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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 17, 1952, p. 1

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it victim l rcss y seventyeighth year no 3 acton ontario thursday july 17th 1952 eight homo print pages six onti 35skbjw damage 200 as making survey acton carscolhde this district da mn uc amounting to 200 ro- i suited on sunday at nbout 0 pm when ears driven by hnrold falk- ner and william anderson both it acton jildeswipod on the seventh line north of stewartlown and plan alterations to rockwood po marking a full century of pontal service to rockwood alterations will be made to the village- post office shortly standard post of fice lock boxen will replace the numbered call boxes the lock box n i- enjoying sparkling fresh water from the towns new water source is waterworks superintendent jack lambert shown here as pumps force the water into town mains and augment the original spring water supply that has been providing the town since the installation of the system in 1920 this new addition draws water from a 97foot well on the a hufnaget farm at the northern town limits no restrictions have been necessary in town the conservation of water during summer months prepare for hearing on equaliza of haiton procedure and methods were agreed upon by representatives of the 10 municipalitus in the county of haiton when they met before judge w n robinson in a preliminary hearing at the court house milton monday evening the county equalized assessment bylaw is being challenged by the towns of burlmgtin and oak die who lodged appeals before the county judge taking of r ldence is scheduled to begin on september 10 and each municipality will complete its case before another municipality will present its evidence it was agreed w all municipalities were represent- obituary ed by council on monday and each was also represented by members mrs h o boyes dies this week of municipal councils as well assessors george e elliott milton appear ing on behalf of c f leatherland who represents acton stated ac- following a lengthv illness mr ion voiced their objection when the 0 boves passed awav on sundav bylaw was approved of the appeal jt thl g general hospital being heard by the county judge was born in england august and the minister should be so not ified the minister would then have the power to select the mun lcipil board or a three man court to hear the appeal d mcconachie informed the court trafalgur had registeied such an objection but wi agree ible to the mun s ruling in the matter judge robinson outlined hi in terpretation of the law adding the bylaw selecting the hearing before the counv judge wls pulsed by a substantial majony of council 1 would sooner not be mixed up in this out it w as up to council tv decide whether the municipal hoard should hear the appeal 1 u as selected by b law to do a dut and i am prepared to do it his honor olwrvcd hughes cleav er for burlington was agreeable that burlington should be heard firs but asked the court to rule that all municipalities on rvouesi should submit a list of all salen for the past three years along w ith current assessment of the same properties he further suggested the hearing should do heard on schedule with an urban municipality alternating with a rural municipality the court agreed and council ap proved the order in which each municipality should present its case burlington will appear first with oakvillr second all council were of the opinion the appellants should present their cases first tfelson will follow with trafalgar appearing fourth the balance in alphabetical order bronte acton ksquejung georgetown milton and nassagaweya it was further agreed the county assessor should be heard first ao he could present to the court the principals and operation of the equalised assessment program in the county each council is to b content with hairing two expert witnesses such as valuators other than assessors during the present ation of their cases and a witness may also b croesexajnlned by each counsel present 1891 and came to acton about 12 ear ago from baildon yoi k shire england w hen mr bo es came to put into operation tlu wool combing plant here she has been active and kecnu m erected m the community and dumg he war period was secret ary of the blood donors clin- friend- here join m warm sym pathy with her husband horace o ots and her son jack of gait m the ion- they have vumauied the funeral was held on tue da afternoon with service at the victor b kumley funeral home conducted by rev archdeacon thompson mr bo es was a membe r of st albans angucanj church floral offerings au1 fnend paid tribute at the ser ice u a friendship they had lost in terment was in fuirwew