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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 20, 1952, p. 7

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naimsday november m ib the acton free press acton ontario paqe 8bvbn personal finances can be tailored to measure too of fcl joint account r all kinds of hflufw a lot of people nowaday buy milt or costume even hoiual tailored to meet their pononal re quirement but too often the equal need for a tailored bank jurcount u overlooked in many eauea for insunee mar ried couplet eluba and aoclal groups do not reallut the conven ience of operating a bank of mon treal joint account such in sc- interior decorating for export color chana tugootuon soporlor workmanship and th lata swiworthy waiohfasi wallpapar ut it 5ttt decorator tocfcwooo si mno s count is held by two or more per- pana withdrawal arrangement can be made an denlred sometime it it aurced that any one of the purtlea can draw independently to any amount in other cane it mny be stipulated thnt two or more hlknoturcj nre required on evi ry cheque it i eay to ace how valuable thete lullored joint account jrt for hounehnld financing for encournuine family navlnea pro jects nnd for keeping fixaoclntlon fundi on top there la no sound er method orme hunt account- nnl of the b of mn acton branch will blndly explain all the detail of a joint account tailored to your needs why not consult mr hunt next time you re pausing dead stock doad and crlppud farm animal samovad promptly tor sanitary dlpal telephone collect gosreatown 11 gualph 3334 goftdon young lto john calder plumbing heating eavestroughing tinsmithing prompt courteous ervice free estimates church street phone 31vw auto biographies -of- acton people and acton places through many years in tlu coursi of timi tlu orikinnl plot for a mi tcry use be hind tht knox church bt mm f tile cl up nnd nn nddition to the trntaul httjutu mtjir this wns purehni u by the lntt john spi ihl nnd tlu hit alcxilitur gmnt who pnid thl purchnst pint ind win to bi rtpmd from tin sale of plots and rrnvcs before thr were full repaid the agitation for the new cemetery took shape and eventually falrvleu wan opened and the old era i ard clewed further burialu brine prohibited by n lau whin i- tirum u is opi m d ovt r io tnrs nco mnny mem in rs of tlu old fiinulu s smind plots nnd the remains of numbers uhi hid sli pt foi mills m ctun s fust knic ird win rtmoipd mil it intttitd in thi in vk pit ts in tnirvitw ito be continued open this week wo will bo on call for 24 hour torvice this weak from saturday night until the following saturday more about the 1953 plymouth if now from tip to top the new 1952 of yesterday is the old of today see the 1953 plymouth now a nice choice of colors and 2tone effect also theeconoiriyfeirure overdnvo come in and soefor yourself orders taken for november 15 and doc delivery see them now macswain motors chrysler and plymouth oales and service 252 queen st phone 85 chronicles of ginger farm written spedall or the actfttt kree prem bu gwendoline f clarke nassagaweya township nominations for reeve and four councillor for fhvmumcipality of nattagawoya and two trustees for school area no 1 in the municipality of nassagaweya monday november 24 1952 at the township hail brookville at cm oclock p m in the event of poll being demanded the balloting will be held on monday 1 december 1952 at the following places polling subdivision no 1 comprising lot 110 inclusive across the township in he orang hall campbllvl char us king deputy returning officer polling subdivision no 7 comprising lots 1121 across the township in the council room brook vi he cyril elliott deputy returning officer polling subdivision no 3 comprising lots 2232 across the township at knatchbull hall knatchbult clarence wil son deputy returning officer l w mcmillan cierk nassagaweya october 15th w52 the tax collector will be in the township hall pnor to nominations to issue tan certificates another week ionc by nnd no rain and ho mild thls time last yenr we were pretty well snowed in nnd not 1ikln it one bit but nt leiwt there whs moisture in the snow of courxe if one dowm t have to worry about water it la wonder ful wenther nnd lnnt saturday wiw a perfect day for the santa onus pnrade in toronto that u something 1 hnve nlwnya wanted to see ond never hnve until thli yenr when i now it on television television oh no not on our net i jiwt happened to vuu one of the toreh down town at the rlrht moment h was re- ttarkwty lenr n furtcerintf at all in fact 1 was nlmost persuaded that television miaht be nil rljtht after oil bui t wiun t on unified to the point of wnntlnji us to spend 400 on a set although i am mire pnrtner would enjoy wuchlnk the hockey mntchrs w hnve lots of company ncnln now nnd sometime s t fool oh if i am talking myself ns the nnme of one of our visitors is gwen the gentloman of the party is n fnrmer so h got himself a job down nt the bam with a trnetor and sprond- sr at his own request of coune sometlmea i wonder why people ever come to see us nt nil for they nre never tronted nt guetts and a a menns of getting out of work this column provides me with a wonderful alibi for instance we hnve an extra couple staying here until tomorrow ro i quite calmly announced thnt 1 hnd to write and would they cnll rru when supper wns rendy they did we hnve been hnvlng quite n time urh cars just intely the visiting car developed starter trouble while it was in the gnrnge i wnntod to go down town with our enr but the bnttery wis as flat ns n deflnted bnllnon oh denr there goes another 30 1 thought bnttorlej for fngllsh enrs are donror thnn others but i was vrong it wis just i mnttor of corroded connection 1 was fco relieved i ft it then ns if i hnd been giv n 30 so 1 v is ronllv much happier than i hnd been bi fore this nfternoon ve wore driving thnujh a rather hillv pirl of the count v nnd it was henrtbrenklng to notu how terribly drv the fields lookt d but one p irtleulnr arid v1 ptsed wxs more