Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 30, 1952, p. 5

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y thursday october nth 1m2 the acton free press acton ontario paob mi record attendance was recordedat the liberal convention in milton town hall on saturday night to choose a candidate for the next fedoral oloclion hughes cleaver on the loft present federal member for halton announced his inte nlion earlier this year not to contest another election delogates voted unanimously in favor of murray mcphail centre to carry the liberal banner in tho coming eloction shown at the right is president of tho halton liberal association james cunningham photo by pwrew m mcphail is liberal candidate suggest cleaver for senate jmunsaymcphnil 30 woi elected by jm overwhelming majority on the jirst ballot to carry the liberal standard in the next federal elec tion at the liberal convention to milton town hall on saturday of last week a motion was also unani mously endorsed that in recoffnl- tion of the lone and outstanding ervlce in the government hughes s cleaver burlington the present member for halton be appointed to the senate elected in 1035 mr cleaver an nounced earlier this yenr that he would not again contest the seat addressing the convention mr cleaver said when i felt i could mot fully carry out the duties as i should it was with a great deal of reluctance- i decided 1 would not offer my name for reelection this will be the last time i will be stand ing on a convention platform as your federal representative prominently contesting the elec tion of the candidacy were john kehoe burlington and reeve e r lauder oakvillc thomas a black- jock former mpp and william anderson both of oakvillc declin ed to stand after receiving nomina tions addressing the meeting hon walter harris minister of citizen ship and immigration dealt with the governments promises of 1w0 in the light of what had been ac complished he stated that exports the life blood of the country were increased by onethird since 1040 to 4000000000 more canadian goods arc now going abroad than at any other time in our history he said no other party can under take a platform such os ours com pare results and go to the people with as contented a mind we are doing our best to bring in a balanced population with the accent still predominantly british the minister sard he told the meet ing 37000 immigrants from the british isles will have arrived here by the end of 1052 the new liberal nominee is native of campbellvillc nnd is the secretary of the ontario retail seed dealers association he is the son of the late charles mcphail promi nent halton county farmer and was born on the farm near campbell villc which was deeded to his greo- grandfathor by the crown he was educated in campbellvillc and milton high schools he is an active member of st davids pres byterian church campbellvillc where he is sunday school superin tendent and a member of the ses sion he is a member of the mason ic lodge a f and am mr mc phail is married and has two child ren larry 10 and margaret eight ttockwood obituary rev r pickersgill dies suddenly rev robert w pickersgill of 57 barnes ave brantford passed away suddenly at his home on oc tober 13 mr pickersgill retired from the ebenerer arkell and eden mills churches in june after being there for 11 years he completed 10 years in the ministry last year born m leeds england march 30 irilft he was married on the isle of man in 1915 nnd came to canada in 1020 he has spent his years in canada as pastor of several circuits throughout ontario he lenes to mourn his wife one dniktitrr margaret it n of brant- foul gvxu lal hospital one son peter of port colborno nnd one remain- orton rr bn re j w oliver of rockwood conducted the funeral service in ebouent united church and was assist d bv rev mr pnton guelph rev mi ward guelph rev mr r ese etora nnd mr w shnn ebe- ttezer interment v a in ebemver comer ter the pnllbenrers u ere messrs geo thomas eliai eamerbrook s tonic- norrish arthur diamond el wood wilson nnd harlan wilson those who carried the manv txautiful flowers from friends and church organizations were messrs wm wallace lindsnv tolton stan- lev fulton inn tnvlor lome page and richard starkey visitors in many homes this week mr and mrs harvey dearing and murrav visited recently with relatives at appin and strathroy they were