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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 13, 1952, p. 2

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x paoktwo the acton free press acton ontario thursday november 13 1552 election time again municipal nominations and elections will bo with us in tho weeks immediately ahoad wo havent hoard much comment but usually tho municipal affairs como to tho forofront just at nomination time although they may simmer long after nomination night will be o frida novem ber 21 it is tho ratepayers opportunity to hold open forum on ihe affairs of tholr municipality it is a tijxjo for constructive criticism j time when questions may bo asked and when a word of ap- prociatlonrnay bo expressed evory citizen should attend nomination mooting somowhoro in our reading wo camo across this bit which we pass on in nominating candidates for council and the other civic offices the electors should boar in mind cortain factors which are applicable in all elections and at all levels of government a nominator should ask hlmsolf or herself will this porson represent the town at largo or will he or sho narrowly concentrate on the affairs of his own bailiwick is he o porson of good character and high principles is he the type of person who would use public office moroly to promote his own interests oi is he truly public spirited has he an adequate grasp of the complex problems of presentday municipal administra tion has he sufficient free time to devote to the numerous committee meetings and special ses sions which council business demands there is usually plenty of room at the top became tome oj tliosc who get there go to eep and oil off wellmnn maoazine if a man does only wlmt u required of htm he is a slave tlie moment he docs more he is a tree man farm journal we trust each other one never knows when the editorial opinion will come op for comment consequently we were a bit surprised to find an editorial we had written in september getting attention on the neighborly news on sunday morning perhaps some of our readers vili have difficulty in recal hng the item also on checking our files we found ac made cotrieni on tie make up of the sunday morn ng nev seas om me weekly nes papers o 0d o ana quebe it was our ex pesec oz o ta e tne iiems n this radio pogrdn- e c o ja erest they were not me iiewe t og amtned m those piac e z o ae t frat y we ap p e 3 z jnnei t3 o oj aooj x end z z r l en sjnda morning e 3 no otc anicipate hs conclude i ca eae c ae ewer tne broddcdst some joa ncr l v i 1 be avd for a cc jp t z vee i ana t aon t remember what veri r annec to be a ay which is always t e wfcaf it o rj spot erf art cie over that which i jt r qr p nted but we never turn down a ce eve- it did seem best to do so then too do fa rla rr as been very kind to us and it was c y ios new year s that we assisted him in mak mg contact for a new year s broadcast from a community ojtvde the city with m x all in mind we will make contact again and endeavor to arrange one of the broad casti ot neighborly news on the sunday that don tdirbdirn away n january most any other month wodld have been better because every weekly editor knows what a dearth of local news there is after tne christmas holidays we make a stipulation however with our commitment if the broadcaster thinks it would t t mce to have i holiday and get a different slant c n hii program n is only courjiyon our part that v t si ould rtciprocate aftl take a holiday and ctt r a irw ewpomi in our editorral columns so we kjrtt i tht ehalltnge provided that for c ric wtuk dori fairbairn vmii write our editorial column ht trusts us and we tri t h n rtci wding lomnu ri niti opinions a thmiriistir ii host lot t of ilsti rj ti n m too intiil tjm im i hit opinion on th of hu history hot k in cus of fir pit rti tliron this tn the producers portion a report on tho farmers sharo of money paid by consumors for food in 1951 has boon issued in canada according to tho international federation of