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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 8, 1953, p. 5

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thursday january tl 1k3 v the acton free press acton ontario limehouse homes holiday visitors o haended for last week birthday greetings to mrs robt patterson who celebrated her mtb birthday with a family dinner at the home of her son a c patter son here sunday december 21 rev a odder conducted christ mis services at limehouse pres fayterian church on sunday muriel appleyard wal soloist aim h norton entertained the wile girls class of- the sunday school with a party at her home on monday evening mrs gisby mrs sanford and mrs kirkpatricfc were hostesses lar their s s classes at a turkey dinner at the home of the gisby s on tuesday jttw- girls project group held their christmas party on monday at the home of mrs kirkpatrick their regular work meeting was field the same afternoon mr and mrs h norton ross and kay and mrs r lane spent christmas with the ted morrows in toronto mr and mrs a c patterson und joy and mr and mrs g sinclair were in weston for christmas miss swackhamer was in toron io with the arrowsrolths mr a thornton spent a few days frith relatives at teeswater mr and mrs r thompson at their parental homes on christmas mr and mm glynn and peter with her parents at woodbridgc for christmas peter remaining for the holidays mr and mrs briggs and family with relatives in toronto the shelbournes spent christ mas with the powcms at lowvlho mr and mrs walter tjnhatn and linda and mr robert ltntiam wfiv christmas sunday and with the wlllard sanderson s on christmas chrisrmos visitors miss ethel brownridgc ct georgetown with the ftc browns mr isaac askm hornby with the eldin askln s mr and mrs leslie campbell and mr bill campbell miss joan campbell and mr george pai chuck or hamilton with the a w norton s mr murray and miss marion hall and mrf waiter hail of stay ner mj ah the silerbys and mr rie sett mr alex wright home from tor- alsn mua doris mitchell home from tcachingdutles in toronto mr a c bourne home from trinity college miss ruth roughley of chicago with mr and mrs j e roughley ttm league to start off with for mr and mrs wflfnd greenlecs os to 14 t- marianne and lois of campbell j for those below nine and some of villt with the a w benton a i the reuown who havent had enough mr and mrs ellis and family ot hockey under their belts yet to stay hamilton with mr fred euls at in he town league there probably pounding the sports beat with a vi well ma you won t have to wor ry about the doctor bill this year in the event johnny is in jured playing hockey under the minor sports clubs program that is if you care to invest a dollar to cover any injuries he may sustain the minor sports club has af filiated their hockey program with the o mh a and as a result can make use of the insurance coverage arranged by that body with the prudential assurance company of england forms will be given to all boys who wish them who play in the town league or in any of the three o m h a entries the policy covers injuries sustain ed by the member in practice or playing of hockey including in juries sustained while being trans ported as a group to or from places ot practice or play providing the transportation is under supervision the policy provides protectiomfor medical and or dental expenses in excess of 10 to an amount not ex ceeding in total 25000 however in the event that the indemnity claim ed is for dental expenses or medical and dental expenses the indemnity for said dental expenses is limited to an amount not exceeding 35 00 you can get more particulars about the scheme when you read the application johnny probably will bring home dont think we re trying to sell you insurance but the plan merits your attention if your boy intends to play hockey this winter jhteckuic of jannny getting f review work h alton leadership training school held in december jthejjavid joe tjl milton on nwrt s4ezjfcewtenfbl eye of sporti ctnb ftfflcials but fur some time farm people rec ognizing the need for more effic lency tn conducting their meetings have asked for some assistance in group leadership training it was their hope to improve the quality of the work to be done by their organizations which have an lm portant contribution to make to our canadian life in order to meet this need and request the ontario federation of agriculture tbejontario farm ra dlo forum in cooperation with the community programs branch of the department of education and the department of agriculture sponsored a leadership training school in halton county at the un ited church sunday school audit orium milton in the middle ol december immediately after registering we formed a circle and by means of singing games we were introduced to each other we then assembled for community