accompanied by mr- john jeffry who has been visiting them for several weeks mrs angus gowdv and miss helen gowdv von torono visited rccentlv with mr nnd mrs wm ballcntine mr archie handley has left for his home in eugene oregon after spending several weeks with lelames here mr and mrs james leitch and wee son jinimie guelph spent last vcekend vith mr and mrs ken leitch and creighton id mi s by bob pkank donl forfeit the beauty of your home remember that we carry everything fine in the paint line see u about it today i i 6r1hing in pvning j nuoktng os clrlo mr jv conk ctrr n mm i graham kitchener spent the weekend at their home hen mi and mrs twrt weeks and i guts visited recentl with mr and mis mnnell nellis nnd family of at ton i visitors during the weekend ith mr and mrs da e jest in weie mis cam mcdonald hills- burg mrs shaw weston mr and mrs vu armstrong toronto mrs george mcpherson grand valle mrs mugaret blick mlss morrow and friends of guelph mr and mrs percy kellant brampton lsited on sunday with mis john watson mrs james flanner fergus isitetl several das last week wih mr and mr norman cook mr i and mrs morris huxlev of fergus spent the weekend at the same home mr and mrs rikmu woods nnd bus of bel wood imted on sundav with mr and mrs j b hurd mr and mrs jack nepew brad ford visited on sunda with the former s lster mn james no ills mlss weslev ofthoynhill visitei sutnl i n thevikonige with re kil i and mrs ciirrev mr ind mrs john dolon t t onto spent the weekend with mr and mrs jesse heed we are sorr to report that mr willi im court nen sr is seruulv 11 we all wlsh him a speed rioerv arthur bolton dies suddenly much reffret was felt jn town last wednesday when word was received that mr arthur bolton passed away suddenly at a nursing home in guelph the late mr bolton was in his 74th year and son of the late mr nnd mrs gcorffe bolton sr who were former residents of rock- wood the deceased had been confined to his bed for some time as a result of a stroke which af fected his side rrom the hip down the funeral took place friday with a private service at his late home rev john w oliver in charge followed by service in the united church which was jaraely attended by relatives and friends and interment in rockwood cem etery beside his late wife the for mer mary ethel peach the pallbearers were messrs wm b royce stewart s royce wilberi patterson alvln b root charles thatcher jesse gordler honorary bearers were messrs george h pearen and charles h harris flower bearers wore two granddaughters leon a and joyce bolton nephews george osburn roy osburn lloyd osburn and basil parr he leaves to mourn his lass one brother george nnd two sisters mrs wm b royce rockwood and mrs fred osburn fergus besides numerous relatives and friends some of whom were from fergus alma dundas guelph kitchener and acton two sons earl at home and elwood and one daughter doris mrs e mninprlxe acton several floral wreaths bore sil ent testimony to the high esteem of the deceased at the churches sunday morning at the presbyt erian church the sacrament of the lords supper was observed which was well attended rev fred wil liamson officiated one new mem ber was received into fellowshin with the church preparatory ser vice wxs held friday evening at st johns church sunday af ternoon laymens service was ob- served mr thomas c winlow nnd mr george elliott road the sciip- ture lessons rev ralph e price gave the address also nt the un ited church sunday evening fol low ing devotional service a sound film the kings man was shown on the screen with mr thonns pounding the sports beat i with a vtnqfi t unlehh bomeoime bequeath a substantial sulfa of money to the credit of he acton minor sports club that body will have to suspend operations this winter or at leant pare down to a bare minimum at tho last counting funds were so low a microscopic examination was conducted to determine whether nny existed the few pesos remain ing in the treasury will be barely enough to coyer existing expenses without financing any activity this winter that will mean kaput for the ten teams the club sponsored last year known as the town league we dont need to point out how much fun the 110 odd boys from- this district had last winter playing in the league not only did they gain practical exper ience of the fine points of hockey but they were taught sportsman ship and the