agricultural producer the roport is as follows out of overy dollar spent for broad the wheat producer gels 15 conts ouforevoryaollar for becfrthe pro ducer gets 68 2 conts out of overy dollar spent for eggs the pro ducer gets 76 8 cents out of evory dollar spent for fluid milk tho producer gets 51 7 conts out of overy dollar spent for croamory butter the producer gels 72 3 cents out of every dollar spent fokcheaso the pro ducer gets 34 5 cents out of overy dollar spent for canned toma toes the producer gets 16 9 cents most people like hard work says franklin p jones particularly if they are paying for it the path clears it will be a source of general satisfaction for those in the north halton high school district to learn that after several years a building program for secondary school education has found unani mous approval of all five municipalities the need has been apparent to all who have given thought and study to the problem for some time the news columns the past two weeks have told the story of the steps which have led to the pre sent solution school board and municipal coun cils have sold the problem at their level and ac tion only awaits approval of departments of the provincial government the program outlined by the board may not be all that is desired but it is apparently felt that i is all that can be afforded there can be no quarrel with those who want economy in public expenditure there have had to be some concessions on the part of all concerned all three towns are taking a larger share of the cost with acceptance of the county equalized assessment figures and the townships have gained this amount the dif ference is not a great deal in any instance and in view of the fact that all the municipalities of north halton are content to use these figures as a basis for county assessment it is only reason c ble that they should be used for school iss ment it is the hope of all that the way is now jear cd for an adequate building program in the dis trict the stumblinq bloc s are getting fewer and possibly next week the remaining hurdles can be tel en and the start made immediately that aii1 ee buildinq oper itions commence corly nt year pr within iptwr in georgetown tho high school students tnke over n section ot the weekly paper evory few weiiloi tn edit their own new with edltor- inlr and all in onkvlllc the ford motor compnny of cnnndn hii iu own qunrterpnke pnper in the onkvjue weeklies personally lv tnu the news nl the hurc plnnt fr1y air lauy heard this pnht week of ntrnw berries belnu picked in the unrdon of nn esquoslnif township home dui control forlbronte plnnn have bien completed for the conversion of the briyite phone exchange to dlnl opernllj in the sprine ibm an onkvlllc pnper reports tint when building operations nr completed next sprlnk the compll- cnted tnsk of installing the dlnl switching equipment nnd associat ed nppnrntus will begin jnsuillink of the equipment which must bi engineered nnd built to suit li 1 phone needs of hponte is t com plicated process r quiring thi in- clividunl soldennit of thousinrfs of onnt etions know ldist year tlu giorretown iliriui which nlwivs hns nn eye open for the wnthir n norled list wc ejt thit octoln r wis ct rtmnly n very drv month the tolnl riinfill wns only 67 of nn inch be inp ibnul w inchi s bi low normnl this tirm last ycir vc had fij inehi s of snow inspiration in halton very interesting from the onk vlllc trnfnlgnr journnl a russinnbom irishman who hns- spent 18 years preserving and constructing period architecture n english and irish cities arrived m montreal earlier thus week aboard the good old days may have seemed better thf cnnncllnn pnclflc liner kmptvwi of fvftnci enrou to to onkvlllp whore hi hope to rontlmip hi iil- moht pkcliulvo btutncwi of btillrl- lnn now old homph nnynn7 i glluofy who li ft uuflin nft r tho n votullon to m ttl- nnd mnrry in irclnnd flnlm he hnn w n fnfldnnlrd hy tho bornity oj peloid nruvfetfthuro iiinrr hln childhood tn jrlnnd flhortly hr- torc world wnr ii he