fajoc six the acton free ppess acton ontario tiiuhsday may 16th contftol of moths tt tnftdc by scientists of ths dwfmrbnmt of attricuuurc show faat the effectiveness of mira durlilorobenzjne in the control of cfothctf frnouu nd carpet beued in ciotbrd closets depends largely on the rapid vaporization of the fuml- cnt two methods using vacuum cleaners have given rood results in one warm ajr from the blower rapidly supersaturates the closets in the other the air blast forces the crystals into the closet as a fine dust both methods have yielded full control of the insect peals within s4 hours of canadas 713000 square mil of productive forests iws than 10 000 square miles are occupied sewing machines sow and repaired elliotts guelph necchi hudson american home 25- to 50 llowc o trd4nt any mb 176 wynbham st phone 4382b ovtsiattdlnjt baoartfs toy hallaca breeder pour silver medals and one gold medal in one year in a herd of is cows is an enviable record that is the achievement of ken ella of hornby president of the haltnn jersey club all of the records were made in 305 dav on tuicc a ln milkini the fold medal was made by hockwood glance which as a nineyearold produivd 13 07- lls mlk nnd 64b llw fat sunnycvest prudent rnsilnntt n four earmold made a record of hoilfi lbs milk nnd siu lbs fat which is n silver mednl award other siuer medal winners were- 4ime to do some cullina and replace r ii r ft t t 111 ft it 1 aii ivual l ln 1 a m -1- n n i your eyes bkebvethc wsst consult r m bell registered oplawwliiu phone wrl2 sin noru hla fremont s lady which a two vearoul produced 0 100 lbs milk and m2 fat rnck klla w r ijh1 ni a hire jirld with r2h2 lbs of milk and s30 lbs fat rock fua olunteer clara a tuo ear old uith 7 037 llis milk and 447 lb fit it was ulwi interestmc to leam that tht mitur cows in the ella bird on two times milking in 305 davs had an nvtraut production of slithtl out 10000 lbs milk and um lbs fat dliirmon will ajroe that ort of production is worth whilt nnd t nil credit to the herd owner who can nchievi it many breeders overstocked the tmbarco resulting from the outbreak of fool and mouth disease in canada presents a norious situa tion to canadian agriculture to night we attended a meeting of the xecutive of the hal ton hokteln breeders club the discussion w hich transpired indicated that some hdm been dome some serious thinking it uas pointed out b one of the breeders present that for the first time in mam years weve ifot a job of salesmanship on our hands prior to the embargo one didnt need to he salesman it w larifely a question of preventing prospective buyers from purchasing the better part of ones herd those present were in general arreed that there ik a local tnarkct which luunt lwen developed with this view point we ore inclined to niiroo in nearly all herds both gritdc and pure bred there is the odd boarder the place for that tvpe of beast is the stock yards where they still will command a fair price for beef now that dairy cattle prices have dropped off it should be n good ii lorne garner motors acton ont phone 452 toths service station acton ont phone 326r i looking for a home take your choice now rtere are a few newly listed properties at level prices con sidering the increased cost of newly builts generally there 19 still a scarcity of houses due to the curtailment of building new ones and in the increased population buy now at reasonable prices before big industrial developments in neighbouring centres affects the supply and demand these are all owner occupied and possession can be given a gem of a cottage newly built and improved in recent years was featured in city newspapers as a new idea five rooms with conveniences on nice residential street designed for easy living formerly a doctors residence well built seven roomed house on an exclusive residential street convenient to business and industrial centres new furnace sun porch hardwood floors bathroom downstairs also bedroom down stairs and three upstairs large hall could be used as an office nice sitting room and dining room well equipped modern kitchen hot and cold water good garden double garage also a stable always kept in good state of repair in low price field bemi detached cottage four rooms water and electricity in sewerage available close to store good garden fine for retired couple or anyone desirous of liqht housekeeping double dwelling on quijtresidentidl street 