Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 12, 1953, p. 1

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rtt fttsrs sveniyeighth year no 36 acton ontario thursday march i2lh 1953 eighi homo pnni page six csnli pun service sun before crowning 1568 bill this year replaces 5600 refund received last year the 13th power bit was present d to the acton public utilities commtksion on tuesday evening at their meeting the amount paid out tor power to the hepc was 99403730 for last year according to the hydro auditors the cost of producing the power consumed through the acton station was 65 806 os after taking everything into consideration along with some charges for conversion to bo cycle the hepc asked for a cheque to the amount of 1 568 75 this is quite a change from last year when a surplus was returned to the ac ton commission of over 5 600 after checking w ith the regional office the local commission was ad vised to pay the account as accord ins to them 90 per cent of the municipalities in the conv rsion area had a deficit bill this ear the delegates to the 60 ccr con version meeting major oakes sup masontsectreaikmcoeachtj itopuitki wr infurmutlun t at this meeting according to the proposed schedule the conversion of acton will take place between september tth and 13th ism an official of the h e p c is expected to interview plant operator w ithin the next three weeks to gne some idea of what will be necessarv for the conversion engineer anderson was in town this week and discussed the digester tank on it tilling too rapid data was to bt gathered over a wetks run and forw arded to mr andc son for his consideration before ant recommendations wen made superintendent lambert reported that the best i x changer was now operating ovtr t ighulours dailv on gas generated b the trealtmnt plant after somt discussion it was dt cided to make a chart or tht workmtn cleaning out laterals when it 15 found tht blockai is on tht propcrtj owners side of the line tile charge for the first hour or part thtrcof with equipnurt is to be 4 00 each succeeding h ur is to be charged at thi rate of 1 0 per man stiperinundtnl mason reported that the second bank of transform ers was being erected and it was expected that the would bt in service b the beginning ot r xl week the painting of the floor of the new hdro shop was discussed and it was arranged for the commission to lew this building during th week end the industrial committee of council attended this meeting they suggested that the commission find out how much surplus water wn available se that a scheme could bt worked out whereby manufacturers could be gien a reduced rale when they used over the quantity con sumed the previous year the com mission agreed to make some altera ttons to the pump at the well on main street north so that air would not gtt into the mains and give this will a thorough testing to set what its canaritv reallv is the longest perod this source has then drawn from is u hours but ttrv time the pump is stopped a uuan jt of air kits into thi svstem the altt rations are bt rtik carried out now it is t xpectt don port w ill bt nfyforihe industrial comimltoi wi seeks change narrow school hill mrs charhs jones nptned her home thursdm evening martn 5 mr the ngular meeting of 1 inn women s institute the roj short tht followjjit account wit sed for pa mi nt waterw orks accounts dept or lands and forests stort v pump a equipment co cvlindtr hi ad whithams garat sutherland schulu williams supplv co th ii n ipso n fjotors account puc hvdro accounts equipment marktttrs ltd wallace v turnnn ltd btll tiltphont co pas 421 00 150 00 hdro accounts exprt ss ind trans tt ih rs and wastt prod acton free press auadian lint matt rials snnmimn co ltd ri pairs thompson motors account l anr coal acton oodcrnfts account hifcha garagt account hu palm cha mk f ttrrv ipostmasti r post h fpc of ont chart jas b kearnev corp bill ttlephom co canadun lint malt i lals 10 01 1r60 13 48 16 25 42 40 2 10 m30 79 b7 25 30 17 00 100 00 6 ho qt 25 11 16 25 call a proverb was answered hi 12 members and three visitors aft tor singing blest be the tie that binds