l knn build ln liomi ntylod mm tlu per into which he moat ndmirrn his i niwn ina nrhjovimenl wmt the ronnlrnpt- lon otn complete qm woildn villne it ik thlt neheme of nhoul fnee from the trend to modern li iln which gilthoff wiwlifi to ontlnui here in oakville where he he llevei the cnnndlnn scene will iv him fresh opportunity nnd lniplr ntlon to crente a dlullnetlve cnnr 1 inn villnfle on the lines of hln form or venture a lypienl glluoff villntfe hm contnlns three b dromn livin t room kite hi n nnd bith t1 iif which tikes rmiflhly four month i to i unstruct kieh r ifter in thi hnmis is pn pnred sepiritely- nnd old world instilhtloni urh is lln pl s nnd stovi s m ill in li iciilii he s iys a hint this story bout m ontoi mitfht just ts wi 11 npply to writi r un t rlun itely an after dinner sp iker rollod these limpid sylliblc s ov r his hush ed audience i lootd up thn mount iijti nnd thoiiflhl benutiful as you are you will evcntunllj crumble while my soul will fto on i looked at the occin and thoujjh mifihty as ou are you uill finally dry up but not i true true back in 1902 worn ihti imurt of u fr hni of thumduy n6vtrtbr is 1mk8 farmers wife hired man without pay forum states fai m forums ire once icnn in action with the first topic for dis cussion i vital one for youth rural life offers many ndwuag- cs as well as some drwbicks while the lure of city warcs strcnrthcned b the shortare of firm help the first question was suppom i nunr mm usked mil fm idxicc ii to whether or not m should chopsc firming ts t life work whit points would on eon side r mixst imp r nnt to stilus in our re p pi icticillv nil forum rep rt s itidh mtbt hni i hkirw for t i fum tnjo toud ht ilth nnd hi thi imbition foi h ird wnk in th im eh init d if h mu h n c ii dt i iblc i in u 1 or thi r i ui i i in of th f i in n it hi i ii mu h i iffu c th p 1 i 1 ii i h w i f f n mm ht u i 1 h thi i dnnii i lr 11 it i h ll ii ii m i dim i t the house the wife is the neck which turns the held whether he should ko towards successor fall ure poets corner like dreams fulfilled back jn 1932 krorrt th iua t the tree 1 thurwlay november 19 iftss tlu iinnuiil plowing mnti h of tho ilnllon plowtnt n n awoclatlon wns held on kridny intt nl th form of mr ilf elor tlrown nmr mtlton atnonu the judtfex were jnx main of mihnrt john mequr en nf arlon john wrliitfhhworlh oftwiuenln nnd henry hobinnon nnd wllllim drown of trtifnlnr wlnni rr lhiiiv r eiip vftlue 10 for keep having won it twin in hiien tiion wnh rpi neer croww y oldr t plnuuhmnn wnit john adnm in nnd ouut lohn heddy trained plnujfh tenm chafl jnrvu turnout john smith amon lh winnt th were a v vtedoiiknll irn fuithirhtone john wnldli chnrlei migreror and j j tli mpsn the fjjlsnn movlrjr pletun h which nreto be i xhibited nt town hnll ihlh vmini arn report ijl to bi thi hi st xhibl ion of th kind ev r riven in this ointry thi vii wfl of th rot wir nrr i x iihnly int n unr and nhmild bi men by all mr wm boh who wnt up to ijlli r on muskokt on t huntini i xeursion nturnifl on si turd i niht with t vi ry 4n d r tlu first t nison of thi piion lie v mr dirk his b n ippifint etl to th rlnrri of thi 11 cipli s church hi n hi hs oticiitd th pxst two sundays w ith much ir c ptince a binder lift near the gtit crossinr on mill strci t on hallow e tn has lx en a mcrntfe to ever nervous horse drlvi n pist since with his first pri7o roidster and ballbeirink pnoumitic tired car riage mr j ii matthew j has the finest turnout in town musji belle stephenson who rec ently made application for admj- sion as a nunc in training at one of the chlcaro hospitals has been accepted mia stephenson w ill lenvc for chicago early in january vote for prohibition on decem ber 4th and save the boys several from acton were called for jury duty ot tin halton ya awilyi thin week workmen commenced on mon day on the i rectlon of th thrw fnxtfiry addition nt the vlhnnn knh- tlntf co plant the totnl ylelrl of potnto in fanndn in 1012 ls entlmatm t floiwmolmuihebi th yield ihu y nr in 20 per