Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 26, 1953, p. 8

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fmubbout i the acton free press acton ontario thursday february m lt mrs jarties hillis dies in 85th year tour nw ituti have arrived at theymca end will be in use as otm as new hooks are in the walls for them to hang from y floor hockey teams have been chosen and the tournaments begin tomorrow friday there are two teams in each division mac symon won a watch in a lucky draw at the hardware con ventlon in the coliseum toronto early in kbruary the watch is to be suitably engraved water was high in the creak running by the school grounds this week and occasionally flooded the lowest point of the sidewalk on main st at the bridge the are jbrigade was called when a chimney ore broke out at the home of a hufnagel main st saturday morning the blaze was put out by extinguishers and dam age was minor dublin women s institute hav been advised that on their quill shown at the international crafts and hobby show in toronto rec ently out of a possible 100 points their quilt was awarded 99 points in the judging at the dispersal of holstein herds on february 23 at the hiys sale arena at oakville woi von richtofen of campbellviue scored three head a three year old and a bred heifer at 435 and 350 and a threeyearold at 350 visitors from acton milton hornby and caledon attended when last week at the oddfellows hall lit georgelowri tour candidates wsii advanced to thertyat arch degree in royal oak orange lodge a number of past county masters assisted damage to the car driven by john trimble of rockwood was estimated at 35 following an afs cldent lifguolph last week whet mr trimble slopped for a traffic light the following vehicle skidded into the rear of his car damage to the second car was reported as 115 a good crowd heard rev austin huson a missionary amo ig the indians in northern canada at the sunday evening service in acton united church and enjoyed the slides he showed of his work his adopted daughter an indian girl sang several solos rev currcy was in charge at the annual meeting of the lshewjntlvnrlelnvi mclntyre funeral home the ganlzalions held recently in guelp mrvjcc wm conductcd by rev james telford minister of paiale the trophy donated by the short horn society of ore at britain and ireland to the owner of the su preme champion shorthorn at the royal winter fair was presented to s g bennett the president of beard more and company acton firemen from rockwood assist ed the guelph brigade in fighting a fire at the united co operative f ed mill ust north of guelph s business section for seven hours in monday night loss was estimated t over 100 000 the rockwood pumper and 20 men arrived within 10 minutes after their assistance had been called for joe hurst acted as churman when the public school operetta tom siwjcr was presented for the second time list thursday cv cmng entire proceeds were foi flood relief two importantchar actera in lhc operetta whost names were not mentioned last wek were david hunter who plaved ben rogers and bob jones who played jim st lawrence seaway will benefit halt0n all local forums agree 14 halton farm forums reported this week on the topic what will the st lawrence seaway mean jo us many people think of the st lawrence seaway as a new and daring venture it was pointed out actually the present plan is simp ly to complete the last links in a long chain of waterway develop ment negotiations between can adaand the unlud stites rcgirding a joint seaway project go back to the davs before the first world war but the united states govern ment has never given full consent even in 1941 when an agreement was signed between the two coun tries to procicd with the seawav t was never approved bv congress in answer to the firs question do you think j our own region of lakcsst lawrence deep water way as a project in the develop ment of our natural resources we have a great coun ry it will help to make us an even greater pcopk will binlfit or suffc any way from the divolopmcnt of the st lawrence seaway in what wiv nit igreid they will benefit as the increased hvdr power will bring mort industn indus rv lirger population ind pop ulation grcaur mirkcts for firm product emplovmcnt will mean greater amount of moncv circulat ing cheaper transportation in com petition with mlwivb ind grci n hjdro facilities forums found that in hilto countv thev would be adjicent 1i two seaport cities both prominent in industrial and commercial centr es where the population and tht demand for farm produce will ne cessarilv increase rapidlv cheap i freighting from the maritimes cs pecially for labrador ore and cape breton coal would be an advant age land owners will benefit from increased propertv value and pro ducts can be shipped direct t european markets the second question was what effect do you think the will have on the future of canada