and repeating the maiv stewart collect the president calkd on mrs s ktrkpatrtck to give h r report on hall activities mr j s noblt rt ported oi flowers and fruit sent to sick a nt a parcel sent to a fumilv in fi i land letter expressing thanks and dihkht at tht tommus of hi parcel was received from the n oth vr of tht famil mrs wm miuhil k a n pori of iht hbrarv and mrs j roufbh n ported on work of tht manual ciimmiitu for tht month a euchrt was htld in ttbruarv at the hoim of mr ind mrs paul spltzi r pro ceeds of which are to go low art fen and beau the pitc ofi at p unsi gljj ly jgro nd 517 17 thom anrhdintthemopttngfre maor f g oakes e hufnakil ind bob macarthur tn the centre of the hltage mrs e sanford mrs roughliv- mrs frank brown mrs w mil chill and mrs a j smet hurst wtrt uppointtd to a coinmilut o inttrvuw lh esiiutsiiik rouiuil in the hopt that something will bt dom to improvt ihe school nil this hill has alwavs bcn sonuwha daiiktrous and now u too nai row with a connr half a up nun hers felt it is certainly anv hint but saft for presint traffic moil of tht childnn from gib raltar sthool travtt thls wh to n id from school ind tht indus csiic lalk thito with sm til children lit u tiding school fttl ii would bt u costlv tohavt mmt think don lib til ill now than lo wait until a si nous actidenl has occurred thi ri hii bt t ii iwo accidtnts on this hill n ccntlv and tht w i would id somtthink dom to it b fori i n n sirioius one happens mrs harrv brown conv t nor f atiztnship and tducition cillcri on convenors of si hiding comnt 1 each to iiv t a two minult rt port on their work twtnlv dollars was vold to tht musical fistml mrs jmus nohl moved i voti of thinks i thi h m ess and her assistants and th mut ing ijustd wu god sive ht iueen ifn r which mrs jimis ind her aidts mrs charles mertth n ind mrs f smford served lutch murray mcphail was guest speaker on agricultural night at acton rotary club this week display program end night s ses referring to the hallon countv night school classes hild for the past 12 wetks in milton j e v h lie lock halton r agricultural represents tive called the project one of the best jobs of its kind in tht 13 vears i have been here in bringing rural and urban peoplt togt thcr mr white- lock addressed a crowd of about 600 at the opn house of tht night school tuesdav evening in milton high school auditorium the large crowd which attended from all parts of halton inspected exhibits of spltndid work dom under instruction in tht classts and tn joved n bntf program mr whittlock revealed tha shifting its location after two vears nrolled ho per cent of the 472 were from the countrv with 34 p cent from urban sections of county averagt attendance a the seasons rlassis was 80 5 ctnt which ht termed vtrv s faclorv atundanct show ixt marked nil rt ast from tht two pn ious httton ntrht schools i i wt ds ihi silent iithr m 1ri whittlotk n r uovd mitchi 1 f dl lh tommuniiv pnigrams brinch of w thi pr v incut government could xni avsun th tittumtd n w 1 thil lh ciisms would bt hild again s m ton ntxt wmt r l im rtadingth jvrag attindancen ia each roursi mr fthi ekck pointed oui that thi hightst percentagi was m w nding with 13 ptr ctnt t attt ndancc a t vtihwllev acted a chairman wri for thi priiiriti wtlcomin tht i t crowd seated and standing wherev er thert was rvkm in th auditor ium several fashion show were mu h enjovfd u groups modelled the clothes thev or their mothers had made the treasurers report audited bv j e hill showed a bank balinct of s1s519 crouds clustired inund th i iractiveh displaced handirral dffirtnt classhhtm btfin nd i lr lh prosrim gu im ng i t jtwtlrv card boxi s and piclur i tnit i th vt in th m til rt tthir atttj iv ji ctu ello jany fkst in public speaking al furlhtr public sptakmg elim malion- held last thuradav tvtn ink manh 5 at the how ar i wrirgleiworth school in gi ork town ella j iu of acton nluiid first of 11 couttstants of tht fiv who look top plan three vver from acton judith met umber of gt iij town w us awarded second m shirlev mason of acton cam third ind itivmond braid i of alton mil t irohn buhn of gtorftttown id for fourth