them they climb into their barths and go to sleop confident of their safety now about the pnsuentfers they are not strangers to you in mant t uses they are those whom yon know and love or others who are close to vou hemember they are depending on you tn drive safely i hofto you will afford them the game pintectlon which i give to n mini- ber of strangers they oru due it to the drivers who try to twnt the tiiin over the crossing 1 have thin to hoy dont do it for a tnal possi ngc r train to clear you would luite to wait only eight to 12 set nnds and for a long freight troln to go by onlv 10 to fto seconds pro ft sslonjl gamble r figure lorge- ly in odds if vou trv to beat a train over a c nw ing vou an hi i ling lei nit v against those few second of time vmi might siivt kternltv 1h a long time und seconds and minute place no wrinkle j upon its brow not manv months ago there lay at o railroad crossing the terribly mangled and almost unrecognizable- liodv of a young man about six seconds before that i could s e the voung man at the wheel with others in the car with him all living breathing normal hi rated his car to beat my train over the fiossing dlsieirdlng the mixed crossing srgnnls and the warning blasts of the whistle the bell a straight beam and a swing ing headlight shining brightly in about two econds i did all that u vears of training had taught me to do to avoid striking the car but it was impossible mode m mechanical englneering has given us tht mat modern and powerful t lettrft brakes for oui trains and engines but it is im passible to stop an 000 to 1 200 inn train moving 7 mile- per hour ii less than several thousand feet wt can t stop in time to avoid crossing accidents but mr car driver you can and you would lf vou had s en the broken bones the torn flesh and the bloodsoaked concrete th it many of us engineers hive retn you still hate a set of brains f- vour hi ad use them picture news from cil fah punching i tarftet nlwwxetv name for thir sport now attracting more andfniure fans every year this young psrksmiui who may someday comnece in the national showing matches at ottawa gets a few tip from an old hand shooting enthusiasts uy get m young believe that boys should be carefully trained id the correct handling of firearms congratulations miss marguerite gignac the happy young singer is ihi years win ning ontestant on c-i-i- sing ing stars of tomorrow thai popular radio program gives young canadian lingers the chance to he heard by an audi ence of hundreds of thousands and to compete for cil musjcaj awards worth over 3000 though we seldom think of ab raham lancoln without his be ard he wore it only four years of his lift salts he rtha pauli in the read trs digest and probably he nevi r would hate grown a beard at all had he not been urged to bv an chvm ve r old girl in we stfle id ny ouiz picture of the week is this strange object insect drift wood no hut if youre a farmer you should recognize k its a wheat needling with a destructive fungus growth partners now apply modern dis infectants like cercian m to protect grains against many seed and soilborne diseases puyou khttw over 8000 men and women from all walks of life and every province make up the cll organization their lkillt and talents are used in more than 200 ob classification ranging from stenographer to research chemist truck driver to plant manager canadian industries limited montreal looking for a home take your choice now here are a few newly listed properties at level prices con sidering the increased cost of newlybuilts generally there is still a scarcity of houses due to the curtailment of building now ones and in the increased population buy now at reasonable prices before big industrial developments tn neighbouring centres affecls the supply and demand these are all owner occupied and possession can be given a oem of a cottage newly built and improved m recent years was featured in city newspapers as a new idea five rooms with conveniences on nice residential street designed for easy living formerly a doctors residence wellbuilt sever roomed house on an exclusive residential street convenient to business and industrial centres new furnace sun porch hardwood floors bathroom downstairs also bedroom down stairs and three upstairs large hall could be used as an office nice sitting room and dining room well equipped modern kitchen hot and cold water good garden double oareg also a stable always kept tn good state of repair country dwelling near to acton and georgetown ideal for the comfnuler wth quarter of acre garden and good garage near to stores school and post office on open countv road and close to two highways owner has bought a faun and this must be iold house is heavily wired lots of storage space house for sale double dwelling on quiet residential street six rooms each side immediate possession one side other side well ten anted will eventually pay for whole building reasonable clown payment owner leaving town for appointment to leu contact wright real estate and insurance appraisors realtors insurors f l wrujht office so wilbur st acton pheae 85 n 11 wrlfht office 69 macdonnell hl guclpb phone 491w yes we have others as well as small holdings and building lots the statement of the board is n- follows while