value of team work these last mentioned items could prove fn- valuable in later life and alone justify the existence of the league best thing about the whole idea was that parents knew where johnny was and just what he was doing no concern was felt when he was under the capable hands of the leagues coaches we could go orf at some length and give some pertinent illustra tions of what we mean but feel it isnt necessary the results are there for the seeing consequently if anyone fels the urce be you llvltij or organization to donate a few bank notes to the amsc at hesitate to do so the club will ap preciate it to say nothing of the 150 odd boys it will help out oaftuafty among the outoftown jui itvndmn the opi ninn of the now public school addition on tuesdav eninn were hon leslie frost the p em e- of ontario who w is the guest speiker mr stan hill mpp rid mrs hill hornb mks sbl bennett qc georgetown inspector and mis l l skuce rf milton m- robert bornhold mil ton mr and mn sim mckenzie georgetown mr murton and mr eans of ilinulton mr and mrs johnn muckart georgetown mr alex duncan and mrs mcphee of guelph mr wilson chairman of the georgetown school board and mrs wilson mr j evans secret- wry of the georgetown school board and mrs evans as well as members of the board gellatlv in charge of the pro- jector a large numher were pres ent th scene for the film was in africa in the district of ang ola rev and mrs james neae had charge of services at freelton and other nearby points on sundav a group of ypu members of the united church were guests it flora monda evening with the y pu societv congratulations to master eric hilt7 who won the eramojjt town ship piibln- in il inn i ttmi i i last week mrs trod lambert trained the oung orator his subject was october is a mischief maker mr and mrs leslie avles and sorus are among those who hae obtained a new tv sot weekend and sundav visitor- mlss marv jolliffe of toronto jack c anderson of milton mls helen ba ne of preston mr and mr maurice hurd of weston mr and mrs thos c winlow were in hamilton thtirsdi i mr and mrs wm peart were n toronto sundav i in connection wrh sunday ev j rung serwee m the united church i md deotionil exercises rev mr holle of freelton also assisted in the brief ser ice new york rangeks of the n h l arc being called the loan rangers and the new york biltmorcs after their wholesale extraction of stars from the guelph biltmorc lineup to strengthen their own injury riddled ranks rangers took the plums from the memorial cupplsts on a three game loan but it was welt known in guelph that should any of the btlts show like they belonged in the higher com pany then there would be no return ticket to guelph and for three players there wasnt the cries emanating from guelph were alleged to have surpassed the triumphant howls of last year when the same players spearheaded the bills to a memorial cup ap parently guelph rp cgi fans are well sat- ftis isfied when they are on the receiv ing end but when commitments to rangers must be met then the shoe is on the other foot the mad hatters got their money out utit of the deal with rangers rangers however have et to collect on their plaer investment rangers dont make a policy of elevating juniors while they nre still of age but in this case their plight was serious enough to warrant it amateur clubs have long b n outstanding critics of the pros for tin ir nfusil to give up- rights on pi ivt i on w hnm thev h mrs a richardson dies in 66th year funeral service was held for mrs a e richardson r r 2 rockwood on october 22 from the victor 0 rumley funeral home acton mrs richardson passed away suddenly al st joseph hospital guelph from a heart at tack on sunday october 10 the former mary anna stewart she was in her 64th year she was born in nassagaweya township and was married 44 years ago mrs richardson is survived by her husband one son stewart and daughter florence stewart sis ters mrs ralph richardson of vlneland mrs alike collier of georgetowit two sisters prede ceased her mrs samuel ijisby of acton and mrs george ford of acton she was a member of st johns church rockwood funeral ser vice was conducted by rev r price there were many beautiful floral tributes pallbearers were norm arm strong ross patterson cameron kitching lloyd marsden robert fnrrish nnd william brenham flower bearers were two neph ews sam brunnelle