Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 28, 1952, p. 10

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the acton free press acton ontario thursday uoust th ims uneasy is the tooth that wean tha post office la being re painted thll week labor day next monday when anoai of us avoid a much labor u possible lbrene rosxell has been suc cessful in passuis her summer course in toronto rev charles d henderson of appln occupied the pulpit in knox church sunday momimf actons main streets were tfay with flacs when the swift current band paraded tuesday ovenlnff just three more days of aug ust two doxen days more of sum mer and four months before christ- quite a few men in uniform left on the exhibition bus for cmx on saturday to participate in the warriors day activities many picnics have been held in acton park during the lummer last week the nassaaweya w i held their meeting there w coles of acton marched lost saturday in the warriors day par ade at the cne with the veterans of the south african wars loud applause greeted the group linda mann beverly smith joe jany and bui greer were atuesbt of kate altken at the child rens day luncheon ini the raltlbow room coliseum at thtfftrmbltlol crawford douglas was auccessv ful in passing both his courses elementary b vocal and elementaiy b instrumental in summer school hld at harbord collegiate in tor onto t william coon spoke on the work of ajax engineering building radio and tv- towers cooling tanks etc at the meeting of acton rotary club tuesday he traced the progress of tha company during the last 20 yean harold mike coxe plumbing and heating eavestroughing sheet metal work phones 370r 451w 250 entries compete in annual r0ckw00d horticultural show mrs a b root prcsldem of the rock wood horticultural society officially opened the annual show in rockwood on saturday of last week at which mr brown of lora judged 250 entries mrs a j elliot secretary- treas urer distributed the prize to the winner in the children dais which included awards for posters bird house a collection of veget ables floral arrangement and a novelty in the evening at the conclusion of the show mrs alex kingsbury addressed those pruent in the ob- aence of the president a number of gladioli decorating the town hall windows and some that were exhibited were j old and the proceeds donated to the society following is a list of the winners in the various classes class 1 flouter asters individual bloom any color harvey laverty myrtle moore fred lambert asters 3 white or yellow h laverty m moore asters 3 mauve or purple h ijverty mrs chas heffernan asters 3 pink or red h laver- ty m mcoe asters display h laverty calendula 6 blrorru m moore mrs a b root mrs frank dean carnation- brms h liverty mrs a r root clarkia 12 stems m moon- cosmos 12 blooms mrs e m hoiking mrs wm gordon dahlias individual fred lamb ert mrs roy young dahlias 3 blooms fred lamb ert mrs roy y iung dahlias display f lambert gladiolus 1 hite or tinted m moore wilbt feeman mn f copeland gladiolus 1 rcim or yellow mrs alex kingsbury h lavew m moor gladiolus 1 pink or rose mis a b root bt in show- v7 freeman mrs f copeland gladiolus 1 d light h lav erty mrs e m hoiking gladiolus 1 red dark h lav erty m moore mrs e m hosk- lng gladiolus a o c h lavety second best m moore mrs e m hoiking gladiolus displav mrs e m hoiking mrs e mcneill any fol iage included larkspur 6 spikes m moore mrs e m hosking mrs fred moore marigold african 6 bloomi m moore h laverty marigold french 12 bloom m moore ii laverty nasturtiums display mrs e m tasking pans dspla h lawrtv mrs a kingbur pftuiu displav mrs y moore mrs f ixan mrs a n rio snapdragon b stems m m ore mr e m hoskmg suit peat 12 teiv m r c hiffrnan mrs f copeland nan sweet peas ipt mrs c f-f- fi man v f copel md m e i himkini znna h orru m o- mrs f coplnl m- f m ittvskirit zinnia- is- m moore v- m hovk h larrtv a o nu il m moore ms f m hiking h iawrtv dining ijbv arncrmont h laertv m m oe v freeman living room trjnfieme h la vert v mr a kcb- mr e m hosking class 2 ported plants african violet mrs wm gomoi mrs f moorv mrs chw ham begonia ftbrvu rooted mn j land begonia ofcage mrs e m hi king coleus forage mrs e m hus king dish fsidtn mrs chas hairs mrs f copeland fern mrs i land gennum