Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 19, 1953, p. 6

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paoaaui the acton met phew acton ontahto thursfmv march lstti iks s cecil a carr opjometrist sunm tl 1091 rmak in family the lotdlcr seemed puxxled and displeased by a letter from hi wife noting his expression his pal auk cd what a the matter budt trouble at home looks like it wu the reply leastways we vc got a freak iti the family it says right here in tbe wlfcs letter you wont know willie when you come back hes grown another foot there were over einht million clothes pins manufactured in cnn ado in 1990 mike coxe plumbing heating eavestroughing phone 25 acton try us for rogers majestic hauicrafter as low as 33950 complete with aerial small down payment and 4 25 per week for guaranteed reception gilsonjppuances monogram space heaters and wall furnaces pittsburgh paints modern plumbing heating mill st j mcmullan prop acton just arrived a carload of new ferguson twenty ss tractors copied but unequaled only in the ferguson tractor can you get all these features greater range of lugging ability powerful valve in head engine amazing fuel economy longer valve life with header cooling faster warmup with by pass recirculating system and the one and only ferguson system be prepared for seeding time have your tractor and equipment ready to go stop in today or call us soon lome garner motors earl j mcconachie farm equipment rep femuson tractor am mmvson system imkfmlnts dr ii l patterson addremrn halton dairymen the nnnual meeting of hntlrm ihnc dairy herd improvement groups nnd the hallnn branch of the maple cattle breeder aiwocla hon was held jointly in the court house milton on monday nflcr noon of inst w k dr ii l pat tcnton director of th farm eio nomlcs brnnch of th ontario ii partrmnt of agrlcullur was the guest speaker for the d ii i a por hon of the meeting halton dntrytnen nlwnvs look for ward to dr pattersons annlysls of the dairy situation on this occasion h bawd n conslduabh portion of his address on w hnlton herds for the nr ending april 30 lasl tht avirnrp 10m of produi ing milk for tht 12 month ptrioti in dicaled wai 3m pir cwl while thi average price renlvtd by tin w producers during tht tame piriod was 421 whin nil costs for ficd interest on investment depreciation ind othir expmses other thin labor were deducted it rivi a return of b7 cents pr hour on tin av ngi for labor on the diirv herd whilt this hourly return foi labor does not compare favorably with that paid to labor by industry the picture would not be too bad if all operators of dairy herds received that figure per hour for their labor unfortunately the two operators with the low net returns received a minus figure of 9c per hour in other words the costs and re turns within the 58 herds varied fremendously while the average cost of producing 100 lbs of milk as pointed out above was 3 89 the cost figure for the two herds with high net returns was 2 75 per cwt against 5 40 in the case of the two wmwa was pointed out by dr patter son that in the caseof the two herds with the high net returns the two operators of these herds stood high on five factors tiken into con- sideration namely 1 production per cow 2 feeding efficiency 3 labor efficiency 141 use of capi tal 5 size of business while we cannot hope to present anything like a complete picture in this brief article it is nther signifi cant to note that the two herds with the high net returns whin compared with the average figures for the 58 herds exceeded in production per cow by an average of 1 191 lbs had 21 milking cows in their respective herds against an average of 16 in the 58 herds their returns per 100 worth of feed fed was 56 00 higher than the average in hbor efficien c they took slightly over one half an hour less to produce 100 lbs milk and in receipts per 10 investment exceeded the average by 11 00 quality of pasture and consequent length of grazing season is stated dr patterson most important from the standpoint of feeding efficiency maple continues to expand maple cattle breeders associa tion which is ontario s largest arti ficial unit showed further cxpan sion in 1952 the unit now has 5188 members an increase of 922 in the past 13 months the number of cows bred in 1952 was 45 405 an in case of 8 481 over 1951 it was revealed by g w keffer manager of the maple unit that it now has a total of 35 bulls which include batteries of holsteins ayr- shures jerseys guernseys short horns and herefords in addition as a result of a working agreement with units located at hamilton and woodstock it is in a position to sup ply semen from aberdeen angus and dual purpose shorthorn sires as a result of the growth and development of the unit at maple the management is now in a posi tion to accept menfbers at the 5 00 membership fee without the pay ment of any loan unit in addition the service fee remains at 5 00 for all sires irrespective of breed frozen semen keeps indefinitely dr d c mackay unit veteri narian and chief technician in his bnef address outlined experimental work which is being carried on at the ontario veterinary