liquid fertilizers mav be very effective for house plants greenhouses intensive har den production or side dressmc it does not give significant increases in yields or germination of held crops and is not recommended for these latter crops this statement is based on tht results of tests which were carried out by the field husbandry de pirtment at the ontario anncul- tural college over the past tw o vears the board also stales that the results of the guelph usts art in harmonv with those reportt d bv tht experimental farms service and in view of the results ha e agreed that no further experimental work on seed treatment with liquid fertilizer would need to be con ducted for those who wish to use liquid fertiliers for house plants side dressing- etc mn we suggest that tounhtp of trifil- u north side jir on wfcdvesljav may hth commencing at 100 utut ds t tht following furniture chesti rficld and 2 chairs it match upholsttrcd in brocatiile chesterfield and 2 chan to mutch uphuls ercd in rase fin- ush idige upholstered rocking chair 11 occasional chairs finished m hurst hair larjji wicker chair settit 2 chairs md family alt ir tibli to match studio couch lure the of cliiwin small chtst of drawers i nd tabjt fanc square pirlr table 1 wilton rug l ii x 6 l ft avminsttr rug 9 ft x 7 ft axminster rug of x 12 ft coiikoltum rug y ft x 9 1 1 oda small rugs several plain rockt rv b cane bottom chairs odd chair- and rockers fernt r vt ry large ex it nsion table with 6 chairs to mate h round extension table odd emtnsum table sideboard large glass china cabinet modern china cabinet hall rack secretary and solutions copies of the bulletin can be obamed ot the milton of fice of the ontario department of agrieulture making full use of family allowances why nor start a dollars for education account at the b of m oreismgs etc ma we suggest that j dun i cabmet combined fvncv foot- the secure of copy of bulletin no i stool crokmole board ic rola and 4g3 soil management and ferti- j large number of records raymond hirer use in this bulletin will be sewing machine 2 eight di clocks found recommendatlons for the victor cabinet radio 4 toih stts making and use of such fertilizer rvil vacuum sweeper with at- lachments walnut finish modern sie bed with coil spring mutrisa and springs 2 wood bedroom suitej w ith coil spring mattresses and springs- simmons bed size with nw mattress ond spring electric heater white stt el bed spring and mattress several dressers sever tl w ash stands acmec steel rantfe like in w oil lamps small cjok s i i tual he iter rangettt j burn er ehctric bridge limps t lecnc floor limps dash hum colt man lamp and lantern butter bom and ladh eh t trie fan bi att et trie tuaistt r electric washer with tubs and stands candh molds bid sirt ids large assortment of good wool blankets sheets pillows mm- fortt rs some fancy work hookid him iniiiis drapes ciirtins liluun mirrors picure fnim miioi- some oil paintings almost i oii i d nm r si o dishs t a m ts eerria d sht s odd dishes int hiding pitchers platters fancv uii i ls sihirwir md ciokiig tit nl- this is an exeep in illv wtp i iid for and tie in off r lxoi sexeril hind s iw s h immi rs planes uvils auger s of 13 bits tool thest exclusion 1 idcli u ft j step ladders pwer lawn mower extension cord and luh r ft ui tool chest with 1 irei assortment ef w renrhe larut t isti rn pump with 14 ft of 2j pipe set of h iw fiooxlli c ir h i ii i v n is un for ford lra ttr o ht smnm artttles i trrms cash s tth nu nt oi dav its a wonderful think fur pirens to be ibli to ft 1 there bringing up thtir eh hiren m a land nf up piirinr is li v an in n id i todav the hi i great uu it ivt for pi inning ahead for m ikttig sure th it then children wil b able to ge t the most out of life a good dueation ls one of thi bis was of prepiring them for thi fuurt and h fanuk allow tin chi qui i in joidi the k to mil h in edut mon ou in i mo tlnd i t is to hi mu w liolt of mi h months cht qu but win not pu p irt of it imn t tt ird lh si hool and collet xu tisi s cordon oder m in igij of iuir lot il brimh of ihv ssiik o mii il points out hit oi t im o m n im u t mm for h pur pus w th ls little as a domia i n i j ii itnr sis auos have hit i bad i tvi t on thi voingtr gen r iiom nn to nunmon hi i it ct hi otinger gt in ration ha t had m aulas mrs f won mrss won 1q mmrsj won now you can join the fun and win cash prizes on ckoc news quiz bob hitch may call you on news quiz from tto new ckoc 1150 on your dial l battuu of vacant lachnlcal i mail this coupon to news quiz izmow y dii i ckoc hamilton ontario i i zxx munlty fill out tha caupon name i address phone number l and exchange litlan la ckoc nawa quiz monday threugla fri day at 12 45 p m iost if your coupon u drawn by bob laitch you may win a valuabla cath prixa a dlf- farant outtidaofhamllton call will ba mada aach day n h r tn in rt mnfrt ii- 1 ri r i u fin 11 ini 11h lirn 1- i i r i l 1 pinr invoiev avd rlilorr alu tiniim r li- lor1 norkaood and 1t7j mllon currii- lirk b42 the familiar voice of the farmland john bradshaw is heard daily from ckoc 1 150 645 700 am discussing your problems answering your questions make him a daily listening habit ckoc now serving your commuity ii50

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