acton and jim ford guelph interment was in rockwood ce metery clearing auction sale of cattle new traetar i tuple menu etc the undersigned has been in structed by harry devereaux lot 20 5th line esqucsing 1 mile sbuth of limehouse to sell by auction on thursday november at 1 oclock cattle grade shorthorn cow calf at foot 2 grade shorthorn cows bred in march 4 grade shorthorn cows milking not bred 7 shorthorn heifers 2 years 2 shorthorn steers 2 yean 3 short horn heifers 1 year 3 shorthorn steers 1 year 3 spring calves implements etc 1051 mc d w4 tractor complete set heavy duty tractor chains bisscll tractor disc busell 3section drag cultiv ator mc d 2furrow tractor plow strnightener for plow mc d rub ber tired wagon flat rack with slide section m h 7 ft binder m h hay loader mc d side delivery rake mc d manure spreader mc d 5 mi ft mower steel roller set if section harrows mh 13hoc drill 14plate disc truck wagon dump rake spring tooth cultivotor cockshutt kldd 2furrow plow walking plow jointer plow 2 scuf- flers turnip drill sloop sleighs with flat rack cutter pleasure sleighs democrat root pulper fanning mill with power drive new 32 ft extension ladder wheel barrow bag truck 1g in steel culvert barb wire 0 bunches of redar shingles quantity of 1 inch pine lumber pig crate buggy oil drum pump and piping part bar rel of molasses 2000 lb scales bench vlse 2 sets heavy team har ness set new lines 4 horse collars dairy a electrkjal do laval power cream separator woods hot water tank power bench saw half h p electric mot or onethird h p electric motor 1irre old dinner bell forks whif- fletrees eross cut saw wood box stov electric rangette and other mm 11 articles no reserve as the farm is od tfrms cash frank petch ancion r a telephone georgetown 301 five hospitalized after cars crash fivo pontoiwt wcft taken to hos pital following a threecar crash on no 7 highway ner the ontario reformatory at guelph on sunday evening injured were harvey mc- dougall of r r i rockwood his brother gordon mcdougau paul johnson r u ft milton ros johiisond and his bister marlon 12 the enr driven hv harvey mc- dougall was driving toward guelph when it hit the rear left coiner of a vehicle driven by har old irwin of r r 2 guelph the eir caromed off and across the mad crashing into the johnson car which was travelling east while the irwin car was only slightly dimagcd the mcdougau nnd johnson can met hcadton and both nre a totul loss harvrv mcdougau suffered mul tlple abrasions and possible con eitsslnn his brother gordon faolal lacerations and shock nineyearnui ross johnson nut fered concussion and facial lacer nfiotis and a possible fractured jaw his sister marion multiple lacerations to face neck and legs possible concussion and fractured right ankle paul johnson suf fered head lacerations concus sion and facial lacerations and a possible fractured jaw all were taken to guelph gen eral hospital investigation was carried on by constable robertson of the prov incial police pollock and campbell manufacturer of high grade memorials memorial engraving 2 wat si north gait telephone ml rdt i jtamditm oitometkist 50 st georges square guelph formerly occuplod by mr e p head complete evesiciit service bed throws and blankets gordon highland wool blankets 72x84 plain color 1575- ravanlbta 2175 tastes best when served ice cold dustbane sweeping compound for sweeping cellar floors and garages al all grocery aiid hardware htorea dustbane products ltd 3 south vale drive leash toronto clearing i hifat dial of trunintf hut hi are prompt rntiijh in their accept ance of n ilaer afireemrnt it s wh n ihtr pio clubs exercise tiuir i ij lit s to the parrs that the psendo amateur clubs jjet mad the current ralr of pay in the junior a circuit although well above the arragr working ma nt salar is not kuffirlrnt to entice players to sta tn the o h a when thats the rase maybe then ttie junior clubs will have some thing to holler about hn a sa thu blkkit iiirnr mil in anit 1- at mirdnn west piklitin and tho bikrist papor mill in aju ls under mnstmction it chnndnrina fast paklstan now ii the lime to top dress your lawns and gardens for spring beauty for well rotted compost free from weeds and odor extra rich in fertility cajl queedale nurseries phono s57j acton umehouse birthday parties for two youngsters billie sanford celebrated hi tilth hirthda last weekend on