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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 26, 1953, p. 1

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ht jttim mtt press seventy eighth year no 39 acton ontario thursday february 26th 1953 eight home print pages six cents option land for new high school demolition of 29 trees leaves cameron ave with a blitzed appearance as town workmen cut the trees thought to be dangerous removal of the trees was approved at the last council meet ing and the work was done by the town employees hydro and telephone wires had to be re moved to get the trees down and there were power interruptions for this work all trees were toppled without damage as the tall timber fell moff photo two services in local churches are held on world day of prayer mi two srvicts wen hold in ai nn fndiiv februirv 20 whin men all over thi w orld unserved hum th tht world dav ot pnvtr simil n progrnnu were being followed i i different languages in over 100 countries although th weather was vcrv disagrccnblc fndav after noon about 70 attended the sirvin in st alban s anglican church mrs ralph f price was indcr for ninth the wnicc with mrs a j bu la anan mrs vic bris ow and rtprts ntnlmf nf thi- anglican ttnji d uikt iiihti guidt baptist and prcsbvtisian conjr at lores taking part mrs b veldhuis and mim dm othy simmons sanj a dm t tht speaker was mrs r g bi tcr of ham ihun hiiu it ipic t mtssagc omm had btc ms ind had a ithout t tvming tin d w h humiss s to tin rii pruti slant congrcgition spinal world dav of pn aici th brow nits ai ittmdid in uniform dnwkms th pn d i hirgc and ruth smith w no fiincts ind pi r ing i duet campbellville man red poll vicepres the til i urns of th ci dr buchanan head q forte speaker coronation plans fathers nighf buchanan was named chairman to be in charge of n committee for planning how acton will mark the coronation th ipring it was decided at a meeting of interested citizens in the town hall last thursday evening as chairman of the meeting lorne wieck asked for nomination for chairman of the committee and dr buchanan was unanimously sclett ed mrs angcll was named scerel ary nim orgmizations had repes en tit ives at this meeting eich organization in town is asked to name a representative to help di nature of uu brat orr ht re l wiejk js to i ind igrtcd to as ct ruing funds fo importinl t vent fin st nt ct council marking men mayor of milton addresses grovp thi fritndly circle ht id its reg ulir met ting on wtdmsdiv ft bru irv 18 lira in tht sundiy s hool of thi thiirch the president miss jinn hirrts um in charge nnd welcomed threu new numbers to the circle mrs bunny stewart hen gave the secretary s report o tht pn vinus nutting miss huins v es ippoinud is rt pnsentitive of the friendly circli tn ihi offienl boird of thi church ilso mrs hi7tl orr on th mussioinry eommlttce eith group w is isktd to undertake i projec own ls tht tn kt it give ht i itans of iisin vmrs hel th imn report if th t tn o operation between parents ind teachers was urged by george force of hamilton when he spoke it the fathers night meeting of the aclon home and school assoc latum in the public school auditor ium on monday evening mr force was introduced by w benson and thanked by charles lcatherlarid wes wolfe was in charge nf the micting which was ittendtri hv ibout 150 lcs dubv rino braid i and gt m lmidltr tntertained wi h mumcil numbers and vic brlstuw sang i ompimed by ttd lianstn h k pirktr acted is tun mist fur i fun provoking gimi nf 2 questions with the pini 1 mcrh bi rs f bill benson rev it ii armslnmg ralph mckeown and ii h hinton ausw p mil on a blnckbi board accepts options on hig school p approval was given the preliminarv plans for the building pro- gram in acton milton and georgetown at a special meeting on fndav evt ning in milton or the north halton high school district board approval was also givt n on an option on land belonging to darwin cripps acton of approximately 6 acres for the sum of 6 000 another parcel of land had been offered it ihe site of the georgetown school for 6 000 this is to be purchised from john tost nnd the option also n ived ipprtival vl i r r a let cr w reid from the de acton flood relief total mdit to jfiiirgl committee given permission to consider w to ntse money for i ntw pi in cnfftt ind himburs win si til ti thi group afte the mi 1 1 tin ddn prut tht jirls bv miss m mlh pn pired duikhltrs f knt idnn red pull askicutu n w u hld 1ft the coin mum hill of th mcdonild hottl idinnn m alb i 1 1 on mnndav febru irv id 19yt m thi luncheon in thi j ispi i room tht guist spnktr wis s piul gtnerii mimger of tht fd monlon exposition chirlcs gordon of th dipirtmcnt of agnculiiir fxtension ilso give i short tilk i -j- md later in tht dnv j millir j i tno susttnt to mr pml iddrtssed tht l r mtcting ullmfi the pirtuu of