Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 17, 1952, p. 6

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baos bdc the acton free lre acton ontario thuilsday jljtv nth ibs n s stil a k i n a c i k t i f i c a t i s ottomamus 58 st georges square guelph formerly occupied by mr e p head compum eyesight service mrs w masales hostess to wms th- nkiilor meeting of knnx church worn missionary so ciety x held t the home f mm weiley micji on thunsdny after noon wllh the president mrs ii mnilinrixo vresldln mrs allan smith read the scrip ture followed by prayer by the president mm ii- i hermle and mrs hubert oltara save an informal milxx on an international topc here and there with our presby terians it proved not only inter- csllnll imt niont informative and j wider unowtedno of wms woru was acquired by all mift nellie anderson spoke lirlefly on her recent trip to the ieace hlver district after the closing prayer mrs masales and hercommlttce served a cup of tea and a social half hour was enjoyed by all acton taxi and snack bar 10 miu st w phone 260r 24 hour taxi service our cars are radio dispatched out e town trip a spaclaky phone aor for prompt eourraou tarvlea appraisors realtors insurors f i wrifht office m wilbur st aetan phone m n b wrifht office 69 maedannrll sl guelpb phone 49i5w yes we have others as well as small holdings and building lots everything you need for presto cookers 1795 and 2495 pickling crocks of all sizes symon hardware mlusr aden looking for a home hebe is another of our personally selected homes in ac- ion consists of five rooms with bath on fine residential streot close to the two through highways and to the business district this house was built only a few years ago when good materials were plentiful by an expert builder for his own well insulated and very easy on fuel if you are look ing for something good easily operated well equipped make an appointment to see this at once confidential ex clusive listing wellbuilt sevenroomed house on an exclusive residential street convenient to business and industrial centres new furnace sun porch hardwood floors bathroom downstairs also bedroom downstairs and three upstairs large hall could be used as an office nice sitting room and dining room well equipped modern kitchen hot and cold water good garden double garage also a stable always kept in good state of repair wright real estate and insurance canning get ready for the berry season with preserving kettles 175250 rotary sieves 100295 j cold pack canners 295350 j onuru ttltry mmi kjv hueh the jiiinul ontario pauhry and llvi stiwk cnnforonro won hiltl at thi ontnrlii aifrlculturnl callotfi guelph july to 10 jncliulvo juriulna by whnt we smw ami hiunl on tin mii nftrtttcum wi wit in attmritmce mim of our halton pro ducer should hove been prcjumt included in the protfrnm won not only lending nuthorltleji from ninny porta of cnnndn but also from various point in usa the whnlr pronrnm would appear to have been so nuutandine that from our view point it ik mojit unfortunate that it ahould have been held at an busy a jtensnu no doubt there arc very nood reumnn why the conference u hiw nt this time of year but in the flnil analysl it menrut most of iw will have to bet the hlahlluhbi from the farm presa on the wednesday afternoon we were present the poultry people wero in tesnl nn in mmwy hall and the nddressei centred around the turkey xlluntlnn turkey nutrition and new developments in turkey production and marketing- all of which no doubt was very much worthwhile hut we attended the session in memorial hall which incidentally was filled almost to capacity for the address of dr w g kammlade of the university of illinois who spoke on some aspects of grassland animal agriculture hit address centred around acme of the experiences and experiments in the development of socalled marginal or sub marginal lands in the southern part of illinois it is in this area that the dixon springs experimental station is located thln station contains approxim ately moo acres vary inn in topo graphy from level to slopes of more than 15 per cent according to the speaker no ef fort is made to crop slopes that are steeper than d per cent which means a nine foot rise in one hund red feet slopes over 0 per cent are in their opinion best suited for forest use we were interested in the speakers statement there an no marginal or sub marginal land- if they are put to the use for which they are best adopted erosion control their studies of soil and water losses have shown that the best land use for erosion control relntei to some type of grassland agriculture under their conditions of topo graphy and rainfall in southern ill inois the speaker itated a plow layer of soil would be lost in from 20 to 25 years under the usual till- age me hods under grassland type of nirietilture it woum take from three to eight thousand vears to lose that sune amount of oil 7iporfnrire of crop residues according to dr k imi id when crop residues were removed n a 5 per ecu slope soil losses were a fi tons pit acre with corn and 0 7 tons ptr acre with winter wheat where the residue- were returned the soil losses were 1 fi and 4 1 ton- respectively these are hut a few of what o u were- most interesting comment- in this out standing two hour addres- the livestock situation we had rather looked forward to hearing an old friend in the person f i w pearsall chief of the marketing service for the canada department of agriculture how ever important matters elsewhere prevented mr pearsall being in at tendance however his paper was very ablv handled by s c barry his nssiiciate in introducing the subject it was pointed out that for the flrst time in canadas history we have no export outlet for our beef and pork until the past few verrs the great bulk of our livestock products went o great britain since lflso sjxtv- flve per cent of our exports have gone to us and only lor to great britain most of us have been under the impression that the loss of the british market was due to a short age of dollars with which