singing led by george atkins bronte with mm r coulter at the piano this also proved helpful as a means of pro moling good fellowship among the students group leader mrs eleanor sim merton was introduced by mr at kins as the wife of our first prov inctal farm radio forum secretary nd as an experienced leader group work and adult educational methods mrs sim briefly outlined purpose and alms of the training school by taking the parable of the apple tree which needs to be fed and nourished in the right type of soil with proper amount of moist urc and fertilizer in order to bear ibersof an org aruzaortmuhsertfni requirements of our organization onetimes accidents are taavold able and with this prateeuan for one good canadian dollar your mind will be pat at rest at a meeting of the town league officials wednesday night it was igreed to begin operations thursday night tonight all boys are urged to be down at the arena by 6 45 with sticks and skates if you cant afford a stick it isnt likely youll be refused one but no free sticks are being dispensed this year we found that doctor oakes in addition to being mayor of acton knows all the boys and their ages how well they play hockey and just what their attitude is towards the game this all came out at the meeting when ages of boys playing in the town league was being dis cussed looks like it will be a four the gisby mr and mrs l law and family of norvat mrs d s mcdonald and children of guelph mr and mrs angus mcdonald and children of georgetown mr and mrs les irani of terra cotta with the gls bvs on saturday miss hazel phlel of toronto wi h mr and mrs gordon mrs william johnston of niag ara falls and mrs wm h jones miss mary mill i champ and miss p reamsbottom of toronto with the c a posers and miss m renmsbottom misses dorothy and grace war r n ith th brockmuler s mr and mrs tom haint s and family ith mr joe scolt miss harel phiel of toronto with mr and mr wmgordon will be a paper weight league for those boys over 14 who are not playing midget or juvenile if there are enough of you another league the juveniles and midgets open ed the season tuesday night in waterloo when they met bridge port in the first scheduled double header bridgeport won both games by scores of 54 and 4j probably the huge ice surface at waterloo had i detrimental effect on the local clubs w ho are used to smaller cush ions a scbedale is taelode tn uus brae of all omjhjl games we suggest ya clip ft oat and keep the dates in mind if yon emre to er interesting hockey campbeuviue inventory sale station wagon coats and jackets at greatly reduced prices bee these bargains mans fin shirts 2 99 mens ftt haft your choice at price one lot udies blouses at 1 98 chestertain wool broedcrepe pi n shades 54 2toyd annual free pant sale by cambkidg clothes tailored to measure extra- par trousers free with each suit ordered during urge assortment of cloth many other line at raduced pi koi skating enjoyed on lighted pond thi lighted pond has been a real init for skiting during ihe chnst mas season for the oung people of the community your campbclh ille correspond ent wishes to extend to readers a hipp and prosperous new year i miss philis coulter had the misfortune to fall while skating and has torn ligaments of the ankle 107 00 wis collected from t christmas ee strvict in st da ids presbvtcrian church to send to mission in indlai progressive s euchre held the campbelkilte communit and recreation club held a pro gressue euchn partv in s s n 10 ich hi on mondav evening wit mr and mrs leonard andrews mrs william roberts and jack or tht rommithe prize winners were james wal ace frank qulnlan mrs wal c hamblv and mrs james defores another partv will be held witr mr and mrs llovd crawfoftl and mr and mrs george inglis charge halton county liberal association the annual mooting of halton county liberal assoc will be held at the township hall at trafalgar on friday january 16 1953 at b 00 pm j c cunningham pre k y dick sec that it is kept alive and flourish lng if we expect it to continue to ar fruit we then divided into groups foi first discussion period with thi topic difficulties in organixat some of these were al members lacking to assume their share of the responsibility toward the welfare of the organization well as towards the officers whom we appoint as leaders b bera not speaking openly at the meeting but voicing their opinion after the meeting jhas adjourned regular and punctual attend ance at all meetings d selecting tour executive carefully and with consideration for the welfare of your organization the next topic for discussion who is your leader and what are bis responsibilities a his first interest must be the success of the organization and the question box was a means suggested to find out the wishes of the members regard lng the type of program b lead er in a discussion group mint