jsslffll jhe actqn ffee press agtqn qntawo thursday january ath 1p53 sahta at annual christmqs concert intended for laxt weew the nassagaweye presbyterian church sunday chooly held their annual christmas concert last tues day night the children put on an excellentprogram santa cl ar rived at the end of the program and presented each child with a gift several prizes were given for regu lar attendance a social hour with refreshments served bj the ladies was enjoyed by all mr and mrs p mclean and don spent christmas with mr and mrs h broomcr of weston their grand daughter ann returned with them for the holidays mr and mrs stanley robinson and tamil were christmas guests of mr and mrs w watkins acton mr and mrs oscar locker spent christmas day with mr and mrs b wright of guelph mr and mrs f hetzel and family of toronto were visitors of mr and mrs fred hetzel mr and mrs wm mccuilough entertained their sons and daughters grandchildren and great grand children on christmas day this was their 50th christmas celebra hon those present were mr and mrs harold white gladys mr and mrs s sorbara and family mr and mrs will peacock and daugh tecs mr and mrs will lancaster and sons of guelph mr and mrs clayton skiuon edna and family of ashgrove mrs ethe oakes and sons of batavia n y mr and mrs j melvin mccuilough acton mr and mrs harry b mccuilough and fajnily0f hamilton miss charlotte mccuilough and friend of acton mr and mrs james granger an nie and family guelph other guests were mrs mccul lough s sister mrs mcenery and niece mrs r dennev and mr den ney and son and mr r n brown of acton one son allan of niagara and a daughter lillic mrs alvin marshall of fergus and their families were unable to be present at this happy family gathering mr and mrs wm wallace cele brated christmas with their son and family mr and mrs k wallace of guelph mr joseph henderson was a christmas day guest of his brother mr james henderson and mrs hen derson long branch notice to creditors and others in the estate f eleanor agatha arnrtd all persona having claims against l of to tte county of halton widow deceased who died on or about the seventeenth day of october 1952 are required to send particulars and proofs thereof tc the undersigned before the seven teenth day of january 1953 whci te assets will be distributed- among bi parties legally cnutled thecto hamg regard only to the claims which shall have been filed dated at acton ontario this twentyfoikrt day of december c f leatherland acton ont solicitor for the executrices a 263 unreserved auction sale in erin township of registered oxford ewes rfffc- terej seed orsin mdch on yang caule ftp feed ok the undersigned has received m t ructions from j ft lksue and son t sell by auction at lot 6 con i township of erin situated on no 5 side road 4 miles east of rocku d 5 miii wcit of acton haturoal january it i mencing ai 2 00 o clock sh irp the following shorthorn cows rod cow ii ikinp well due in march red i- du feb 1 red cow milk ib wll bred sept 3 red cow th calf it fool pamutcbred red ih calf at fool pasture bred rd t with calf at side bred di 1 roan cow milking well i tun bred white heifer with call a aide p bred oung cattle- 3 vaccinated heifers about 800 lbs ready breed 4 steers ruins 2 ears 8 spring and summit cakes pyre br d shorthorn bull rising 2 vears id pigs ork sow bred dec 2 ork so bred december is 20 thrift chunks about 100 lbs o thrift thoats 10 weeks old ork boar 1 year old registered oxford tvk registered oxford ewes txti in oct 5 registered oxford ew lambs these wes are a choice lot bred to a breeder ram registered seed grain feed 25 tons of choice mixed ha s00 bus of registered beaver f oats to be power cleaned and cef- ean treated to be ready for deltr eit on or before april 1 100 bus f galore barlet terms on seed gn n 10 per cent on da of sale balance wheni ed l pickmtsjp terms nf livestock cash withl clerk in da ofvle as in previous sal s also will be rid from the john ton esate t oxford ewes s ewe lambs 75 cross bred hens 4 geese 1 bander positively no reserve sale held under cover in case of i bid weather 1 mrs a harris clerk b 26 2 eqimstaj twp holds last meeting esqueslng township council held their last meeting for 19s2 on mon day morning december 16 with all members present reeve george leslie presided over the meeting the following accounts were pas sed departmenj of health of on tario 575 denby duplicating and supplies 81 50 georgetown her aid 112 90 georgetown hydro electric commission 94 25 acton free press 33 60 bell telephone co 14 75 a w benton 82 00 hirvey bessey alexander lawson and duncan waldie were each to be paid 8 00 as fence viewers fees the treasurer was instructed to pa 6 00 commission to george les ire wilfrid bird walter linham george currie willnm schenk for mtolings and mileage the town of milton was to be paid 250 00 for firenun attending tires in esquesing in 1952 on ms for foxes destroyed in es qucsing were paid as follows peter fendley norval 10oos a mor ris georgetown v10 00 fred switzer norval 4 15ji h beers georgetown 2 10 00 e j costigan georgetown 5 00 frank jones ac ton 5 00 john chisholm acton 25 00 jimmie presswood george town25 00 john ruddcll george town25 00 ralph bludd george town 5 00 harry hilson milton 3 5 00 a n stark georgetown 3 5 00 william penson georgetown 1 3 00 william bennett glen wil hams 5 00 edward bobertson hornby 5 00 thomas hjh glen williams 5 00 grant stark milton s 5 00 edward elliott acton 110 00 john verlis norval 1 500 e b mainprizeacton 100 wm- sheppard acton 20 foxes 100 00 floyd v george 5jm-a1- frettbtigden hornby 15 00 this is a total of 54 foxes and 270 00 in claims sheep claims were passed as fol lows emmett mcgibbon 118 27 mcldrum stark valuator 4 00 john coulsoo 304 35 spencer wilson valuator 12 00 the treasurer was instructed to pay william schenk and george currie the sum of 5 00 each wil ham schenk mileage 83 miles at 10c per mile 8 30 re credit valley conservation arthur beaumont and george o brown were appointed as