c u ottnirpui n mr speeding fines total 100 in court finis totalling 100 wen ied in 1 magistrate s court fridnv for speeding charges against eigh motorists were levied and cost totalled 23 two were charged with failing to product a permit and lined 2 each one was chargtd ith failing to obev a slop sir and fined s3 plus costs of 1 50 edward coles and donald cn ton were each fined 21 and costs or j17 for creating a disturbance in the national cafe recentiv iai ham emsiie was fined 50 and casts of 17 when he was found gutlu of driving while his abilitv wi impaired george allan was fmd 10 and costs of 13 on a charge o careless driving alexander ku ich was fined 25 and costs of 21 hen charged under the cnmini code district president dublin wi guest mis j x ellerbv halton distrul womms institute president wis gutsi sptaktr when dublin instit in mtt it the home of mrs j m slitle recentiv congratulations win expressed to the dublin worn tn for their success at the hobbi craft show and suggestions wer rt qui sled for the district annual mrs ellerbv chose as her subject the institute ode and its mcv sagl mr rognvaldson spoke on motto it matters not how ton toil tivt but how the pnzt quill was exhibited as will as the silad tta one and two others which hid been quilted recenjv at mrs ros miss minnie somerville express ed thi pleasure she- had tn accept ing th 100 cheque from passed it to the qui i rr krim ind tn ihi edmonton fxpn luinor herd work for lh 4 h clul m mbers lirg r gnnt to the royal mtt r fur ms ipprovnl tn iri rtthi ring ind siveril ct rtifici i f rrnnl wire presented to owners tint qualified two of th so being if id mis for cows thil hid given mr 100 000 lbs milk it 4 pt r ccn bu tt r fat wilmott mccomb hivfi id i 1 1 hobi wis re dieted presid nt ind rov coulter citnpbellvilli onl vict president with h sun nt r st albert alta again elrct d stcretarv treasurer other direttors for 1r53 are as follows j living stone british columbia thomas heggie philip hoffman of sask george wilkinson of manitoba and p mcnair pei w ls tht n conduct d bv group on wuh mis helen cox and mrs jovci buchimii in chirge mr h thomp on supermtt ndt nl of ih childiens aid socittv md ats mivor of milton jive in munsl ink t ilk ib ut the ptupisi of thi societv mrs h 170i orr ind miss htnntt both thinked mr thomp sin fir his vrv informitive t ilk following ihi the devotion 1 pi nod for tht ivening ron i uclid bj mrs jovce buchimn 1 hvmn the wise miy bring ir kimmg wis sung and tht ptun lissm wis re id b mrs given hv i consider 106 items reviewing budget itims ntifcinj rrum ti to ff00 win tonsitlind bv acton co in spiui stssion sundiy ulti i is thtv met to rtview the budltt foi 1933 a total of 106 indiv items wen considered folliiii stti il it nlhv nietlinls of thi mil ince committee mimltre cinsidued tht 19i2 ex pindituns ind rtvenui with thi riniii s ibmytled bj cummiutos for 1tl nd thi fimin n c iniint ml d imnei ommitti for hit dilints will prolitilv in in l 000 nmi although r 43368 history of guelph institute subject topic f ir th t i lnstiuilt hi id md during th he me ml rs th nopi prtrr ihi nt tvpts f education ou lining of building on which id b pud in 19s3 this rooms for shop md ii mir ksms ind con b to only classroom ronomic ant hid 1 1 rt idv beer n in niitr iluttn di th th b int onf i rlh tht fwjrilimwpafll tsttrtt teg rrdiitittkrorfolhir tjf tht fltilities at lhew howqrri wrlrblebworth school until such time is the new rooms wi rt n idv at georgetown w bithn givi i report on tht ent lament of i ntw teicht r for giorji town si hool ind lett rs or ippln ition win rtad regirding riphniwnt it mil on srh ml n iiirid for s pti inber w f birnett irchitect w us or s m it th muting ind will t ik iht pi in wi h some min- itt ritu ns to the depirlment of eiluc ition fir th ir ipprovil v nxt melting of tht boird will bt hi id i sttwirttown when the imhiticls will bring imptes nf trnls build vhi h t ind hi b i ird 111 be j tt 1 tin pn si nl totil will noil ation sinct tht ti fit- nine prize winners at phalanx euchre tht vttung mtns phalanx club held a successful card partv last thursday night with n good at trndance m ihe acton mca pnzts were won b tht follow ing ladies mrs geo fountain mrs j adamson and mrs f an derson gentlemen j robson f bolell and gtorgi s imerville with the door pnxe going to mrs d drvsdalr sr leckr special prize winners were miss j watkins and birthday honors iq dr a j buch over 2000 stamps collected for fund richard masse has contributed 87 usd stamps up to last week end to lead the voung y members who are cooperating with the vs men s club to collect stamps rev enue ill be used for the bishops fund the junior boys are ladmg in collection with 1 367 stamps alto ether the total number of stamps turn ed in at the last official report was 2011 innvtnor mrs ross who in turn gave it to the