Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 11, 1952, p. 2

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paob two the acton free press acfon ontario tiiiiiikday dkckmiikh ii iii being lawabiding to bo doslgnalod as a law abiding citizen was always considered a much rospoctod lorm boing such a citizen in these days often sorely trios the patlonce of those who would llko to bo lawabid ing for instance recently we hoard of a nearby farmer who livos alono and was visited by a group of hoodlums who broke 17 window panos in his home he had a shotgun in tho homo and was tempted to uso it but was deterred bocauso he was a law abidingcitizen recently a bunch of lads wore approhondod in a placo into which they forcod entry material taken from other broakins was found with them they woro takon to court and tho lads woro dis charged after they had agreod to pay tho costs of the court every polico officor has had timos of frustration in which ho had tho fooling that tho law was hardly a court of ustico aaanyfcltios and towns hnvo in rocont yoars seen mob rulo provall whon strikes woro in pro- gross all too ofton law enforcement has broken downrind tho lawabiding citizon has had llttlo or no protection we dont advocato taking tho law in your own hands but wo do boliovo that too ofton our courts givo tho bonofit to tho culprits against lawabiding citizens wrong doing re quires punishment and our polico courts are tho place for punlshmont to be handod out boforo wo havo a development of more characters such as suchan and jackson and others who becomo sor- ious criminals because their minor offences wore not chocked you will ncicr ind time or aniitmno if you want time you must make it clwrlcj buxton proven best most of us can recall when municipal elections wore invariably items which came in tho yearend holiday season municipal affairs were often a subject for discussion at tho family holiday gather ings that custom has been changed and now oory municipality in halton county holds the elections in early december even toronto whore municipal voting was a tradition of new years day has finally come into the fold of getting tho municipal fuss cleared away before the holiday season we doubt if any one would want to go back to tho old ptan again of yearend elections true tho present system does make a sort of lame duck month of municipal activity in december but usually no new business is introduced in the last monthof the year anyway custom changes are usually gradual and that is perhaps well but having proven satisfactory the early election dates are likely to stick vhi do i dislike thr tvrm hoortt to vie if stintus jwist aftimidrs o time titicri canadians nrrrr really lnlieicd that ririr prosperity iron id iait morgan reid raht simpson co greek word for nonvoters if you trace the word fdiot youll find it comes from the greekliduptes according to the greeks the idiotes were citizens who did no voting this makes just as much- sense today as it did in ancient athens or sparta a canadian citi zen who does not use his right to vote is an idiot in using the term we will not go quite so far as popular usage does but rather turn to the original greek which meant an ignorant person elections are over in our municipalities you hear many names used by many people in the heat of an election perhaps it is just as well t save some of the words until ifter and get names for those who do not vote it is not unusual to hear ciliens berating of fice holders and government policies local and nationwide upon enquiry one usually finds a great mionfy of the grouchcis the dissatisfied and discontented are nonvoters in the fast analysis the fitness of our elected representatives and their ability to give us sound gpvernmeilt on every level depends on the rate payers and all who have the privilege ofcasting a ballot it is when the voters neglect to cast their ballot that too often the unsatisfactory and the subversive gain power being first itjjas boon mado apparent in north halton high school district that for us educational frills are out aflor five yoars of falling to ngroo on a pioposal it was rather athock to loam that whon cgroomont had boon roachod by board and muni cipalities tho plan did not moot with approval by tho doparlment of education auditorium gym