bv a the navigation develop mint it was reported that live stock and wheat could be shipped direct to europe through navigat ion the great lakes st lawrence seawav would be or vast aid westtm canada particularly b providing cheaper transportation from the head of the lakes to the atlantic imports will be more readilv distributed and it will tend to open up new cities and town en route through canada it i 1 open land north of lake superior which has prev iousl bt en inaicf sible it will also be the most las big investment tht kovemmiui could make wi h its monev for future industrv and farming for urns reported in answ r to the question b what erect do vou think th s i way will have on the future canada bv the power develop ment forum reported it should solve the shortage of power prob lem power from the stawav should be much cheaper and in dustrial plants will be needing more for future expansion then fore it would mean cheaper ru for both import artd export tragic for the whole dominion of canada it will also help to put canada in a better bargain inn position with the us without the seawav part of canada will be shirt power in five vcars one of the ontario junior farmers won the public spt aking contest at the junior farmers con ference in toronto and chose this subject for his topic he concluded his address ladles and gentlemen canada today is taking her place among the nation jf the world let us fully appreciate the great saturdays winds cut village power silurdiv mornings hijh winds left thi cxstcrlv half of the village ind tht f rrrus idjoinmg without hvdn for several hours pne winners it the wi euchre htld a thi honu of mr and mrs piul spittr on siturdav evening hrded first mrs s kirkp and emerson robinson second i cnehton ind wm mitchell kithlevn kirkpitnek and mindith won the birthdaj lndid quite an en ibh anhiir line hus mother mr i nd m toronto is t sundu mr ind mrs s wr ht and miss shirltv vi ited thi high scott s in torontt on sundav libnn in mrs w mitchell on hind list wednesdiv afternoon ind evening for the first lending of books from thi new iv op ned lib mr ind mrs dell laird and fim ilv of georgetown visited the w mitchell s on sunday mrs laura duffield and mr or val duffield of acton visited mr robert patterson on sunday mrs james hillis who was born in eden mills and lived in rock wood before moving to guelph died in sl josephs hospital guelph on saturday february 21 she was in her 83th year she had lived in guelph for over 80 yean mrs hillis was a daughter of the late mr and mrs ralph richard son at an early age she moved to rockwood with her parents she married the late james hillis injl and came to live in guelph with the exception of a few years spent in flint michigan she had resided in this city all her life surviving 1bb son dr roland hillis of guelph and a brother john richardson of rockwood private iftineral service was held tuesday afternoon at the k memorial church and interment took place in woodlawn cemetery auction sale be sure to attend james tayloavs sale of furniture at his residence brock sl acton saturday february m 1 30 o clock hindley a elliott a auctioneers notice to creditors and others in the estate or mary roblna allan all persons having claims against mary robiha allan late of township ot erin in thc county of wellington l widow deceased nh births marriages deaths etc born robertson douglas and helen nee jackson robertson arc happy lo announce the birth of their daughter on february ib 1953 at the guelph general hod pltal masales earl and ruth masales arc happy to announce tht arrival of carol ann on thursday feb ruary 19 1953 at guelph gen rnl hospital a baby sister for russell and piter both well married died on or about the third day of december 1952 are required to send particulars and proofs thenof to the undersigned befdrc the foutcenth day of march 1953 when the assets will be distributed among the parties legally entitled thereto having regard qnly to the claims which shall have been filed dajed at acton ontario this twentyfifth day of february 1953 c f lcatherland actor ont a 343 solicitor for the fxecutos minstrel show by the merry mountain minstrels public school auditorium friday february 27 8 15 pm auspices acton united church choir admissi 50c law smith on friday febru ary 20 1953 at paisley memorial united chtirch parsonage guelph mildred joy only daughter of mrs smith and the late t p smith everton to raymond w law youngest son of mr and mrs f law guelph died new colors in beautiful gotham gold stripe nylon stockings harmonize with navy prints pastels every fashionable costume color 125 to 195 pallants clothing store leslie at calgary general hos pital on wednesday february 16 1953 john c leslie beloved husband of agnes bell 1422 20th ave nw calgary alta eldest son of the late mr and mrs george leslie esquesing age 71 years b armstrong at peel memorial hospital on thursday february 