cemeler the pull bearers were messrs p- walker t ware j ware m sym- on a gefvais and e footitl a staff of 10 men has been mnk- mg a wood lot inventory in this flection and r v brittnin of the department of planning nnd for water control and conservation iooy at the meeting on tuosdny evening i planned for the inner lobby area mr brittnin revealed that the sur- j te n screenlined counter with two vey showed 10050 ncren of plnnt- wickets of the open bank type able lond in this oreo land that the rockwood post office was would really be better producing trees and thot over 21000000 trees would be required if the program were carried through the group working out from ac ton and concentrating on a fivi phase study of the speed artd ero- mnsa watershed is also inter ested in the farm pond prourim and in the establishment- of small areas for fishing located not too dis tant rrom the cities and thickly populated areas georgetown and falkner wni pro cecdlng in the other direction when the accident occurred police estimate damage to the anderson car ot about 73 nnd to the falkner car about 125 office staff of beardmore and co holds surprise shower on wednesday evening july 0 miss shirley rolston was surprised at her home by girls of the office staff of bcardmore nnd co where she was employed after a contest the bride op ened her gifts and thanked the girls after which a delightful i mr brittnin drew attention to tho lunch was served i r that the survev and plans were those attending were misses i term projects with perhaps alice mccollum rota mcnabb not too much to show m jm ruby smith olga hyfiw stella mediate years but ho stressed the zajac ida archibald edith turner need for lhis fil to cnve th1 snde mclntyre and mrs sue mag- nnd lts productivity in as ood ea or better shape as when we cam- into use of it u was a very enlightening resume f the work carried on by the gov ernment and brought to the nttcn- tion or this group the need for the lut of 44 of haltons senior p cltlzcns was transferred to hnuon he thit we live from its bounty established first in 1013 nnd the first mail reached the town early in 1053 on the first train to travel over the c nr which was just comp leted that year tho letters then were token to the general store operated by rob ert pasmore the extensive alterations are to be completed some time this year switch in second source for acto water supply another step in keeping acton adequately supplied with water during the ho summer months as well as the winter season was switched i into action last week when waterworks superintendent j lambert start ed tut pump on the iilw wafer supply located on thea ftufnagel farm jtjst inside the northern town limits i tins comes as welcome news with many surrounding municipalities on stiictly enfoiceci regulations curtailing the use of water production j from the 07 foot well has been established at about iso gallons per minuto hut as yet the pump controls are manually operated eventually tho pumps at this well and the spring will be connected to opeiatc auto- i mahcalty as water is required from each source i at th new w source with its 150 gallon per minute rite ui equal last halyonite in home at brampton returns to county july 14 centennial manor from the peel haiton home at brampton on monday july 14 the haiton citiz ens returned to their homo county in cars and ambulances to take up residence at the manor that was officially dedicated and opened sunday july c by hon w a good- fellow capacity of the new county centre is 05 thanks of the club was expressed to the speaker by arlof dills piano pupils of miss o lampard given honors by examiner robertsrolston wedding solemnized at united church parsonage the following pupils of miss o m lampard atcm rtm were successful in recent royal conserv atory of toronto examinations piano grade vii honors christ ina lamb frank bean theory grade ii first class hon ors christina lamb theory grade i honors frank a very quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at the united bean church parsonage by the rev e j a currey when shirley caroline youngest daughter of mr and mrs lorne school james g rolston became the bride scene of shower of maurice roberts younger son of rid rdinc rdrtnu ta dc mr and mrs charles e roberts for brde groomtobe of london i the bride looked sweet in a dress of navy sheer with white applique and rhinestnne trimming t white accessories she wore a corsage of red and white rosebuds the bridesmaid was miss kaureen rob erts sister of the groom who was a happy time lome school last was spent at friday evening when a large gathering of people attended a miscellaneous shower for miss christine winfield whov marriage to jack gilbertson of ed- n mills tikes place