ludgts win mrs aux orr if tton mis j ellirbv of llmihu i mil itiv john smith of gt it town th rtporttd thai marks t top fom win tn nig fn of with only frntt taking the difi r writes of england tells of acton there writing from hav ton england miss hihn lamb tills us that she rcci iv es tht free press w ithin two vvetks of publication d iti ind is ktpt in touch with tht homt town ntws sht w is tsptualh ihttrist ed in tht items about acton eng- lind and wtnt to v isu tht town from w hith hit acton in canada took its tium miss limb tills us n is in industnil town and i bit smokt begrimed btj ripantions in b ink madi for the coronation dtcorativc to iti rials tn now on sale and miss lamb iiaticipates going to london t st pirt of thi pandes and other ivtnls lonnttd with tin k t tie tasion miss limb is on the staff ol thi livirpool school of occupa li in thtrapv p to canada fro she hid previously in al thi public st jui i shirley mason again a9kt on tht union jack and raymond brnida ikin spoke on horutio ntlson quite a fi w from acton attended fcfchi eqiksing iqd nassagaweya tl injinations wtnnittg conttstnnts will soon compete against iub t spiaktr from the south of haiton to dettrmini ihe countv champion tnce flla jm hunkirv iiimpititioi who 10 old parish lads dads mens club guests on fndiv march 6 ihe mms club of st albins chun h hild dads ind lads nitt over luil mm and bovs wen pnscnt and en joved food fun and fi how ship the main purpose of the nighl whs to inttrest those men in thi cot gregation who might enjoy thi ictnitus of the mens club it at kiv in iippurtunitv for the fithi r and sons f thi pirish lu git to githtr and enjov themsilvis i fithirs ind suns who bilong to thi thurch letter to editor city dweller boosts small town n w k or r- and figuns f i daitnv artults of tvv i 1 i tmp wire much admi ed w rt ht ed d i s 1 hts on fi itu tiuvked dressis hung on hangi r msihilin stmhked aprin a i v n a xmtvked hmpshade added lha c ans s dvspla landytapcs and still lilts displaed bv lht tutmntarv oil pain itig tudtnts were verv favor ab v commmted on rtrnarkab canvasses were shown in another as the product of the advam mv eh hev or their mothers had n ed painting group comments of over 15 children were j- jt surprise at the high qualiw of the the children s clothing class troduced bv mrs tavloj- small girls later modelled cmocked dress i mrs morwlck introduced the ele 1 meaury clothing display and mrs klmberlv mrs dixon and mrs mcconachie the advanced clothing warm full length coats costing 15 and sic were highlights of the tailoring class fashion show when about displayed well fitted suits and coats mrs taylor commentat ed mrs a elliott played the piano as the class members modelled lloyd mitchell spoke briefly ex plaining that there were 20 night schools in ontario the general pol icy was to have one in a county ork were frequent aprons made b the elemenmrv sewing class and children s closing were well made and colorful clever christmas cards were ad mired in the colorful display o box loom weaving scarves hand bags and place mats in many shad es were indeed attractive members of the ceramics class showed how articles were nude to interested spectators from moulding to firing soft shades of brown green and terra eotta shon on flower holders travs and centr pieces made bv the group a black and green cup and saucer and a flat vase with gold scroll wor were among the fine display cvntbmtd on pmg blffht hapuis dtnods that 1 have vtr kmwn 1 found thil i had mide mor fnends than i c ud rxluv bosmble in so hort a time and whin i sav friend 1 don t ii rruan nodding acquaintances i mean people that wert honestu klad to see vou i found thai if vou were ng to contribute vour services o hi commiinit vou received an h iet appreciation w hich i ill m re eompense anv bodv should ned mv wife and 1 were exceedirglv regretful at having to leave acton and our friends and we are 1oo ing forward to the time hn oi will again be- able to be a part of the communitv i can assure vou that we will f low actons progress through the medium or tht free press and wish the town continued prosper t to our fnends