members of esquesing to the north halton high school boacd for 1953 l mcmillan campbell ville was to be paid esquesing s share of the costs of milton district fire area no 2 149 22 johnstone bros ac count 9 10 george currie services 25 00 total 183 32 charged to mil ton district fire area no 2 george leslie was paid expenses re county equalization and planning and development board totalling 20 00 road acoraits as presented by the road superintendent amounting to 48q were passed he reeve and treasurer were em powered to pay december road ac counts as presented by the road superintendent as of december 31 1952 council decided to petition the department of highways to have 3000 transferred from bridge ac cdunts and apply 2 000 to new ichlnery and 1 000 to road ac counts the council of the township of esquesing will agree to the build ing program costing not more than 350 000 for the improvement of the acton georgetown and milton high schools proposed by the provincial department of education on the condition that all of the municipall- ties comffrlsing the north halton high school district shall agree to be liable for such proportion of the principal and interest payable under the debentures and of the expenses connected therewith and the costs of maintenance of the said high schools in the said district and all other expenses of the north halton high school district board as the equalized assessment of each of the municipalities bears to the equalized assessment of the whole district and tfiar any patrf resolutions per taining- to high schools be rescind ed was a motion approved by council relief accounts as presented by the relief officer were paid totall ing 10565 and j sanford relief of ficer account january to december 1952 25 00 the treasurer was instructed to pay le roy dale q c legal account for 1952 of 259 71 and legal account county equalization 375 00 totalling 83471 a by law to provide fire protec tion in fire area no 1 esquesing was read and passed council extended the thanks of th township for help and co operation in connection with the bush fire in the township of esquesing during the past year to mr j dillon and c r groves le treasurer was instrueled to pay g o brown tax collectors bond premium 37 jo the town of acton and the town of georgetown are to be paid t0 00 per fire call within esquesing fire areas until such time as area equip ment is purchased the reeve was authorized to sign i agreement with the town of mil ton on milton district no and the agreement with the town of acton and fire area no 3 esquesing and no 1 nassagawcya deputy reeve bird took the chair and it was moved by schenk sec onded by currie that the thanks of this council be extended to reeve leslie for the courteous and im partial manner in which he has pre sfded over the meeting of council during the past year s s for bettor roifar long distance i service i un your j9 t v telephone numbers ijst in it the out of towo num bers jou rc hkfl to call then call by number and your long distance calls will go through much faster th mi huttkhk cosyant of canada seasons greetings cost mo0 here during the christmas rush 90 000 two cent stamps were sold in the acton post office postmaster frank terry reported this week the figure ls 25 per cen higher than last years at the same ttme the stamps were sold from december t up unjil christmas thi chn tmis miii rush was spread over a longer period this year thin last as apparently more mailtd thi ir greeting nrds tany thi pivst mice staff with four cvtra helpers working days ind ume nghls w r tiufiht up ill thi imil cvtn it the height of the rush thi ini1 tl d thr ujfh th p t offiie tin mmhy dic imbir 22 ind tin lw divs befor- chn mi r tompirativt ly quh t ft nch f th 90 000 tw i c i 1 tin is wit istd t tnd i chntl in is rsrd w irth ftvt cents thr tot il cc i if sending christmas greet ings would b 0 300 judging b hi number of stamps sold eich if acton s 3 000 men women and thildren sen ibout 30 cards if one wen to supposi that each of these 1 000 people in town rt ccivtd about 10 worth of gifts that would mean that with gif and cirds and stamps 36 300 was spenl on christmas in actoft qfficarxelettea i at christmas party the home of mrs wesley masai es looking cheery in festive dress was the centre for the delightful christmas party of knox evening auxiliary members seated in the shadows with only the glow of the christmas tree enjoyed a period of carol singing a worship service on th christmas story was led by the president mrs a motsaac as sisted by mrs jas ingles mrs w g masaus read several short stor ics bised on the holiday season mrs h l bermie was in charge ni the tke ion of offictrs which resulted is follows hononrv pres ident mis r h armstr ng ptst president mrs a mtlsnc pre idqnt mrs alex mann first vice prtsirfutt mrs id ingles second vict president mrs mel mccul ii uh aeerclnry miss marjonc hill issislant ccrctirv mrs kred ander tin in isurer mi emim cole assis iill treisurcr miss is i b 1 smitb prognni eummitue miis belli mie ros7ell mrs geo mussellc mrs w g masile mrs geo somtrville welcome ind welfar mrs f anderson mrs a mc isaac liffcmembership mrs ohara mrs bennie supply committee mrt ge mussellc mrs wilmer wat kins glad tidings mrs kathleen dodds home helpers mrs s sin clair mrs kathleen dodds pianist mrs m mccuilough card convert or mrs s sinclair press secretary mrs f anderson at the close of the business part of the meeting santa arrived and presented a gift to each one pres ent a deliqious christmas lunch was served leaving nothing to be dcair ed a pleasing feature was the pres entation to mrs mccuilough a recent bride of a lace table cloth by mrs somervllle and mrs mc isaac on behalf of the group following thanks to the haste u and all who had contributed to the evening and an exchange of-greet- ings everyone departed to hen homes cecil a cakft optometrist guelph 8 douglm t harold mike coxe plumbing heating warm air furnaces i0 lome garner motors limited main at bower acton phone 452