shortly r l miss m burns lorne school teacher guest of honor at shower annual holiday there will he no issue of the dome num paper on july 31 to nllnm for the annual vacat ion the staff will enjoj one tucefcs mention from jul 2g fo 7ltif7ii5t 4 this year and any advertising scheduled for july 31 should be contained in the next weeks ttaue since it uill be he axtitnhlauout 77 business offices and plant tv iii be covd during this per iod its just one week and one weeks issue obituary funeral service for late d reid i mrs charles m davidson second i line held a miscellaneous shower j last wednesday afternoon at her home in honor of muss muriel burns the teacher of s s no 12 lome who is being married this saturday afternoon the mothers of tho school child ren together with a few friends gathered and enjoyed a happy time together games of bingo ond contests were ployed during- the afternoon the lining room was decorated prettily with pink and white streamers and bells and the gifts were presented there to the bride- tobe a lovely assortment of gifts for the new home were presented and miss burns cxpressod her sincere thanks to everyone aftt which mrs davidson and a few friends served a dainty lunch to the production at the original spring source south of town wllh the two supplies it is possible to produce 100 gallons of water xct minute or 10000 gallons per hour superintendent lambert pointed gowned in navy crepe with white davidson acted as chairman for the following numbers which were all enjoyed piano solos by ann wat- kins and charlcne marshall reading by mrs j c dennis and vocal solas by misses evelyn and marjory mc donald the happy couple were called to the front and mlss olive musselle trimming and with navy and whit accessories she wore a corsage of white rosebuds the groom was attended by the brides brother ronald nolston after the ceremony the wedding supper was served at the bride parents home to the immediate membeis of the brides and grooms read the address and the eifts were families i presented by several friends misses later the happy cmiplc left for eleada britton and lorraine mullln a few days in northern ontario assisted the bride with the unwrap- the bride travelling in a lime ping of the gifts the couple green suit with white accessories thanked everyone for the lovely upon their return they will reside gifts nnd short complimentary od in hamilton everton sunday weekend visitors recorded ll dresses were given by charles mckeown arthur swackhamer and i r l davidson 1 the ladies then served a bounte- ous luncheon in his 83rd year duncan reld of rr 0 milton died suddenly ot hlf residence on monday july 14 he was born in campbellvillc and moved to his farm r r 0 50 years ago he was married in 1d07 at milton to martha agncw who sur vives him he was a member of knox pres byterian church milton surviving as well as his wife ore two daughters laura mrs john woodcock pittsficld maine mar tha mrs lloyd stokes camp bellvillc two brothers colin sud bury and walter at homer a bro they william j of campbellville and two sisters mary mrs allan moore and jane both of camp bellvillc rev e orsborn conducted the funeral service on wednesday julv 10 pallbearers were jack salt ew- att mckinnon amos newell har old agnew r mcduffe and lloyd chisholm interment followed in campbellville cemetery limehouse hydro telephone effected by storm m r and m rs fred murray guelph were sundav visitors with mr and mrs wm head mus willa benham visited a few davs last week with mr and mr jack morrell guelph mr and mrs harvey jest in anl bobby spent the weekend with mr and mrs robert mccutcheon kitchener fndav evening visitors with m and mrs howard gilbank were mr and mrs jim brydun and christine toronto mr and mrs stanley stain ton toronto were weekend visitors at dhv home of mr and mrs charles fountain and family mr and mrs t d mccutcheon attended the freeman reunion near dundas on saturday some damage resulted from last thursdays storm a number of fnflt trees some shade trees and a chimney were blown dbwn and the district was without hydro for several hours one of the tele phone lines was also out of com mission recent visitors mr and mrs archie lee per of cobalt and misses grace and dor othy warren of charlton with the brock millers mr and mrs a w lane of toronto with his mother here mr and mrs gordon grieg and daughter and mr wm grieg f mrs howard was hostess to the brantford and mr and mrs w monthlv meeting of the ladies aid newton and margaret of barrie on wednesday evening july 9th m n mrs walter thompsm with 12 members and three visitor of orangeville with the russell present the meeting opened by thompsons singing hymn 582 the devotional mr geo spltzcr of toronto with was taken by mrs sunter