page four the acton frm press acton ontario thursday september 35 1m r cecil a carr optometrist guelph b douglm si ti 1091 guelph on speedvau ave eatl at north city limit fris sep 2627 double feature ma and pa kettle on the farm boys of the city east side kids mon tuet sept 2930 the scarp john ireland mercedes mccambridge f1rt shew al oaak always color cahoon and news children s flaycrounjd i 2 shows nightly eais or clult i children under 12 yemrt free ilmehousi visiting minister at limehouse church ilcv w j lnnc of yellow oritm sank a delegate from vila ir i liytcry to the rcciril unluil ihurtli i nnfer nee in hamilton won with itov a cnliler in the pulpit on sundny and dreached the rmnn he nlno biptlaed how mary and fnderlclc laurence mnall children of mr nnll mm rluuelt metlonnld during the weekend ho vbtlli cl relative in the neighborhood and renewed to hood ncquntnlnnn whlh slnlnt with the a w ijenton mr nnd mri nl slvcr and mr tic slvir of nerlte mich nfient n few dnyn with the s wrights mrs slur n mnunini for t lonfl r visit with lier slster mr ate wright is home from toronto mil mr anl mri wm wright iliir vlsited there mr and mn j a smelhunt nnd john of islington ver with his mother an sundm family reunions were held it mr nnd mn willir llnham a for the clivton lonrtrut family and u mrs line n for hers in order to visit with itev w j umo a short time mr sam gbbv sang two solos during scrucis at limohous church on sundm large bouquets of gbdiolt don ated by mr a thornton decorated the front of the church miss doris mitchell w i homt- from toronto for the wcekind mr and mrs nelson line mr and mrs jim young ind ic son of toronto vlsited mrs jonathin lane on sunday the boumo s spent a few davs at muskoka recently little thomaslne sutton celeb rated her eighth birthday on thurs day by entertaining the girl pupils of her school and other friends the guests were kay norton eilcin and diane shelboume birbori curne dorothy klrkpitnck trity scott gloria latimer linda and hoither clarke dixie and glom jones jo patterson cirol lawson nnd nnt burns of glin wililinv b will offtr 24 hour service next weel beginning on sunday and following through to the following saturday undtr trie provisions of the town by 4ewsemgthehoursof sale of gaso line m a ton m fietdotuu jvaed of acfonln vliillng out of town polntt tind of vttitor in acton homai amtmibslhi many vbdlora attend ing ailmt fair wire tin following mr john smith of ortll mt teetl uny f dundiui mi lohn kiiiiuj gmlpli mr wiildlt of chorgitown mki mmthn orr of toronto mr li n wonli n of toronto mr o i i slli of mcwurttown mi n ii mtlfcmnlil uf atulph mi cotdon meli mi toionto mi nliih llymh of loronti miss prihu gollop of norvnl mis pil sinclair of weston mi fnd william of toronto mrs thomas kilty tf toronto mr n brown of geoigetown mr and mm a snipi ginlph mr oniric meleod of toionto mrs alex mcdonild of toronto mr richard harm of ii tick wood mm uny mcdourill nnd roddy of woodbridge mr ind mrs frank cook toron to mr nnd mrs roy drown of tor onto mr and mm bui pearson of tor onto mm robert footitt of george town mr h g edwirds of george town mr george blshop manitoulln islmd mr ind mm arnold mirshill guelph mrs william mcliughlin of guclph misses jin ind anm lindsiy of toronto dr md mrs j c lindsay of tironto mr ind mm fred williams of toronto mr and mrs harry noble of toronto mr and mm george agncw of toronto mr ind mrs tollie solmon of toronto mr and mrs james mann brampton mr and mrs william robertson of toronto mr and mrs t d mcculchcon of everton mr and mrs norman brown of georgetown mr and mrs gordon huffman of