nasiums which havo boon iho part of evory now building in evory vlllago from 700 population up wards aro not to bo part of iho prosont buildings proposod in any of tho towns of north halton dis trict it reminds us of a lot of storlos ibat havo boon told about prodicamonts that folks find thomsolvos in whoro sovoral groups aro involved and thoro are many opinions to bo consolidated thoro is no point howovor in going into all theso opinions and plans of tho past a proposal has boon mado to moot prosont day noeds in tho district lots get on with tho plan now as it has boon approved it is to bo hoped that buildings erected under iho proposal will bo flexible enough to allow for expansion to moot tho needs of jho fuluro wo voted for acceptance of tho pro posal whon tho board considorod tho mattor last thursday because wo aro of tho opinion that a start must be mado for oxpansion of all throe schools it appears this district is tho first in cities and towns to encountor tho economy wovo of educa tional expenditure but it appears some place must bo the first in every change motiiw is liter manure o very little use except it be spread huron a time table must tho rush rush of tho busy christmas season is with us and time is so quickly growing short timo may bo growing short for many in halton county and in this district although they may be completely unaware of it tuberculosis strikes chiefly in individuals from high school age up and is in many cases curable in its early stages time may be growing short for detection in some of us to provide a protection against this disease that tho world health organization estimates as the cause of 15000 deaths a day the halton county tuberculosis and health association is staging a free chest xray clinic in this town and some surrounding centres during this month time may bo growing short until chrislrtias time may be growing shorter if detection of tuberculosis is too late every father and mother has a duly to them selves and to their children this month not just to fill childrens stockings on christmas eve but to make a definite point of having a free chest xray as a protection to their health and their childrens christmas shopping baking and all other ac tivity should come to a halt if necessary to take advantage of the insurance policy being given away in the form of a free chest xray this month the xray takes only brief seconds make it a dale for mom dad and high school children and for grandma and grandpa too it may be an important date and it will give you a feeling of safety dont miss the free chest xray clinic in this district a time table and advertise ments will explain the importance and plans more fully the good old days may have seemed better back in 1902 krom th vhmii bt the frrv lrrm twf thurwuy lrfmlwr ii 1002 ontnrln fliiyi iliinlih the bunt it in rrmiiruiiblr unit out or 700mk htluni in ontjirin ivnn thnn p0wk wen willing iiuit thurjidiiy in d fend tlw liiior driller in bl iiuji- liwvii if the har only lx rnnntirw in ontlirio jtuve iniijtiritifjt 4jjiuit tin- majority in hiihnn tor vls the linrh wtui 1001 althmiuh the 2171 vnlrs nicruuiry in put thr ontnrln uimr act of 1002 in force wvro nnt nhtnlnrrt thr op- pnncnli nf tin hiir room won vrry lcirlit victory iiuit thuritliy tho- irmprrnncr people nrc now in n ixlilllon to drmnncl much mor rijitrlcllvr iculttlnlinn jniclf iui th immediate rrdnrtlori in munhrr the ultimate abolition and mrllir rloiink spicliilly on sntiirdiiy itockwoihl voted 71 to rluse hi bum and 10 against kvilon did even hiltit and voted 72 to mi mr w stiirk iiccmin lanl for mrkhtti w ii storey mill son- hw been the leclpient of very rordlnl and piofuse thank the psi week lie ucreededln jrtlirij in the flrst ear nf anthracite coal tint tllil reached arton rtltiee tile coal miners strike and very generously diviiled it anioni minn- thirty rltlrcah it ii a splendid quality of scran ton nut and cost some tiling over tl a ton at the meellnj of the il ec- library board on friday it was decided new shelve would be put up to accommodate new liookrt th membership in increnuinfl present were j cameron chairman t t moore a j mackinnon itev a e smith b i and ii r moore a missionary meeting will be held ijvi in st al buns church on thursday evening dec 10th id which the hev i o