report- tnt p fcpitzers veral committees were given the latimers spent church renovating discussed by group grooms father sister fly from england for erin wedding ceremony spring flowers decorated burns presbyterian church erin when annie christina thompson daugh ter of mr and mrs alex thompson of r r 2 erin was married to herbert fowler toronto the son of mr and mrs reginald fowler of doncaster england rev ai h valr conducted the afternoon cere mony on saturday july 5 the bride who was given in marriage by her father wore a ballerina length gown of powder blue satin with lace and a shoulder length veil she carried red rases the brides sister mrs r b kirkwood was matron of honor wearing a ballerina length gown t pink net over taffeta she carried cream rases and corn flowers reginald fowler of doncaster england the father of the groom acted as best man wedding music was played by miss jean ruddell and through he years was sung during the signing of the register by miss bella mae roszell at the reception held at the home of the bride mrs thompson re ceived the guests wearing blue dress with white accessories and a corsage of red roses she was assisted by the grooms sister miss mava fowler doncaster eng land who wore a dress of green musquetta with a corsage of red carnations guess attended from acton guelph and toronto with the grooms father and sister flying to canada from doncaster england especially for the wedding leaving with her husband on a trip north the bride wore a powder blue suit with white accessories having a second water source provides protection in case of on emergency should a pipe break in the milelong line from the spring to church and main streets the line could be shut off at the junct ion of the two streets and water supplied to the remainder of the town from the new source while repairs arc made council of 1950 started the search for an additional water supply and three holes were drilled one wan located near the wartime housing subdivision one at scene st and the third on the huffnagel farm the two holes that wore drilled were capped and might eventually be used if necessary cast of locating and putting the new well into operation li under 9000 while neighboring municip alities have paid as high as 80000 to locate a satisfactory source we enjoyed a drink from the well and it was quite satisfying water of the clear cold variety that seemed a little softer than the spring water actons water system has been carefully administered over the years since 1020 when the system was installed the water from the spring fills the reservoir and is pumped to the stand pipe on the cemetery hill the reservoir capacity is 50000 gallons with a 00000 gallon capacity in thestand pipe also located under the pump house on the cemetery hill is a reservoir with 120000 gallon cajj- acity for fire protection that was part of the original system installed at a total cost of 130505 limehouse garden plots have been judged eden mills many visitors in community area irish muts is one of the mdutn peculiar to prince rupert island of for various entertainments in the church also discussions took place on renovating of the church in general the scripture lesson prepared by mrs bulloch was given by mrs sunter a piano solo was given by mrs aitken and a contest by mrs struthers the meeting closed j with prayer by mrs howard after thi prairie crocus is the emblem which dainty refreshments were of manrtoba acton band host to over 300 bandsmen at tattoo sat acton citizens band will play host to more than 300 bandsmen on saturday night when at least 10 bands will be on hand to participate in the annual band tattoo a parade ot bands is scheduled to start at 7 pm from guelph st his honor pointed out that all during the hearing each municipal ity will have to justify their assess ment air cleaver sujtgested the hearing might be shortened as he felt the appeal was chieqy between the four southern municipalities while those la the northern portion of the county would appear as ob servers served by the hostess and commlt- tee in charge mui joan and masters john and sherlock aitken are holidaying 1 with their uncle and aunt rev hugh and mrs moo rehouse at pet- j rolia mr and mrs el wood jackson and i edna spent a few dayi at sudbury mr and mrs george d robertson i visited over the weekend with mr and mrs harry alton at penetsng mr and mrs arnold sunter gall down mill to main to knox ave to the park where there will be massed band numbers bugle and w pipe band displays individual band and durtnrof niagara vails spent selections and a fireworks display tne w with mrs g sunter floats will be an added feature at and miss b baldlc this years tattoo with shout ten mr austin mccutcheon visited different ones