jmoxtwo the acton free press acton ontario thursday december 4th jkzt misquoted from timet to tlrne public speakers find their remarks quoted not as they in retrospect think hey should be it is quite a common practice in these instances to clairnjhemselyes as misquoted and then proceed to explain what they wish had uttered in tho first instance one puhlieman recently confided to us that he knew there were three kinds of speeches the speech ho intended to give the speech he gave and the speech ho wished he had given newspaper reporters go to any public func tion to get tho news they are unbiased and merely desire to give their readers a word picture of events they see events and hear only the speeches that are given a reliable newspaper will not take sides for any individual or groups his one purpose is to present tho facts and let tho readers be the judge in so far as news column are conc it is not alwa an easy task such is not tho case in tho editorial columns or the letters to the editor here arc opinions of individuals put forth for public consideration the reporter we readily admit has an advantage over the speaker in news reporting the speaker must hold his audience think quickly of the things he says the reporter has the advantage of merely being one of the audiepce and noting what has been said today there are many mechanical means of recording speech we have heard some of the play backs of these recordings and we have heard speakers exclaim did i say that but the voice and the words are there we have noticed too where such recordings are made that speakers are motxtsutipus in their utterances it was roscom mon who said what you keep by you you may change and mend but words once spoken can never be recalled dignity consists not in pouesstno honors but in the consciousness that trc dcsfrtc them aristotle subsidized and subsidizes if it wasnt considered wicked to be envious we might envy the farmers when we see the government has amended thje canadian farm loan act increasing the maximum loans from 6000 to 12000 at rate of so interest cm first mort gage this favouritism in the face that publishers of weekly and daily newspapers have been com pelled in recent years to pay a steady increase of from 3o to 10o sales tax on newsprint while the price of this precious and indispensable com modity has more than doubled at the same time furthermore we were advised this week that newsprint will take another boost of 10 per ton on jan 1 1953 so don t be surprised dear reader if sub scriptions of newspapers in the very near future will be increased to meet this excessive cost of production unless of course the government will listen to reason and cut the exorbitant and unfair sales tax the newspaper business is not granted any subsid so that its costs must be pas sed on to those it serves and it must contribute to alt jhe increased costs of government freight rates are likel due for a hoist too wr indue ourirlr bi it hat irr jecl cap able of doitiy others judoe ils hxi what we fitiv done loiiycllou finding a level a man coming out of the army requires a little time to get himself adjusted to the freedom and responsibilities of civilian life in many respects the canadian dollar has been going through a similar experience when it was freed after nearly a dozen years of rigid control it was natural to expect some fluctuation in its value and some necessary adjustments by canadian business not necessarily all of them easy and pleasant says the financial post recently our dollar has been easier with sometimes less than two cents in its favor some industries gained with our dear dollar some lost but on balance we have certainly not fared badly and even a modest decline m our dollar will be no sign for alarm historically a position not far from par seems to be most com fortable for most canadians an ounce of prevention when a case of tuberculosis ts found wo are inclined to say isnt it too bad as if tho whole thing was something which had happened right then when actually the troublo started long bo- fore we should say somothiogjiko this wasnt it too bad we did not provont this three years ago among the means of provonting the spread of tuberculosis aro preemployment examinations routine examination of all hospital admissions tuberculin testing of school children examination of those attending prenatal clinics taking advan- age of mass xray surveys etc just how far we in hallon county can go along these lines depends on how much monoy wo got in tho christmas soal sale our job bo twecn now and christmas is to persuade our neighbors to act this year through the christmas soal sale to prevent tuberculosis a year from now twoycars frorrrnow perhaps five years from now genius benins great xiorut wishes them joubert tabor alone twt north e ast west s outh they pass on canada has lost two of its well known men in the weekly newspaper sphere in the persons of j a aaaclaren who died in barrio on tuesday last week and alfred logan bd who passed away at his home in pembroke last saturday prior to his retirement two years ago mr mac- laren had been publisher of the barrio examiner a leading trophy winning weekly newspaper for about 50 years and was considered the dean amongst weekly newspaper publishers mr logan had been publisher oflthe pembroke standard- observer for 29 years also the standard bulletin which he established sohne years ago he entered the