6 rooms eadi side immediate possession one side other sida well ten anted will eventually pay for whole building reasonable down payment owner leaving town for appointment to view contact wright real estate and- insurance with uell bred heifer due to fresh- in this fall such heifers in the cue of holstelns enn now be purchased fur approximately 100 less than they could luwe been earlier in the voor we believe this holds true 1m nil breeds of dairv cnltle frankly we believe the purchase of wll bred tpev heifers during the next two or three month thnuld be n good ineitment no one know when the embargo nnpni our cattle v ill be lifted but fhc chances are thai it v ill be off in ias3 in an ivcnt uhen it do s go off there t a rood market in the t astern slates for our surplus dairv cattle irrespective of when the embargo is lifted wc still feci thit it uould be rood business for oine of iii lo do some culling and repl ice with higher quality livestock then is cull inn which should be done in both erode and pure brtd herds ml too often in the past the new pure bred breeder is loaded up uith the costohs and misfits from the estab lished breeders herds that wrt of thine is neither cood bui ness tor the buyer or seller in short in our opinion the pure bred breeder of dairy cattle has an opportunity of developing a worthwhile mark t iocall for some of his surplus ucll bred helftrs b so doing he uill be rendering service to some of his neighbours pro iding he realizes that along with the opportunity goes responsibility a rcspoiuu- bilitj lo make sure that the animals he sells will prove superior to the remainder of the animals in the purchasers herd r l 1 otl up frgzf wntqi momoh wt f g la x rrrn a a s i iv too qm vc n o tildooonkc tlmotuvc ijj i btaactm the cetttinv solves that per ennial closel problem by having those of the uardrobe type in the bedrooms and others in the ent rances good to sec is a large closet for the storage of card tables the sewing machine folding chairs and other household equipment that present a storage problem traffic in the century is con fined to the hall which makes it unneecssar to reach one room through another privacy is a sured for every room youngsters can go to bedroom bathroom or kitchen without parsing company in the living room theres a full basement more storage space a fairly larfie din ing area in the kitchen and three bedrooms other attractive features are the uoodburning fireplace the picture window and a recessed bathtub plans call for an exterior finish of wide siding and the roof is in tended to be of asphalt shingles overall dimensions are 36 feet by j mi feet thi total floor an a equals 1171 squire f e i while the com plete cubige of the century is 22b74 cubic fecl clearing auction sale barm adn appraisors realtors insurors v u wrljhu oniec t wilbur st acun muse h n wrlfht ottxc 09 macdaoacu 8l oaclpb rlw 49i5w yes we have others as well as small holdings and building lots ptagperix pslnl to short iu crop a ucep mnj fills tht uilh ha this is an old uhich still holds tnil while there is still time for a bumper ha crop prospect uhen untitle this column cre not too brirht in all sections of the count ut are pxetted when is it rome to rain it b tcmbl dr here wc uondcr uhcrl some of our krass silant en thusiasts art roink to rtt sufficient krass or clottr to fill their silos protidt paslurt for tlitir ht stock and also tet off the required quota of ha while t too like the idea of irass silace nevertheless c hae been a bit worried eter since last january when we heard on a number of occasions comments alone the follau inr lines prom now on vm rome in for brass silare no more com for me it is sull our opinion that if one has a silo he had better sow some com if he doesnt need it for silace he can by sowing an 85 or 00 day corn harvest it as a grain crop we must not forfcet that erj often a poor ha vear is a good com year true corn is an expensive crop to krou but when it comes to tonnage of digestible nutrients to the acre corn is still tops outlet for same beef saturdav mornings news regard ing the deal made- between canada great britain new zealand and the us where b a limited quantm of beef and some ork ill k irom canada to the old country m t- changt fo new zealand licztn beef which canada will purchase and resell lo tht us is the best news wi hivt haa since the us embargo was clamped on the amounts of