to buv our products in part that may be true but we personally were sur prised to learn that during the past five years britain has been spend ing 650 million dollars a year in canada in contrast to 3s0 million dollars a vear during the five year period prior to 1030 one imporant factor repons for the lav of the brill h market s the high price of canadian agri cultural products in relation to the price of the same products in other parts of the world the real crux of the situation is that britain nui t have raw products for her re arm ment program large surplus of pork and beef our hog marketings to the md t june are onethird higher than a year ago some t7 million pounds of pork hav been canned and to date it in storage riot sold in addition some 15 million pounds of pork is be in a held in storngc in the form of wiltshire as a result of the four way agree ment recently made between can ada great britain new zealand and us a market was arranged for 60 million pounds of beef of this amount nearly a0 million pounds would be nn the wav to britain by the end of last wpek with heavy runs of both hoes and beef anticipated this v fall it would seem that we are far from being out of the woods yet foot and mouth outbreak the outbreak of foot and mouth disease in saskatchewan last feb ruary involved only 2 premises and nome 1300 head nf stock tim i in luelf doesnt amount to very much but the consequent loss of the us market is the serlmu furt- or romlntf as it dues at m tlrnt when we have llttl other export martrtl virmp afcmelatutt t hue ywulfht mmllnr the halton crop improvement association under the leadership of president c v picket u atattlritf a twilight meeting it th farm of itoht a llurren ft bon on the guelph line one mile south of canplellvlllc on tuesday july 2 on this farm are located rehllcated tests with some h varieties of oats anil n similar number of varletk of barley prof jan lnughlind of the ieil or field hushhudry at the oac has promised to be in attendance o lead in the dlhrtthslon of these var ieties in addition dr itnbl weir in chhrfic of forage crops at the same institution will address the meeting which will get under way at 7m pm poets corner fir ive it from me a poeu corner to scorn when rhymlntf u pirl of my tlrehmlntf a wee till of spare for llneji that lire ixirn would leave this poor aujlhoress ihiamluu- holiday memory s i know a place nmonu the hills where laughter echrves till day lmitf wlure the casnidlng water spllh into the lake with rippled sotitf h i know a place where tanglid fin went are subject to the vagrant bee where gentle tfreamlhtf and the houro are inst together endlessly i know a place when beauty dwells in the lost weedsweet profusion and bird-mil- ir in volume swells kre it fades in sweet conclusion i know a place where god is near in the quiet of a woodland plot when the stars peep througl and winds veer ami peace and fun are nlifpiot mary nielsen vmx wheal llarveat iti prrrewi binders have been in action in all sections of hat ton during this week as a matter of fact in the lower end of the county some fields of wheat were in slunk the end of inst week the acreage in tall wheat in this bounty is only about 60 t of that in 1051 and in our opinion this years crop from a yield standpoint will not in more than 110 of normal there is some hessian fly in fact some of the earlier sown fields are crinkled down rather badly but in general the hessian fly damage is not nearly as bvid as a year ago ferguson claims top output role ferguson tractors have come oft u s and british assembly lines at a rate of better than one a minute eight hours a day every working day since the tlrst of the vear ac cording to horace dangelo execu tive vicepresident harry ferguson inc this output dangelo said believed to make ferguson the worlds largest producer of single model tractor venti illy 111- mhh model everywhere with certain modifications to better ndipl it to local fuel supply or operating con ditions despite high production the de mand for ferguson traciors con- litiues to exceed present output this is a tribute said dangelo to mr ttgusnns inventions which re incorporated in tin- fi guson traitor and unplrment wul which he sliccerullv defended in h ieciit kitijilmiii vs ford law suit education tnniiir people queried li the financial post strev- the fuiidi- mentil f h- that education like rhiv begjf at home thev might well have added says the financial 1ot that it should also continue m the home cii ic- of aiv school sysein in anv coimtiv often tend to consider the school the beall and endall of education forgetting that schools mainly instruct while it is the parents duty to educae soft ride low price what mora could you want heres a low priced lowpressure goodvear tire tha buy for thrifty motor btsl coll in today to tee the hs- utkxul new goodyear mara thon supercushion a low- pressure tire that ramlfr low priced i marathon csymsawawk of oua1ttv thompson motors john calmer plumbing heating eavestroughing tinsmithing prompt courteous service free estiaaates churcrl street phont 319w there are 7 members eountriesi in the international civil aviation organ izatlon which operate more than 00 per cent of the worldn in ternational civil mr transportation there are 22s teachers nf law in conada yeur horns u worth ortl pri lodayl you can save money by painting now and eliminating repairs and replacements its good economy to slop ihe damago beforo its too loto by painting this year wa do avarythlng in rha datsrahng butlnau call 275j or 299w for a free estimate moore rocher ontario department of highways geo h doucett minbr phone 69 monster band tattoo saturday july 19 in acton park bugle bands brass bands pipe bands burlington 60piece band in attendance including drum majoratta and color guard fireworks r a m n e parade refreshments ba entertainment panda at 7 pm fpllowad by tattoo in acton park to be held in arena incase of bad weather plenty of free parking space adults 35c admission students 25e

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