newspaper fteld in 1vq3 after retiring from the presbyterian ministry when he purchased the wiarton echo and published that newspaper until he went to pembroke in 1923 we knew both of these publishers personally but we were best acquainted with mr maclaren lie was always a leader in the his influence will long remain not onjy in his community of barrie but throughout the province of ontario heralding 111 the georgetown herald we find oint ull tho ruin welcomed in no vember amounted to tho moat rain at any month no for uiu year and if it hud been siiuw it would have piled three feel deep we also nee unit alx stained ulan wlnilowu were recently unveiled a liiflu to st jolinn united cluircli there also that miss dorothy stone who tenches oil nuilltinu at the acton y unci tint recently finished n course in iicbirh here is into another field khe sioke to the lllilles ot the terra culm w 1 on the nrl of speechmak- tnu another item mrs jack tnnrwell whone liushnmt went oversens re cently with the hcak sqilnclrow- to be based willi kuiopeon detense for ces in vrnnco now iltfcs in englnnd she with other airmens wives are hvlnu al folkestone jack tarjwcll is a former aclonlnn laseuing v rending in the burlington gazette we find at a meeting culled by the president of the onlnrlo federation of home and school associations mrs j d taylor of hamilton ii was decided to suspend the helton council of homeond schooljor a lime and to appoint in its place a a council committee owing to the wide spvead of the home and school associations hi hnlton it has been incrcaslnaly difficult tnirlntt them together for conference meetings geographical divisions seemed the answer to the problem mrs e r swift will chair the committee with one representative in the north end of the county mrs c k stevenson predict increasing growth with the large industrial growth in halton it is interesting to note the tremendous growth of canada and ontario since the end of world war ii ontario now equals the combined strength of all the other provinces and contributes one half ol the total for all of canada in value of goods produced investment in new plants and equip ment and in employment pay rolls further industrialization and even greater growth is the outlook for the future which means that municipal councils and officials elected this week for the 1953 positions will be faced with difficulties and details that will take a tremendous amount of their time during 1951 52 now manufacturing industries with an initial investment of over 30 million were established in ontario while this is a not able achievement new industries present only about one tenth of the industrial expansiqn taking place the other 90 per cent s accounted for by the growth of presently established industries which build additions to their factories such as ford of canada and studebaker both of whom have expanded present locations to the county of halton over 550 of these expansions involving an expenditure of over 370 millions were re corded during 1951 whereas m pre war years most of the mdus- tial growth took place m the large industrial centres notably around toronto lately the pendu lum has been swinging m opposite directions the majority of manufacturers choosing to locate in the smaller municipalities since officials claim that population follows industry t can be pre dicted that ontario s future growth will be more evenly distributed across canada looking to the future the st lawrence seaway will open the industrial midlands of ontario and haltop county centres will be able to make direct shipment of raw materials from other lands new export markets might also be opened to expand mg industries by the water connection if ml hon one mrmlnr fur uut ouk- villi urtu mm john tuylor or ottkvllle una mr v duff iorl nl- uott iiprcticntlnu tho uutitntflon urt4 tin tutuclttucm iron id cut unroot thut otto cummlttci could bart tuirve tho county by providing trulttlnif iciuuiih for imcli iirio two truliiliitf kciuk1h ihivo briii hold ono in ac- lnnnnl oiu tin oukvlutt jt jtmrtull i tiff v the oiikvilu ttufalunr joiirniil report an entire cltrlytmu ntock of ulmmirnuh tiuwiink uown bwuii cocktail ilrcuiuh und muttf rircuiilnic uowiih plim cmmttffui it skit whips of frmlnliu iippuril wan nowhere in evidence when mm gwen smith opened her town nnd countrywo man klmp for buiiinejifl slick lhleven u hlnrtfed mrs smith soon dlh- covered hnd raided her racks over the weekend completely cleaning nut juht about cverythlnu hut the tfny feminine haberdashery worn by shop window models inventiuidinii town police believed the thieves hnd calmly slipped in throtiuh a rear window loaded a truck and driven away durlnt the early hours of sunday or monday morninu mrs smith ch tin a ted the loss at 15000 hurrlnr more than 2000 worker al the new trafalgar lnrd plant will be cttinit x rayed this month nloqtf with most of tin in halton the oak- ville record star says it nlso reports on a conversation between two ladles geoffrey nnd i think of our mnrrlnne as n part nership the one said of course i hold the controlling interest the good old days may have seemed better l back in 1902 well worn path nosome farmers a c robertson department of anhctfltural econ- omie oji c guelph of interest to halton farmers will be this recent address just a short time aro i had the experience of visiting at several farms eifiht in all in a very ex cellent