himilton muss ini white and mrs alfred butcher oshawa mr ind mrs roy lambert and famil of drayton mr and mrs ken ihrnilr and judith of erindale mr and mrs j c currie jimmj ind donild of gait mm ii switir ind mr g ort sit7lr of strittord mr audre blindford ind mi- r v ml of toronto or ind mm kenocy of m iple c rt t k siikatchi w in mr gtorgc dutchburn and stan- it of paris ontirio mr md mm a t brown of hal ton ctnunnnl minor mr ind mm- gordm huffman md bnnda of hamilton mr nnd mrs frank browning of toronto md miis ettir dius mm da id johnston and twins kirin and brian of guclph mtt ida near mr ernest near tnd mr bob ntar of toronto mr and mrs iain sillars and mm george elliott of milton mr and mm clortnce price and mrs hattie price of hamilton mrs brill and mr and mrs don vjii norman and brian of guelpi mr and mrs colin mcnabb al- iu hlran llaud locke sound ba- hmuu mrs h e sutcliffi of br bndkt taing at th honu of g 1 1 uinu mix klnti r lurry of llruntfnnl liiih bun vitiitluu with u f wlxti r muh m luiiiu tl v 1 limit of mih a llumllton ni pit im il to know hi him m titrm d tionit fioin tin hohpltnl muh jiihii olui of mrutfnrl itpi nl tb w 1 k 1 twl ut tin litiinn of mi nnd mim tnd cob a mki don m luff of imonto pi nt tin i 1 k 1 nd wllh mr anil mrs nix id 11111m in ai ton mi ti ink hiilim h u it i iihh in i 11 n p itli nt in loinntn iiniiil ii u pit il foi hi imitvi 1 k mr ind mrs cir smmn of to 1 unto wi ii 11 1 1 nt vl 11 tori with mi ind mr ii t john iltm mr ioiu i llintt nliirnid to loronto tblk unk to nth nd tb onlnio colli fi of mm ntlnn mi and mm i it k hirrli of oil spiings tpi nt tin week ind vith mi nnd mm frt d mcarlhm mi w f uninlin ml 11 t vnn himlln un of toronto visit d with mr ind mm n l lohnilnn miss it an robt rt on hxs ri tunic i to i ondon whtrt sin ls vnrnui tl it tin univimlty tr wcrti ru fjn- irio mnvor mil mm gtorjp king of mlsm spt nt tht wt ek end nt tin hoim of mr and mrs j u mnc arthur mr nnd mrs i adnmnlck of tionto nit cliirc hillock visit t d with mm ptter snyers over the wdk end mr lino bnlth his begun his ttond eir in chcmicil engineer ing it the university of toronto this week mm jack gilbert his returned to london nfter spending the past week with mm a hamilton church st beginning his fourth yeir in civ il engineering nt the university of toronto on tuesday was mr john birr of acton mm robert meenery ind son blake of frin spent the pist week it the hoim of her pirents mr and mrs fnnk holmes mr md mm allin lclshman and children or huntsvlllc visited with their pirenls mr nnd mm c lcishmin list week mr ind mm j sonh ind fimily of niigiri fills new york visit ed this week it the home of mr and mrs w beitty mr ind mm fnnk buchanm ind doug of combtr visited this wtck it the home of mr md mm r h elliott bower ave mm frtd crewson ind divld of wtst flimboro spent 1 few days 1est week with her pirents mr and mm fetterly guelph st mr d wight hiyvtn ind mr criig ainslie of comber visited during the week at the home of mr md mrs b h elliott mm n l robertson of montreal quebec his been visiting with mr nnd mm r d manning and at tended tht fair last weekend visiting with mr and mm how ird allison on sunday were miss kathleen hutchison miss mary birnum and mr reg kenney of toronto mr ailx m campbell buffalo n y mr and mrs edwin morgan and children spent the week end at the home of mr and mm norman robe rtson mr ind mrs gordon mckiy mr md mrs hirold w insbrotih and i n ire of toronto itundtd the h ur md pint tlu d iv w h mrs ml n smith mr 1 id mi i o j hnstt n li u l i ttiin ti fiom m ijht d i tup t th th us md i i md ail ii md uk m hint mis