expected nhwm over the weekend with mr and report the burlington band a 00- piece group complete with drum majorettes and a color guard will be on hand for the evening per formance acton band making their first appearance since they captured top honors at the waterloo if wie fes tival may play the test piece that won them- that honor mrs alvln mccutcheon at guelph mr and mrs george grundy and family and miss donna john son attended the orange celebration st shelboume on saturday miss dianne nicholson spent n few days with her grandmother mrs graham in guelph miss zorra klooster spent last week with her brother and family i mr and mrs dick klooster erin i the week nd in hamilton mr and mrs e sanford and bilhe left sunday for their cottage at waubashene the annual congregational and sunday school picnic was held at stanley park erin on saturday a good time u reported by the 55 attending mrs f t c brown and miss ruth brown attended the brown ridge reupinn in he agricultural park at brampton on saturday mr a c bourne has joined ii hydro construction crew at massey ont for the summer lt r p bourne has left fr korestoloip his unit best wishes follow him wherever he may be quite a number from the com munity attended the public inspect ion of the haiton centennial manor on sunday patriotic main- msnchester universitys electro nic brain claimed to be the worlds most powerful has been taught to sing god save the queen the tune comes through a loud speaker but it is not a recording the brain is given a coded version of the score which lt interprets and then converts into waveform sounds the machine can also diagnose trouble inside itself and report ex actly where lt has gone wrong mr and mrs harold wilson and fimil of allistnn visited n the weekend in the home of the form ers parents mr and mrs will wil son aubrey remained with his grandparents for a vacation mrs nicholson of hamilton was a visitor in the macdonald home over the weekend lac and mrs fred mcntven and family of rockcliffe are spend ing their vacation m the home of mrs mcnlvens parents mr and mrs j a milne visitors in the home of mr and mrs w j lowrie on sunday were mr and mrs leg ballagh mrs ren- nle and mr albert burrows of guelph mr and mrs angus mccarthy of saskatchewan are renewing ac quaintance in this district lt is u years since they have visited in the east service in the presbyterian church was held at 10 a m on sun day with rev newton in charge a ladies quartette composed of mrs w mclean miss jean mclean mrs g macbougall and mrs r wright supplied the special music which was much enjoyed by till and highly commended by mr newton who asked them to repeat two verses sympathy of a host of friends of this district go to the wife and fam ily and relatives of the late roy rindlay the w ms met at the home of mn a w benton on thursday evening when mrs kirkpatrlck navy j read scripture and mrs mills led in prayer kathleen kirkpatrlck and kay norton sang two duets so com pan led by mrs h norton text word notion was answered by verse of scripture mrs benton read from the study book m4t the south americans and mrs gisby an article the new year members were advised to hand in articles of clothing for the bale by next meeting refreshments were served by the hostess after the meeting ross norton and billinglis left sunday evening for trie western provinces mr pargetcr of acton judged the school childrens garden plots on saturday the latimers spent a weekend m hamilton recently the james kirkpatncks spent the weekend in drayton diane shel bourne has been holi day mg with her sister mrs w brown at streetsville recent visitors mrs warrington of sharbot lake mr and mrs jack warrington of oshawa mr and mrs dainty and mrs l campbell of hamilton all with the a w nortons mr and mrs w thurston of mea- ford with miss swackhamer miss doris mitchell was home for the weekend from toronto aaais she is enrolled in the summer muste course mr and mrs jack smethurst and family of islington and mr and mrs c a grant and kenneth of stewurttown with mrs smethurei mrs ford and children with lira e karn provincial and municipal net ex penditures in lftso in canada ex ceeded 91iloo000000 brothers represent eramosa in korea the first two soldi re from ra- moss township to reach korea e two brothers harold and dobaal robertson sons of charl robt- son r r 4 rockwoodf the fcrhr enlisted about ysar ago with aaw other brother jack who exbaoted to go to korea with them but is till in canada for tralnta letters home have mentioned tw poverty of japan tho unfortutttle condition of children was tparlalfr mentioned korea thsy say la mm and dusty both the soldiers are lane corporals after promotions m tt korea

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