midwcstern ontario county when 1 drove into one mans nrd he wju working away at tho construction of box racks for use in giass silage work h told me he had thought ot this change over for some time and figured that grass silage would provide him with improved roughage already the cement for a new 14 bv 40 foot silo was at the farm and a forage hari had jjcimi purchased along with the old silo 12 bv 45 feet this farmer figures he will be herd of around 45 head of hnlsttiu able to ensile enough grass for a cattle of course he expects to cut a small amount of hav and sae it in the old drv stle f oting cattle and calves this change over m hav mak ing represents a major innovation for thus f armei w ho made a farm in come of 50b in 1040 and who his tonsistcntly made monev these past tle ears two other farmers who milk large herds of dair cafle had the ide i of ihaiiumg over tin ir tie binis to loafing pen- and milking p trior units in the i is of thi se tw o nu n th- n aie still m the think ing t iut nothing dras n t mitt m- pl ited in the immt di itt fiftuf howiver it is an ui i th it is i itch- in on n sonn dniwng dismts on this tuntinn tin think tins will lu ible to piomtlr t h ipir bun loom p i tow ie lime m milking phi houis of t tie and get iwa to some tent at hast from m lstiti- mftctmn om ihip said f artntt 3tet flrpbb ujfcs th only paper evtr publiihrd in acton rounded in 1875 mnd published every thursday at 56 mill st e acton ont member of the audit bureau of ctrcuu- uoojt the cwna and the ontario que bee division of the cwna advertising rates on request subscriptions pay able in advance tlso in canada 3 50 in the united states ix months 1 50 single copies fie authorized as second class mail post office department ottawa g a duu editor and publisher business and editorial office telephone 1 7 4 he would have fewer teal injuries due to trampling one of these same two chnps has a large machinery inventory somewhere in the neighborhood of 14000 he built this up these past few years when there was a de mand for custom work in his par ticular district now he telw me that he sees the time coming when all the custom work he will be able to do will be a very small amount indeed nnd thls past season he pur chased more land with the idea of keeping his machinery operating for the most part on his own land in one farm home i noticed that the farmer tiad purchased a steel filing cabinet and a typewriter all his farm records the breed records and so on were in this cabinet and in such order that no difficulty was experienced in looking up particu lar lata concerning any part of the farm business these people are not content to mow along in a well worn agri cultural path they question the wisdom of doing farm work in the wi it has been done for years if doing it that particular way seems to lose them monev they are con stantly looking around to see whit changes in farm operation will benefit their farms improe the quality of their livestock and in the final analysis maintain their farm incomes at a relatively high ltel nmv look xkxt spring lightt r softt r colors a greater trittv of pitteins and t oloi ings tli in it hi fore- thats the spnng 1qv1 fashion news from c in idian ti xt iu mills foi both men and wo rn ii npoils the pinim i il post the in wer sntln tie libit s will pi i in import uil pirt m the wo rn n s lb id ts re being soft- ptd ild foi m uy 1 h i an onl l dim d pt r oits in n w foundlainl s m 4 hi puplll ilon vrom tho iwufi of ih kr- krru of thursday leembrr 4 1602 the voluo of tho very comfortable public hall opened nt kepyslde a year ago wan further manifested on tuchdny evening when lt ciipnclty wnu tawed to accommodate the large audience which gatheied to liaten to the iirgumentii advanced why clce- torh houi vote yen today and thim uiie thejr influence in a practi cal manner in the effor to clone the barn toronto unlveriilty will confer degrees in hoqiichnld science tliin should help to dignify domenttr ier- vlie kventunlly we expect to nee iidlcbi like thin wnnteda gem ral nervimt none but university grad uated need apply high school department remilbi in ijilln algebra phynleff drnwlng and euclid havo been announced the hlghcfit mark wan received by harold nlcklin05 in iitln only the names of those who hnvo taken over 33 i per cent ore announced hev j o flrowne b a who has filled the vacancy in st albans church since the removal of hev j k sodden m a wan last saturday officially appointed rectory of the parish the third annual ball and supper given by acton fire brigade in the town hall last friday evening wan judging from the very large attend ance and the declaration bf thoie present that they had hnd a good time a marked success the at- tendance included members of the georgetown brampton and milton fire brigades the halton branch of the farm ers association was formed in mit- ton friday last the farmcri pre sent were unanimous and enthusias tic in support of the new organiza tion the following officers were elected president j il lindsay esqucilng vicepresident r k hall trafalgar sec treas frank j bar ber georgetown there wns good skating on cor poration pond a few days this week dc alvns british entertainers aie giving free concerts in the town hall this week and incidentally selling wonder herb remedies bock in 1932 from the luun ot the v r proa mf thursday lembr 1 lliz iooks us if we are going to ioa the fdcluhlng