know his subject and must endeavor to keep the members on the topic for the allotted time c keep the top 1c for discussion as the theme lor the meeting- d do not allow one person to accept more than one office e in tbe election of oftic era en outsider can be called in to pave the way by giving a short talk on members responsibility to their organization at 12 noon we adjourned to an adjoining room where lunch was prepared in banquet style and with mr atkins planning a head table with master of ceremonies guest speaker introduction of head table guests toasts to the queen the ladies the gentlemen with proper responses were all enacted which proved highly education- and in formative at the conclusion clifford waitt provincial firm radio for um cretar voiced his com men s md constructive criticism of this procedure ghing kind cnt icism whtre necessarj ii well as praise where it was deserving the iftemoon session in small group discussion of program plan ning proved interesting and we concluded some of the basic pnn ciplcs were a purpose of our program must reflect the needs and interest of our people b plan ning of our program befon during md after the met ting o meet th needs of the orginizitlon c en ihusiasm cannot bi bought we rt usl be sure all have a specific job to creatt intert it d budget or finances of our rganiration need careful planning and tn con elusion shared lead rship par dirnn arv pro edure be ing our next topic for dhcussion pnved helpful as we considered the prop r procedure of calling a meeting to order with an agenda on hand previously prepared bv chairman and secretary all bus in ess conducted i each person who wishes to voice his opinion nsmj and addressing the chair aft r w hich chairman announces name of tbe person speaking and idviscs the meeting this person now his the floor speaker states his mo ion clearly and distinctly while secretary records same chairman asks for a seconder b ore thi question is open for dls russion af er which the chairman asks if lhe are ready for the ques- lion and with assent he puts the question the vote is earn d lost or de feated and recorded an amend ment cannot change a motion but can add to the motion omit part or substitute a part in case of i motion an amendment or an am endment to the amendment al must be moved seconded before th discussion and the latur com first the amendmen next and the motion last reports of convenors ot committees are brought mcrelv as recommendations duttesot officers was our nen discunsion topic a leader group must first know and have knowledge of his subject before at erupting to lead the group in dis cussionj he should acquire a lis ing for people and have respect for the other persona opinion as wll a th courage of his convictions he must insist on the elimination of gossip and see that all partlcip ants keep to the topic he muat practice as well as preach punct uality meetings should be well planned either by dramatizing demons rat ing films debating mock parlla ment there are many avenues of entertainment which give interest and enthusiasm to meetings every one in a community is a potential leader films were shown introducing different meeting procedure fol lowed by the report of the com mlttee ft charge of registration 37 people registered with seven church groups six farm forums eight womens institutes one folk school three township federations two junior farmers one junior in stltute one agricultural society each representing their own org anlzatlon this concluded our firt day s program on tuesday we assembled and enjoyed a film on parliamentary procedure which depicted thi findings of our discussion of the previous day after our jaing son and plans for the day were mad we divided into our customary groups for the discussion topic discussion methods we decided a definition for dls cuss ion was a sharing or our opin ion and receiving of communicat ion of ideas each participant brings to a discussion an attitude of give and take a tolerance and respect of other pcoptes opinions a spirit of harmony and loyalty experience is a better teacher thin a college e as we l to do b doing at the conclusion of lunch had an active demonstntlbn on the conducting of a business meeting conducted according to parliament ary procedure with chairman pns iding secretaries minutes read and adopted as well as the treasurer financial statement the mecti ig concluded with motion for adji ment a group discussion was tii xt demonstrited taking as their lop ic what is i community centn and do we need one miss anne pelletterto was group leader and carried out her duties quite efflc iently not allowing one person u do all the talking and yet seeing that all participated in the discuss ion mrs coulter gave a short talk on the social part of a meeting em phasizing the fact recreation at a meeting tends to make participants out