strnjccr w has been a missionary nmonu the rsiiilmnuwill rive nn address mr stz bennett nrrlvod home last wlek from the north west he ii about to remove to nova scotia in represent w ii storey and son in the east mr j kerr brown of the school of pharmacy is home on vacation mrs john brown went to new market last thursday to attend the funeial of her mother mi michael lleie the zero weathei of the- firsl of the week bas louder ded rnnsider- ilily six days enough sunchiy commercialized sports got a well de served beating in many ontario centres in recent municipal voting ottawa kingston gananoque and other centres which voted on the question re fused to sanction making sunday an open day there is absolutely no nevci for this commercializ ing of the sabbath most workers now have a five day week and moderate working hours dur ing the five days there is plenty of opportunity for sport and attending places of entertainment without making sunday an open day surely we will soon begin to realize that the human frame will not withstand constant run ning any more than any other piece of mechan ism we need a day of rest of course there is always the clamor of those who would make pro fits every day m the year and every one of the 24 hours of the day greed s never satisfied ana never will be it appears the only paper ever puhluhed in acton founded in 11175 and published every thursday at 56 mill st e acton ont member of the audit bureau of circula tion ifie cw n a and the ontarioquebec division of the c w n a advertising rales on request subscriptions pay able in advuncc j250 in canada w 50 in the united states sx months 150 sincle copies 6c authorized as second class mall post office department ottawa g a dlllj ditor and publuher business and editorial office telephone 174 tv wont supplant newspapers post television isnt noinj to lessen the power of tin- written word declares napier mooie in the financial post nothlllk will ever lessen the power of the written word in the hiaos we were asked the same question about radio bioadcastinc which was just starling and we jjave the satin answer a lot of people then thomtht that magazines for instance would just fade away hut year aflci year niacaine cu eolations have contin ued to show substantial niins the radio broadcasting f news hasnt affected the newspaper no matter what people hear they want to read about it aflei waids television cannot ijem to be a newsiatheier foi the simple teason that ll cannot cope with the unex pected it can do a jood job when tliincs are prcarran d it can cover a football came 01 a roil visit but it canpot rush cimeris lights and equipun tit to a railway wreck as fast as newspipet s cin met leporters there besides there aient as manv tv cameras as there are newspipei repoi ters back in 1932 ivoni tli kimui of tht vrr 1rrm of thunwjuy idrcrtrllttr u 1012 the mild weather enijiled n re newing tf tall ploiiehlnu opera tloiit by the farmeri quite a number attended th- ihootlnu match at john black ji last saturday aftetuoon the firemanu mull hut friday evenliik drew a bltf crowd and mood time is reported by all whi attended f mccnteheon hai been awarded the contract for rnrrytnkthe mail rroni the station to the pnjit owf in acton dr and mr it gordon atfney have been landed by medical ex pcrbi for the dental dhirnvcry tin have made 4 ra 10 per cent jcicntiflc proof of the specific did which will prcnervr teeth namely phosphorus and vitamin i wai credit id to ihem dr ainew 1 head of the department of path ology at west china union uni versity and mrs ajjriew hi a bio chemist last sunday evcnlnu ihe pastor and choirs of knox hunh cjiiclpli and knox church acton exchang ed servlcei a splendid service of sonm and praise wuji klven and en- joyed by the coiimremation the council for lfkl1 will be as follow iteeve k thetford coun cil ja f mcmillan wallace a iasby e tone s m utsby the davllmhl savlrim bylaw was de feated by 202 iiki gibbens at the home acton ontario on friday december 1032 etlabelh delaney widow of the late john p nihhemi in her 4llh year swjtzkit at the home main street acton ontario on sunday december 4 1032 geormi- llerbeil swit7er beloved huband of sadie gitinn scabhow at the home bower ave acton ontailo on satur day december 3 1032 mary arm ward beloved wife of john i scnrow