r laverty gloxtnta mr e m hojkii brown mrs a j elliot m moore beans green 12 podsm moore mrs f moore mnf dean beets 8 f lambert m moore earl bolton cabbage 1 m moore mrs e m hosking carrots 6 m moore mrs c harris f lambert celery 1 mrs f dean mrs e m hosking mrs a b root corn golden bantam 6 mrs e brown f lambert h laverty corn aov 6 mrs e brown cucumber picking g mrs e m hosking e bolton w freeman cucumber slicing 2 w free man m moore mrs a b root onions dutch acts ft m moore e bolton mrs f dean onions pickling 12 mrs e m hosking m moore onions multipliers m moore onions spanish fred meadows e bolton peas 12 pods m moore mrs c harris e bolton peppers 3 red or green mrs c harris mrs f dean h lav erty potatoes early named fl m moore mrs e brown mrs e m hoiking potatoes late named 6 mrs a kingsbury f lambert mrs f dean pumpkin pie f lambert mrs e m hosking mrs a kingsbury squash mrs r young mr a b root mrs c harris tomatoes 6 m moore mrs f dean h laverty a o v vegetable mr w gor don mrs f dean m moore class 4 open to public school children two age groups a 10 years and older poster advertising show wiyne dean bird house john heydon collection of vegetables j hey don sheila hosking w dean floral arrangement w freeman s hosking gertie freeman b 9 years and younger poster- d kingsbury- collection of vegetables d kingsbury a brown k laverty floral arrangement d kings bury a brown novelty made from vegetables d kingsbury class 5 display of vegetables sprites by eramosa township m mnore mrs e m hosking mrs wm gordon basket of saba go potatoes mrs a kingsbury mrs c harris i collection of african violets h laverty church basket arrangement mrs a kingsbury m moore mr e j m hosking market basket ot vegetable- mr c harris mrs e m homing mj f dean bowling opening w ar our aluyt on saturday swanlng august 30 gat your foams llnad up and ittav your nattim with ut to assure you of a wlntars ntartalnment dua to incraatad oparating okpans wa find it nocotsary to ralaa our prle for bowling now prieas balng 35c for opon bowling and 20c for all laagua bawling pin boys wanted actoibowliiolaies movies are better than evergo to a movie tonighti acton two shows nightly continuous from 730 saturdays and holidays from 700 with matinees starting at 2 pm our candy bar has your favourite treat frisat aug 2930 lkxwxmloa 4 xatcllfvciajmjm i the battte that set the mtzona territory free iwmn rwiuf utim tuydmtogkebwheuui cvtda i sughtiy at sea i cai ka reducing iittle house new store locates in remodelled section on mill street j k h m i il m- kmiuti this laitk oponid 1m the mvtiin next to ipr 7f birtr shop tlv i iluihv ml hitiu hi ihm kk tfd in th- n il -v- l f a htt ls ft- h- j k c iiiur r mii h l- miiinu v- i iiialhis iuliikiinj thi- ijflc itiit- afnn thi- liiniin pruilucta j iincv hi- qiuktr rinr fnrnici iui p httcrn in lev as uii i murjtn pi il id varnlhof miori iiuniinj and hitinj omitrv vnoupnd the ntnii iija vporatcd b a ciirko i actun mijt markt cleabinc auction sale o rarnltar taals la lot eflalb- aaal ud haass and i an v i john sl mutoo on aov r livehy satumbay setrmbkat class 3 applet a mrs r younf mrs e u hosking mrs earl brown aov fruit mrs e brown mrs r moor at s oclock no rcstrva terms cash rboir lstcoa rraartaur bsans wax pods mrs x bj inndlev and ixtjott auetlonears labor day holiday preview sunday after midnite do montues sept 12 matinee monday 2 pm happy picture happy ikople cary grant bmrbmke mom fur one your added enjoyment kings of the outdoors odorabie kitty wedthurs sept 34 htfgflk- railroad spatial agent elephant moose no room for the cr00m jj births marriages deaths etc born hattrop podrlc and lurel arc very plciued to announce the birth of vlckj xlater vorla mturtfarot born thumdny auguit 21 1052 at ofltcvllltf trafalgar mcmorjal honpltal duuman uarbnra and keith durnan are happy to announce the birth of their daughter laur ie on sunday augiut 24 1052 at muton private hojpltttl b quinkll mr and mm bill qulnoll of actnp aro hoppy to announce the birth of a daugh ter on sunday august 24 a wee fllgtor for pat and teddy robeittson mr and mrs ken koberuon tnee anne starubury toronto are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter on augiut 23 1052 at the oalcvjlie- trafalgar hospital oakvllle oikd mccann