of spectators recreation is known by the three fs fun fe lowshlp and friendship do not be afraid to try as one docs not know what they can do until they trv mr clifford waitc delivered com men is on these demonstrations which proved our shortcomings as well as pointing out our strongt and more commendable points we were again divided into small groups of six for a panel summary of what we had gleaned and there by could take back to our organ ization as a means of improvement and benefit various answers wtrc brought forth when we re assembl ed to compare our notes for the ev aluation of the training school a the method of procedure for breaking down barriers at our first meeting b knowledge gained as to where we stood as iciders of our organizations c more public ity should be given oj a report be ing sent to the localress it was unanimously agreed t follow up with mother scho i it the near future with the follow n commi tee ti take charge of orii ration of the sch ol coiffltv r i ration of agncultun mr miimi all campbell junior farmers mr mac sprowl women s instimt mrs ellerbj church groups r wm lake milton co open v mr smellle folk schools m s ellen chapman firm ridi f r urns mrs euenton announce schedule omha hockey actons three entries in the om h a will play in five team groups with elmlra bridgeport elora and fergus this year following is the complete schedule- with triplehead ers scheduled each night one ban game one midget game and one juvenile game this applies to all dates except those with elmira oames with elmlra will be double headers as there is no entry in the juvenile class from that town jan s acton at bridgeport jan 9 acton at fergus jan 16 fergus at acton jan 19 acton at elmlra jan 21 acton at elora jan 23 elora at acton jan 30 elmira at acton jan 31 bridgeport at acton plan schedule for lawn bowling club tuesday january 6 was a mom entous day in the annals of district no 9 of the provincial lawn bowling association of ontario the streetsville club was host to 25 gentlemen representing 10 of the 13 lawn bowling clubs in the district at a special meeting called by the district chairman to dis cuss the possibility of scheduling interclub games during th com ing 1953 season the plan which evolved calls foi each of the 13 clubs in turn to act as host on one tuesday nigh d mg the summer to a mens triples entry from each of the other ilubs thus representatives from every chit will visit every other club in the district once during the season at the same time every club will be afforded contact each week with representatives of al the other clubs a schedule will bi driun up in time for distribution it th innuil spring meeting of th district which will be rilled at the nd of f bruiry it wis thi general filing that whi r p issiblo a beginner or i jun or bi included in eich rntrv ind thit the personnel f thi enl riis should be viried each wick to afford as miny mi mbers as pos si bio the pleasure of visit inp with the experienci which w ill be gleaned from this years sched ulc it may be possible to organic a district league for the following year alex halllwell promises tht if a league can be formed he will present his well known trophv t the winning club in the year iflm at the meeting 10 district no i clubs were represented by the following gentlemen canadian kodak by s a yorkc and w preston central park by geo o arnott j moulds and h c work man georgetown by h hutchln son e a thompson and j wll llamson lakeshore mirolco by g green and alex halliwell milton by j w hlggins new toronto by k precious and r c stewai oakvillc by g flnnegan and i mcarthur vicechairman of dlst rict 9 port credit by r a camp bell e t cooper h harris and p f martin and streetsville by tricy loveless p s sutton md o i turney c r burne district rhii rman and g h rlddolls dllrict secretary both of milton were ilso present at the close of business thi street ville club who are noted for the excellence of their hospitality pr vided most welcome refresh m its fir those wh i had braved i r ild fnowi night to help mike 10s1 i bet r yeflr for their club inri th refore for district n 9 ind inn bo oing in gem ral mivrke identity j t f ndnit thit v ir u n i i rt lkir i thought n 1 w is i doctor annual sale of made- to measure suits 20 off we are again offering our customers a suit saving through the courtesy of james brothers ltd of toronto take advantage of this offer good for a limited time only savings as high as 21 60 buy now and save at eiseivts e industrial league hockey games for sheeney tost trophy acton arena monday january 12 al 7 30 pm two games burns vs businessmen saaith and stone vs acton johnny fixit watch for johnny in the ads run by john calder plumbing heating evestroughing 11 church st acton phone 31w go out for the best go out to the movifsl

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