jack greer whs the rcprenentatlvar of aclontlockey club lit the oha meeting in toronto on saturduy mr david mcutnre formurly of alton was manager of the bunk lot north buy which wan held up and robbed of vimi mi saturday tile generals cup wiuiyon by d company of acton and gcorgetowu at the annual inspection of the lorn- scottish hlfles at burling ton on saturday keen interenl was shown in municipal affairs whm five were nomlnati d for reeve and 21 for council the meeting was well at tended when the candidate had decided there were only two for th reeveshlp and six for councillor tho school trustees and public utili ties commission were elected by ac clamation a pretty wedding took place in st josephs church on november 26 when klla mae daughter of mr george woods and frank son of mr and mrs t gibborwwiul-mar- rled died noble on fridny november 25 1032 at her late residence toron to louisa m noble in her 78 ih year widow of t lute jam noble iiinfhk cub pack in victoria dc that citys first allchinese wolf cub pack has been formed under the leadership of mrs g bennett y new varmint a mountaineer seeing his first motorcycle running down the road rained hbt rifle and fired several times did you net the varmint called hln wife het it but didnt kill it came the answer i con still hear it growlin but i sure mado it turn thet man loose professional directory and travellers guide jtlkuical dr w g c kenney rhynlclan and kurfeon oitico in symon block mill st acton ofllrr phone 78 rrmdence church st phone 150 dr d a garrett imiyiiclan and uurccon corner of willow and ilwer sls entrance river street acton ontario hone 23h dr a i armstrong illmlcian and surgeon ohii hi mill st kiit 1iiunk v74 iikstal at th6 united church of canada aetan ontario a friendly church rev a currey ba bf minister parsonagi 29 dower avenue phone 60 miaa o m lamwi atc3i organist and choir leader sunday december 7th 19sj 10 00 am sunda schikl evrv child a christian u 00 j m moniinu worship sub ject barbarian- from within 7 00 p m e eninu worship chriilmat milmc fi 20 subject an aibvut to your question december 14 technicolor motion picture the kins h man ivvfklu thought when i met him i looking doan when i left him i wa look ing up lanonvmousi htesbytetlan church in canada knox vmmvil autom hkv bobebt ii abmfttkonl la hj 193 sunday deceuber 7th 10 00 am church school 1100 am divine worahlp 12 15 p m bible clan i 7 00 p m evening worship 1 they that wait upon th lord ihall rnt0 thlr irrvnflth a warm welcome awalu 3ou baptist church acton dwiijht l patteimin pastor parsonage 115 bower ave phone 20flr dr a j buchanan dental surfron olluc- icishmm ulnck mill st oitac hour 9 a in to tl pin xiiay telephone mb dr h leib drntal surgeon offiei corner mill and r ri tli i ick strtets otfae moms j a in to g p m telephone 10 acton real estate and inkuuanct thurilin u 1 1 raliit 4 fl 00 chmri practice 810 prijer meetlnk i fndav december wj1 00 mismn i cirtle at home f mrs hint nulmer sunday december 7th 1912 10 00 a m sumiis st houl 1100 im miinuni worship un hi hef 7 00 p m thi evinmi worship h11 pniytnin peoples wright real estate and insurance f u wiugiit n b whigrtt 20 wilbur sl 60 macdonnell si aelon ont guelph ont phone 05 phone 4015w valuator realtor imuran member appraual institute ot canada members guelph and dlritict real elate board members guelph and district lnsurace agentj aocioll3n st albans church iarrlla rev ralph e price ba bd rector w wm r bracken real estate general insurance phone 20 actoi mihce1laneouh sfcond sunday in advent december 7 1052 8 30 am holy communion 10 00 am church school 1100 am beginners class 1100 am holy eucharist 7 00 p m esensonk and sermon thu kingdom come m the uorld o god beoinnino uirh me all welcome the earth receives only one two- billionth part of the heat given out by the sun the victor b rumley funeral funeral name ileaud asabalusw phone 30 night or dsy serving the community for 45 years dlive m lampard aicm rmt organist ond choir leader united church teacucr a ptas studio united church thursday studio 14 park ave guslph telephone im legal c f leatherland rarrutrr hollcltor notary pabur oflice 22 phone res 151 acton lever hoskin chartered accountant successors to jenkins and hardy ki05 metropolitan bldg 44 victoria st toronto elg 0131 a j crandell hartered accountant main sit et georgetown ielephtme 0 cllinolltactor d j armstrong iloetor of chiropractic ii trtcltnck st n acton ihone 5 veteitlvarv b d young b v sc c l young dvm veterinary surgeons oitite urtjokvllle ontano lhoin miltun losrll r g oakes v s b v sc veterinary surgeon oilier and residence knox ava aeton phone 130 travellers guioe gray coach lines oaciies leave acton kaatbound 0 38 am 858am 1133 am 208 pm 508 pm 133 p m bs p m bo 58 p m westbound 10 37 am 1252 pm 257 pjn 5 27 pm 7 27 pm tf 12 pm i1sj p in 1 12 a m isun to kitchener only i a dally except sunday and holi days b saturday sunday and holi days canadian national railways standard time eaatbaund daily 8 40 a m daily except sun- days 054 am 7 10 pm sunday only 8 16 pm daily excapt sun day flyer at georgetown 0 03 am dally flyer at georgetown 1011 p m westbaaml daily except sunday and mon day 2 3 a m sunday and monday only 12 3s am daily except sun day 8 48 am 850 pm flagstop 7 44 p m daily except saturday and sunday 610 p m saturday oaf- ly 130 pm sunday only 0 43 m m flagstqpl sunday only hyar at guelph 70s pm