in her with yent carelessness causes of many bad fires wiste of life iml propel ty bv file has iiiciea id so that the prolern extends tir beoud the insiiiarw e business kin- musbals and fire prevent ion- nrinnirnl if m- it i piobbiu of n itiiiiit uitiisl tjotli conjmiii ally and socidlv the tieiix ndote loss of life nd piopeil ewi tar eomriiaiids the pecial thonibt uid attention of ev- iv eitltll inti tested in the welfir f cuiidi iosuiame cin reimburse the in- nied foi ht piopeitv values ijiil imain r his lie n lirvn from ex- peiienci thatonlv a small peit-int- je of puln v holder ire insured up to full iluo sy that the policy holder i unible to be i e ompenst d foi his fiill lo ai ili ssmss and recklessness are the piitiipa inclines that we must const a nl i v fimht anainst canless of matches and careless srnokinc habits tank fust in the list of known causes of fire l in uivt the last ear for which statistics were published out of 0710 fires reported 210v were caused bv matches and smokers carehssnes the match ir tobacco ire not to blarne the carehss user is the offender one million canadian men wo men and children depc nd directlv on uie pulp and pap r industry for their liwlihood north east west s ouyh crufty exhibit any ladlei who have tnlten coiini- vh in crafbi will be intended in the annual cxhihtr anil aab- lh- geoiifelown art and cnifu ittonp held some from thiii dijiti let at tendid too ueinniiitlrit imui of ciaft wmk driw iniicli attention the oeoime- lown i let aid said mis iucy mideiiworth uhowed the art of pot tery pallitiiim mr i j newman demonstrated lino block pi inllic and mis cyril braiidford teathir work mrs d w baxter mra arnott farly and mrn kin bat kin were wen vinu deinonxl ralora and mm john giviui and miji leoitanl bell spinning a itrand variety of craft win k wjis offered for wile merrhandlne rallied from a promt haudhaifs woven sloleji anil place mnlh to metil niirl leather costume jewel lery and pottery on exhibition wiii an attractive suit and hat which mis c v willlmiii had tailored from material zihc had her- flelf woven hlk xray total when the til innbite clinic lok xrivfi in palermo this year 1311 took advantage of the service tin- last lime the mobile clinic was there in 1047- there were only 70 x- raved bronte clinic numbeis win- far ahead of the 1017 records too lets hope the aame trend continues up here uncharitable jnkr although all the news in all the halton county newspapera irt al ready tinned with christmas tfaietv one of them innt tut completely charitable as jl could be- seelni chrlulmas is only two weeks away it has a motherinlaw joke chairman you say you have l leave the hoard meelinj early member yes my motherln1 1 a is arriving on the four oclock broom j chrutmab irrnt note in the oakvllle hecordstar that the angela bruce chajiter of the iodk bus decided lo donate a television set to the womens lounj in the halton centennial manor at milton would be nh if it weie tfiere in lime for christ hkuct hrltixd otwin a burnt out trjiusfotmei uhicn lepl liuhth off for iln hour and u half didnt dampen the spirits of uvi r 400 children and ptrenlh wn witiiead the official opening of the iorne skuce public school wild the oikvilleltecotd star mr skuce in well known all ov i hal ton as a si hool luiipecloi evidently a speech from staulev hall m pp was on the indilh which contliiuiul after in- lili1 went on but school cbaiimiu e j jamii coining to that plate in on- proiram aid i aaw him befor the lights wenl ouf blft he seeina lo havedrhappeared trafalar deputy reeve emeison ford wild i dont believe -then- i anyone in the county who haj ihun- mnre for education than iorm skuce in hi j addresh mr skuce unlrf he felt sorry for the pilncipul who would have to say iorpe skuci hehorjj over the phne t the speaker the ashiitant super- mlendelll of elementary education for ontario c b houtley nald in the department we have th- hlhejit regard for mr skuce arid we feel ihu board hii inauu r an excellent choice of name fin ih school i hi is an educationist of the first rank and has served will much distinction wherever he h is been located he also paid f ribuu- to mrs skuce compliment j tin hr on her intrrcht in children krrp mania busy santa clans came to oikvllh- lilst saturday in a biu 1000 p radi an an invitation