imy the acton free press acton ontario thursday january hth iks ltuitah piano sales service of hamilton new and used pianos hanoi tuwj repaired end rebuilt for service end estimate hone 128 acton acton howe school assn merles ell to their meeting mqnfjay jan 19th 815 pm acton public school auditorium to hear mr- thor hansen outstanding authority on canadian design arh and crafh a most humorous and interesting speaker lunch collection everyone welcome chraiides of ginger farm written specially for the acton free press by gwebdojja p clarke moving picture special speaker conclude week of prayer service i a debenture issue successfully flowed does aotjolve your whole sewer problem the important poinr a how will your sewers stand op many muoiapalmes have found pips failure developing long before the debentures were pud off ifistm mttttr fctmatrj if sewer pipe cannot resist the anong cooositeertion ofeddi and alkalis in the 5fjje k the sofl then yonll have a cottlf replacement job at your hands before long sewage develops gases that have a powerful chemical actios vmified clay pipe n acid and alkali proof and p m and permanent resistance to such chemical acnoot k as bonded by fee 1 this assurance of permanency makes vtoinhd qay pips the beat and most e buy vnwredcaffip industry future security security uw s1 5t nun w si i tntpnoht aubhuitttostw m jz we used to have a neighbor very active in various social organiza tions who was often heard to say- well i can t work and run around too so i guess 1 u have to quit work and that is just about what he did i thought of that neighbor last week as i listened to aacpunts of all the various arm meetings that were taking place federation of agriculture crop improvement association milk producers and a few others that i have forgotten and i wondered how on earth farm ers had time to attend so many meetings and then john brad shaw said he had received an noun cements of 50 annual meetings that were coming up within the next month looks as if there should be at least two men on every farm during the winter months one to work and one to run around any one farmer could quite logically belong to 10 or 12 associations could it be that farmers as a class are over organized can they afford the time and expense thus involved attending meetings regularly takes time as for expense the federa tion of agriculture asks for 25 of a milt on the assessment the cream producers one cent oflavery pound of butterfat the milk pro ducers iv centsper loqjbs ol fluid mihvand i suppose there is an equivalent charge for other organi zations the point is are all these organ iza tions necessary isn t a certain amount of over lapping inevitable we have a federation of agricul ture isn t the miin function of the federation to improve and protect the farmers interests in every line of agriculture certainly the pre sent threat of synthetics to the dairy industry is a challenge to the federation of agriculture to prove its strength it synthetic dairy pro ducts arc allowed to flood the mar kels there w5ltl tie natiyrarm meetings called because there won t bt many farmers left to at tend them dairy farmers will either be in bankruptcy or absorbed by industry actually the bisic econom ir entire country is at stake it the federal government is too ab sorbed with defence projects and financial juggling to realize what is or may be happening to agriculture then there should be a hue and cry coming from all farmers and who is better qualified to raise the sum total of that hue and cry than the federation- of agriculture prefer ably with dr h h hannam as its spokesman dr hannam has done wonderful work for agriculture iti the past we are sun he will sec the light and hope he will be equally success ul in this present emergency we jon t doubt his ability at all but that ability will be considerably strengthened and increased if given j whole hearted support of the farmers in the meantime there is that problem of over organization to be considered which the farmer can to i certain cxknt for him self farming like charity begins it home i hue in mind a firmer v is in ictic mi mber of a corlun listock improvement as soci ition cimi the time of one i irl cul ir ann i rm cling before nc home tins firmer isktd his i lo tiki i look ot bossk i pi d erred shorthorn while he wis she m fiht cihe di nnj the a nughbor ms coming in to ti u night choris noon his wife who knew next j thing ibout in stock went i to the- barn whit she saw 1 fr thunid her she phoned for the but he was out it was ncarh rlock before he got there it t a m before the farmer got i hi looked in at the barn be fore going to the house the calf is dead and so was the cow the t had done what he could but the poor cow through lock of attention ie right time had been unable to surie the ordeal well one thing is certain part ner isnt likel to attend too many meetings he doesn t get time for the ones he would like to go to so he reads about them instead he has been to only one meeting this ear and at that the chairman told his audience the outlook for the dalrv farmer was promising our big worry lately has been water shortage the outlook was serious and then came ram enough to start the creek running and to almost fill the cistern and this district was particular for tunate the ice melted off the tree there was no power shortage no plugged roads and no ice to slither around on we are truly thankful and able to enjoy to the full the christmas card scenery he week of prayer was observ ed b t four churches in acnn that are members of the canadian council of shurches the baptist church the united church knox presbyterian church and st al bans church each evening from tuesday january fi to frida january 9 a service was held at 8 p m in one of the churches on tuesday the service was held in st albans church the service was said by the rector rev r e price and the address given by rev r h armstrong on wed nesday the service was held in the united church the service was conducted by the minister rev e a currey and rev r e price was the speaker on thursday lh service was held in the baptist church the service was conducted by the pastor dwight patterson and the address was given by re e a currey the theme of these thrct ad dresses was the god we wor ship the addresses were given on the subjects god the father god the son and god the holv splnt attention was drawn to the fact that during a week prayer consideration should given to god him to whom all prayers arc addressed on friday january 9 the service was held in knox presbyterian church the service was conducted by the minister rev r h arm strong assisted by dwight patter son the speaker was the rev egerlon young of upper canadi bible society he spoke on thi work of the bible society and the great influence that the holy scriptures had an thr iivps ol countless millions who werenow able to read the bible in thejr own language yet thire were man people in miny lands who as ct did not hive in their hands in portion of scripture in the linj uage thej understood a sound movie wis ilso shown bibli or the table which gave i ivid portriml of the inflmnci dnlv bible reading and meditation can have oil thi lives of members- of family in spite of poor weather all eek the services were well at tended ii is the earnest wisb and prayer of those responsible these services that god used them to instruct and blew his people monies collected will be used for ie support of the canadian coun ell of churches the upper canad bible society and for the purchase of copies of the revised standard version of the bible lo be placed in the offices of the doctors and dentists of acton harold wife cue plumbing heating warm air furnaces peae gumey beach x radiant baseboard hot water heating i a c tirne payment plan phone 370r acton down south qf the border rolling mwth over tcenk highways ypu are routed via new orleans where youhave two nights and one day to see pse fight of tw etkrhtantng aty- your tour comlucior who speaks both spanish and english oins your group ot san antonio am accompanies you lo mexico arid back youll enjoy the wonderful sights of mexico its quaint shops and the strange customs of its colorful citizens adiyewrayl hit man ihofaktmd 260 orimr pbesure pf vacarfom ouhq fari from 1onto sebfkt la ckoga moudes hotel room for nights 2 fa a room also l meal s harold wiles agent phone 207 canada oepartment of labour a canadian government anmityiaaaafe easy way to piarantec yourself a regular monthu income after retire ment no medical exam t- quurd hjouimasa payment your contract von l lapae t rjy cent iou aave it protected hi the government u canada fs ford again for53 powerpivot pedals aitpanded from above work eaater and emaai nate boor bolea provide more boor apace or the driver cmtrttflll mb mkea fillingop eaay from either aide of the gaa pomp prevenlb damage to fiaich and gas apilling on fenders and a brandnew longer lower wider 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