26 1953 martha graftam widow of the late alex arnjstrong resting at the victor b rumlej funeral home afton until saur day where funeral service will be held at 2 30 o clock interment erin cemetery hillis at st joseph i hospital guelph ont on silurdiv feb ruirv 21 19m esther richird son beloved wife of the t lite jimes hillis ind deir mother ol dr roland hilli of guelph furitnl service was held on tuesday febru try 23 inguehh and interment foirowcctin w cards or thanks mr william denny wishes to thank friends and neighbors foi cards flowers visits and good wish e during her st ly in gutlph gen tral hospital i wish to thank mv many friend for cards ind flowers and thi mini other kindnesses extended to mi during my stay in thi guelph gtn tral haspitil w j o oikis mrs lino mirzo wishes to think frunds ntighbots ind relatives fo the tirds flowers boxes of friu and other kindness shown her while in hospital ind sinei return ing home also specnl thanks to dr garrett dr john siol dr micirlir ind nurses of guciph genenl hapi al thts ills of kindness will ilw is be umuiur wamtads latest time for insertion 4 tm wednesday rates no charge for announcements of births marriages deaths and engagements in memorlam 50c plus 10c per line for verses articles for sale rent etc 2c a word minimum cash 35c if not paid until after insertion 50c box no to this office 15c addiuonal coming events 10c per count line 50c minimum cards of thanks 50c for sale for sale piano phoi for sale 5 ton choice baled hay phone milton 147r3 b for sale 12 inch band saw 35 frank van wyck phone 272 or 318w a for sale 8 building lots in residential district 325 each mrs john r lcishman a for sale 2 registered jersey cows second calf 1 registered hei fer bred good cows wllk wilson eden mills a for sale 6 piece kltchenctt- natural with red trtm and leather cttc seats 25 cash call 67 w or 83 bower ave after 5 p m i business men wow an opporunity to have a cash register in top shape call j s brunelle at 21 or 484 acton d for sale duro water pressur svstem contpku motor pump ind galv imzed link like new gordon hume phone milton 435rl4 for salf srnirt new spring stvles by the north american fashion frock of montreal very reasonably priced phone 551j a for sale onefln fordwith or withou m loader one 1armair ctpim riowtarta fully equipped lome garner motors firiuson sales ind servi phon 42 acton ont i for sale choice flavored po- titoes delivered to acton 175 pi r big also no 1 red clover sc i 17 per bushel bron bruce it r 3 acton phone 15r23 erin i dimes or 380 acton between 8 i m ind 1pm a chicks for sale cinadm approved bred rirht for results sin vigour and hvability al popular breeds and cross breds 100 per cent live delivery guir inteed hcivy breed 11 w p0 hundred mixed 27 00 por huidjr pullets light breed 1500 pci hundred mixed 3100 per hundr pull s write us or telephone corn town 4rrl thompson poultry firm ind hitch e town ont b 32 i a smart builder isnt ncsurtry dfrmmd by th amount of gray marhtr washing around in hit cranium no sirt tho way h wuoty- apoiub hi budget on quality number and tuppties decide whether or not he rate a dunce cap we carry com plete bne of building supplies tell us your nee aden hc in mfmoriam lost and found duby in loving rmmorv of tom mv dub eldi si son of alice in les duby who died bv iceidir kbruary 25 1947 at thi suing down of the sun and in the morning wc rermmlx iost femil 11 ick mil t u hin in i ing i ind lesley anne n rv oi dir fn nd c foud s im of m in miv hivi sinn bv idintif moii p0 mr for id phone17 wanted wanted girl for full time- work in restaurant apply watsons dairy bar a wanted woman part time duties apply station hotel no phone calls a wanted stenographer requir ed for business office phone xi ac wanted room and board for man due acton march 5 wool combing phone 360 dead animals 200 2 00 each for dead or disabled cows and horses 24 hour servke call bell wood 23m1 george gib a 28tl dead or disabled anim als wanted cows horses hogs phone guelph 3334 collect for immediate service wm la ing operating for gordon young i tf wanted excellent opportunity for reliable young man and witling worker in general dry goods store experience not necessary write- box 246 milton ont c deadstock removed from your farm promptly for sanitary dis posal telephone collect george town ii or guelph 3334 g young ltmttep tf anth crested in larger than average ul larger than average in- cume to manage wjtkins deiler ship selling experience helpful but not lece ssirv we train you no investrntnt required if you ar ambitious interested in a business of your own between 25 and ll and hive i e ir wri e today for in fiirimtion to dipt o a 9 the j r witkins co 310 st roch st mont ml i 31 i tlndfrs wanted tinder will bi rieiivid by the- undtrsigned until wednesdaj march 11 11113 it 1 p m for the ur tction of i swimming pool i nly ind the necessqrv plumbing plans and specificitions miv