produce involved would appear to be limited it should however temporarih rvtievt tin storagt situation in canada what is equallv important it indicates that l w pearsall chairman of the mtat board and otlur fctltial i authorities urt mikini nn effort u find otlu r m irkt ts for our n t t produtts to et nntnsati f r l tinipurarv loij t i tht is in irk t or roe and grade ilolsteln cows and nelfera hoes power machinery etc the und rslgned hive itceived instructions from stanlfl jay tt sell b public auction at his farm lot 12 con 2 twp of nelson nds 1 mile north of kilbndt 1 jme west of guelph line on wednesday may zl 195s l 2 o dock the following power machinery ajlis chilmtrs tractor model wd free running hvdraulies 3 ears old al 1l chalmers rotobiler used four seasuns allis chnlmtrs pto tde dehverv rake used 4 seasons alis chilmtrs model 60 allcrop nar- vtsttr used 5 vears m h no 21 1furrow tractor plow ihc 1wav disc 4 f cut ford 1ton pkkup truck new in 49 m h no 21 mower 5 ft electric clippers hit scuffler 1row 2 farm wagons walking plou other small articlc this is an opportunity to purchase tood power machinery reg and grade holstein cows and heifers mercedes texal antonia in full flow bred jan 16 nettie alcartra mercedes milking bred nov 21 echo mer- ctdts rac apple kcyes in full flow brtd nov 10 barbara wayne echo milking bred oct j4 shir- it wavnt miloxit milking bred nov 29 pollj wajnc scarlet in full flqav bred april 14 texal christmas rose in full flow bred feb 25 nellie sovereign a mak ing bred nov 27 connltha veimti dutchland a brtd oct- 23 pabst pansv bred dec 10 first calf du chland conlantha rag apple i bred nov 29 first calf velman rag i fav bred nov 28 2 reg heifers is veirs old papers dav of sale i rtg heifer calves papers dav of sil 1 rtg avrshire cow fresh at salt timt 1 durham and holsleln cow dut in june 2 grade holsteln heifi rs 1 1 vears old open 2 dur- him heifers 2 vears old open this lit rd sold subject to fedeml blood test vaccimtion papers with an- imils this is an opportunity to purehast choice well brtd datrv stock ill undi r 5 vears of age hogs posts 14berkshire hogs 11 wks old 8 york hogs 10 wks old 7s ctdar posts terms cish stttumtnt with clt rk div of s ile no rtsrv is firm is sold poets corner passing the buck uniwrsity professors such rnwness in a pupil 15 a sham ijirlt of prepirition in the high school is to blame hirh school pnncipils merciful heavens the boys n fool the fault of course is in the pub lie school public school principals from such stupidit ma i be spared thev send thtm up to rrn so iin prepared grade teachers kindergarten block hi id ind thiy call that prepjinuon worse thin none at all kindergarten teacher such lick of truninjv mr did i see whit sort of uonmn must the mother be mother poor helpless child hi s not to blarru hus fathers follcs ire just the same windsor d ul star 7m cctizd fodit saladff orahge pekoe harold mike coxe plumbing and heating eavestroughing sheet metal work phones 370r 451w price bros we will instal your laterals and do odd jobs phone 164w cettiitatfe canadian notional now often an attractive gift certificate covering train travel anywhere is any rail dettination or any amount you with on tale at all canadian notional ticket offices easy lo buy ecay to use a gift thafi ture to pleaia amy camaam htdhaal tum aoi will uhtuy ohw yw tvll ptwticuion canadian national thi omiv kauwaysltviho all uu rtoviucii b 4l hindley and elliott auctionet r d you teed k tuctn a combiht i sidecigget a hivlolbb 111 faor jritultural impltiiicnts and titccn helps fjrmers to pjv tor tlicm wliv nut sic miur nrarril u t m mjmir jhtiut c c j i arm lmproemcnt ltun fc 7 ftr vtmrsclf wbajf iini bank of montreal wotkiho with cahaoiahs in ivt w1k of un unci wo turn more production at less cost with modern equipment never before has a man been able to do so much work on a farm so quickly and easily new methods and modern mechanization have increased farm efficiency giving more production per worker at less cost uptodate equipment solves the farm labor shortage mechanized farming is the modern lowcost high output more profitable way to farm for more than one hundred years canadian farmers have found in masseyharris machines the kind of equip ment that saves time saves labor and enables full advantage to be taken of favorable conditions masseyharris company limited makers of high qualify farm lmplmwh sine 1847