vtinnnt new iritnttlhr inittjt thn s miv 1 r tin mcc irtnt i f i id mith vimmmtr i 1 ind his b n nig with mm c d ii i m fir eeril w ks iiui at t 11 i th fur bittird iv mis- j mt scmtt of toionto who wis tin splikir it tht iir sidi sund i 1 ining in st mbin pin h hill w is the gut st of mr ind mr m colts during her nj here mr md mm w mcltod ind mr ind mrs t wood of toronto mr ind mm a williams mm j el u rton mm ii scott md patsy of gtorgttmn lilted miss e hiw thorn t aftt r spending six weeks in guelph general hospital as a result of 1 fnctured leg moster boboic diwson spent i week with his grandpinnts mr ind mm fred merthur befort leiving for hb honu in oil springs mr md mm andrew meleod and son billu of scarborounh mrs mar bauldry and diujher baibiri mr gu n flkin mrs dai mcltod ill of toronto mr ijkarin0 auction sale of towrr mitchluairy mob tutd 1ufitlluk mn ititdiixlumd hnv iitilvnd m mn tlotih fnmt hi nic uuithiru lo h ii by piiblh nui lion mil iuh farm on highway no 21 mill h imiih of pil nui 4 mill t iiitb of milt in on halllutal h townt 4th iinnim tn ing it i h o loi k stun d ml urn tin following iowhl ma ihnmiy 1 john i 11 ti 11 im i it 1 john mt 1 n ii it iiih in d t m both tru loi 1 in in bin 1 and mount t d i t m it butt 11 if piop hi d 10 fl om bin i lohn din 11 niiir ipr 11 i tt 1 11 ri ilkli 1 1 lohn i i 11 tint t r plow nuitinli il i john ut n u ft nutwi 1 inoiinti d 1 lohn u in r i lion iiilllvator filde di llvi ry 1 iki 1 t si 1 tlon pi d bur iiiw 1 ii 1 trii llippem spring t th i nltlv it ir john di en rub in i th d gi tin drill ill m k hint r pr 11 lit il i v iiiw insitli of list thn 1 vt us poultry 1 juiptni nl clovi r id il 1 trie pump truck now tires white wa h jpniv 1 h trlt fi tut r oiin milk enoh r w eshing 1 tkt clinrt iloy milking mnchlni units nui piping milk palh sliovt w tool t s iws etc hcxs ii york chunk i about lentils 11 york chunlcs about 100 i us 12 york pigi 10 wnks old 1 york sow s bred l york hog 2 vt irs old d acres of good corn n tht field if not previously sold furniturf frigldnlrc refrlg emtor 7 ft chasterfield nnd 2 eh ilrs walnut humidor coffee tible end table floor lamp desk lnmn smoking stand 3 chesti of drawers night tibles peg top style bed with mittress single steel bed with mittress upholstered bedroom chilm double wooden bed with mittress kidney shaped dressing t ible ind stool 1 bedroom rugs electric iron electric singer sew ing machine with cibinet nnd stool chrome kitchen set gurney cook stove store scales large dining room rug small dining room cufi record plnycr nnd records vacuum elemer electric electric toister child s sleigh bnby s rocking chilr pliy pen boys express wigon nnd tricycle bedding blinkets cook ing utensils some chlnn thor wishing machine no resem o is proprietor his told firm ind ls riving for englnnd terms cish settlement with clerk on diy of sale htndley and elliott auctioneers phone 19r3 rock wood ind 177j milton geo curne clerk b 11 2 slipper satin gown worn by bride at city church ceremony a in tly t till mliir welding took pi 11 1 si ph mbi r u cnrlctnii str el uiiiltdchlicclu jturoulo wliui mi ibn joy annh denrlng duughter of mr nntl mr hiirviy deiiring of firton was unltitl in miirrluge o alan malcolm mm of mr i ivie and tin lab rolw rt ouvb fonml 1 ii v i m klndlny offditrd i in brhle kivui in mnrringj bv in r fatln r nt tin t vi nlng 1 r nn nv a ii 1 owin tl in white miipih r satin fa hlnmrl with full ii ngth train mid flttrd bidln with bluh pointed mmuiiiu jnd illy polntid ib fv i 1 111 v r buttons on thr ifod an i li 1 v 1 1 nlinnri d dm q 1 1 u anm 1 tvb gown i bv a pt irt