he secuted upon deposit of 1000 it the alton public utililies office the lowct or inj lendi r not mil ssirily icccptcd i mcgtichu pool coi i 14 miscellaneous chess corn salve for sure nluf our drugget seil criis wirt remover leaves no sens a 3 tf tdf- butt i fill j veoterblxmanwlof merriment and melody mnmjfrie wtbj lyoavtd 8uttrj added entertainment so you wanna be a plumber foxy by proxy cdfit moh thru fn from 7 00 p m saturdays and holidays from 6 30 p m matinee sat hols 2pm back at for your added pleasure hying skies world news coior cartoon who posseal iwav febrt 1112 pi infulk sle p nf n sling u i i her weirv truls mil troubli in pis wlthoui fircwill hi fill ish p with onh memnnes for mc t tup ever remembcred bv kav suelne in lovin numi v of i deir mother ind ls i r iim non swuno who pissid mij ftbruarv 25 1952 dav of bidniss still come m r us washer repairs rolb parts complete ovirhiuu ernie i radio and electric georgetown phone 4fl5 roxy theatre bldg a tf coming events this office connot be rerponiibl for confltrftnp dtitrs of events though vou died one year ii ever remimbend by the tinnl corn eli in lov our dear daughter ind sisti r barbin guthrie come 11 w ho died fobruiry 27 1944 we ir left to journev aloni i while where in compinv once wc trcnl and wi gize on the world th nmh a mist of tt if i the nil arthlv we shall join them it hoi god lov inglv re membered of our ctn sii- d irut frdiv ribriurv 27 st albins pirish hill 8 30 p m t dublin w i fuchre pariih hill acton onsaturdav february 28 8 30 pm luyich admission 35c the regular monthly meeting of the men of knox will be held on mondav march 2 at 8 15 pm at the church a knox church ladles aid will hold a parcel post sale sale of i baking and tea on saturdav p ril 11 h keep this date open i i euchre and dince stewirttowi hall wednesdav mirch 4 atupic les halton jersev breeders admis sum 50c good prizes hulls orrh notice to creditors the si ul ind guidi mother- 8 10 admis 1 hold i in the matter f a bulk sale by wal h ter g thomson and frederick h thomson carrying on bnalnras under the partnership name of rilln thonuwin bros al ibe town of j iini acton in the ounly of halton i tards al 8 30 good u vendor and dooglait arthur lunch all proceid fir br rogen and janet tr rocen as h llsnd fl nd rdnf fund ier pnrchmmtb i n rchtra lssii n jic iuncn crv i a id wi i o re and d m hill tut lla mir h j nice is h nv g vi bttn ip ipinted trust bulk silos act in sal of ihr slock u mins f walter c frederick h th m business a feed tma ol c m o hilton under th r tf thomson br thur rogers and ji supplies notice is fu- her give persons hav ing claims a sud walter g thnmon crick h thonvon or brevs are herebv requir ha i r riide and fi the dulv ith ihe sixth dav of april after which date i shill pm fd lo distnbu e the proceed o he sale having regard nnlv tn su h caims a shall then have bei filed with me and i shall n b responsible to anvone whose c jim i have no such notice of dated al acton onano this tvven v fourth dav of ffbiii 1953 c f leatherland trustee a 34 2 acton onni nasatjdv a ft derail n of at 1 tiuhurr and juni ir fdrme hold a danrc in brookvilli hl fridav march 7 in aid of n od ic 1 f fund watson orrhe a f ft rgiis kei p i hi dati open r modern and old time hinc r brookville hall siturdav fcbru i arv 2s b in 12 pm admuuion 50c str nu dusters orchestra ivan mr n is- 1 don bri o ted jacobs b b coates and sam falkensiein b fa h r and n ite slaiban s pa lh hall fnda match 6 1913 fi 30 p m food fun fellow hip nl with a good program a time for ail angl cin men and bov to gel to got he mthi hefellovship if th c irch a a m welcome a magawcva federation if ag iulture will hold a meeting ir brikkvile hall fridav marci h 8 pm mr j e whilclock wl address the meeting on th farm outlook for 1953 and the seed drill en e nent nil i nl talert inaluding miss e ca ms ttd jerrv homew ood la 1 please prov ide lunch coffee v be provided evervone welcome sfwing machines sales and servife repairs to all make e radio ind electric phon 465 roxy theatre bldg g org i a tf kr lit dltrssmaklnt 1 13 2 kitchener upholstery have your cheaterticld suite re up holstcred for as litue as 09 re- finlshing and slip cover work for prompt and efficient service md 103 acton one weeks service a personal skinny girls get love ly curves gain 5 to 10 lbs new pep try fimous health and weight builder os rex tonic tib lets introductory gi t acquainted site only 60c all druggists for sale 1950 mercury sedan 1947 monarch sedan 1947 ford st dan 1942 ford coich 1941 mcrcurv sedan 1941 oldsmohilt sedan 1941 dodge sdan 1939 mercury sedan 1939 dodge sedan 1939 ponttac sedan 19td ford coach 1937 dodge coach 1947 wilh jnp open monday wednesday friday saturday evenings 7 pjn lo s p m for car sales only kakly motors pimm 5i9w iwilton ont h s h0lden fyes examined glasses fitted 7 douglas st guhmt

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