at the residence of her biter mrs eliza coffee on sun day augiut 24 1052 itose anne mccann in her 72nd year daugh ter of the late mr and mrs pat rick mccann and dear afstcr of mrs eliza coffee it r 3 elorn joseph r h 1 rockwood james guclph requiem high mass was at st peters u c church orotic on august 27 interment in o its tic r c cemetery moore at his home 401 st cle ments ave toronto on friday august 22 1052 willinm john moore husband of the int isa bella ensterbrook deor father of anna jessie mrs chir mor- drn welland late of the hnlion union farmers mutual fire ins urance company funeral servicew7ut held nt his home and at st dnvids presbvter- lon church campbellvllle on mon day augiut 25 interment sl davids cemetery b in mkmoriam reid in loving memory of mn robert reid who passed away aufiust 2fl 1051 god took her home it was his will but in our heart she hveth still sadly missed by the family mason in loving memory of a dear husband and father mr tom h mason who passed away august 30 1050 nothing can ever take away the love a heart holds dear fond memories linger every day remembrance keeps him near always remembered by wife and family patrick in loving memory of our dear mother mrs sarah patrick who passed away sept ember i 104g six years have passed since thai sad day when one we loved was called away god took her home it was hls will within our hearts she liveth still the family ware in iovihl memory of barb- ara ware accidentally killed september 1 1951 just when your life was brightest just when your yean- were bost you were called from this world of sorrow to a home of eternal rest the years may wipe out many things but this they wipe out never the memory of those happy clays when we were all together always remembered by beattic and bobbie wantads latest tote wou inskjetion 4 tm wednesday rates ho charge for announcement of birth marriage death and engagement in mem or lam 50c plu 10c per line for verse article for sale rent etc 2c f word minimum cash s3c if otld until altar insertion 50c box no to this office 18c additional coming events 10c ptr count line 30c minimum card of thanks 50c for sale for sale kitchen cabinet and studio couch apply 34 young si acton a for sale for your 1052 hon ey call bert dodds rock haven apiaries phono 284j4 a for sale 2 washing machines one bcatty and one westing house e van norman phone 248 a for sale apples pear plums grapes alfalfa seed w bousfleld and sons phone milton 284r4 a83 for sajle clover honey 20c lb in your own container colin maccoll 42 cameron phone 184w a for sale oil burner cook stove with water front consider small quebec heater in part pay ment 4 mill st a for sale range black and white coal and wood also quebec heater and ladys bicycle phone 271m 157 main st s a for sale kitctten cook stove pandora in good condition with reservoir and water front 210 arthur st phone 355j a coming events this office cannot be responsible for conflicting dates of events anniversary services balhnafad united church sunday september 7th a office open daily for enrolments at the robinson business college milton telephone 550 b04 dance friday august 20 d p m milton fair gniunds miliars orch- citri pri7es admission 50c aus pices halon agricultural snci i i w feature aconomy speed and tarvic what more could you sjtktcomo in to so ui toon for advice and an stimala do if fo- dayl yj i won 10 fhczatt a- wwtccju for sale seed wheat daw son- golden chnff good sample al so rye good for fall or early spring pisture r n brown phone 191j2 a for sale seed wheat treated ready to sow government sealed for your protection tcr 1 cornell 27 bus gordon leslie phone rockwood 01rl2 b82 for sale cornell wheat gov ernment grade no 1 seed eligible for registration 225 bushel bring bags hugh m reid r r 2 ac ton phone erin 52r42 a for sale lot go x 200 with foundation and water servico in stalled in zone 1 on main stect north t h ferguson 57 cordova ave islington toronto ib a used cars 1051 plymouth 1040 austin 2 1030 dodcci 1030 plymouth 1038 pontine 1037 plymouth 1037 nosh ballentine phone iw wanted wanted j small reed organ state condition not a dealer re plies to box no 06 free press ta wanted responsible yountf lady or woman to manage rachlln jewellery store apply b d raeh- lin