we would like sav manv thanks for a happv but too brief a sojourn in acton yours slncerelj charles e wood af r thi suppi r prepired b hi s mb ins guild a short tilk w v v r bv the nrn r t ixplnn th na i f r a mtns club ind i r vl he fct thil th mm club hid pnn i red thi nigh in ordr i t h ls ium mtn is possibh nl i trv id int rest thmi in th c itil thi mxt i letting of th mi n s c ub wt ii n intii jnd ill n t n f thi pir sh ivonv- jjw tied t tend ii i h iped that thi mm ub v 11 n bt as ilivo ind ir ivt 1 s th wimo i ruin z it i 1 th hinh trm f n vus nd nu n r tn d ifte ihi reel ir s r mu s and h h lt vening w l o r bv 9 pm m lime to get th vi ir ur mtn f t bt 1 much 1 greet more members at couples meeting highlights of the third meeting of the united church fnendlv couples club held wednesday of last week in the sunday school room were songs a devotional per iod discussion on present income tax collection and refreshments presidents rae and vetma west presided for the business period when it was decided no member ship fee would be established but silver collections would be taken at the monthly meetings the pres i dents also wrefcomed those who had not been able to attend tht tirst meeting heading the program group ed and marie bilton were masters of ceremonies for the recreation per iod drumhead service marks coronation a dmmhtnd sirvict will 1m held in alton on sundiiv mav 31 to mark lht corona lion of qui in 1 izabtth ii alton cuninallon it lib ration committee decided at a mitt ing in the town hall on thursday march i the committee undi r chairman dr a j buihaiian con aldered decorations tlugs or nth r smivtnirs for thi school childnn tht possibility of an nrtllli rv gun drill sihoo thoir ami man d ad ult thoirs thev mprtsmtl thi hopt s liml chitrirtn uuulil puradt nuil that ttiuhtrs would imphusu lln im porlant of thi mill a paraiii tuarhu will bt installed it lht sultnn it wjjt arrvvd j mv was appointed tnnsunr of tht commlttti rtpresuitallves present it lh nutting win l wilck count il mrs aukll sttntai mrs it john storfe kglon ladles aatxiiiary mrs l prtce scout and dulde mothtrs tom nicol acton ci ub band hd finilltt ys mills i iub j gov rolaiy tlub and john mi hugh ugion ll w is igreed to itsk tin udr t co opt ration of the sihool board ode scouts tubs guides brow i us ymca wl minister ii is sociihon phnlmx club fin mi n an tht rimdly irclt ri presentativ is nf ill orkinixatioiis wt r to b iskd to atttnd tht mxt mtlm to nikht thursday chairman dr buihanan urgtl th u i vi rv i if inn ht ip to mikt th prognni i succevs t nitol assure th mt i ting the band would do an think it could to hilp provuli music thi lonu scots band was lo ih ton tided to see if thi v lould itlmd thi parndt and servm county establishes fund for registry act surveys ietter to the editor claims example for future councils ir mr rrfitor i rt id with mltns on lh i913 tax nitt foi i til ths ilntt is vour rnnl acton which a buiihiik huitk 1 wiuild iikt to maki a ft w mints on sunn mitters which npptar lo hivt ovtrlooked ind 1 thi rt fort trust that vou will b koinl tnough lo providt th span in vour vnluabli papt r thrt is i 13 mill tax nduttion for 1953 the taxpaytrs know that thtr was in automitic 11 mil r duction dm to tht ibm dificit of s5t37 2i having bit n paid up uul of 12 taxaton that invs 2 nulls of a red uu ion to bt t x plained i note hi it vou it port a im it r thin 21 reduction in mumclpil ixptnditurts uts sit how that stitimmt idds up and how tht 2 mill reduction wis t f fee ted thi 1952 lix nt wis 64 mills tin auditors rtport bhows that ii nulls of tht 64 wis used to pav up the di licit of the 1111 that it ft tht i9m ouncil onh s3 mills lo work on for the mir they not onh ktpt within th ir liudkt t of s3 mills but finished up wuh monev in the liank plus f j2mt74 as this suri pres nts ibout one ind ont hfth mills it is then fore ippinnt thit th isst council opt nted on i fom fifths mills airurding to ncoriis th sptndink imoiint 123 371 iir 19u tlw tov lh r htiis nf thi am unlsl sliiw ittoidini 1 th tun in vour piiir plus th s41 f urphis inherited from 1bs2 a t hi f 121391 or s2 ind n fif h n 