collge with respect to the keeping qualities of semen results to dite stated dr mickai indicite thit it is now pos sible to keep semen in a heilthv condition for in indefinite period thus new development will in the near future enable members to so cure semen from m bull in the unit at any time healthy financial statement this is one of the few co opera uve organizitions of which i hie been a member thit continuts to show a profit staled edwin hir rop hilton director on the maple boird who acted as chairman for the meeting of the miple unit president f g stark of the maple unit also spoke bneflj out lining some of the deelopmcnts which hae taken place during the past eir messrs st irk and har rop wre re inpomted as halton dirertors on trie maple board jersey breeder visit valleyann on thtirsda of last week 44 of hilton s j rsc rnthilsials charter ed a bus and pud a wsit to the noted vallcmnna herd of joe and jim crother near l ncourt here they w ere rccei v ed bv bert mc i grath populir manner it valle this herd i made up ilmnt en tireh of animals selected and im i ported direct from jt rs immd following in njoible and inter esling lour at iucinm the group i traclled on to toron o where foi lowing dmmr is gue is of the mas sev hams co ltd tho were taken ion a conducted tour of a portion of the huge plant on king si west here rt mon k other p hntx of in ti n si ihry wre privilege to foi low tin ass mtilv line wlilih tiiriia out combines nt a trc mrndnux rate the parly was rn rived by t cj mratipnr imntrli t manger toronto branrh and mi mrs alllntin and bovd dealers nt georgetown and milt in rcnpirtlvrlv mulmed in fluid lug the various nrnups and explnln ing the tunny point of interest en eoiintrn d fn route home the out ensiis of opinion among file group mm mi d lo bi that while they rntht r eiivlid the fattory work rs thi ir short h urs and high rati of hourly pay mluorhtkmnqton widdino march 9 a nil would still pifl i living d halton wins debate hilton s juni r fnimir di bating t mi of f1 in i mikiown and earl snow jouiniv i to bond iliad on wrdnisday i v njnt list wtk whin ihiy nut tin south slmm tnm of firl gllny c mkstbwn and lim lunrv f thornton it solved that a rtdutllnn in the number of f irm organizations in ontario would bi in the bi st in lensts of ihi ontnrl farmer was the subject under discussion with the halton debater- upholding the affirmative the judges wen norm garriock cbl farm commintntnr c nicholas of the alliston high school staff and w e breckon well known halton farmer their decision went to the halton debaters who will now meet hastings county in the semi finals for the provincial championship our congntulatlons are extended to eleanor and earl on their out itanding achi carpet tafc the sexton had bem laying the niw carpet on the pulpit platform ind had left i number of tacks scattered on thi floor see here james said the parson what do you suppose would inppcn if i step ped on one of those tacks right in the middle of a sermon well sir replied the sexton i reckon then d be one point vou wnuldn t linger on in ht trjr f ixin b of kng land leof u town on friday fvn lug manhfl arrhdimon w o o thompson offh inted nt thi wfddlng or mnrorle fthin imarriil iir ring ton and jack mellor of arum the bride u the daughter of mr nnil mrn orey herrlngum of 81pw nrttowo and the groom a mwmbwr of the mellor iimtnirtiim firm in acton is ihe son of mr and mn rililay mellor acton flowers wrre on ihf altar and fttnndards of pink snnpdrauons and whlli chl venhlhemiimils d rornled the rhurrh mr w bradley played the wedding music nod solo 1st was mr dmnld hnnrork who sartg my world and o pirft uive during th signing fif til r ulster mr if rlngl m kftve jk dnughler n martl igi shi wi t a lone white s illil gown with ini edged train which iiiichl ip in front with r s rttis t i siioat nice undrrnklrl with nylon nit v rp id ling sleeve a r iwm f si i irnrls hdd a fin gi r tip v ii willi lire edging the brldnl b umn i wis if red nmi nd h uvnrdin th bride s f ir sisl rs mi m h r hluid tits mitrnti of hm r n mrs a itiib ns in alton md hridis maids mrs si intiy mcf u in sli w irttnwn miss doris herrinkton ciorgilown md mrs jitk mcmul len attm mrs roblason was in miuvc and thi bridesmaids in yel low green and mauve taffeta all stylid on princess 11m i with tucked hodins mitching batwing boleros hils and gloves theycarried nose i gays of yellow rosea and mumi fred mellnr was his brothers groomsman ind ushers were corey hcrrington jr and george her- rington brothers of the bride and georee lee brother in hw of the broom i at a reception in esquesing com i the r piano sales service of hamilton hew and used pianos for scrvlca and etlmf phomi im acton ioams qukxiyi you tan cet s0 to 11000 without hanfcaw acurity qwktlyi lnm made tompoyon ow mm ifg convfhmtlyt select your own repament plan of lo 24 monlm to repay remember more people borrow from houmhofd f than any other company in its field phone or stop n today 2i riah ih canada household finance ff ed wc auction sale in erin township of live stock tractor thresher implements grain household goods etc thi undersigned has receved