m wanted young man for full time or high school lad for part time apply by letter only to rachllns clothing help wanted part time agent to sell lower coat automobile in surance- contact pet ho iniurane agency cooksville 615 b wanted young man 1722 for laboratory work some high school education required apply by let ter to p o box 488 acton t wanted clerk for store single girl preferred good wages steady employment chana for ad vancement experience not neces sary write box 137 free press a dead or disabled anim als wanted cows horse hogs phone guelph 3334 collect for immediate service wm laino operating for gordon young atf highest prices in ontario for dead disabled cattle and horses positively guaranteed call ontorlo rendering company col lect acton 85 georgetown 072 or guelph 2j14j atf coast to coast motors acton for sale oioinf to ill health we are forced to liquidate our entire stock of new and used cars trucks and tractors new international trucks 1052 hudson wasp sedan new 1051 meteor coach 1950 austin sedan u 1047 plymouth sedan several low priced used trucks and cars 1 farmal m tractor new 1way disc for ford or ferguson tractor l new threshing machlne2ji40 with grain thrower and shredder thos e hewson phone 332w georgetown b for sale 1047 mercury conch 1047 chev conch 1046 ford conch 1041 ford coupe 1040 dodge conch 1030 dodee sednn 1051 meteor sednn 1040 mfrcury ton pickup mnny older models nt iuduced prices kahja motors salfsand servict i phono 519w milton ont i am looking for a young man around nineteen for importunt coast to coast circulation promot ion previous selling experience not essential as successful applicant will receive personalized training in door to door selling plenty of opportunity to diiplay initiative and take increasing res ponsibility early promotion with above av erage earnings based on geierouji commissions and monthly bonus plan arrangements will be tode to interview each and ever applic ant who replies providing you hve stated your age education previous employment if any fam ily background etc to box 141 free press a for rent garage to rent phone 335w corner queen and welling ton sts a for rent three rooms and bnth upslnirc suitable for couple phone 20ir a for rent two furnished rooms complete with ail conven iences 30 00 monthly 81 bower ave i miscellaneous piano tuning and rep lira c w trickey m john st bramp ton phone i576w a86 cress callous salve re lieves quickly your drufljrurt bella cress corn salve for sure relief too a3tl washer repairs holll parts complete overhauls ernisa radio and electric georfetown phone 465 roxy theatre bld atf sewing machines salas and servile repairs to ajl makaa ernies radio and electric phona 43 roxy theatre bldg george town atf kitchener upholstery have your chealertield suite reup holstered for as little i 00 re- flnishing and slip cover work for frompt and efficient service eau 03 alton one weeks service m piiemium stallion foil service til- 1 rrhirnn sullum thrmn juil 1114 criny a mmimi it no lmtm is slimlni fur iriu at lot j iiiihissnil t hsijui mi ir nr- r iiii tnetits m t tie inul- t ser vile ti irlnk ivi i liirdor siiiii mill ui mliirlm ti132 exkcitors auction sale livrlnek implrmriiu tractor kiiulpment lloiikdiolit i urniture in kun the p i i m f 111 i7t htvrnt mckjtkh k will l li 11 hmimsllkt nlltrmiifii 10 m ills lil r siil ni lot 1 7 ie fun hindi ky and eliioit i auttl in ii now is the lime to i if you s ml i lie in est itiliih ullf in i tin- 1 ss if tir ai h j reil itnre if vmi ir i re ihe man 111 r v irs f i i i have u iir siu i in make x tllnt nuiney mil st uuiirt mnr i you i i ti t iiel capit i ir jirtvlou llitti iihi inn in h ili kant w i k i iltnik prii jiat furni- i in ii- fur full p t i il is write i dept da the j t w ir im cu io s- ri h st mntr a personal farnworth memorials meammenta al madarau prices cemetery lettering elan k at caaaaury atikura ont skinny girls get lively curv es gain 5 tn 10 lbs m pep try famous health and welilhtbullder 0strex tunic tablets introductory tfetacqualnted sise onlv 60c all druggist b auction sale of iiovhehold rtjenitvmal the property of m1hh winnlfiub ivawa limehousa batvuiay sale list next week s frank pbtch auctlorterr

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