111 t impirt ihit with 12117 i tin m uid f ir fifth n ilk s nt n 19v j w mr mlu s t sp n n mum i pil i xlnnditu j r rted in luur paper of march mli ii should bt uiuti l thit mun i ipal pidituns n 1913 ir slightlv up and not down 1 hivi m iiarr i with the mi rjt f r 1913 i b lu vc that council his d nt a good job in isiabhshms th rat at si mills in t lew of thi inert ased demands for school and police purposes but i know that vour readers will be interested the facts that i have set out here i have the town auditors r ports which show deficits in evrrv vear from 1m1 to 1b5i totalling over 52 000 and i think it is a mat ler of interest to the citizens of ac ton thai there was a surplus of s2b43 74 in 1k2 the first surplu seven vears the statutes of the province of ontario say that council must not spend any more money in one year than is provided for in the budget the 1852 council adhered to that law it is to be hop ed that an example has been set for the future b d rachlin march 9 1953 editors note reeve r j har grave and councillors e taylor and c rognvaldson were the 1952 members of the finance committee a xpttlal tumi was estubllahed by hnlton oui iirlpuhltts who lound ii incilsarv to nmki survt cording to the rt glairy art a full ungth dibati wu irditl volt wus tuktn lht nsiliitiui upiiroprii work was carried by 17 to ki vt n it was dlwhisil by h moor insmrtor of i t mu would lv i5 k i tint of hit tost if tilt toul itv oumil to ussut vn of propt rtln ac link jkm1 fur i hm kill offlmb tliut thi t would ulso puv a it similm ptitinuu t uiiit foi by tin 0 it- llob shanm snul ht upprovtd of thi idia bill i lijkied lo lht i mini hnvimi lo shtrt in tht cimi of an ixpuidlluit whnii ht hiimd oiuuii ipn itv i othtr numlhrs ft it the tit inns in t uiuntv should not tn rupiirtil inv fin sonu thing othtr mm ipdilis win taking n ii f f r u mr moor said ii was found lhat nt wir great mitlfy trmrf in surv tying anffjlcsljlhjuilbijjq4arua nltallon mnlton u not lone in tins tniltti simll ir contlilions an fmmd in vtry othtr county ami iiuv of llum jr laklug advant tk id hivulk survivs hindi whit i in ih propt rly it sinbul in lh rt guslry ofliti he point iti out thil ihe v illagt of itronli had imbirkid on mu h u survtv i tust of about 1000 with lht kovtnimtnt payiiik j5 ptr ind thi touiitv a similar unit it would ilssist matiriitlv fm mt nl iiroblun ii sdd th ntys shut lould in uikin out of th riviiiin which lh rtklslry of fill turned ovt r to tin cou ity th otal r kistiv tffxe luinil v r to hiilun lht sum f 14 000 last yiar mr mo in pud im h tiibul i miss m rild th 1k l nglsi sh knnai lh woik thorougiu uid ls an xln uih v iluiibl m r sun lo uu t uinlv hi slal 1 was furllur slalid tht balimci i itipullty and uu rulepavna in 1 rnningloi thairinaii of uu said and o o uiiltidta a m nir mint throughout wurdtn lmin tl e ihi piogno road improve ounly rttd with th ii ligation thai tin roads wen not what ihiv should bt lull i fee tht latk of ulmim was in lslly tht itusuii nt w road in iking ipilnmt nt was purchnsed this ynr lwiiruol thctewtirbtamatc this yi ir li ild d liurlington r pr stptativt h again iislioiitd lh iilkh null of hotpi uriliou whltti ihi ounty wu with rix bill amounti t 3 7110 this month how mbi rs i ft th mattur in is of th hospital rommit- riiig in i ritomrjitnd itlon w hi li i imlil bt paskrd on noiis iiiuniiipililiis in il im haiku ird i of olutlo idutling i ntjut r dt i in ike grin to l dutalion two nth rs w r indorsed tht countlm nf stormont 1 ngarry to have a ontrul plact inlabllshtd wheri ipil tl pnnishm it tint id bt carried oui md ils lo hav tht high st hoo at i im ndi d so uiimhi i s would be elccti d to tht board in sltad of bung appoint d by toun th ollllki httv r rord mil dtpuly rt v it mirshll tnfilkjr sltid ri put th villagt of rruiiu nnd ih towmhip oftrtfilkir hiv ppliui to thi liispntor of igal ord foi ih pnpintion of a judg s plin r sulkluision h rsu mt loth hi xlit ry ad ii is lh inslom i f 1 glsl itur lo bi ir 25 p r c nl in i thi tountv 25 per ctnt of thi tit thircfor lht countv of hilton will ippiopriit 2 000 for lh pninl ion of such plins mr moon disiloscd the