rnt below that nx 1011 the rnmmereul prvlurtlnn of npplf ji in canada thi year l plaerd nt 1 iv ww bnrreu- n d- rreiw of 17 p r epnt rnmprpf with th 1011 crop tb thri i month rnume which will i hfld in arton nndr th mannk mi nt of the ontario o prirtmint of aarirult irp u attrart- inr i rod d ti t it nion anj inti rat th pirkviej athutir r lob hm i ri hu r rniitlnk in ho th room on thurdiy dmllnit lh i n a in ritition on siturdi ift-r- no m mx m rolo r- of th lit rr roid r ii of 0 mil t t i ft uh lan in j a tim th r r llim ii thirty thr ind or hlf 1 minulr j af n ounril f t r irdd o lull m to th minli r of ii jhiva jir l linr th ronitnu h n lb middle ito id in hilrr i -locoluv- k itnoriiir the 1t7m wj lro a i n a miri vx hi id on tu d iy on tir fim ns jimu douriis norh of ncaojd i difd 1 i30ughty at the h m lime house ontario on widnjday i november 0 1912 mary amoa i beloved wif of robert dojjfhy i in htr 74th jear tv fob coeovatiov the bbc will set up a n- med ium power television installation 1 is a rcseri at alexandra palace i i time for the coronamn i it il to tut i of th hi mih hi i f 11 i lit t ttl i f t 1 i viu n is itttu pit atiin in lit u orhl 0al frut ond tnren hi id tht puasuri of donii our duty anil lining good 1 am tiir o otltir ls roinarabii u this tillofson quiet please perhaps it s because of our age or maybe on account of the fact that we have always been accustomed to some quiet ptnods for reading and reflection we can sympathize therefore with frank p walsh an electrician living in long island who fired a bulkt into his television set because as he told police afttrwards he couldn t stand the noise any longer wt don t know why th s man took it out on his television set perhaps it was the last straw but we often wonder if r ian of our tllnt sses are not attributable to trie eonslant straclions wh j surround u contir u illy h the daytime and at niqkt thert ire the traffic no ses in various locali tit in the liome ttu r icho or otfier means of i nit rinrmu nt art oflen kt fit qu no and con vi rs ilons mu t be r nstd to t ul out th counter noije peril ip aar v iltlt s iiut on to his d slraction vas the be t way of m ik nq hi provocation knoati in tnii case no i us wt re lost and the dec sion can be made on whether repairs are best oi if the n aehine should be left in its wounded condition we ve seen some programs in whth i would give real satisfaction to shoot back li s c ipit il h w ui th tit id r i t urn i wif i ttu u i f ului i of thi f it m w i h oiul qiu turn hi i whi v h rt 1 upp ii t mtl i i i it n n t 1 i tl uul in thi nmhini d d tlu ib ht lit h irifil ni ithin i in fun is oru kioup m- sh iu t d to bt in liiud mm i hunt ji i m oi d r ti bi ht r hii b md bt st ht lp milt mmi sht in i hii pitunu without did tt w uds mt n w ho fiu 1 itt ftir mc il in ordt r to itt un muu s i farm r rutds i vift who citi in toui ut mt nt undt rst mdinj in 1 ilh if nin i tht ht there w ts nbout him thit which mdt nnt think of rcn fit ids tht look of him v ho 1 irned tht worth of simpli thinj i id chost tn link his hf with rnt of furrows h hid turnt d thi ir tuik urt n w i hi for h in di i il i it i f h i p ut b ii p r of thi m md om ild nn n s l 1 1 t i t i it t id 1 h 1 id k ht i i hirt h p w ir h id t il n ill ft hm i it 1 i t nd h no ion rn t fur o v ltmth i lb m d hi ri inp u n i r professional directory and travellers guide mfd1c vl legl 1 1 i th hmifuist nun c npth 1 ki is is com iml t i llki clmm fiilfllhil nd snnfs of lff tin in i r ci i hi tilled inc7 clirk th rni dr w g c kenney ihmtlan and surcron oftat m bmun blcxk mill st act n oisicc iiionc 7 itcslcltnc thurch ht imiunr 150 dr p a garrett misuun antl urccon cinur o id itm- fe- ln r i ll llirbi at ui o no ihanr j3s dr a i armstrong ihxmnun and sutrton ollit- 10 mill bt i ibt c f leatherland brrklir s pafall o ih o 51 acton leer s hoi hartrtd ccuununu s ia j jinkis- mi ii llll 14 m n a ii 11 11 joii i s nip il i ht n i sdni woiknim iwntd tiuriim wotkini hums nnd dislocit td his j iw tht judt rulid