president mrs ferg umn and sccretarj five dollars was to be sent to the musu al festival discussion js lowed on the new rug contest and plans wer made to enter plan were computed for the flood r lief i uchre lunch was served bv mrs stet 1 ind committee and i social ho ir tnjoved interviews on radio highlight lab dance interviews over tht ridm wt rt a highlight of tht annual dintt t baxter laboratories held la fn da evening at the brant inn bur lington mr and mr- ntwttn iti hurst miss jackie wa kins ind illmtbblow wen interv lewed b th high school staff attends conference the ttachers of acton high school atttnded a regional curriculum con fernce thi afternoon at the new bathurst heights collegiate in thrsr conferences which include evcrv subject in the high school curriculum are arranged from time to i me bv the ontario secondrv school teachers federation nd af ford to teachers an unequalled op portunitv to meet with 40 or 50 olht r teachers interested in the same subject to discuss courses ti tt books methods and examina lions the schedules or related sub jects are so arranged that it is us ually possible for a teacher to par ticipate in discussions on the dif ferent subjects he teaches of while ceremoni dance was being broadcat over th ridio just before midnight biut 55 emplovees their wivt huband- and flends iravelltd in tw i busts ui burlington for tht dance bob ptlerson who is ir chargt o th kingston laborat irv of tht plan iraclltd bv rain isptiu iv fir the occasion tht group had one of ihe cabins whi r thrv enj ived lunch th commit t in charge if the d nc was n hurst ml jacki v3 kins and sam snvder mr snvdtr was not abl to be prescn approve donation for flood relief th scou and guide ma thi held their regular month iv meeting at the scout hall nn tuesday of last week with 14 members present it was decided to send 25 to ihe flood relief fund one member was to represent the association a th meeting for the coronation celt brat i on future euchres were planned the meeting was closed with the mizpah benediction and a social time was spent mrs nan hurm and mrs gwen pnce served lunch r thi plexs is ith th mckio u evening cimc tti i the group in thirst tlilicious lunch mr til th inked tht group ffort as it wis the firt group leidcrs congregation fetes retiring organist tht congregation of nassagiwcva church prtstnted retiring organist vern i campbell with a wtlsi watch ntnognition of her 24 vears s rgdiiist of that church at a social fndav evening in the home of mr ind mrs stan robinson in an address reid on the oceis n bv ed dredge it was pointed out tbit you have been our org t leading us in the singing t gods praise since earlv in 1929 in those 24 vears the congregation and choir have come to depend on you and we never were disippomted rs w a friser presented mrs campbell with the wrist watch on behalf of the congregation of the sagiweva presbvtenan church sing song and lunch conclude evening euchre proceeds for school improvement tho lorn home and school club held i suect ssful valtntint turhre recent v proceeds of which are for chou improvements ten tables were in plav and h follow ng were winmrs ladies first mrs f denr v ladies second mrs mccutchton gents first m j s e warl gent second mr w dobbi ladies co nsolanon mr j st wart gent s cor lsolation h saul ladies travelling prize mrs s bowr gent tra elling drue mr j all the door prize was wnn bj mr r l dav idson john savage marks his 90th birthday building perfnrfs at ailtime high vihit i f building permits issued dur ng nii rmhed f ill tim high if 128110 in acton boos inj thi tiijh totil were thi addition to mnro plasties and the rebuil md tnlirgd a p grem fir bnrk co figures compiled thus week show thi 46 744 000 gi lions of water win pumped altogether for thi town last yeir the amount con sumed however only totalled 38 030 100 gallons which indicate j of 18i per cent this losa is at ributed to the loss used at fire worst ones during the year be n at a p green fire brick and a ax engineers at fire practices and through breaks in water pipes tc announce leaders of hit and miss hit ind miss leaders at the y mca have been announced this week is follows junior girls e ame deforest and fav andrews tied for first with 2 points tt i get girls teresa arbic 29 poin marv hunter 28 points roseab higgins 26 points bantam girls judv halladav 39 points carol vn conk 38 points bob wahlman hi4 hi tllh asi ti 01 ed to fin in t pn i t ik i i int tluldr n wi r dis u d nd mr- c h st r all in ippointid id tirv fir thi- jut in lhf tn i n iik brjm h mrs i i allin pr sidul for piogrim ind giv thi art i i wntion upirl of th t mding i stake park area for swimming pool pi ins uid spteifirntions for acton t i i mtv swunimnt pool wore i x it m d 1 ist thursdiy i v t ning by l itu ft a poem cimlts s i alike ti mrs ch st motto in tin fori brothirhood w t unrii