inspirit i of irji offnts could ordtr m a survi v ind lh cnsls would i apporlioned by thi a r servici w i dt hg ition of nui halton fcdt ration hi said iher w rt thi wlshid to li iltinlion ii nl ttln id r pi nod to go wtr rites t will piy th rij whili judgi r ord r as spoktsman to agri ultiir i it ms whirh nd tli county roitls our organization has n rtived minv complaints about th condition of our county roids wi dnvt off good roads in th id joining miuntits to roads which an not good hi n wt wondtj wj t can bt done to bring our roids t tompan with thus of other plans and w would urgi lounn tomnunii this vear secondly w countv lo go foi g prog nn would hke thi ird ith tht i ad our pirt ind i along ihi cdunly ships ir d in hop th roulilj c coniludtd n mad to hi rt north rn pit if v s i acton flood relief total 136483 iode chapter officers installed the new slale of officers of lakeside chapter iode was i stalled bv honorary regrnt mr j h creighton at the meeting i tuesday tveaing in the legion hall the new regent mrs g mc kenzie then took the chair for the remainder of the meeting future projects were discussed tn the regular business session mr k otterbein introduced mrs r parker who gave two humorous readings one of uncle remus and the other by stephen leacock mrs parker wu thanked by mrs d ryder colored slides of a trip to ci uornla and mexico were shown bv mrs lome garner who was latrr thanked by mrs h helwlg lal of 50 i year will be paid i ciniiu ii se nilorsid iht rifor tstition and onscrvatiqn comm t iim n commt ndatiun t the jftrm pond program be continued i tin link 1b11 thi t ounty matches dollir for dollar with the ioart imtnl of agrlcultur for the stib lishment of such farms the counlv ls budgt ting 1 000 for this purpose m mbt rs ipprovid a n solution sponsond bv rove norrlsh anl h v f ford to petition the de pirlmml of highways to tak v r as soon as possible the lmr middl road it was staled thin road would be used extcnslvrl bv ford workers and the departmt i hid plans for a road extension m this ana aciouiilh totaling 53 835 44 wen ipprovcd ind ordered to be paid the deparlmmt of highways are xo in idvised that hallon spent 227 903 85 and request the stalul orv grant on this amount th refonstation committee n ported they were making furtht r invistigation into certain property in nissagaweya for reforestation purposes council approved of tht halton health unit budget amount ing to 57 085 for 1953 hunters will not find it so prof table to collect fox bounty coun cil dtcided when they reduced the f pud by the county from 15 ptr fox to otpotv reeve wilfred htril pniisi ring the motion said ther untie- wr only paying tht smill sum ind he felt h tlton fet t b in mfiw th n w ruling mill b ff r v march 15 unril timvled it would ot 1 mm to mgagc the servins of j b cnomtw municipal consultant to assist with th county equalizrd assessment plan he had recently completed work in nelson and tn falgar and it was felt his knowledg throughout thr county would be of great assistance in striking tv equalized assessment by law this vear a bv la ti tngage a co nty weed inspector was read twic but held up on the third reading so names could be suggested and ai investigation by the agricultural committee they wul make recom mendations at the next jnevtlnf district inspector george mea dowa ontario land and forest de partment urged council to approve of an open deer aeaaxm this year he told members deer in southern ontario were becoming a menace not only to highway traffic bu to the agricultural industry as well he further pointed out one life had been lost in halton and another quite recently in western ontario where a deer caused a motor accid ent it is not only the traffic a cup and saucer and bouquet of hazard but the unaeen damage ihey flowers were presented to the re d aa well in wood lots and in the i i r v bv i farmer fieldi i would nigfe a mrs s norton mrs bean express four day open season throughout ed her thanks to the chapter southern ontario thia would re refreshments concluded the duce the number materially he meeting staled

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