of the oakvllle- trafalgar chamber of commerce after a weeks rest he has a bt day ahead of him this saturday when hell visit youngster in lwnb erin and milton himatki mrs a that fancy vase on lhi mantel thats my bunbands ahhea mrs oh im no sorry how lonn his he been dead mrs a hes not dead jml tof lay to teach for an ash tray professional directory and travellers guide mkkhai i dr w g c kenney i 1hynirlan and kurgron ollici- in synijii illwli mill si alton 1 orflrr ihonr 7h t itmliirnci- jhurrh st thonr 150 i i dr d a garrett iliynlrlan mnd kurrton corncr of willow ind kivir sl- enlririci- hivir strtft acton ontario ihonr zzh dr a i armstrong iliyolrlan and surron offic ii mill st kibt ijione r dental iefiai c e leatherland llarrlatrr kcillrltor votary pablla oiiki- ii ihom- ita 151 afton lever hoskin jhartrrrd arrountanu sucf iviora to jknkinh am iiaitdv ii mftroiolitin blda 44 vitfiny st toronto elu u131 a j crandell chartrrrd accountant muinstriet evripttjn tk-illon- 6 fiiirofltactor dr a j buchaijan drntal surrron ottitc- loihnin lilock mill st olliu- hour a ni to i p tn xiiay telephone 148 at thz united church of canada arton ontario a friendly church itrv e a currry ii a ill minister pjronnki 29 flower avenue phone 60 miu m iinnard atcjii oriankt and choir 1rader sunday decemher 14h io no i m snndiv s ii 1100 1 m- mnnini w r i i sier 1 cmm i tn ih- kin fiil 11 1i1- i h he s nivchiir too p m everunj vi h c orel nuiion pn r- t h kine- min tlimiblit for the week knnd there i i eleume ii h church for thee come in and ret nd think d kneel and prav what men hale uuilded for g itlory see cue thank- and in piic o on thy way baptist church aoton diillh l patterson pctor parsonane in itoier ae phone 20fir tiuir il i i 1 oi rk ill pr r m tj sunday december 4i 10 00 r sir s r i 11 lift mo- s ii wrhp wiv ch- cn th i h 1 y i r h gnirii-m- mondai d e rb r ii b jin nlal chrstma- mjim st albans church anglican rev ralph e price b a b d rector presbyterian church in canada knox- cinmcil actou kev konkrt ii armstrom ma bd mtnliur sunday december hth hiv 10 00 a m church school 1100 am divine worship 12 15 p m bible class 7 00 p m evetfine worship they that uott upon the lord shall renew their strenath a warm welcome owaiu you third sunday in advent december 14 1952 h 30 am hnlv communr 10 00 am church srhfi 1100 a m b-knnr- cla- 7 00 pm eiesori nd s rn reptnr lr for flu- ktiijtln heaicn is at liarul all are wvltiini dr h leib drntal kurreon oftice corner mill and kr drick streets office hour- uam to h p rn telephone j acton iteai estate and insiranc1 wright real estate and insurance f l wright n ir wright 20 wiloar st 09 macdonnel s ai ton or gjlph ont phone 9 phone 4915w aluator kraltor lnuron m mb airi lr ate of ctradi member gijn nd ursict rl e ate lijad m mb gijph ad dlrt l uju- asns asna 3n t wm r bracken rral fulr geneitai insurance phone 2d actor miscellaneous the victor b rumley funeral home funeral llorar ilratrd ambuunet phone 20 nicht or day servnn the cotnmunity for 45 yean d j armstrong doctor or chiropractic 11 erdenck st n acton phone v v b d young bvsc c l young dv m vrtrrlnary surfron oilti- brookiille omjio ill m k f f g gakes v s e vrtrrlnary hurrron ot d it ave al i p 0 travellers- guide gray coach lines oat lllh leave acton inttound a t f a ra 2 11 fjri p n o j3 r j2 artbound 10 ti a rr 12 2 p 2 57 p m 27 prn 7 27 p 9 12 prr 1133 pi i 12 a rr sn k rner i da ii e j llal s b saorda idais pt sjda jrd iob- sanlay nd roli- each mv railway track m qubec has fqinv than k00 peojile to support it in saskatchewan there are fewer than 100 persons per mile of track 3live m lampard atcm r m t organist and choir leader i united church trachrr of piano i studio united church thursdayi studio 14 park avecuelph i telephone 208 canadian national railways standard tme eaatbund dalj 140 am daily excp san- dais 954 am 7 10 pm samiay i oniv b 16 p m daily except sun day flier at georgetown 9 02 a nx daily flier at georgetown 10 11 p m wralbound dally except sunday and mon dai 2 22 am sundav uzi m nday onlv 12 38 am dalv except sun dav h48 am b50 p m flaastop 7 44 pm daily except saturday and sundav 610 pm saturday on ly 238 pm sunday only 9 43 a m flattiitop sunday only flyer at guclph 7 03 pm

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