rstinding niikv aitken f- nt i tttttt ah ii tltl iturihvtli w is suikfd n i iht sertt idv i use fn hivi it ndt i instructed to on the con junior pnol arm nl of thi old s in withm two i i of th tim of cilling this will nablt matt ml to be secured and n construct m to start is soon is the i wtithtr conditions permit w f birm tt thi architect ar jrtngtd to supplv idditlonal plans ind sp t if cations ind the secretary t wis to seeun thnt iddilional st ts i for thos disirtius of bidding for tht i re mnitv points donald wilds 77 punl- midget bovs don lindsay 54 potnl wavne ridlev 54 points bantin bovs donnv price 37 points dann holmes 37 points people in africa topic of meeting the monthlv meeting of th knox evening auxiliary for feb ruar as held at the home of mr f anderson brock ave on ednewia evening of last week mr mm mann presided and a assisted in the devotional pro gram bv mrs gordon oder and mr mickev holmes th rudv chapter was presented by mn o hara giving the introduction and ent of mr r h armstrong speaking on i feb- the various tvpes of people found local in africa health musical number was given bv hour mrs mel mccuilough after the spetiil feilure of tht pro grim wis a tilk by mrs j h pearen on the historv of guelph the roval citycapital of wtl lington county mrs pearen trac ed the history of the citv from tht founding by john gait and tht naming of the trees aatr cities in the british lslcs to the hightv industrialized guelph of to day with its manv factories fine stores new schools and hospitals beautl ful churches and parks its thrte colleges oac ovc and mac donald institute as well as the ontario reformatory special mention was made of tht col john mccrae memorial shrin- ercted in guelph in memory of the wrier of in flanders fields who was a son of thv royal citv in conclusion mrs ptann drew tht members attention to tht fact that john gait the founder of guelph was born in greenock 10 sco land the present school s s no 8 erin township known i school was named by a install officers of sunday school the 25 officers of acton united church sunday school were install ed at the morning service in the church wt sunday mrs bert mowat is again the superintendent of the school with mrs a long anda duby as ass uper intendents j mcgeachic is th treasurer and m nellis the secret arv r mason is in charge of pro the sundav school teachers are miss c fetterly mias j elliott muss a gordon mrs shirley dill miss e jennings miss joanm veldhuis miss dorothy simmon mrs g cunningham mn h wa lerhouse ft rolslon mra v west mrs m simpson mrs v bean c hubbel jim dills rred gordon and f bean with supply teachers mrs h force mrs e smith and mrs e bilton mtln born in greenock scot who had helped in the building of the school manv vears ago there fore it was fitting that the members of the institute had chosen green ock as a branch name in honor f the local school following a rhmi contest tn inventions since pioneer days conducted bv mrs calvin aitkei and won bv mrs elliott patterson and mrs thos hemslev the meet mg closed refreshments were served bv the hostess and lunch committee his 90th birthdav was cet br john v savage a resic halton centennial manor oi ruarv 18 the most recen nonagenarian enjovs good and parses manv pleasant plav ng his favorite game of chess short business period mrs ohara his name has appeared tn the conducted bible quir last wt saturday issues of the refreshments wtre served anfe a toronto star chess column as send social time enjoyed a voeof ing in the correct solutions for thanks wasgivem t problems published in the paper turner fiberglas industry described to group the technical control manager of the ftberghu plant in guelph john ray spoke to the members of the acton rotary club ai their regular mee ing on tuesday he told about the fibergla industry in canada and showed samples fib- erglas is used for insulation and fabnes yards for textiles are ride in guelph mr ray was introduced o the mrs robert group by alf lottg and thanked by the ran jones letter from former actonian is read the bap ist mission circle held its regular monthlv meeting thi week at the home of mrs thorns nico with the president mrs c landsborough in charge mrs wagner and mrs william gamer senior were in charge of the dev otions mrs gam pc read the scripture and a letter from mr and mn robert sweet of bemsjem french equatorial africa mrs sweet is the fovrner hazel connor of acton prayers for missions were given by mrs harught mrs waner and mrs j chapman an article on he topic the baptist flag was read by mrs wagner from the canadian baptist mrs helwlf closed the meetwif with prayer lunch was served at the conclus ion of the meeting mrs he wig thanked the hostess for the use of her home saturday ts the worst day of the week for traffic accidents j attje

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