in structions from ii l matheson lo sell by auction at the farm lot is con 5 erin township situated on 17 sidcread 2 miles north of 24 highway 4 miles south of hills burgh on tuesday makcn 24 1953 commencing at 1 o clock the following horses and harness black percheron mare 10 yrs old good in all harness grey marc aged a good worker iron grey gelding a good worker set of backhand team harness single harness collars cows brindle cow due march 26 red cow due april 7 gucm sey cow fresh oct 24 milking well bred feb 11 part jersey and shortom cow fresh oct 28 milk mg well bred january 9 red cow fresh dec 15 with 2 calves at side jersey cow fresh feb 8 with calf at side red cow with calf at side bred oct 11 red cow bred ocl 20 roan heifer bred oct 3 red cow bred dec 18 red heifer bred dec 23 young cattle fat calf about 650 lbs yearling steer about 700 lbs 2 pail fed calves 2 young calves pigs york sow with 9 young pigs ready to wean by sale day mother of the carcass that won top prize at the 1952 bacon show 2 young york sows bred jan 12 17 grain and feed 34 bus of alaska oats fit for seed 200 bus of alaska oats and galore barley mixed fit for seed 3 tons of heavv mixed grain 125 bus of wheat 3 tons of cobbled com in crib 40 lbs of red clover seed w lbs or red clover not cleaned so lbs mixed gnss seed tractor thresher ind tm pi ements mccormick dtenng w4 trict ir fulh eqiuppid in per feet condition rmfeormick dur ing thresher 28x46 with chaff blow er low elevator in perfect con riition j i cise himmir mill 10 iood as new fleurv 2 furrow tnclor plow mccormick dot ring tooth dnn cultivator 120 fl of endless drhi btlt 7 ft of r fndlss drue blt missej him- binder 6 cut miss hirns mow er s cut new id a 4 bar side ot ivir rike missi hirns hav loader dump rak bissel stee land roller mccormick deennc h run fertiliser and grim drill missc harris 11 hoe gnin drill deenng 12 tooth cultmtor cvc lone seeder wilking plows s ilk plow s section harrows hirow cirt masse hirns 1 row finisher with all ittachments renfrew o00 lh sciles turnip sowir turnip pulper templm finning mill ind ill screens hnp weighing b im ind cnte inlhrnw disc harrow 100 ft of new snow fence with steel posts fureki potito diecer mnntitv of maple flm ind birch plmk toneues gra itv grain duster steel wheeled firm wicon i hich wigon bugffv cutter cts tern pump 20 ft of 1 l pipe well pump 1 ft pipe bench sletjfh stom boit shnes ind hi fork ir ft of roinri trick with roller pel hanester i ft line hift v th pulls fleetric fencer ayid all smill irt cles holsfhoid goods- misses hirns lirce sire creim semntnr fx nnsion tible couch di bed nh all smill articles tfrms cish settlement with clerk da of sale no reero as the farm is sold wm a gibson auctioneer fred bantle clptlr- a phone guclph 743w brtds mothi veceiviawrfattriil a navy dress and accessories and a corsage of pink roses the grooms mother won a navy suil navy and white accessories and a corsage of yellow roses following the recep tion there was a danc for the guests leivini on a honeymoon trip through thi statis to maryland the bride wore i blue printed silk dress brown velvet hat ind shoes a win tor white coat with velvet trim red gloves and i red rose corsige mr ind mrs mellor will mike their home in acton guests ittended the w edding from wingham acton limehouse and georgetown fire demonstration in milton in june fift firemen of halton s eight fire bnidcs met in oikville fire hill on march 8 and heard a lee ture by inspector george alexander of the fire mirshalls office on hy draulics and the proper way to operate a number of pumpers sim i itaneously it has been decided that the eighfj brigades will join forces for a dem- onstntion m milton on june 8 when the humbercrcst firemen s associa tion will convene as well in all milton will be hosts to 22 fire brigades m will be on call for 24 hour emergency service beginning on saturday and foi lowing through to the follow ng safur day mght percentage of price increases in canada since 1941 indexes show implement prices at low level of increase that implement prices have been kept at a low level is clearly shown by the comparison of dominion bureau of statistics index figures which give an increase in all commodities since 1941 of 82 3 as against an increase in a comparable index for masseyhams implements of only 66 5 this low percentage of increase too is shown in the face of an increase in the index figure for materials of 93 9 and of masseyhams hourly rates of pay of 165 as can be seen by referring to the chart shown above also the indexes show that while farm implements have only increased 66 5 there has been an increase in the price of farm products of 93 8 and the scarcity of farmabour has caused farm wage rates to climb to 175 3 the partial absorption of the increased costs of materials and labour has becatmade possible by the continued great world demand for farm mechan ization giving a volume that permits a low ratio of selling expenses and high operating efficiency in manufacturing masseyharris company limited makers of highquality farm implements sine 1847

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