studdf d sttln julirt t ip it hi idi il n won in in irlonm g ild brnnrh vblih wa i worn hy in r grind im tin r in in r wfflfllng dny her fl t 1 f w n m idonn 1 bins rot an i t phnnotls mi wilinn thompmn wn bt th in iid j iwnod in 111 ic tnf ft f 1 with umffint skirt ind flltrd b liti with net yolk her flower wi n a bouquet of lilies rosy and b u helor buttons she wove i m itching flornl headdress i itth cirol denring cousin of tht bride is flower girl looked ch irming in i dress of yellow taf- fi tn with n mixed bouquet of flowers nnd mntchlng headdrftrs the soloist miss joyce green hi r h hu ill 1 inbrnldi red v i w is li id in pint 1 nng thu lordji prayer and during the aliening of thr register 0 perfect love rhi groom wiu bttrndrd by his brotln r raymond davie nit bt in in and tht ushers were frlendx harle stone nnd harold murphy iieuwluiuuiixiuiurjjiwfijcjn fall nhndt t ut mnuvit yellnw and roxi gladioli a rrptinn for v guilds w114 in id following tin e remony bt c ian hdon hull where thebrjdta inothi r r rt ivt the giirgbi shw host a gttwn f roue triple hr black picture hnt nnd rojte nnd blink iien ssorii nntl her eornuro w is pink rose bud tht groom s mother ajwlsted gaind in p ri jvlnkla hlur nyln t r p whllt ft ither hnt mitrhlntf itt sf rlm intl 1 eorsnye nf ro litnls t in bride s t ible wns etntrt d with 1 three tu r wedding rike indi i ibr 1 jitb till ahltt tip ri ind gladioli thi rnli hinged to i fiwn 1 ib ir bni ul brr an hnt and lir 11 t riij th ro inlc left for 1 hoin vnr f n trip to me y y01h atlinllr f itv ind vrglnli mi kb ai i riti r bill why did you beat up thit guv noh he insulted my girl bill all he said wxs that the dnnced like a icphyr bob oh i thought ho and heifer available now stove oil fuel oil cool oil new premium p0werized gasoline more pep more pickup more economical bills service station phone 35w residence 490 acton ado meat market 81 mill street telephone 541 more for your money in meats of quality rib boil beef lb 29c fresh sliced side sliced pork lb 29c bologna lb 29c har ld btatt mr and mm frn t st driji of himilton erc wt k end isit rs it tht home of mr ind mr gt orge fyyer ys men convene around big bonfire the fimt fall meeting of acton 6 men club look the form of a uiener roait on thunda st pt e mber 11 at the farm home of murvsell nellls about 30 members i ircled the big bonfire as gerrv candler led a sing song with hu necordion accompaniment the president forman lawrence asked for 100 per cent attendance at the first supper mocting and the program director elmer smith out lined the plans for the first regular meeting 1 acton fair is fane for another yew carlsbad cavern highlight of trip a piece of pitrtfied wood hand mad bather g ioda booklets c 1 r i d pictures and snapshots wiro bh mi aeton rotarians tuesday ev ening oj art padbuty spoke to them on his recent trip to the southern ates and mexico he stated carlsbad cave rn was the most impressive place he had ever ieen in his travels with its under ground stalagmites and stalactitloa formed through centuries mr padbury was introduced by president johnny goy and thanked by david dills two itotarlani were present from heapeler with advice for running ft fun fair gjsl double or nothing acton town hall stage monday september 29 at 8 pm all in all it s a show you won t want to mi with its fun music and cash prizes you ii look back with pleasure on your visit to maher s double or nothing program the dale again monday september 29 in the town hall at 8 00 p m sharp admission is free come early and be sure of a good seat appearance sponsored by acton united church sunday school w