siturdi evening he entortaind hh junior nencb and on mondi ienmk hid five older bm s v ith him for dinner at hus home dlii tone elebrated her ii- t nth birthd i w t h a part at her holie on m lrll afte school uifj and visitors mrs w norton t nt coi tli- n h imilton lit uk wo omitted ri porting riss no ton re urn ng fou a fi v months n th recenh m- rid mr- wifred gnenlees m i ivu and lois and rev jimej s itherlind of campbelhille iu 1 the a w b ntons on sunilav m nnd mrs thompson islted the fv 1 giti s o the hi-t-k- iul mss doris mitchell na- hnm from toronto o er he weekend mr md mrs i wr itht mu rut wrirht and mrs stanlev wikht and babe toronto is tic the s m wrht s rccentlv mr and mrs dill srulbourno ind rirls muvni he fred coxe s hlllburk on sundas mr and mrs dill mills susar and william alruslev mills of streets ille and miss helen mills of toronto were isitora with mr and mrs w t mills mrs walter ldnham and unda pent a few days in milton last week ibex blankets 70x90 669 woolcot bed throws plain rovorsiblo 695 850 motor rugs 695 to 1295 a lull lino of winter welqht underwear for all members of th family dq your christmas shopping early it will bo her before you realize it use our layaway plan a do- posit will hold your purchasos until christmas white as white can be without harmful bleaching thats the community way no harsh cjotcrrjents no penny wise pound foolish i that h tlmta n i them ifcks theres no substitute for care farm imtilrmrnt hay crln nhrrp and furnlturr the iitli rmimod havo rtcricd instnii iidma from rrucv iamb tn sell nt hls firm onrhilf mi o si of the town of milton on s vrird y november blh cmmencink nt 1 30 oclock the foliivuik implements md rrain bin der 7 f f w niowrr dcerind cram drill 13disc manure spread er rubber trod farm wadon and huv nek stiml land roller disc scuffle- riding plow walkmr plow dump rake sloop sleighs dran hirrnu s seed hirrows fnn- nirik m m scili s hav fork slings rope pullo cream irparntnr he bnrro- oi birrels quantitv of littihi- 2 colonv houses no of redir po1 b odors 2 rolls sm v fence 0 steel nost sot double hint set 1 pht harness chains foks sho eb bnrs etc h v or in poultry and suffp r 1 imphire ewes 2 httijvhi limbi hnmpshin itt t ceoe i s ton loose hiv 4 tun bied hn- 30 bus nf mj i frnvmmf housfhoio fffr cts th sterf eld ind 2 chiri t n ich settee lid 2 cnlr ti in h oeittv olertic nhc im ch s dnvers ith aincirit ntr- i- d nine room exen on lb w h hif t and chiirs n mv b fi nvi hirk kfchen chnr pt i rock or odd rocking chnis ciiicb cuhe rrnrh n ii r nnsrtp elecrie ndi i rvok sit oil stnie eurekl cl- irr cfic pnr ciinboar i te chet 2 lone pine tables spn lidd 2 hidtinm suii 1h lone mri n dresses odd ionn qi k h h- se- ind w tsh tnd -t- ni 1 is pv- c limp eid l srnffler rnnit nw cirden n mlnmnirs nlrture rino linen shee- snrie sil- e nre irxs fdd dlsh- num- rrnus nh irticles tfrms cish sr tlement with c rk n dn of silc xn r cre ts tho propnenr hi tf h fam and is cuinr ut firminc i htxdley and ei ltott auctioneer phono 19r3 poekwood and 177 mllon wm nandell clerk b172 community makes friends with clothes community tc4ei4 and laxttditf 16 dunn st n oakvill znllh 13600 auto biographies -of- actqn peopll and acton places through many years fur mm liati zu iar ihc iitc jf tlu adami block uas praititniv nint it wi us d tor tird rnnk purixsis but no uildips of import uue w r rtti th rt v in illy it earn into th puvm in of jl n it k mii ds in thr meantime ihr conrrrfalion of thr old prrbyurtn hurrh uhirh hd hern in u4 for 47 ram brjan to fel lhl a nru rhurrh more rommodloum jnd ntodrrn uai nrrtlrd rev j itar thr mlniiur thrn in chargr fofturrd thu idem a iiuhfccriptlon list hji rlrculatrd and there u a ery frntroui financial rrkpone th itt wn si ii c- d and mcund plans uir drawn and th in r st n s i ml on sepumber 12 1rm with appropriate iiuii mi s th us wm 1 ml bv hi j cnforth nussniriary to cbna and tlu uth b archil aid cimphi 11 1 i to be contlnaedt more about the 1953 plymouth if new from tip 16 top the new 1952 of yesterday is the old of today see the 1953 plymouth now a nice choice of colors and 2lone effect also the economy feature overdrive come in and tee for yourself orders taken for november 15 and dec delivery- see them now macswain motors chrysler and plymouth oales and service 752 ouhci st phon 85

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