henrt- bn nking thin ill the n st the field uis just one tug hill it hnd hot n plmighi d ind tht ploughing w ls n striikht up ind down job if r a fu id cillod for contour ploughing th it one did sorm limt wiin bound to got snipe hi iv riiru ind when thv iromr the run will run down thnt hill hki w i r down i rniruspout bv contr ist w hon 1 wns on the trim going to ottiwi list summt r 1 noticed contour ploughing in i field tint wis p rfi ctlv lit now whit w is thi n i on for thif i h n ufti n v ondi rt d then is ph nt of irguing goln on ir nnd hen thi s d ivs our isitnr is i ciiurnsr mm pirtior f i i gndt an hires the ntln r ni in pun bnris so iruus irgu ni nt iri ta si cl but ipd t rth uu jjiuttltcodti nlithlr min giv- i ii l in i i in- oth r is so ft i hnpp n tthm two stubborn eng lishnu n gt t togt thor thi s imi thing npplu s to the woodpiu tht mi n brought down i ind nf swn lugs from tht bush rid oil oni chunk in pirtlcular w i ibtuit thirt inch in dnmo or ind full of loil big knols our lsitor sud he would split it dur ing thi dn pirtner biid i bet ou don t n the would be wood splitter wnit- cd until pirtntr bnd gone to milk nnd tht n ho took up tht challenge he worked for over on hour on that ont cut nnd all the time it wis a tussle between the toughness of the knotted onk and the will ond strength of the man the man w on out when partner came in he w as treated to a graphic des cription of the contest it brought for h miny scathing remnrks but in tht end pnrtner grudgingly ad mitted you arc darn near ns stubborn as i am another nrgumt nt concerned rubber boots and a dead chicken partner hnd killed n chicken and hung it in the woodshod our isitor cime in from the barn and pliced hii boots under the chicken which was s ill dripping from the beik there w us no place for it to drip except into tht bppk thtn follow od the argumint hich was put tht r first tht boots or the chickt n our isitnr m urallv in slsu d th it his boots wore tht ro first and thit pirtnt r deliberate hung tht chicken stntt gic illv ibow tht m seeking pen pal letter goes astray thu week a letter arrived by oir mall in canada iddritsd to tho fre pivas weekly ontaho cnnada a blue and brown new zealand atamp khd an air mail atlcker vere the only other cluei on the blue envelope at some canadian poat office n clerk whether one who knew thin town or one who looked up free presses in a blrf book we dont know wrote try aclon ont in red ink on the envelope received by the fiee preaa her tho letter was opened but unfort unately did not belong to thbi fre pre some letter en from the other aide of the world could be thrown awny and forgotten but not this one since the writer hopes for an answer or answers here u what he sold i wonder if you would kindly oblige me by putting my name in the pen friend column of your paper my description is as fol lows i am it yean old 5 ft 10 rut in height my hobbles are playing the guitar swimming fish ing camping hiking and trapping 1 would like girl pen friends of my own ago in cnnada yours truly vjlonald f brigg young mr brlggs whose letter for a yton friend went astray may find his name in the wrong free preim has just as much auceess if not more than in the right free press if any reader of this paper should find eventually just where the better was intended to go the acton free press would be inter ested to know his address wns given as follows 100 waddington drive nne nae lower hutt wellington new 7ealand keeping posted one of the rcmp plainclothes men on duty at the canadian internallonal trade fair in toron to write napier moore in the financial post observed a repre sentative 0f a large wellknown manufacturer of fea doing a stout selling job on a man whola quite well known to th forc before the salesman went into too much detail about the in- truncltii of hut firm latest modrl tht tnmmuo atepped up and gently enquired of the buyer whether hi in t- rest in the product was quite the same as that of other proiqvecllve cuklomer the buyer took a quick look at the rcmp man and departed he wog one of canadas moat outstanding aafe breakers just k oping abreast of the latest de velopments in his held pollock and campbell manufacturer of high grade memorials memorial engraving 63 wats st north oa1t tblkrnonb mis no mfntal tfifpathy a minister paying hls usunl vhit to a mtntal hospital noticed one patient writing briskly he nsketj oh writing i utter eh the pitltnt answer d yts nnd wont on writing to whom ire you wri ting tht minlster inquired to myself riplii d tho pitient oh how vt ry inu rtstink slid tho vlsltor whit ire you siying how would i know snippid tht pititnt i don t m t my mill until tomorrow phone 575 for r r on all electrical appliances radio and television sets -at- purloves television radio t il numh r of p 1 s land d a st j hn fld frim th 10j i hu 1 i 14 ompirid with 1 000 in 1 ill h s h0lden oplomelntt eyes examined glasses fitted 7 douglas st guelph youll find him about 20 years of age fully trained and full of the zest for flying keen alert brimful with a sense of accomplishment and responsibility he probably wont admit to you he feels a pride in doing his duty in being prepared to defend freedom but its obvious he does i u you ar 17 and not yl 25 find eohoday how you earn fee a pilot in ihe nvfi r royal canadian aw force i want olrcraw bacwim mora lhan anything da i wa toffy and i ml id 0af aiora flying aad axpananc in fha mr font jaf t yai ihayr aoixr lo tly sorry i ton i dvucrlb fha faamg lo you but ihmrml iutt nohtidq ut borna up ihmn 35000 faaf in o world of your own m a af rhafs wall yoor bob see the career counsellor at the address in the coupon or mail the coupon i cai rftiu itino i vit 107 iuy hlrrrt phone ka 111 toronio ontario puai mmii mt uiihcut ehligatwn full particuhirt regarding enrolment rrquircmrnti and openings now atailable in the ilca p name t1c pruio surname chrmun nuna street address city province education by grade and pronnce cams tux

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