th it it w is an utdustri d mjur tht jtib lit said was so monotonous unit tht orkt i timid not lulp iwhinc iintl dr a j buchanan denial surceon oitilt ltishman block mill st oltitt hours 0 am to b pm xray telephone mb a j crandeu c h irtrrrd ccountant mi n bt itt ciiot town tt it plum c4 luropractqk d j armstrong hoe tor of chiropractic l tridtrick st n acton thi only paper el t puhluhrd in acfon 1ounded in 1875 and published iwrv thursday at vi mill st fc acton ont mcmbtr of the audit bureau of circuit uoiia thi china and thf ontarioquebuc dl ision of thi c v n a acurtisini ruus on request subscriptions pay able in adanci- 1 so in canada 3 5u in thi united statu x months 1 m sinsle topics 6c authorlied as sccund cuiss muu iost off ict department ottawa g a dills editor and publisher business and editorial office teiephone 174 at tnk s united church of canada acton ontario ullendlv clturch ltr a ciirrr u llll mlnitt r pjrsnn igi jo huivr inin phont li miss o m lainpard attm organist and choir leader mmhl novi mill h 1 1 1- hmhi i m sund i s ji ot li fin ihu 11 00 i m m mi ik w n h i s ij jut l id iiu d 00 p in lumih i h i u mtif il ml nil i i l u i i ilnr h mu hi th s ii n 7 liouil r fr llii hill v in born siibj t ls i i 1 t i rii i p rfi t i hit do this sh ill l siii h il l4 md r i si in i presbyterian church in canada knox iihiu1i tv ltr mohikl m umhtroni ma hii minuur si mia nllvrmht l lblh 1v hum i in lull h si hool ii iki i in llll im wn hip i it p in hlbl claw 1 in y hint u all upiiii the i ori shall niivu their slrmulll a warm welioim awaits j ou st albans church i aiiirllcaill hi ii ilph f pm ii i ii i h it r niinin wm n k llll ll il 1 lij iii 1 11 lv i ii ii i ill no i in t lun h s h 11 00 i 111 i mill i i 11 110 i in lluu r i h ill 00 i ml 1 ii nil id s 1 11 ml iii u v 1 iii i baptist church aitov 1 iknl i piutrsim pistor ptirsiniei 115 bowtr at phont 200r lliursd n n i uth fl 10 pr i i mu tint inci bibli studi 1- mil iv nov mth 7 4 y huh p opl s sunday novfvbrr lhlll 1ji lllk i nl sundiv school klth t 1 itm flir ull uils 11 iki i in morning wornhip 7 00 p m finink sirvitt uunnt ib12 tin canadliin p icini hallway will si nd 12 000 000 fui ni w i quipminl j dr h leib dental surgeon j ofliti cornir mill and i r rtdi i ick strt tts i iffltt hours u a in tfo 6 p m i m hhom 1 acton i krl fstvrl- am isihaci 1 wright real estate and insurance i- i wikhi n 11 wright n v 11 in s l l m i di mull b l ait in out in iph out ilioni i pii in rnriw jluators itraltum insurors mi ml i appr ns 1 iiutitutt of in id i 1 ml is ii hii in i dnitkt h il ls it ii ml mi mh r f ii iph in 1 ui trict in ur u at i ts a s i ill in veterinary b d young b v sc c l young d v m rterlfijiry surgeons otliu hrookmlu onlju phoii milton 10rl f lg oakes v s b v sc eterlnar surgeon wm r brackltj heal rotate chmhai 1nsui1an i ph nn jo actor mis h 1anhh s the victor b eumley funeral home runeral llomr heated ambulant phoni jo nijilit or day si run b thi coinintinity for 45 yiara dlive m lampard atcm rm t orkarilst and choir iadtr i united church teacher of pluu studio united church thursday i studio 14 park ave guellph i 1 1 lepiione mb i iml iti nl nn ait n ihu i kn x avt 1j0 travellers guide gray coach lines oalllts ham atlon faslhounil i i in ll 11 i in llll i m ul in i oil pin ll 11 p in i u p in i hi 111 wmthoillid 107 i in 1j p in j7 pm 7 pm 17 p ii j 12 pm 11 2 p in 1 1- i in sun tu ivtti hnur l diilj i xi i pi siindij nil holl- 0 us i siturdiy sund iy and hull line canadian national railways standard time kastbound 1 ii g 40 a in daily ixttpt sun days dm am 7 10 pm sunday only b 16 p in dally txttpt sun day flyer at gtoruitown 002 am dally flyir at gtorgttown 10 11 p m westbound dally except sunday and mon day 2 12 a m sunday and monday only 12 38 am daily except sun day 8 411 am 8m pm iflagslop 7 44 ji m dally except saturday and sunday 6 10 p m saturday on ly 2 36 pm sunday only 0 43 a m maintop sunday only 1yr at guelph too pm-

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